Show all parameter values - crystal-reports

My parameter field allows multiple values. How can I show all of these values at the top of the report? Currently it only shows one value at a time.

If your parameter is dynamic and takes the form of an array, you'll need to join the values together via a Formula:
Join ({?Parameter},", ")

Activate the Can Grow property for that field. Put this field in a new section so it can easily grow based on your content.


Tableau: How to display two distinct columns in worksheet, but in the filter concatenate the two columns

For example, I show two columns--CustNumber and CustName. In a filter, I would like to concatenate the two values something like this:
10100 My Customer
This would allow the user to enter either the customer number OR some of the customer's name in drop-down filter to filter by.
Thank you.
You would need to create a separate calculated field to use as the filter.
CustNumberName =
STR([CustNumber]) + ' ' + [CustName]
CustNumberName can then be used as a filter (presumably set to Wildcard Match) and the existing 2 columns can stay in the pane.
You can create a calculated field as G Hart states.
You can also create a combined field, by selecting multiple dimensions in the data pane and right clicking to Create->Combined Field. The combined field behaves very similar to a calculated field in most respects and you can easily change the delimiter or field order.
There are a few restrictions with combined fields. They can’t be used in most (or all?) calculations, nor to populate the list of possible values for a parameter. But they are easy and convenient otherwise.

SSRS cannot linked text box with field

I group my table by 3 attributes, and set page break on every group, and now i want to display that three attribute outside the table. I want to place them on the top of the report, and when i type the expression and i go in run view it's display only the first value, when i go to the next page nothing change
I tried to drag field from table, from data set, and nothing working.
In expression i type
Also if some of that three attributes i placed in table it normally displays values, but when i try to move it somewhere it stops displaying.
The issue is that a table is associated with a dataset but a text box is not.
You can reference a field from a text box using the Dataset field ( =Sum(Fields!AMOUNT.Value, "Dataset1") ) but you need to use an aggregate function like First, Last, or SUM.
It sounds like you don't want to use an aggregate since you are grouping by these fields, though.
display the three attribute outside the table
If your trying to display the current grouping in the table at the top of each page, add a new Row in your matrix above your header row and add your group fields there.

SSRS Aggreation on Calculated Field

I am trying to perform an aggregation on a calculated Field in SSRS and am getting the following error:
[rsAggregateReportItemInBody] The Value expression for the textrun 'Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' uses an aggregate function on a report item. Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers
This is the formula I tried to use:
=Sum(ReportItems!PlanPurchPrice.Value, "Select_UCPUtilization")
In this Case PlanPurcPrice is also an Expression:
=First(Fields!PawPlanPurchPrice.Value, "Select_UCPUtilization")
Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
SSRS 2008 does not support the functionality you are looking for unless the report item is located in the header or footer (as is stated in the error message). I would, instead, propose two alternate solutions:
First Option
Place the calculation in your query (if possible) at which point you can then reference the field and the aggregate will work as desired.
Second Option
You essentially want to create the aggregate you're looking to return elsewhere in the report where it is directly connected to the Select_UCPUtilization scope, then reference the aggregated value elsewhere. Follow these steps:
Within the same scope as report item PlanPurchPrice, calculate a sum of the PlanPurchPrice. Name the textbox containing the aggregate something meaningful (e.g., Sum_PlanPurchPrice).
Reference that textbox directly wherever you were trying to use the ReportItems sum before (i.e., =ReportItems!Sum_PlanPurchPrice.Value)
Hide the workaround. Place the aggregate you created in an additional column or row attached to the Select_UCPUtilization scope. Turn the text white, turn off growth and shrinkage, and make the row very tiny (a pixel or two high).
Using the second option, the report item does exist (and is visible, which is important) on the report and contains the sum you are looking to return elsewhere.
Hope this helps. if this doesn't make sense, please reply via comment and I'll help you to the best of my ability.

SSRS - Expression using different dataset fields

I have a report with multiple data-sets. Different fields from different data-sets are used in different locations of the report.
In one part of the report, I need to do a calculation using fields from two different data-sets. Is this possible within an expression?
Can I somehow reference the data-set the field is in, in the expression?
For example, I'd like to do something like this:
=Fields.Dataset1.Field / Fields.Dataset2.Field
You can achieve that by specifying the scope of you fields like this:
=First(Fields!fieldName_A.Value, "Dataset1") / First(Fields!fieldName_B.Value, "Dataset2")
Assuming A is 10 and B is 2 and they are of type numeric then you will have the result of 5 when the report renders.
When you are in the expression builder you can choose the Category: Datasets, your desired dataset highlighted under Item: and then double click the desired field under Value: and it will appear in your expression string with the scope added.
Using same logic you can concatenate two fields like so:
=First(Fields!fieldName_A.Value, "Dataset1") & “ “ & First(Fields!fieldName_B.Value, "Dataset2")
As PerPlexSystem writes, asuming you only want to compare the first value from a dataset with values from another dataset, you can use the First function.
However, if you want to compare the values of each row from one dataset with with the values from each row of another dataset, then you will need to use a subreport - see here for further details.
Another option is to use a parameter as a variable. This is helpful if you want to create a calculated field in one of the datasets. This is best applied when the parameter value comes from a dataset with a single record.

How can I conditionally group items in Crystal Reports?

I have a report that is currently separated into two reports, and I'd like to merge them.
Basically it boils down to this:
I ask the user if they want to have a page break for each Property, if they answer yes, I sort/group by Property and then I sort by X
If the user answers no, I want to just sort/group by X
I've tried suppressing the initial Grouping if the user answers No, but it still sorts accordingly (not how I want it to).
How can I do this without keeping it in two reports?
Instead of suppressing the grouping field, try setting it to an empty string "". I was just working on a report last week that was very similar. Even if 'no grouping' was selected, the report was still being grouped by some unknown default. In the formula grouping field, I found that if 'no grouping' was selected the field was not getting set at all. Once I changed it to set the field to an empty string, the report generated as expected.
Are you grouping or sorting? If you do not use the group header/footer it is basically the same as sorting and you should simply use the record sort.
In general, to conditionally group fields you would use formulas. For this to work the fields in question need to be returned as the same type: number, string, date, etc. In your case it sounds like the first grouping formula would be like this...
//{?break_by_property} would be the parameter value to control the page break
if {?break_by_property) then
"" //any static value of the same type as {the_property_field}
now go the "new page before" formula for that group header and enter this boolean formula (groupnumber is a special keyword)...
{?break_by_property} and groupnumber > 1
then add a record sort for X.