For /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('wmic memorychip get capacity') do (
echo [%%i]>>c:\info.txt
At the last line you see the bracket with the newline character in it. So can you help me how to ignore this line or remove or compare it as string. tks.
Solution 1:
Use temp file to store value, in this case the newline will auto convert to "Echo..".
Output on temp file:
ECHO is off.
There is a fast script or command in batch/powershell to analyse only the duplicate and variable segments in all lines of a txt file and remove them? Example:
input file1.txt:
output file1.txt:
input file2.txt:
output file2.txt:
My script:
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set /p first=<#SHA1.txt
set status=notequal
for /f "delims=" %%a in (#SHA1.txt) do (
set second=%%a
if "!first:~0,1!"=="!second:~0,1!" (set status=equal) else (set status=notequal & goto break)
if "!status!"=="equal" (
for /f "delims=" %%a in (#SHA1.txt) do (
set second=%%a
echo !second:~1!>>#SHA1.tmp
if exist #SHA1.tmp (del #SHA1.txt & ren #SHA1.tmp #SHA1.txt)
goto startline
set /p first=<#SHA1.txt
set status=notequal
for /f "delims=" %%a in (#SHA1.txt) do (
set second=%%a
if "!first:~-1!"=="!second:~-1!" (set status=equal) else (set status=notequal & goto break)
if "!status!"=="equal" (
for /f "delims=" %%a in (#SHA1.txt) do (
set second=%%a
echo !second:~0,-1!>>#SHA1.tmp
if exist #SHA1.tmp (del #SHA1.txt & ren #SHA1.tmp #SHA1.txt)
goto endline
I think that this script is slow to run in multiple files.
What about this (see the explanatory :: comment):
#echo off
::This script assumes that the lines of the input file (provided as command line argument)
::do not contain any of the characters `^`, `!`, and `"`. The lines may be of different
::lengths, empty lines are ignored though.
::The script processes the input file in two phase:
::1. let us call this the analysis phase, which consists of the following steps:
:: * read the first line of the file, store the string and determine its length;
:: * read the second line, walk through all characters beginning from the left and from
:: the right side within the same loop, find the character indexes that point to the
:: first left-most and the last right-most character that do not equal the respective
:: ones in the string from the first line, and store the retreived indexes;
:: * read the remaining lines, and for each one, extract the prefix and the suffix that
:: is indicated by the respective stored indexes and compare them with the respective
:: prefix and suffix from the first line; if both are equal, exit with the loop here
:: and continue with the next line; otherwise, walk through all characters beginning
:: before the previous left-most and after the previous right-most character indexes
:: towards the respective ends of the string, find the character indexes that again
:: point to the first left-most and the last right-most character that do not equal
:: the respective ones in the string from the first line, and update the previously
:: stored indexes accordingly;
::2. let us call this the execution phase, which reads the input file again, extracts the
:: portion of each line that is indicated by the two computed indexes and returns it;
::The output is displayed in the console; to write it to a file, use redirection (`>`).
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "MIN=" & set "MAX=" & set /A "ROW=0"
for /F usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%L in ("%~1") do (
set /A "ROW+=1" & set "STR=%%L"
if !ROW! equ 1 (
call :LENGTH LEN "%%L"
set "SAV=%%L"
) else if !ROW! equ 2 (
set /A "IDX=LEN-1"
for /L %%I in (0,1,!IDX!) do (
if not defined MIN (
if not "!STR:~%%I,1!"=="!SAV:~%%I,1!" set /A "MIN=%%I"
if not defined MAX (
set /A "IDX=%%I+1"
for %%J in (!IDX!) do (
if not "!STR:~-%%J,1!"=="!SAV:~-%%J,1!" set /A "MAX=1-%%J"
if not defined MIN set /A "MIN=LEN, MAX=-LEN"
) else (
set "NXT=#"
if !MIN! gtr 0 for %%I in (!MIN!) do if not "!STR:~,%%I!"=="!SAV:~,%%I!" set "NXT="
if !MAX! lss 0 for %%J in (!MAX!) do if not "!STR:~%%J!"=="!SAV:~%%J!" set "NXT="
if not defined NXT (
if !MAX! lss -!MIN! (set /A "IDX=1-MAX") else (set /A "IDX=MIN-1")
for /L %%I in (!IDX!,-1,0) do (
if %%I lss !MIN! (
if not "!STR:~%%I,1!"=="!SAV:~%%I,1!" set /A "MIN=%%I"
if -%%I geq !MAX! (
set /A "IDX=%%I+1"
for %%J in (!IDX!) do (
if not "!STR:~-%%J,1!"=="!SAV:~-%%J,1!" set /A "MAX=1-%%J"
if defined MAX if !MAX! equ 0 set "MAX=8192"
for /F "tokens=1,2" %%I in ("%MIN% %MAX%") do (
for /F usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%L in ("%~1") do (
set "STR=%%L"
exit /B
:LENGTH <rtn_length> <val_string>
::Function to determine the length of a string.
:: <rtn_length> variable to receive the resulting string length;
:: <val_string> string value to determine the length of;
set "STR=%~2"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set /A "LEN=1"
if defined STR (
for %%C in (4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1) do (
if not "!STR:~%%C!"=="" set /A "LEN+=%%C" & set "STR=!STR:~%%C!"
) else set /A "LEN=0"
endlocal & set "%~1=%LEN%"
exit /B
This could maybe be improved further, depending also on the data:
if the length of the first line is fixed, or the line lengths vary in a quite small range, you could avoid the :LENGTH sub-routine call and use a constant value instead; if there is a known maximum length of the common prefix/suffix, the line length is even not needed at all;
instead of reading the file twice (due to the two-pass algorithm), you could read it into memory at the beginning and use these data later; for huge files this might be a bad idea though;
I used several for /L loops to walk through certan character ranges, whose bodies are skipped by some if conditions due to lack of while loops or something like exit for; I could have left them using goto, but then I needed to put these loops in separate sub-routines to not break the outer loops; anyway, for [/L] loops finish iterating in the background even when broken by goto, although faster than executing the body; so together with the slow call and goto, I doublt that I would have gained much speed; depending on the data, pure goto loops could be more efficient as they can be left without any remaining background processing, but of course they also needed to be placed in their own sub-routines;
Remove common prefix and/or suffix of unknown length from a list of strings
This batch takes a quite simplistic (and probaply inefficient) approach
It reads the first line and iterates with a growing prefix over the first 30 chararcters
uses findstr to match the lines | pipes the result to find to get a line count
if the line count doesn't match the files total lines the prefix got to long and
the batch continues to the next step.
the same procedure is then used for the suffix
finally the lines are truncated (even prefix and suffix at the same time)
Pass the file name to process as argument, otherwise file1.txt is default.
:: Q:\Test\2018\06\29\SO_51093137.cmd
#echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set "File=%~1"
If not defined File Set "File=file1.txt"
Echo Processing %File%
:: get number of lines
for /f %%i in ('Find /V /C "" ^<"%File%"') Do Set Lines=%%i
Echo #Lines is %Lines%
:: get 1st line
Set /P "Line1=" < "%File%"
Echo Line1 is %Line1%
:: Iterate Prefixlength until Prefix doesn't match all lines
For /L %%i in (1,1,30) Do (
For /F %%A in ('
Findstr /B /L "!Line1:~0,%%i!" "%File%" ^|Find /C /V "" '
) Do Set "EQ=%%A"
If %Lines% neq !EQ! (Set /A "PrefixLength=%%i -1" & Goto :Break1)
Echo PrefixLength is %PrefixLength%
:: Iterate Suffixlength until Suffix doesn't match all lines
For /L %%i in (-1,-1,-30) Do (
For /F %%A in ('
Findstr /E /L "!Line1:~%%i!" "%File%" ^|Find /C /V "" '
) Do Set "EQ=%%A"
If %Lines% neq !EQ! (Set /A "SuffixLength=%%i +1" & Goto :Break2)
Echo SuffixLength is %SuffixLength%
Echo ============
For /f "usebackqDelims=" %%A in ("%File%") Do (
Set "Line=%%A"
If %SuffixLength%==0 (
) Else (
Sample output:
> SO_51093137.cmd file2.txt
Processing file2.txt
#Lines is 4
Line1 is 11234452232131xyz
PrefixLength is 0
SuffixLength is -3
Following is probably overcomplicating things but it pushed my limit so a great learning experience for me.
$file1 = #(
function Test-EqualChar
param (
[Scriptblock] $Expression,
[Object[]] $Sequence,
[int] $i
!(($Sequence[1..($Sequence.Length -1)] | % {(&$Expression $_ $i) -eq ($Sequence[0][$i])}) -contains $False)
$OneChar = {param($x, $i) $x[$i]}
$start = for($i=0;$i -lt ($file1 | % {$_.Length} | Measure -Minimum | Select -ExpandProperty Minimum);$i++) {
if (!(Test-EqualChar $OneChar $file1 $i)) {$i; break}
$file1 | % {$_.Substring($start, $_.Length-$start)}
I'll leave it as an excercise to work out reversing (or padding) the strings to remove equal characters from the end of strings
This solution uses a different approach. IMHO this is the fastest way to process a file.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%~1" equ "" echo Usage: %0 filename & goto :EOF
if not exist "%~1" echo File not found: "%~1" & goto :EOF
rem Read first two lines and get their base 0 lengths
( set /P "line1=" & set /P "line2=" ) < %1
call :StrLen0Var len1=line1
call :StrLen0Var len2=line2
rem Extract the largest *duplicate segment* from first two lines
set "maxDupSegLen=0"
for /L %%i in (0,1,%len1%) do (
for /L %%j in (0,1,%len2%) do (
if "!line1:~%%i,1!" equ "!line2:~%%j,1!" (
rem New duplicate segment, get its length and keep the largest one
set /A "maxLen=len1-%%i+1, maxLen2=len2-%%j+1"
if !maxLen2! gtr !maxLen! set "maxLen=!maxLen2!"
for /L %%l in (1,1,!maxLen!) do (
if "!line1:~%%i,%%l!" equ "!line2:~%%j,%%l!" set "dupSegLen=%%l"
if !dupSegLen! geq !maxDupSegLen! (
set /A "maxDupSegLen=dupSegLen, maxDupSegPos=%%i"
set "dupSeg=!line1:~%maxDupSegPos%,%maxDupSegLen%!"
rem Process the file removing duplicate segments
for /F "delims=" %%a in (%1) do (
set "line=%%a"
echo !line:%dupSeg%=!
goto :EOF
Get the length base 0 of a variable
:StrLen0Var len= var
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "str=!%2!"
set "len=0"
for /L %%a in (12,-1,0) do (
set /A "newLen=len+(1<<%%a)"
for %%b in (!newLen!) do if "!str:~%%b,1!" neq "" set "len=%%b"
endlocal & set "%1=%len%"
"The rows have variable length and multiple duplicate parts may occur".
I'd like to redirect my program to a certain set of commands if the cmd window outputs: "Can't find ref_eng...", how can i accomplish this? In the codes below, at the 2nd line containing the For, is the location where the cmd.exe can output "can't find ref_eng" if !refLogPath! doesnt exist. At this point, I'd like to redirect my program elsewhere...
<!logPath! (
For /F "tokens=*" %%R in (!refLogPath!) DO (
ECHO Check certain lines of code
set logLine=
set /p logLine=
set refLogLine=%%R
REM Check line by line of log against refLog
REM assume ALL times have been replaced with: "xx:xx:xx"
REM if corresponding lines mismatch
if NOT "!logLine!"=="!refLogLine!" (
Echo line below is Incorrect:
set lnCorrect=false
REM output to command line: can be put into .log/.txt later
REM output ANY and ALL incorrect line in log file
ECHO !logLine!
Check refLogPath before the for loop.
if !refLogPath!xx == xx (
REM refLogPath is empty or unset
goto :SomewhereElse
) else (
if not exist !refLogPath! (
REM refLogPath is missing
goto :SomewhereElse
For /F "tokens=*" %%R in (!refLogPath!) DO (
I am attempting to parse an output file for some data, and am having problems returning the value to my Windows shell.
What I am trying to do is simply return a value using a simple regular expression, and store that into my shell variable.
I currently have something like this:
%VAL% = %PERL% -e '$tmp="Value: 1000"; if ($tmp =~ /Value:\s(\d+)/) { print $1; }'
where %VAL% is where I'd like to return what was found in $1, and %PERL% points to a local copy of perl.exe.
Can somebody please point out the proper way of doing this?
EDIT: It's a bit uglier than Unix:
for /f "tokens=*" %i in ('perl -e "$tmp=\"Value: 1000\"; if ($tmp =~ /Value:\s(\d+)/) { print $1; }"') do set VAL = %i
Or use set /p with an intermediary file:
%PERL% -e '$tmp="Value: 1000"; if ($tmp =~ /Value:\s(\d+)/) { print $1; }' > file.txt
set /p VAL = < file.txt
del file.txt
From Silly Batch File Tricks
Why don't you create the variable inside the script? see env_var on win32 perl wiki.
I am trying to find way to break / exit from FOR loop, if there are any error occured.
Below is content of batch file.
#echo on
set myfile=D:\sample.txt
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%i in (%myfile%) do call :process "%%i"
set recfile=%1%
echo %recfile%
echo "Step in Test1"
echo %errorlevel%
exit /B 0
If %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto :fail1
echo "Step in fail1"
exit /B 9993
Sample.txt has multiple records. If there are any error occured then I am expecting to exit the batch file rather then checking the complete sample.txt file. e.g. on statement
echo %recfile%, If I place some wrong command ech %recfile% which is incorrect command then I am expecting that it should go to fail1 level and exit. It's catured the error code successfully and going to fail1 level however after this statment, it's checking the sample.txt file (next record) again. Is there any way, If I can break / exit FOR loop.
Please advice.
Joey's answer is great. I have used it with success. I discovered that you don't have to exit the script though. You can use goto :SomeLabel, where :SomeLabel is a label outside of the loop.
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%i in (%myfile%) do (
if defined exit goto :ParseError
call :process "%%i"
#echo SUCCESS: %myfile%
goto :RestOfScript
#echo FAILURE: cannot parse %myfile%
#echo Using defaults...
You can set a variable, meaning that the complete loop should be aborted and use it like this:
echo "Step in fail1"
set exit=1
And you'd change the loop like this:
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%i in (%myfile%) do (
if defined exit (
exit /b 9993
) else (
call :process "%%i"
(broken into multiple lines for readability).
Since you are just calling a subroutine from the for loop there is no way for this subroutine to exit the loop directly. Hence the workaround with a variable.
You don't need to call a label
FOR %%D IN (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO (
DIR %%D:\SOURCES\INSTALL.WIM > nul 2>&1 && call set USBDRIVE=%%D: && call set exit=1
if defined exit goto :dd3