Set Tableau dates show show previous month going back 12 months - date

I need to modify some Tableau dashboards so that they show from the previous month going back 12 months.
For example, it is August 2017 now, so the company wants to see the 12 months ending at July 2017. In other words: Aug 2016, Sept 2016, Oct 2016...June 2017, July 2017.
Using Tableau's relative date filter, users can easily select "previous month" (July 2017) or "previous 12 months" (Sept 2016-Aug 2017) on the relative date filter. But they can't choose previous month going back 12 months (Aug 2016-July 2017).
I was thinking of writing a formula that sets current month as 0, previous month as 1, month before that as 2 etc and that way I can filter to only show months 1, 2, ...12. And not show month 0, the current month.
Is this the best approach? I thought Tableau would have an option for this - surely a lot of companies want to see a year worth of data ending at the previous month? (Since the current month is not yet complete so they don't want to see a partial month's data).
Thanks for your ideas!

You are right about this being a common requirement. I do 'Last 12 months' filter too which excludes current month since it is not a full month.
In my case I have defined a True/False type calculated field which I use to filter records which show in the dashboards.
Here is the formula that I use:
DATEDIFF('month',[My Timestamp Field],Today()) < 13 and DATEDIFF('month',[My Timestamp Field],Today()) > 0


Power Bi : visualization problem with year over year change

I have created a visualization that gives me the percentage change in the number of sales from one year to the next.
This visualization varies according to a date filter.
I have data since March 1st 2021.
Here is my problem: If I filter on the period "January 1, 2022 to October 1, 2022" I have a problem with my visualization, it will be false because it will compare this period of 9 months with the same period in 2021, except that in 2021 I am missing 2 months (January and February 2021).
Do you know if it is possible to display nothing on this visualization if the filtered period starts before March 1st 2022?
I prefer to display nothing rather than a false value.
i think a solution here would be adding a parameter to the visual instead of a slicer.
With the formula if & else.

Tableau Fixed Max date registered by month

I want to create a graph line in tableau with a count distinct id per month.
I use an excel spreadsheet that is updated a few times per month but never on the same date, so I have different dates registered as months go by.
I want to use the last date registered per month so I can use that date to show month's trend through the years. Each id represent a different construction building, so it is expected that the same id can be found on different months.
This is what I tried: Tableau Fixed (LOD) formula the get last date registered per each month:
{ FIXED [id_constructionbuilding], MONTH([date_registered]): MAX([date_registered])}
Then I use rows and columns in tableau but I get more than one max date (my excel has 2020 and 2021 dates, so it's picking dates from October 2020 and October 2021 for example). Dates are order according to Spanish so you will see month and days shifted:
I would suggest updating your calculated field to:
{ FIXED [id_constructionbuilding],DATETRUNC('month', [date_registered]), DATETRUNC('year', [date_registered]):MAX([date_registered])}
This will keep the level of detail (LOD) to the id_constru..., month and year.

Week Number restarting at 1 every month as per ISO format in Tableau

I am trying to get week numbers ( resetting at 1 for each month) as per ISO format for each month in 2019.For example I am interested in getting
All dates in July 2019: week 1 to 4,
All dates in Aug 2019 : week 1 to 4 and so on.
I first created the calculated field (Week_Number_ISO) to get the overall week number in year 2019.I used the following formula;
DATEPART('iso-week',[ Date]) which works as intended.
To get the monthly week number I used the following formula
INT((DATEPART('day',[Created Date])-DATEPART('iso-weekday',[Created Date])+7)/7)+1.
(Idea was to calculate the date of the first day of each week & then divide by 7 and take the integer part)
As per the ISO format, shouldn't July 29 to 31st be a part of week 4 for July?But the formula is showing it as week 5 for July 2019.I feel I am missing something in the formula or am missing something about ISO week number resetting at 1 for each month.
Can someone help me?
Here is an example of the dates in July 2019 and the associated week numbers.
Why would July 28th-July 31st 2019 be considered week 4?

Converting month to date format in access

I have an access column which has values like May, May-June, November, January-February etc.
Requirement is that
1) If only one month is there, I should create a transformation with a date column pointing to the last date of that month and the year would be the current year.
Eg May would be 5/30/2015, January would be 1/31/2015
2) If it is having two months, then second month must be taken and the same logic as in Point 1 should be implemented.
Eg May-June would be 6/31/2015, January-February would be 2/28/2015.
My first preference would be without using VBA code.
Please help.
You can use a one-liner in a function:
Public Function GetDateFromMonth(ByVal Months As String) As Date
Dim Ultimo As Date
Ultimo = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("m", 1 + UBound(Split(Months, "-")), CDate(Split(Months, "-")(0) & "/1")))
GetDateFromMonth = Ultimo
End Function
Split the string on the "-", use the second month, add one to that month to get the next month, then take the first day of that month and subtract one from it. For example Jan-Feb : build 3/1/2015 and then subtract 1 day to get the last day of Feb.
Make a table that holds a list of Months:
MonthName MonthNumber
January 1
February 2
March 3
April 4
May 5
June 6
July 7
August 8
September 9
October 10
November 11
December 12
Create this query:
SELECT InputData.Months, DateSerial(Year(Date()),[MonthNumber]+1,0) AS ReqdDate
FROM InputData, Months
WHERE (((IIf(InStr([Months],'-')=0,[Months],Mid([Months],InStr([Months],'-')+1)))=[MonthName]));
That's it. Output looks like this:
Months ReqdDate
May 31/05/2015
May-June 30/06/2015
November 30/11/2015
January-February 28/02/2015
March 31/03/2015
April-September 30/09/2015
Sorry about formatting - noob. I'm in Eu so my dates look odd to you, but you get the idea; you can make them US dates in a moment I'm sure. You can use the bits of this you need in your code in two secs.
If you don't like the lookup table for month number, I'm sure you can use some format function to turn the month name into a month number.

Filtering for dates less than or or equal to 9 months in the future in an Access query

Once a week I need to run a report where I query an Access database for any product that will expire in 9 months or less. The way they want it calculated is to take the date 9 months into the future and return anything that expires at the end of that month or sooner. If it were simply 270 days or less, I'd have no problem. (I'd also have no problem if I could do it in Excel, but that's not an option for now).
I came up with a solution that works every month of the year, unless it happens to be March (more specifically between March 6th and April 5th).
< DateValue(Month(Date()+270)+1 & "/1/" & Year(Date()+270))
So basically I'm:
adding 270 days to today's date
extracting the resulting month
adding 1 to the month
putting it back together as a text string so I can use < the 1st of the following month
for the year, I'm using the year from the date +270 days so I don't end up using the current year by accident
The trouble is that for the date range above (which I unhappily discovered today), I land in December when I add 270 days, so the following month is in a different year. As a result, my report only produced items that already expired.
In other words, on March 5th, I would have needed a list of everything expiring prior to December 1, but on March 6th, I need everything before January 1 of the next year.
Is there a more effective way to do this that avoids this issue? I thought of using
You may have had DateDiff in mind, and it can be used:
Where DateDiff("m", Date(), [YourDateField]) Between 0 And 9
However, that will ignore an index you might have on [YourDateField].
This, however, will include products that expired previously in the current month.
The alternative is DateSerial as Hans showed but he forgot that in SQL Date() must be used and that only those products that will expire should be listed:
Where [YourDateField] Between Date() And DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()) + 10, 0)
Use the DateSerial Function to compute the future date you need.
Here is a demonstration in the Access Immediate window which computes the date 9 months from today:
? Date
? DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 9, Day(Date))
However, as I understand your requirement, you actually want dates from that entire month. In that case you can compute the first of the month which is 10 months from today and ask for everything less than that date.
? DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 10, 1)
You can include that expression in your query like this ...
WHERE expire_date < DateSerial(Year(Date()), Month(Date()) + 10, 1)