bootstrap-package sitepackagebuilder less files compiling - typo3

I used the bootstrap_package and built an extension with the sitepackage builder.
Normally the less files are processed when the template constants are edited in the backend(without sitepackage). After installing the sitepackage the backend editing of the constants gets disabled.
I can now work with less files in my own extension to override/extend the standard less/css stuff. But i cant find out how to process the less files to get compiled :(
Has anyone any ideas?

You can try EXT from TYPO3 extensions like or configurate Grunt or Gulp for less and then include ready for use css file. Example of config for compiling


vscode extension development: svelte content not loading in webview after building the vscode extension

I am building a vscode extension by using svelte for webview. I am following But the deployment of extension is not mentioned in the tutorial .
So i am following
So after packaging the extension with vsce package and installing the extension the extension doesn't load svelte content but when running in developer mode everything works fine.
I tried creating the package extension multiple Times but still didn't work.
Check if all necessarily files are included via:
vsce ls
(You can also open packaged extensions, they are just ZIP-archives with a different extension.)
If they are not (e.g. src is excluded by default), you probably can create a .vscodeignore file and manually specify what to exclude.
Running extension problems can be inspected via Help > Toggle Developer Tools, usually you will find some errors in the console.
I do not know if debugging forces the extension to load, but if so, make sure you have set the correct activationEvents.

How to generate the plugin of "Li2018" in Halide on windows and exploit "load_plugin" in other project?

reccently, I want to test how does the autoscheduler "Li2018" work on GPU. Firstly, I need to load the plugin of this autoscheduler into my project with function "load_plugin("gradient_autoscheduler")" like the example: but the biggest problem is, that I cannot generate the plugin on Windows. I have tried to add the "generate_autoscheduler" into the CMakeList.txt in the /apps folder, but it can not work. To compare with autoscheduler "Admas2019" which in the folder /apps/autoscheduler, "Li2018" need a CMakeList.txt to generate the dll plugin, Does some one know how to generate the plugin of "Li2018" on windows? Thanks in advance!
As you have noticed, we don't have a CMake configuration for Li's autoscheduler, so Windows is not supported yet. I'll put this in my TODO list, but contributions are always welcome. It shouldn't be hard to come up with a CMakeLists.txt based on the Makefile content.

How can I add a composer.json to a static TYPO3 project?

I am using a working TYPO3 7.6.14 environment with many extensions. Now I want to add a composer.json file manually. I do not want to create a new project which will download the latest TYPO3 core and TYPO3 extensions. I am afraid that this could accidently overwrite some extension's PHP files.
I need a safe way to add a composer.json file which will not change the present TYPO3 PHP files automatically. I prefer to download TYPO3 and the extensions manually. Therefore I do not want to use the composer mode. I must find a way to prevent composer from overwriting my self written PHP files.
I need a composer.json file because I want to add the external TCPDF library which is on its own place on the file system and not inside of a vendor folder inside of TYPO3. And the file ext_autoload.php is not supported any more by TYPO3 7.6.
I have read the recommendations. But it only shows the way how to create a new TYPO3 project using the command line and the composer command. Is it also possible to download a composer.json file into a TYPO3 folder (which?) in order to tell the autoloader where it will find the external TCPDF library?
I have unzipped the TCPDF file under /var/www/html/TCPDF-master/tcpdf.php . I want to use TCPDF, TYPO3 and its extensions unchanged and never updated by any composer command.
Introducing Composer for not using it's features seems a bit strange to me, but yes, it's possible to define a dedicated version or commit-hash in a repository to disable updates.
However, I would recommend to make use of the tilde ~ operator to enable updates on the accordant branch, to e.g. include security updates automatically. For TYPO3 CMS this dependency would look like the following, to stay on the 7.6 branch:
"require": {
"typo3/cms": "~7.6.14"
Find further details on how to declare versions in the Composer documentation.
Besides that, it seems, that you're not using Composer at all for the root project. You could then create a wrapper extension for TCPDF with one of these options:
use Composer for that extension to require TCPDF and load the generated autoload file (e.g. in typo3conf/ext/tcpdf/vendor/autoload.php) in your wrapper extension
directly copy & paste TCPDF's source (which seems to be the scenario you're up to) and add the autoloading information to ext_emconf.php, which is similar to previous ext_autoload.php - find details about that in a blog post about class loading

Configure Webpack to build a directory of LESS files into corresponding CSS files

I'm hoping to use Webpack compile all our less files in /less to /public/css and include them in our server-side templates as regular css (not sticking the text into the using ExtractText plugin or overloading require).
That is, I'm trying to get Webpack + a LESS loader or plugin to glob to compile all the .less files:
and output them to
I then want to include them in our app by pulling in css file using
<link rel="stylesheet" href="foo.css">
I tried using a Bash script and lessc instead of Webpack, which worked fine, but won't enable us to automatically re-compile the LESS when the source files change.
The problem was that I was using Webpack as a task runner, which it is not.
I was resisting adding Gulp or Make. Gulp because it turns into a giant unmaintainable mess and Make even though it's great because it's a little hard for teams to learn.
I ended up using something like fswatch in an npm script to re-run lessc.
The Less docs recommend using grunt, Gulp, or dev-mode in-browser parsing:
Instead of webpack, you can use chokidar with lessc.
First, install chokidar: npm install chokidar-cli
Then, use it to watch your less files:
chokidar "less/*.less" -c "lessc less/foo.less public/css/foo.css"
Chokidar documentation on GitHub
More information about why not to use webpack for compiling less separately: Can I use webpack to generate CSS and JS separately?

Ember cli - use sass addon in less project

I use broccoli-less in my ember cli project and would like to use an addon (ember-cli-materialize), which uses broccoli-sass.
After installing the addon, i get: File to read not found or unreadable ../app.scss, because i also have an app.less file in my styles dir.
As i understand, this commit Allow multiple preprocessors per type should make it possible, although i might be missing something. Has anyone managed to use ember-cli with multiple preprocessors, and what changes is needed?
Ember-cli version: 1.13.1
Ember version: 1.12.0
I know your circumstance is different than mine but this may help others or spur a better solution. I was added to a dev team to polish up an app already styled using LESS. I favor SASS and tried to use ember-cli-sass alongside ember-cli-less without any success.
You may want to look further into Ember-Cli's add.import
By adding your input configurations to ember-cli-build.js with the above, you can leverage either your bower-components directory (if used) or vendor directory, to import a compiled CSS doc (from Sass source files) that will build alongside the project quite nicely with a simple sass --watch <input:output> command.
The LESS files are ultimately compiled to app.css, and your SASS files to vendor.css (make sure you link to the stylesheet in your index page/template).