Error:scalac: bad symbolic reference. A signature in SQLContext.class refers to type Logging in package org.apache.spark which is not available - scala

When I complied a scala file used IntelliJ IDEA, the following error showed.
Error:scalac: bad symbolic reference. A signature in SQLContext.class refers to type Logging in package org.apache.spark which is not available.
It may be completely missing from the current classpath, or the version on
the classpath might be incompatible with the version used when compiling SQLContext.class.
Attention: the error happened when I add the spark-sql into the pom.xml file. Is it the version problem?
my pom.xml is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- The configuration of the plugin -->
<!-- Specifies the configuration file of the assembly plugin -->

Please use the same version of spark for all the dependencies.
Replace this with
Or you can use Spark 2.1.0 in all dependencies


Trouble adding camel-http4 to Maven Camel project in Eclipse

I'm trying to add http4 to my Camel project. According to the documentation it looks like I only need to add these two Maven dependencies using the Camel version. But I get an error from Eclipse:
But Eclipse give an error: "Missing artifact org.apache.camel:camel-http4:jar:3.11.1"
I don't see the dependency in the list. I tried using Maven > Update Project. I also tried closing and re-opening the project. I also tried adding these to another project and got the same thing. I'm not sure what I have wrong here.
Here is my pom
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>A Camel Spring Boot Route</name>
<!-- Spring Boot BOM -->
<!-- Camel BOM -->
<!-- Spring Boot -->
<!-- Camel -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- Additions -->
<!-- For receiving JMS messages from Artemis -->
<!-- Calling HTTP (REST) -->
<!-- Model Object Traslation -->
I tried re-indexing the local repository, and a few other Eclipse tricks to try causing things to refresh, but they don't seem to help. I also tried using camel-http. That finds the jar, but not for the starter.
<!-- This one works -->
<!-- But this one still give the missing artifact error -->
camel-http4 was renamed in Camel 3.x, you can find this in the migration guide.
The reason is that older http-clients than 4.x were dropped for Camel 3.x, so camel-http4 is now the only one and therefore simply camel-http.
What was referenced in Camel 2.x as
has changed in Camel 3.x to
Notice the "springboot" in the groupId and simply "http" in the artifactId.

Trying to create a batch file for maven project

When i do maven clean and maven install in pom.xml i get build success and all my test cases are running fine.Then in a notepad i wrote as below
cd D:path of my project
mvn clean install
and saved it with .bat extension.But when i double click on the batch file it doesn't run.Please help.Many thanks in advance.
Here is my pom.xml file
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<dependency>`enter code here`
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
when i start the batch file this happens(a picture of error
So the Java on your machine is a JRE, not a JDK.
Install a JDK and put it on your PATH.

What is misconfigured with my maven project? Not picking up dependencies or class structure

There appears to be something misconfigured with my project that's causing maven to miss the dependencies in my base pom.xml. When I try to build a module with intellij's build options, or build my project with mvn clean package, I get an error that 'object apache is not a member of package org'. My pom file has the following:
I have confirmed that the spark-sql_2.11 (my version) jar exists in my local .m2 repository, and that my settings are configured to import maven projects automatically.
When I remove references to org.apache._ the jar builds successfully with both mvn clean package and intellij's build module menu option, however the two jars do not function the same. The jar created from building the module through intellij (/out/artifacts/[project]_jar/[project].jar) works fine with spark-submit, however using the jar created from mvn clean package (/target/[project]-test-SNAPSHOT.jar) throws an error 'No main class set in jar' despite the fact that it appears there is, 'jar tvf ' shows this class, and MANIFEST.MF has it correctly listed as the main class.
It almost seems like there's a disconnect between my scala class and the maven project, but I can't understand where. Any tips on how to diagnose why this isn't working would be greatly appreciated, and I can absolutely provide additional details if necessary. Thanks in advance!
Edit: adding full contents of pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath />
This parent pom holds all the necessary version
and configuration information for all submodules.
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Core Spark BOM -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Top level dependencies -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<!-- Test dependencies -->
<!-- =================================== -->
<ignoredClassPatterns combine.self="append">
<ignoredResourcePatterns combine.self="append">
<!-- mercury internal file (should provide link to code that proves its ok to have more than one on the classpath) -->
You should add the spark-core and spark-sql dependencies in your child pom or in current pom, if not add it as below
Take a look at Difference between dependencies and dependency management
For the main class not found
Add the maven-assembly-plugin plugin to the child pom as
You can add maven assembly jar to build a fat jar. Add the below plugin and update the name of your main class.

Error: Could not find or load main class in scala

After installing eclipse scala plugins and eclipse maven plugin for scala .
I am new to scala , so i tried to so ensured that the enviorment was working after testing a scala hello world project. It works as expected.
But i am facing difficulty while trying to execute the project that i had checked out from the company's repository. No matter what I do (clean,build, clean-install via mave etc) I am getting a "Error: Could not find or load main class" while trying to run even a small hello world program inside the project. My hunch says eclipse is unable to create class files for the project due to a pom issse, but I am unable to nail it down even after several tries. Please help me to figure this out
Version: Eclipse Luna Release (4.4.0)
Build id: 20140612-0600
scala - 2.10.6
Scalacode - testQuery.scala
object testQuery {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
print ("Hello")
Below is the POM I used.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Link to image of project structure
Use compile install as required for scala-maven-plugin. You might be using clean install which is deleting generated .class files from /bin, eclipse could not find or load main class.
I was able to resolve the issues after opted for scala IDE over eclipse integrated with scala IDE plugin.
Also changed the pom.xml to the following:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>My wonderfull scala app</description>
<name>My License</name>
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- -->
<!-- see -->
<!-- If you have classpath issue like NoDefClassError,... -->
<!-- useManifestOnlyJar>false</useManifestOnlyJar -->

Class files are not generated in pom.xml

I am using the below pom.xml for my application
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Prime Repo</name>
<!-- PrimeFaces -->
<!-- JSF -->
<!-- EL -->
But I am unable to generate the class files inside the target directory. Except class files I got everything. My Project Structure is, Projectname>src>com>...source files. I am following the same structure for my other application and I am getting the class files in that. But dont know where I am missing. Even the both pom.xml are similar
Your java source files need to go to src/main/java by maven convention (not src)