Cosine similarity for user recommendations - recommendation-engine

Is cosine similarity a good approach for deciding if 2 users are similar based on responses to questions?
I'm trying to have users answer 10 questions and resolving those responses to a 10-dimensional vector of integers. I then plan to use cosine similarity to find similar users.
I considered resolving each question to an integer and summing the integers to resolve each user to a single integer, but the problem with this approach is that the similarity measure isn't question specific: in other words, if a user gives an answer to question 1 that resolves to 5 and an answer to question 2 that resolves to 0, and another user responds to question 1 with 0 and question 2 with 5, both users "sum to 5", but answered each question fundamentally differently.
So will cosine similarity give a good similarity measure based on each attribute?

Summing all integers to resolve to a single integer per user does not seem to be right.
I think cosine similarity actually helps here as a similarity measure, you can try others as well like Jaccard, Euclidean, Mahalanobis etc.
What might help is the intuition behind cosine similarity. The idea is that once you create the 10 dimensional vectors you are working in a 10 dimensional space. Each row is a vector in that space, so the numbers in each components are important, the cosine between two vectors give an idea of how good/bad aligned those vectors are, if they are parallel and the angle is 0 means they go to the same direction, means the components are all proportional, similarity is maximum in this case, (example two users answered with exact the same numbers in all questions). If the components start to differ like in your example users gives 5 to a question and other gives 0 then the vectors fill have different directions, the larger the difference between the answers the more separated the vectors will be, the larger the angle between them, which results in lower cosine and hence similarity.
There are other similarity measures as I mentioned above, one thing ppl usually try is several of these measures vs a test set and sees which one performs better.


Find the nearest positions

On each day, I have 10000 position pairs in the form of (x,y); Up to now, I have collected 30 days. I want to select a position pair from each day so that all the positions pairs have similar coordinates (x,y) value. By similar I mean the euclidean distance is minimized between any two pairs. How to do it in matlab with efficiency. Because with brute force, it is almost impossible.
In brute force case, we have 10000^30 possibilities, each operation say needs 10^-9 second,
It will run forever.
One idea would be to use the k-means algorithm or one of its variations. it is relatively easy to implement (it is also part of the Statistics Toolbox) and has a runtime about O(nkl).
Analysing all the possibilities will give you for sure the best result you are looking for.
If you want an approximate result you can consider the first two days and analyse all the possibilities for these 2 days and pick the best result. Then when analyse the next day keep the result obtained previously and find the point of the third column closest to the previous two.
In this way you will obtain an approximate solution but with a less computational complexity.

Is it possible to calculate Euclidean Distance between two varying length matrices?

I have started working on online signature data-set for verification purpose. I have two matrices containing digitized data of two signatures of varying length (the number of rows differ). e.g. one is 177×7 and second is 170×7.
I want to treat each column as one time series and I'd like to compare one time series of a signature with the corresponding time series of second signature.
How should I align the two time series?
I think this question really belongs on Math.StackExchange, but I will do my best to answer it here. The short answer is that the Euclidean distance cannot be applied in this case and you will need to define your own notion of distance. This may or may not actually be feasible.
The notion of distance relies on the existence of a "metric" defined on the space of interest. If your vectors are of different lengths then traditional metrics (including the Euclidean distance) are ill-defined and you need to define a new metric that works for you.
There are two things you'll need to do here:
Define the space you're working with. This seems to be the set of vectors of length 177 or length 170. This is a very unusual set.
Define your metric (and ensure that it actually meets all the properties of a metric).
The most obvious solution is to project vectors of length 177 into the space of vectors of length 170 and then compute the Euclidean distance as usual. For example, you could just ignore the last 7 elements of the vector. Note that this is not a metric on your original set as it violates the condition ( d(x,y)=0 iff x=y ), but it is a metric on the projected vectors. There may be a clever solution on the original set, but there is not an obvious one. Again, the people on Math.StackExchange may be able to help you more.

Clustering words into groups

This is a Homework question. I have a huge document full of words. My challenge is to classify these words into different groups/clusters that adequately represent the words. My strategy to deal with it is using the K-Means algorithm, which as you know takes the following steps.
Generate k random means for the entire group
Create K clusters by associating each word with the nearest mean
Compute centroid of each cluster, which becomes the new mean
Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 until a certain benchmark/convergence has been reached.
Theoretically, I kind of get it, but not quite. I think at each step, I have questions that correspond to it, these are:
How do I decide on k random means, technically I could say 5, but that may not necessarily be a good random number. So is this k purely a random number or is it actually driven by heuristics such as size of the dataset, number of words involved etc
How do you associate each word with the nearest mean? Theoretically I can conclude that each word is associated by its distance to the nearest mean, hence if there are 3 means, any word that belongs to a specific cluster is dependent on which mean it has the shortest distance to. However, how is this actually computed? Between two words "group", "textword" and assume a mean word "pencil", how do I create a similarity matrix.
How do you calculate the centroid?
When you repeat step 2 and step 3, you are assuming each previous cluster as a new data set?
Lots of questions, and I am obviously not clear. If there are any resources that I can read from, it would be great. Wikipedia did not suffice :(
As you don't know exact number of clusters - I'd suggest you to use a kind of hierarchical clustering:
Imagine that all your words just a points in non-euclidean space. Use Levenshtein distance to calculate distance between words (it works great, in case, if you want to detect clusters of lexicographically similar words)
Build minimum spanning tree which contains all of your words
Remove links, which have length greater than some threshold
Linked groups of words are clusters of similar words
Here is small illustration:
P.S. you can find many papers in web, where described clustering based on building of minimal spanning tree
P.P.S. If you want to detect clusters of semantically similar words, you need some algorithms of automatic thesaurus construction
That you have to choose "k" for k-means is one of the biggest drawbacks of k-means.
However, if you use the search function here, you will find a number of questions that deal with the known heuristical approaches to choosing k. Mostly by comparing the results of running the algorithm multiple times.
As for "nearest". K-means acutally does not use distances. Some people believe it uses euclidean, other say it is squared euclidean. Technically, what k-means is interested in, is the variance. It minimizes the overall variance, by assigning each object to the cluster such that the variance is minimized. Coincidentially, the sum of squared deviations - one objects contribution to the total variance - over all dimensions is exactly the definition of squared euclidean distance. And since the square root is monotone, you can also use euclidean distance instead.
Anyway, if you want to use k-means with words, you first need to represent the words as vectors where the squared euclidean distance is meaningful. I don't think this will be easy or maybe not even possible.
About the distance: In fact, Levenshtein (or edit) distance satisfies triangle inequality. It also satisfies the rest of the necessary properties to become a metric (not all distance functions are metric functions). Therefore you can implement a clustering algorithm using this metric function, and this is the function you could use to compute your similarity matrix S:
-> S_{i,j} = d(x_i, x_j) = S_{j,i} = d(x_j, x_i)
It's worth to mention that the Damerau-Levenshtein distance doesn't satisfy the triangle inequality, so be careful with this.
About the k-means algorithm: Yes, in the basic version you must define by hand the K parameter. And the rest of the algorithm is the same for a given metric.

KNN classification with categorical data

I'm busy working on a project involving k-nearest neighbor (KNN) classification. I have mixed numerical and categorical fields. The categorical values are ordinal (e.g. bank name, account type). Numerical types are, for e.g. salary and age. There are also some binary types (e.g., male, female).
How do I go about incorporating categorical values into the KNN analysis?
As far as I'm aware, one cannot simply map each categorical field to number keys (e.g. bank 1 = 1; bank 2 = 2, etc.), so I need a better approach for using the categorical fields. I have heard that one can use binary numbers. Is this a feasible method?
You need to find a distance function that works for your data. The use of binary indicator variables solves this problem implicitly. This has the benefit of allowing you to continue your probably matrix based implementation with this kind of data, but a much simpler way - and appropriate for most distance based methods - is to just use a modified distance function.
There is an infinite number of such combinations. You need to experiment which works best for you. Essentially, you might want to use some classic metric on the numeric values (usually with normalization applied; but it may make sense to also move this normalization into the distance function), plus a distance on the other attributes, scaled appropriately.
In most real application domains of distance based algorithms, this is the most difficult part, optimizing your domain specific distance function. You can see this as part of preprocessing: defining similarity.
There is much more than just Euclidean distance. There are various set theoretic measures which may be much more appropriate in your case. For example, Tanimoto coefficient, Jaccard similarity, Dice's coefficient and so on. Cosine might be an option, too.
There are whole conferences dedicated to the topics of similarity search - nobody claimed this is trivial in anything but Euclidean vector spaces (and actually, not even there):
The most straight forward way to convert categorical data into numeric is by using indicator vectors. See the reference I posted at my previous comment.
Can we use Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) + edit distance and assume that every bin represents a different category? I understand that categorical data does not show any order and the bins in LSH are arranged according to a hash function. Finding the hash function that gives a meaningful number of bins sounds to me like learning a metric space.

Combining different similarities to build one final similarity

Im pretty much new to data mining and recommendation systems, now trying to build some kind of rec system for users that have such parameters:
To calculate similarity between them im gonna apply cosine similarity and discrete similarity.
For example:
city : if x = y then d(x,y) = 0. Otherwise, d(x,y) = 1.
education : here i will use cosine similarity as words appear in the name of the department or bachelors degree
interest : there will be hardcoded number of interest user can choose and cosine similarity will be calculated based on two vectors like this:
1 0 0 1 0 0 ... n
1 1 1 0 1 0 ... n
where 1 means the presence of the interest and n is the total number of all interests.
My question is:
How to combine those 3 similarities in appropriate order? I mean just summing them doesnt sound quite smart, does it? Also I would like to hear comments on my "newbie similarity system", hah.
There are not hard-and-fast answers, since the answers here depend greatly on your input and problem domain. A lot of the work of machine learning is the art (not science) of preparing your input, for this reason. I could give you some general ideas to think about. You have two issues: making meaningful similarities out of each of these items, and then combining them.
The city similarity sounds reasonable but really depends on your domain. Is it really the case that being in the same city means everything, and being in neighboring cities means nothing? For example does being in similarly-sized cities count for anything? In the same state? If they do your similarity should reflect that.
Education: I understand why you might use cosine similarity but that is not going to address the real problem here, which is handling different tokens that mean the same thing. You need "eng" and "engineering" to match, and "ba" and "bachelors", things like that. Once you prepare the tokens that way it might give good results.
Interest: I don't think cosine will be the best choice here, try a simple tanimoto coefficient similarity (just size of intersection over size of union).
You can't just sum them, as I assume you still want a value in the range [0,1]. You could average them. That makes the assumption that the output of each of these are directly comparable, that they're the same "units" if you will. They aren't here; for example it's not as if they are probabilities.
It might still work OK in practice to average them, perhaps with weights. For example, being in the same city here is as important as having exactly the same interests. Is that true or should it be less important?
You can try and test different variations and weights as hopefully you have some scheme for testing against historical data. I would point you at our project, Mahout, as it has a complete framework for recommenders and evaluation.
However all these sorts of solutions are hacky and heuristic. I think you might want to take a more formal approach to feature encoding and similarities. If you're willing to buy a book and like Mahout, Mahout in Action has good coverage in the clustering chapters on how to select and encode features and then how to make one similarity out of them.
Here's the usual trick in machine learning.
city : if x = y then d(x,y) = 0. Otherwise, d(x,y) = 1.
I take this to mean you use a one-of-K coding. That's good.
education : here i will use cosine similarity as words appear in the name of the department or bachelors degree
You can also use a one-of-K coding here, to produce a vector of size |V| where V is the vocabulary, i.e. all words in your training data.
If you now normalize the interest number so that it always falls in the range [0,1], then you can use ordinary L1 (Manhattan) or L2 (Euclidean) distance metrics between your final vectors. The latter corresponds to the cosine similarity metric of information retrieval.
Experiment with L1 and L2 to decide which is best.