I think I abuse of Ressources.load - unity3d

Ok so I'm a bit confused about Ressources.Load. I actually use it quite a lot and everyone seems to see this feature as pure evilness. In this documentation, it's even written "Don't use it". I searched a lot about this and found this post. It mostly says to use Ressources.Load only for rare assets, otherwise, performance could/will be harmed.
I can see why this could be a "bad" thing to use, but honestly, I don't know how not to use this in my situation.
Lets say I have a game with ~10 different races with couples of units per race. The user chose it's race and start the game. At this point, it seems normal to me to Ressource.Load only the assets related to this specific race, and not the other ones...
Also, let's say you have a combat scene, with many possible environments (ie: winter, forest, desert, etc.). Again, I wouldn't want to load anything else than the one I'm fighting on. So using Ressources.Load seems the perfect tool. No? Am I missing something important about Unity or what?
Thanks a lot

It's true that Unity loads everything it see that is connected to things in the inspector in the scene. You have no way to stop Unity's loading once you are in the scene. (You can unload later, but it already took the toll of loading them all) The performance harmed in Unity's term seems to mean while playing, because if you connect them to the scene it loads everything from start and plays smooth from then but if you do a dynamic load you risk in lagging while playing.
Don't use it.
This strong recommendation is made for several reasons:
Use of the Resources folder makes fine-grained memory management more
It's difficult but not impossible. If you are careful on your own, then you can reap the reward that is lower memory consumption.
Improper use of Resources folders will increase application
startup time and the length of builds. As the number of Resources
folders increases, management of the Assets within those folders
becomes very difficult.
It can't be help because offsetting with the load time you can save at scene start, the increased startup time is probably worth it. Most player won't mind the startup time in my opinion.
The Resources system degrades a project's
ability to deliver custom content to specific platforms and eliminates
the possibility of incremental content upgrades. AssetBundle Variants
are Unity's primary tool for adjusting content on a per-device basis.
Then you only put things that works universally in the Resources folder.
A modern alternate way is to compose your game in scene and use LoadSceneMode.Additive to get what you want one by one. It is suitable for big chunks like combat scene, but for lazy loading of something small in concept (but potentially contains large data like textures) like characters I would still use Resources.Load. The only thing that has delayed load build in is AudioClip which you can deselect preload audio data.
I wrote a detailed load process and its memory consumption here if you are interested in reading.


SiteCatalyst streaming video tracking and additional clarifications

we're attempting to track a streaming video with SiteCatalyst.The issue comes in as this video has obsviously no end and the s.media Module can't know how to set the seconds or milestones segment views.This is resulting in no tracking calls except for the starting one.Could a possible solution be the usage of s.media.monitor custom functions?Here's explained how to use them together with the basic Media module settings.Maybe a timing deployment of "sendRequest()" method could help...?I use this occasion to ask a brief how-to example of media.monitor methods, because I've been just using the basic settings till now, as below:
s.Media.autoTrack = false;
s.Media.trackMilestones = "25,50";
s.Media.segmentByMilestones = true;... ...Thanks a lot
Yeah.. i really, really dislike the Media module. Video tracking is getting more and more popular with the clients, so it has become the biggest thorn in my side, because the nature of videos over the internet is a big mess with all kinds of moving parts internally, that make it extremely difficult to get truly accurate tracking beyond basic "start" and "stop". (actually I take that back.. I think mobile/sdk tracking is quickly becoming the thing i shake my angry fist at the most, but that's a different post!)
I think Adobe has made some heroic efforts to automate video tracking and it more or less works okay if you just have a regular (not flash) object or html5 tag embedded on the page but in practice, MOST of the time, sites implement their videos through 3rd party scripts (e.g. jwplayer, vimeo, youtube api) and the Media module automation basically goes down the drain on that count.
I understand that it needs to know how long a video is to know when to autopop the events, but I swear, 99% of the time in practice, the way Media module expects things to pop in certain orders etc.. it just doesn't align with how videos work in the real world. Even if you attempt to do it the "manual" way, more often than not it's still buggy,e.g. autoplay and buffering ALWAYS seem to screw up the open+play sequence that MUST happen in that order.
Basically, the Media module desperately needs to be rewritten to better handle streaming videos, and also just "manually" using it in general. Anyways..
Two things I have done in your situation. Overall, neither one of these options are a perfect 1:1 to normal videos with a duration, but then, streaming videos aren't really the same, so it doesn't really make sense to treat them the same.
Option #1: Use an estimated duration for your streaming video. So you said it yourself: your streaming videos have no end. Well as I mentioned, you can't calculate percent viewed unless you have a duration, pretty basic math. So, estimate a duration.
I have clients that have streaming webinars or whatever and it's true that there's technically no duration according to the player, but in reality they don't really conduct that webinar 24/7 forever. In reality it's for a set amount of time like 30 minutes or an hour or something. So, just specify the duration as that.
Yes, this will require extra custom work on your end to store/associate an estimated duration. And yes, this does have the potential for being misleading (e.g. if a webinar ends early or runs late). This option is generally good for sites that have set windows for the stream to actually be active.
Option #2: Ditch the notion of % viewed, record it as n time consumed. So the overall point of the milestones is to know how much of a video was actually watched, yes? Well, who said it has to be measured by % viewed?
How about instead, you just record n seconds consumed every n seconds. You can do this with an incrementor eVar, and/or counter event. (Part of the normal video tracking actually does include a counter event "Video Time", or a.media.timePlayed).
So basically, you'd basically just pop the events/props/eVars yourself, and ignore milestone/segment reports.
Note: This option only really works if you are using the older style video tracking that has events/props/eVars assigned for it. If you are using the newer style video tracking that does not use events/props/eVars.. well, AA does not currently offer an official way to manually pop that stuff directly. It is surely possible to unofficially do so, but I have not yet reverse engineered the latest Media module to figure out how to do that. So, in this case your only option is #1.

Flash game simple performance tricks

I'm trying to make some simple flash games but before I start purring mega bytes of data into the game it's better to seek wisdom from pro coders since I;m totally new to AS3.
1st Question is: what's the best way to load the game faster?
since bandwidth is limited like hell for me and loading a flash game takes some time I'm trying to make the game start as fast as possible and load the rest of materials in the gaming process.I saw this on lots of facebook games.
2nd: how to keep the RAM usage low?
do you advise to remove the loaded image/movie clip from the stage as soon as its out of the frame? does this lower the RAM usage? and if I load the removed object again does it use the loaded one or it start to download it from the source folder again?
3rd: whats the trick to load the materials into client PC?
I saw many facebook games that take some time to load for the first time but next day it loads like its data is stored on the Hard disk. do I have to do something or flash player does it automatically?
4th:Is there a way to load the images/movie clips into flash player while playing? I mean if the level of games are movie clips and player is playing first level the game continue to load next level and on then ad them to the stage as demanded by code.
Lead me with your experience please.
These tricks are not as simple, but yes, all of this is possible.
The "best" way to load the game faster is a fiction, you will anyway need at least the main game code to be loaded in order to play the game. If your levels are pretty huge, yes, you can load levels after actually loading the game. You can also load music the same way. For this, you will need a separate SWF or a set of URLs to get these from, and after your game fully loads (without sounds, levels or whatever you were capable of placing aside) you initiate an asynchronous load request (use Loader class for this) and after it completes, you'll be able to play either one sound, or one level, or total set of sounds or levels, depending on how do you organize your external asset storage.
The short answer is "reduce, reuse, recycle", that is, you'd better store big assets like a bitmap (an instance of BitmapData class) as a single object, and use references to display numerous copies of it throughout the game. You'd better use an object several times, say a bullet that flied once and expired, hit something, missed and left screen, etc, can be told "go back right here, here's your new parameters" and the object will not be wasted. Other tricks are also possible.
This is an automatic action of Flash player, or rather the browser, known as "local cache". If you request something off an URL, the request is passed to the browser, which, after downloading, stores a local copy for future reference. The storage is still limited, and also the copy can "expire" if it was stored for too long, which makes the browser re-download the URL content. Flash player uses browser's URL retrival, thus local caching applies to SWFs or other kind of data.
You can make levels into metadata, that is, you are downloading a set of different data via any means possible, then you parse that set, create the required MovieClip (or a Sprite) via code, stuff all the assets into it at intended positions and go with that. A metadata can be fairly large, and can be placed elsewhere as any other file you can share via Internet and download by an URL. Use Loader class to call for URLs and get data retrieved from the net, devise a way to properly store the metadata and a generator+parser to manage those levels as you design the game.
Hope this helps.

Grabbing data from XML document on a fairly regular basis on mobile, is it ok for performance?

A game I"m working on has several XML files it uses to manage sprite animations. Currently when I create an instance of a sprite I load it up into an XDocument once and keep it in a cache so that if I need to load it again I can just grab what is arlready in memory.
I do this very often in-game as I create animated sprites and such, going through its definitions like so:
var definitions = doc.Document.Descendants(name);
foreach (var animationDefinition in definitions)
So my question is, is this acceptable on a mobile phone? Say iPhone 3GS/iPhone 4/Windows Phone 7/Android? I use MonoTouch in ANdroid and iPhone while WP7 has its own .Net running.
The reason I ask is currently I don't load that many animated sprites up but as I do more and more I'm worried it will start hurting performance. I figure it might be best to change my design ideas now than wait to suffer at a later date.
Thanks for any help!
I would simply test what's faster (reading it again an again using a SAXParser or storing it in Memory using DOM).
Maybe it also makes sense to save the read data from your XML-File in something like an Array/Vector/Class so you don't need to parse the XML File over and over again.
Well in essentially what you are trying to ask is how many is "too many". I would suggest to find a "practical" limit considering performance, you just need to recursively increase the number of sprites and notice when the application slows down. Keep a safety factor of say 1.5 to 3. And there you know. Again you need to consider how many sprites do you have in all to begin with. If all can possibly be kept in memory respect all other specifications, then go for it. Customer's won't mind a slightly longer loading time for games, as long as it is smooth inside. Else just test stuff out.

iPhone and Vertex Buffer Objects

I've just started playing around with opengl es on the iphone the past couple of weeks and i'm looking at refactoring some of my code to use Vertex Buffer Objects(VBO). Before I do though I would like to make sure it'll be worth it. The problem is that afaik the only reason you create VBO's is to shift a chunk of data onto the graphics card so that it doesn't need to be retrieved from system ram when it's used. The iPhone however does not have any dedicated ram that I'm aware of so i'm struggling to see why I would benefit at all from using VBO's. I have seen talk around the internet with conflicting opinions and apple certainly want dev's to use it so there's probably still a reason to use them but just wanted to see if anyone on SO had an opinion to add.
I saw no performance improvement on an iPhone 3G. I moved a bunch of stuff to VBOs, but eventually backed it out as it made it more difficult for me to pursue other performance gains. It's not the quick 25% performance increase that I was hoping for.
I've read somewhere that it can make a difference on the newer hardware (3GS), but I don't have references to back that up.
It depends. (sorry).
Rob didn't see an improvement for his setup, but here is an interesting post that did see a large improvement.
The main reason to existence of VBO's is the presence of static data on 3D models. The first bottleneck you encounter is the slowness of copying data to video memory (by using the unavailable glBegin/glEnd block or glVertexPointer, glBufferData and friends).
Let's imagine the old "flying toaster" screensaver. All toasts are static (changing only the position) - why waste resources copying them every frame from CPU's memory to GPU's? Copy it once with buffers and draw it with a single command. And, depending on how you do animations, even the animated toasters can be described in a static fashion.
My first 2D game I started without VBOs. When I changed to VBOs, no difference (like Rob). But, when I refactored to use more static buffers, FPS gone from 20 to 40. Since my goal was to reach 30, I was satisfied. I had some ideas to refactor even more, leaving everything static, but I don't have time now (game is on review, next one to come).

How to reduce the startup time for a typical iPhone app?

To be clear, this is for a normal iPhone application, and not a game.
I've read around the web a few times some developers mentioning that they were working hard to improve/reduce the startup time of their applications, but never with any good background information on how to do so.
So the question is simple: how can you reduce the startup of iPhone applications?
Same as any other performance issue: Use Shark and/or Instruments to identify bottlenecks in your code, and then focus on how you can speed things up there. Each tool will give you a picture of how much time was spent in what parts of your code, so the general scheme would be to run the tool while you start the app and then pore over the data to see where the performance hits occur.
At app startup time, the most likely candidates for improvement will be deferring data loading until later on when it's actually needed, variously described as "on demand" or "lazy" loading. Essentially, don't load any data at app startup unless it's actually needed right away when the app loads. In practice, lots of stuff that may be needed at some point doesn't have to be immediately available when the app starts. For example, if you have a database of N records but only one is visible at a time, don't load all N into memory at app startup time. Load whatever the current record is and then load the others when you actually need them.
James Thomson did a nice blog post documenting his efforts to make PCalc launch faster.
Of particular interest is his use of image with screenshot from last app run, to pull the same trick Default.png does, while loading rest of the app.