Eclipse Show History error screen - eclipse

I am using STS and I am trying to get history on files. When I do "Show History", I am displayed with this popup, which is pretty much useless. I cannot understand what it means or how to get around it.

Eclipse Subversive fails to open the History view to show the history of a file or folder that is shared via SVN (Subversion). The bug could be caused by the Eclipse platform, the Subversive plug-in or a combination of both. The dialog ask you to send an error report to the developer, so they can fix the problem.
Probably the error has already been fixed (see Eclipse bug 471782). So click Don't Send, make sure you use the latest version of Eclipse and of the Subversive plug-in and try again. If the error occurs again, please report it to Eclipse.


Searching on Eclipse Market Place

Everytime I open my Eclipse IDE's Marketplace. Then search with the keyword "spring"... I keep on getting this error:
Help please.
This was a temporary server-side issue that has meanwhile been fixed. Please try again.
See Eclipse bug 551442
Same problem on kubuntu 1904 Linux, Eclipse JEE 2019-06, I am trying to install pydev, but it is not possible because is there a request problem
It is the url of the request :
Eclipse says that all websites is working good , status ok
It appears in the website when trying to search pydev
A quick solution is
In MarketPlace-Client select the Popular tab and scroll down , then you will find Spring, in my case there is pydev too, then install button.

Installed Software/Plugins On Eclipse Has Stopped Working

I have Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (Indigo) and have been using it for several months.
I had many installed plugins including a SVN one and e-git.
Then one day, they just all stopped working. For example, I used to be able to commit from the Explorer (using the SVN plugin), but that option has disappeared as if it is not installed.
I have checked the installed software list and they are all present.
Is there a setting somewhere that I may have miss?
Thanks in adavnced!
Please check the error log in workspace/.metadata/.log to see if there is any warnings or errors.
Also, have you tried other perspectives, like plug-in development, or SVN.
Open eclipse
Go to Window -> Show view -> Other -> SVN
Choose new workspace and check out the project that you did

Eclipse Plugins not appearing in Preferences, Views, or Perspective

I'm using Eclipse 3.7 Indigo, Java Developer IDE. I've installed Maven, RESTClient, e4HTTP. But, I do not see them in the Preferences, Views, Perspective. I've looked everywhere to figure out why and am completely lost. Is there something I'm missing? Is there a trick? Thanks... Thoroughly frustrated.
When you say you installed these products I assume you meant that you installed the plugins for those products in Eclipse and not just on your machine.
Try these troubleshooting steps:
Open the plugin registry view (Window -> Show View...) and make sure the plugins you installed are listed.
Invoke Eclipse with the -clean park. This will force Eclipse to refresh several chaches and this often fixes similar problems.
Open the Error Log view (Window -> Show View...) and click on the red X to clear the messages. Stop and start Eclipse to see if any informative or otherwise helpful messages appear in the log.

Can't install EGit in Eclipse

I'm trying to get the EGit plugin and I'm about to pull my hair out. Okay, this is what's happening -- I go to the Install New Software page and I've added the EGit repo, but the window below doesn't show anything; it just says "pending". After a while I get an error saying it timed out.
I've tried unchecking everything one at a time on the "Available Software Sites" page but that doesn't work.
I've tried unchecking the "contact all update sites during install.." box but that doesn't work.
I've tried downloading it on the marketplace but when I try and open it I get the same issue, it just times out.
The internal web browser is working. I'm not working behind a proxy. I need some help. PLEASE!
In the Indigo Release there is the "Eclipse EGit", "Eclipse Mylyn to GitHub connector" and "JGit" in Indigo R2 release site. Do you get to that point or are you trying to load a site other than Indigo Release? The next step is to Calculate Requirements and Dependencies. If you downloaded something it is probably the GitHub plugin/Feature distrib. You should be able to copy those packages into the respective folder and restart Eclipse.
Your best bet is to install from the Eclipse release site and then go to Menu -> Window -> Open Perspective -> Other and you should see a GitHub Repository Explorer perspective.
Otherwise show us what site your trying to load from or explain the problem better.

SVNKit for Eclipse

Trying to install Subversive and am choking on the concept of Subversive Connectors, and how to install them.
(1) What are Subversive Connectors? My only guess is that they help tie the Subversive plug-in to the local instance of svn. Yes? No?!?!
(2) I found an article explaining the difference between JavaHL and SVN Kit connectors (although it didn't explain what either of them were, or what they did!), and it looks like I want SVN Kit 1.3.2 for a number of reasons. But when I try to install them from the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog, it gives me an error, tells me to check an ambiguous "error log" (Eclipse error log, SVN error log, Subversive error log, ?!?!) and refuses to install it. I came across an article stating that this was a defect from a December 2009 release, but that it had been fixed. What is going on here? I am using Helios on 64-bit Ubuntu, anybody else ever have this problem? Any suggestions for how to fix or circumvent?
(3) It looks like the Subversive Connector Discovery dialog is configured to launch the first time you try to open Subversive from inside Eclipse (after installing and restarting). But since I wasn't able to install SVNKit 1.3.2, I canceled that dialog, closed Eclipse and walked away for a day. Now, I can't seem to get it to launch, and it has next to no online documentation that is helping me. Anybody know how to launch this dialog second and subsequent times?
Thanks to anyone who can provide even the tiniest of help. I will wash the gutters, mow the lawn and perform a full spring cleanup for anyone who can answer these!!!
Usually this works out pretty well, you install Subversive, and if you havn't installed a Connector, you get the dialog when Subversive needs it.
What's going on is a sad bug in the latest Eclipse/Subversive version.
Here's what worked for me.
Uninstall anything subversive related that you've installed.(Help->About Installation Details)
Go to . Download the zip file, currently this one.
Install that file you downloaded (Help->Install New Software , hit the Add button, chose Archive).
A restart later, you'll be asked for an SVN connector, choose SVNKit with the biggest version number, you should be good to go.
I prefer subclipse, here's the link to the install instructions:
In regards to part 3. You can install the connectors directly from Polarion's update site. From what I understand, this is what the Subversive Connector Discovery does under the covers. The links to their update site are found here and look something like In Eclipse, click Help->Install New Software and paste the link into the "Work With" box. That should give you the list of connectors you can install.