stm32f469 FreeRTOS+STemWin with CubeMX and keil: Bad operand types (UnDefOT, Constant) for operator (* - stm32

I'm making project generated with STM32CubeMX for stm32f469i-disco.
I have based setup on "FreeRTOSconfig.h" from "Demonstration" project in STM32CubeFWF4V1.16.0 repo. Fresh project from CubeMX compiles without problems, but after adding STemWin lib "STemWin532_CM4_OS_Keil_ot.lib" I get the error
error: A1586E: Bad operand types (UnDefOT, Constant) for operator ("
Interesting fact is that "Demonstration" compiles without this error.
How do I get the project configured:
In CubeMX:
Add periphs needed: DMA2D, DSIHost, FMC etc.
Add BSP drivers for touchscreen etc.
Now, it copiles without problems.
Clone "Clock Configuration" based on "Demonstations"
In "Configuration" tab I clone all configuration based on code from "Demonstrations"
Then in Keil:
5. I update Include Path in target options.
Add all STemWin files and when i try to compile:
"...Bad operand types..."
When I disable freertos in CubeMX and add non-OS STemWin lib it compiles without problems.
When I try to compile non_OS STemWin lib with FreeRTOS enabled, it fails with the same message.
What have I tried to do?
Update port.c. Nothing changed.
Am I missing something while creating project?

After spending 2 days to find out what might be the reason for this error, I just found it and my project now compiles with FreeRTOS enabled and all the other sources used initially. Well, it's apparently a recursive include for stm32f4xx_hal.h file. I have added some modules from the demo package and those have some dependencies. Because I wanted to strip out some functions from some modules, I have manually added the includes/resources for the functions needed, which has contributed to that error, as I did not add any guards to my includes.
The offending line was in port.c file, and the error was because of a wrong constant value passed to the assembly line 483: mov r0, #configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY
Replacing configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY with any numeric value has helped in compiling the code, but I thought I should not leave it like that and it would be much better if I found out the reason for the problem.
More could be found here:

I got a same problem while building a Nucleo-F401RE board firmware with CubeMX 4.25.
This problem started just after setting LL driver use (Low-Level driver) instead of HAL in a CubeMX setting dialog.
I think this problem is from complicit in C definition of header file.
Including LL driver header may change __NVIC_PRIO_BITS definition in somewhere.
#define configPRIO_BITS __NVIC_PRIO_BITS
#define configPRIO_BITS 4
Changing __NVIC_PRIO_BITS to 4 in a generated source code will solve the problem.


Swift macros not detected

After reading this stackoverflow post, I tried to introduce macros in my project.
I have the following code in a sample macOS CommandLine tool.
NSLog ("ELDIABLO macro detected!")
NSLog ("ELDIABLO macro not detected!")
The ELDIABLO macro is declared in Target->BuildSettings->SwiftCompiler/OtherSwiftFlags (prefixed with -D).
This works.
SwiftMacros[73110:12048088] Detected ELDIABLO macro!!
Now, when I transferred the same concept to my original project it doesn't work. I always get
ELDIABLO macro not detected!
According to another stackoverflow post, the macros should be defined in Target->BuildSettings->SwiftCompiler/ActiveCompilationConditions (without -D prefix).
I tried that too, but didn't work.
What's wrong here? What am I missing?
I'm using Xcode 13.4.
My project structure: One target (the app) dependent on many other targets (static libs). All macro settings are applied to the app target (not to the static libs).
I was setting the macro in the app target, but the code which uses macro is one of the other targets i.e static libs, though the static libs targets are added as a dependency for the app target.
After adding the macro to the static lib target, it works.
That means the macro didn't find your "Condition setting", ex: ELDIABLO
So now you need to open your Project/[Your in-use target]/Build Settings.
Then, search the setting with the keyword: "active compilation". And, put your CONDITION_CONFIG here. One line for one CONDITION_CONFIG.
Check image below:

creating a define only used by eclipse

I have project that was created in another IDE that is build for a specific microcontroler. In the code faris used quite often and it is comprehended by the IDE and compiler.
I would like to use eclipse to edit the code, because it is more convinient to use. But it generates a lot of warnings and errors in the editor because he can not resolve the far.
I could create a macro #define far, but I would have to remove it when I want to compile the code. I don't compile with eclipse, because getting the compiler to work there is cumbersome and might introduce problems.
So is there a possibility that eclipse itself can handle the far for its syntax check?
Another approach that involves modifying your code rather than the project settings would be:
#ifdef __CDT_PARSER__
#define far
__CDT_PARSER__ is a macro that is automatically defined by CDT's parser when it processes your code, but not by any compiler.
After I searched a bit more I found an answer here:
Go to the menu:
Project -> Properties -> C/C++ General -> Path and Symbols ->
and add a Symbol called far with the value /* */.
I just left the value empty and it worked.

Cuda eclipse and time.h, Symbol 'CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID' could not be resolved although program runs

I admit, this is not really a problem, but more an annoying thing: basically in the Eclipse editor, installed by the Cuda toolkit, I am using this function:
/* Get current value of clock CLOCK_ID and store it in TP. */
extern int clock_gettime (clockid_t __clock_id, struct timespec *__tp) __THROW;
as the following:
clock_gettime((clockid_t)CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &time1);
The "problem" is that CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID is not resolved, and then the whole project appears as containing some error, but if I compile and run, no problem at all
I have included this
#include <time.h>
#include <iostream>
I included also the rt library. How do I make the error go away?
You need to add your includes to your project's preferences:
Right click on your project, choose General/Paths and Symbols. There, you can add your custom include directories that will be browsed by Nsight for symbols.

identically-named classes in app and lib cause issues *after* converting from Makefile to cmake

I'm trying to convert a program and its plugin from custom Makefiles to CMake, with minimal changes to the code.
Both the plugin and the app share some code; #ifdef ... #else ... #endif blocks are used where there are differences, and I'm certain the code is compiled with the correct defines. The shared code includes a class called ToolImage. When the code is compiled for the app, the ToolImage constructor uses a different resource path than when it is compiled for the plugin.
#ifdef THE_APP
ToolImage::ToolImage(const wxString& name, bool full_path_given):wxImage(full_path_given?name:
(wxGetApp().GetResFolder() + _T("/bitmaps/") + name + _T(".png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
ToolImage::ToolImage(const wxString& name, bool full_path_given):wxImage(full_path_given?name:
(theApp.GetResFolder() + _T("/bitmaps/") + name + _T(".png")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)
When the program and its plugin have been compiled with the custom Makefiles, everything works as expected. When both have been compiled with CMake, using a series of CMakeLists.txt files I created, there is an issue: the plugin isn't able to load the bitmaps for its toolbar.
I tracked the problem to the ToolImage class. The line number given by gdb tells me that the plugin is using the wrong constructor. strace tells me the same thing (the plugin is looking for its bitmaps in the app's resource dir rather than in the plugin's resource dir). To ensure that I didn't have the defines screwed up, I put a #error in ToolImage.cpp, inside the part of the #ifdef that should only be compiled for the app - and the plugin still compiled without error. This tells me that the plugin is compiling with the correct code. Since it is using the wrong path, I think it is using the class and constructor compiled into the program instead of its own.
How do I ensure that the plugin uses its own ToolImage class instead of the one in the app?! I don't own the project and don't want to make massive changes merely to support building with a different build system.
Using the precompiler to create two versions of a class seems like a poor choice to me. If I must make changes to the code, do you have suggestions for a workaround?
For the sake of experiment, I'd add -fvisibility=hidden when building theapp, to all or maybe to some specific sources. This should hide application's ToolImage from the plugin.
It is not a universal method, as in many cases plugins do use different symbols from the main executable.
I fixed this by adding the linker flag -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions in the CMakeLists.txt:
set_target_properties( heekscnc PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions )

Workflow for writing ARM assembly code on the iphone

I would like to begin writing ARM assembler and running it on the iPhone.
This is not with the intent of using in an app to be released to the app store - Basically I would like to solve problems on ProjectEuler using ARM and the iPhone, just for hobby and educational purposes.
How can I go about doing this? I have not been able to come up with a way get a project running using any hand written arm.
I haven't been able to find any information about how to write assembly code specifically for the iPhone, but like the other people said here, you can either:
1) write inline asm statements in C/C++/ObjC code, or
2) write standalone assembly functions in a '.s' file and simply add it in your XCode sources, or
3) write standalone assembly functions for an external assembler such as NASM. You write assembly code in a '.s' file and generate a '.o' object file using NASM and link the object file with your project in XCode.
So if you are just trying to write a few assembly instructions then inline assembler would be the easiest way, but if you plan on writing several assembly functions then I'd recommend a standalone assembly file. And if you plan on writing many assembly functions with macros and want cross-platform compatibility, etc, then I'd recommend using NASM to compile your assembly code into an object file. Because I am using the XCode gcc assembler and it is quite lacking compared to NASM. You can get NASM for free at
Once you have setup your assembler environment, you need to learn how to write ARM Assembly code! Because the iPhone (and many other portable devices and smartphones) use the ARM instruction set. There is a very good but old intro to ARM assembly at
When it comes to assembly programming, the official instruction set reference manual is usually the main source of information for everything you will write, so you should go to the ARM website and download the ARM and Thumb-2 Quick Reference Card (6 pages long) as well as the 2 full documents for your exact CPU.
For example, the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 both have an ARMv7-A Cortex-A8 CPU, so you can download the ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R Edition (2000 pages long) that tells you exactly which instructions are available and exactly how they work, and the Cortex™-A8 Technical Reference Manual that explains the instruction timing, etc for your specific CPU.
You can use gcc to make asm inlines with __asm__, or just get a gnu as for arm and write code in separate files. You should have no problems with later linking them up to your project, but I'd suggest you to use c/Objective-C code to wrap up your asm stubs, as writing the whole iPhone application in assembler is somewhat hard (you need to be pretty good in ObjC runtime internals).
You might be interested in using custom Makefiles, however Xcode projects should be sufficient for most of the taks too.
Note also that there is nothing wrong with including assembly in app store submissions. It's only using frameworks that are not public they frown on.
They don't care how the binary is generated as long as it works, looks decently OK, and follows the aforementioned rule.
So, here is a quick description of how to actually include ARM asm code into an Xcode project, this is tested in Xcode versions up to 4.3. For my specific project, I wanted to define a function in ASM code saved with a filename like "decode_arm.s". I already have a C implementation of the same function that gets compiled when run under the simulator, so the conditional cpp logic here ensures that the ARM ASM code is only compiled into the project when actually compiling for the device.
// This file implements the following C functions for the ARM platform.
// Both ARM6 and ARM7 devices are supported by this implementation.
// maxvid_decode_c4_sample16()
#if defined(__arm__)
# define COMPILE_ARM 1
# if defined(__thumb__)
# else
# define COMPILE_ARM_ASM 1
# endif
#if defined(COMPILE_ARM)
#endif // COMPILE_ARM
.section __TEXT,__text,regular
.section __TEXT,__textcoal_nt,coalesced
.section __TEXT,__const_coal,coalesced
.section __TEXT,__picsymbolstub4,symbol_stubs,none,16
.align 2
.globl _maxvid_decode_c4_sample16
.private_extern _maxvid_decode_c4_sample16
# args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
# frame_needed = 1, uses_anonymous_args = 0
stmfd sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
add r7, sp, #12
stmfd sp!, {r8, r10, r11}
ldmfd sp!, {r8, r10, r11}
ldmfd sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
// No-op when USE_GENERATED_ARM_ASM is not defined