Google Nearby is no longer showing nearby notifications - google-nearby

Google Play Services/Nearby is no longer showing any nearby notifications, I can see them in the nearby app on my
Android smartphone, but not in the notification drop-down bar.
I have not muted anything, my google play services notifications are on and I have allowed notifications in the nearby app.
Is anyone experiencing the same thing?
If so, why?

Okay, turns out having too many beacons in one project on google beacon dashboard is not a good idea.
Who would have known, always learning with these things!


Google chat sound notifications are incorrect

Despite changing the notification sound in the sound menu, Google chat app continues to use the hangouts sound. How do I change this? (I have uninstalled the app and re-installed several times)

Sync game user progress across devices - unity

I have a really simple game on both iOS and Android written in Unity and I would like to save user progress across devices/OSes.
I already have Facebook analytics in it and so i was thinking i can implement Facebook Login and just save a couple of numbers on the Facebook server.
Upon some research it seems (?) that Facebook doesn't offer anything like that. You have to set up your own server and then just identify the player with Facebook login. A server like that is really an overkill for the game as i just want to save a simple Level Passed number.
Is there any other way? Can i use Facebook like that to save ONE custom user property? Perhaps i can use Google Play Services (both iOS and Android (?) ) to achieve what i want?
Any other free way of saving user progress across devices?
First thing Google play service stopped support for IOS
Other suggestion for Cross platform services like firebase cloud, photon, Gamesprak etc.
Please not most of them giving free service for development only. Before use please check its price details

Nearby notifications when Beacon is Inactive

I continue to see notification's from a Google Nearby registered Beacon even when the Beacon is set to be INACTIVE in the Dashboard. Is this expected? I was hoping to not see the Nearby notifications any longer but I still see them constantly irrespective of the Beacon's state. Is this a known bug?
It's a caching issue on the local device only. Once the message for that beacon is found and cached it stays on that device and associated with that beacon id. Another device will not see that message.
That said, issue was found and already fixed and roll out in a later release.

Bing Maps GeoLocationProvider service not working

I have recently posted a question regarding getting the user location which I thought I had solved using geolocation.GeoLocationProvider. However, I am having strange behaviour on different devices. On an iphone 5s, I get the most accurate and smallest circle marking my position. On a galaxy S3 I get very large circles and takes long to connect. I then connected a Nexus to my mobile over bluetooth and shared 3G internet. Funnily enough, my position was not showing at all. In all 3 cases, I tried going into bing maps and google maps and they all have shown my position very accurately. Is there anything I am skipping for this discrepancy between my code and bing/google maps' code?
Thanks you all,
The Bing Maps site uses the same functionality. All this does is wrap the different web based geolocation API's for different browsers into one easy to use class. This method pulls the location from the browser built-in geolocation functionality (older browsers had several different ways of doing this). This will make use of a GPS device if it has access (small circle), fall back to WIFI or IP address (large circles). A couple of things worth checking, if this is being used in an app, have you enabled access to the geolocation sensors? If this is being used in as a web app through the browser, did you get a prompt to allow access to your location and did you press Allow? If the device isn't able to access the GPS and it's using share WIFI from another phone I could see how this might confuse things.
Another option is to use the HTML5 geolocation API:

How to Find Nearby iOS Devices (GPS locations) using same app

I want to create an app that allows a user to find the nearby other users location using GPS coordinates who are Logged in to the same app .Also it can be track the location of the devices(Logged in to the same app) which are moving in a car .
Can someone give me an overview of how I can accomplish this. is there any free API available to accomplish this task.
Danielbeard is correct - you would need to be continually storing/updating locations on a server somewhere. Your app does get some running time when it is in the background, but I'm not sure it would be enough to run the web traffic that you'd need.
Check out this post: Running app in background and send frequent http request
And check out the multitasking guide here: Multitasking Guidelines
You can also look at Push Notifications. Hopefully this helps.
In iOS7 MultiPeerConnectivity was introduced to find near by applications, so if you have a coffee shop and someone walks by or in they could get the latest deals, or, you walk into a room and the music changes to what you like as your device exchanges information with another.