Keycloak autologin after registration with direct link - keycloak

I have a spring boot web app with a direct registration link to keycloak.
My spring boot looks like this:
A click on the link redirects me to keycloak where I can sign up. After registration I should have the default realm role user and should I be redirected to the restriced path http://localhost:9999/user. But after registration I don't have the role user and so I'm redirected back from /user to keycloak login page. When I login I have the role user and can access /user. Why doesn't direct login work when I use registration link?


Logout from Keycloak does not logout Active Directory User

We have integrated KeyCloak server with Azure Active Directory as Identity Provider for SSO Login.
Log-in is working fine. However we facing problem with log-out, When user logs-out from web application, from our backend server side code we are making REST call to Keycloak server for below API.
for this REST call we are getting 204 status code as response.
However when User tries to log-in in application again from browser it does not ask to enter credentials (active directory credentials).
In order to log-out User. We have access below URL
and click log-out there.
Is there anyway to achieve this in backend i.e. when User clicks logout from browser
Just ran across this myself. The answer provided here: Logout user via Keycloak REST API doesn't work worked for me. Try adding client_id and refresh_token to your /logout request.

Change Keycloak logout redirect url

I would like to set a Keycloak redirect url. After click on Sign out button in template.ftl template which is set in account directory
It is represented by list item:
How it is now:
I'm redirect to the main site of keycloak (actually it is a site of login into keycloak)
What I want:
change this site and redirect user to main page of project. How can I define it as
I use Keycloak version 12.0.2
I haven't found any appropriate settings in realmName.json file or Administration Console which is available at http://localhost:8088/auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/realmName

AD B2C integration in FreshWorks SSO with OIDC - Login error

I am integrating AD B2C as Identity provider for the FreshWorks by configuring SSO with OIDC in the Freshworks.
Configuration done in the Azure AD B2C:
Registered an application in the AD B2C Tenant
a. Get the redirect URL from Freshworks SSO with OIDC and added in the Redirect URI in the registered application
b. Id Tokens and Access Tokens check box is selected.
c. Enabled the public client.
d. Generate the client secret for the application
Added Microsoft as external IdP in the AD B2C tenant. Only one external IdP is enabled, local account is not enabled.
Created a SignupSign User flow
Tested the User flow, able to signup and sign-in using Microsoft Account (personal account). JWT token is generated with the claims sub, email, name.
Configuration done in the SSO with OIDC:
Get the ClientId and Client Secret of the Application registered in the AD B2C tenant and added in the SSO with OIDC configuration dialog
Navigate to AD B2C signup sign-in user flow OIDC configuration url and get the authorization_endpoint and token_endpoint, added those two in the SSO with OIDC configuration dialog
set the scopes as openid,email,profile
After doing all the above configurations, a new button is added in the freshworks login page. I have clicked that button, it navigates to the microsoft login page, after providing credentials and accepted the consent, it shows a form with profile information.
On clicking the continue button an account is created in the AD and redirected to the Freshwork page. It shows the below error in the freshworks login page.
The authorization code request is working, AD B2C post the authorization code to the freshwork redirect url. I hope the issue is with the get access token endpoint URL. I have tried the Get access token endpoint from the postman using the authorization code received from the first request, it gives the access token.
The postman screenshot mentioned is showing the IDToken and your freshworks application expect access token. Could you please validate the user flow with access token settings and also use the postman tool to get the access token. Please follow the below document for more requests.

How to bypass keycloak consent screen for ext-idm users if user already present in keycloak and want to link automatically

We have configured a SAML based ext-idp with keycloak. Now we are trying to onboard users from ext-idm to keycloak. Usecase is, same user is already present in keycloak and same user is trying to login from ext-idm. Now keycloak is showing a consent page for linking the user. Is there a way to bypass this consent and link the ext-idm user to keycloak user?
For all Client Scopes in keycloak we disabled the 'Display On Consent Screen' option.
All clients 'Consent Required' is disabled.
Both changes did not help.
After disabling consent in Client scope we expected ext-idm users auto link with keycloak user. But as of now Keycloak asks for a consent before linking.
Probably you changed a SAML client (SAML SP) settings but you need to change Identity Brokering (SAML IdP) settings. Please read this section:

Keycloak AD FS login without user interaction

I'm working with Keycloak 3.4.3
I'm following this post to configure my application to login with AD FS with SAML protocol.
My setup is an Angular 5 UI using the keycloak-js adapter. When the app starts I launch Keycloak.init({ onLoad: 'login-required'}) method for making the Keycloak login page appear. right now I'm able to login using email and password or by clicking the SAML SSO button and login through the AD FS login page.
What do I want to do? I want Keycloak to trigger the SAML SSO before showing the login screen, I mean, if in my pc I'm logged with and AD FS account I want Keycloak to log me in directly with this account and only get me to the login page if I'm not a member of the AD FS so I'm could be able to login via email and password.
It's possible to use GET request with kc_idp_hint param, and trigger SSO workflow manually:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080