I'm practicing SQL in Jupyter Notebook. I use sqlaclhemy and psycopg2 libs for practicing PostgreSQL syntax (using ElephantSQL) and sqlite3 lib for local db.
I have a request:
sql = '''
with medium_credits as (
select t.credit_amount from german_credit t
where t.credit_amount > 1000 and t.credit_amount < 3000
group by t.credit_amount),
medium_credits_info as (
select * from german_credit t
where t.credit_amount in medium_credits)
select t.purpose, t.housing, count(1) as count
from medium_credits_info t
group by t.purpose, t.housing
Running this request using pd.read_sql(sql,connection), where connection is object created with sqlite3 - it goes great.
When I try to try it in Postgres-like system using pd.read_sql(sql,engine), where engine is object created with sqlalchemy, it throws a ProgrammingError:
ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError) syntax error at or near "medium_credits"
LINE 14: where t.credit_amount in medium_credits)
I guess, Postgres doesn't let you use values from CTE-created table directly this way.
Is there any option I could run this code without an error?
PS: local and elephantsql databases are identical
try this :
with medium_credits as (
select t.credit_amount from german_credit t
where t.credit_amount > 1000 and t.credit_amount < 3000
group by t.credit_amount),
medium_credits_info as (
FROM german_credit t
INNER JOIN medium_credits m
ON m.credit_amount = t.credit_amount)
I can select(in Oracle) from postgers with dblink, and its work fine.
But if i create procedure with this select:
USING (SELECT c."card_id", 1, n."channel"
FROM "table_1"#DBLINK_NAME n
"table_2"#DBLINK_NAME c
ON n."card_id" = c."id"
WHERE n."type" = 'param1') B
ON (C.CARDID = B."card_id")
UPDATE SET C.SENDR = 1, C.PHONE = '+' || B."channel";
ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object postgres.table_name#DBLINK_NAME ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system return this message: ERROR: relation "postgres.card" does
Have any idea?
Oracle 11g
It was necessary to specify the owner of the database on postgre. In my case, it was enough to specify "public". in the procedure. before accessing tables.
I have a Postgis database deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, using this image: docker pull postgis/postgis:13-3.1.
I was trying to solve this error:
2021-06-29 03:20:50.958 UTC [2852] ERROR: relation "pg_stat_statements" does not exist at character 536
2021-06-29 03:20:50.958 UTC [2852] STATEMENT: SELECT t2.rolname, t3.datname, queryid, calls, total_time / 1000 as total_time_seconds, min_time / 1000 as min_time_seconds, max_time / 1000 as max_time_seconds, mean_time / 1000 as mean_time_seconds, stddev_time / 1000 as stddev_time_seconds, rows, shared_blks_hit, shared_blks_read, shared_blks_dirtied, shared_blks_written, local_blks_hit, local_blks_read, local_blks_dirtied, local_blks_written, temp_blks_read, temp_blks_written, blk_read_time / 1000 as blk_read_time_seconds, blk_write_time / 1000 as blk_write_time_seconds FROM pg_stat_statements t1 JOIN pg_roles t2 ON (t1.userid=t2.oid) JOIN pg_database t3 ON (t1.dbid=t3.oid) WHERE t2.rolname != 'rdsadmin'
So I installed the missing extension in all my dbs, like so:
psql -U $PG_USER \
-c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements SCHEMA public"
psql -U $PG_USER \
-c "CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements SCHEMA pg_catalog"
I'm now getting this error:
2021-06-29 20:04:46.870 UTC [331] ERROR: column "total_time" does not exist at character 48
2021-06-29 20:04:46.870 UTC [331] STATEMENT: SELECT t2.rolname, t3.datname, queryid, calls, total_time / 1000 as total_time_seconds, min_time / 1000 as min_time_seconds, max_time / 1000 as max_time_seconds, mean_time / 1000 as mean_time_seconds, stddev_time / 1000 as stddev_time_seconds, rows, shared_blks_hit, shared_blks_read, shared_blks_dirtied, shared_blks_written, local_blks_hit, local_blks_read, local_blks_dirtied, local_blks_written, temp_blks_read, temp_blks_written, blk_read_time / 1000 as blk_read_time_seconds, blk_write_time / 1000 as blk_write_time_seconds FROM pg_stat_statements t1 JOIN pg_roles t2 ON (t1.userid=t2.oid) JOIN pg_database t3 ON (t1.dbid=t3.oid) WHERE t2.rolname != 'rdsadmin'
I've tried to find the reason why, but haven't found anything helpful anywhere. Any ideias on how to solve this issue?
Postgres version: psql (PostgreSQL) 13.2 (Debian 13.2-1.pgdg100+1)
Config file:
# ...
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements'
pg_stat_statements.max = 1000
pg_stat_statements.track = all
# ...
That query is coming from some monitoring tool; which as far as I can tell has nothing to do with postgis. The monitoring tool is out of date, as now that column is called "total_exec_time". (It was renamed when columns were added for planning times as well as for execution times.)
Following jjanes comment I found out that the Prometheus node exporter was making an incorrect query (here), due to the fact that the column was, indeed, mispelled.
Changing the column name fixed this issue.
we are connecting to our Postgresql (RDS) server from our django backend as well as lambda, sometimes django backend queries time out and I run the following query to see the locks:
FROM pg_class
pg_locks ON pg_locks.relation = pg_class.oid
pg_stat_activity ON pg_locks.pid =
pg_locks.granted='t' AND
This gives me 30 rows of simple select queries executed from lambda like this:
SELECT first_name, picture, username FROM accounts_user WHERE id = $1
why does this query hold a lock? should I be worried?
I'm using pg8000 library to connect from Lambda
with pgsql.cursor() as cursor:
SELECT first_name, picture, username
FROM accounts_user
WHERE id = %s
row = cursor.fetchone()
# use the row ..
I opened an issue at Github maybe it's because I'm using the library wrong. https://github.com/tlocke/pg8000/issues/16
You can also try to reuse the database connection, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/settings/#conn-max-age
'default': {
'CONN_MAX_AGE': 600, # reuse database connection
Error Code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS a LIMIT 0, 1000' at line 3
subject s INNER JOIN prerequisite p ON s.subject_code = p.subject_id)
AS a
I think what you want to do are derived tables
select * from subject s INNER JOIN prerequisite p ON s.subject_code = p.subject_id)
AS a