LavaCharts - Exporting Chart as an Image - 'getImageCallBack is not defined' - charts

So I am using Kevin Hill's excellent PHP wrapper for Google Charts, 'LavaCharts' and am following his guide on how to access the image URI of each (I need to output the charts in an image format so that I can export the page as a PDF).
I am getting the following error: 'getImageCallBack is not defined'
I am registering the 'getImageCallBack' event on each chart from the Controller:
\Lava::PieChart('TotalCallsReceived', $totalCallsReceived, [
'events' => ['ready' => 'getImageCallBack'],
'title' => 'Total Calls Received & Transferred',
'is3D' => false,
And then in the head of my page I have the following. (I will figure out what to do with the URI once I've solved this error. For now logging it is fine)
<script type="text/javascript">
function getImageCallback(event, chart) {
// This will return in the form of "..."
Has anybody else overcome this problem?

the function names are different and need to match case...
the "B" is capitalized here...
'events' => ['ready' => 'getImageCallBack'],
and not here...
function getImageCallback(event, chart) {


Using Symfony Form component standalone with security-csrf - error on submission

I have a question regarding symfony/form using as a standalone component and security-csrf running with PHP build-in server. I hardly remember having such issue with the Symfony framework.
When setting symfony/form as a standalone component I tried this code for both v4.2 and v5.1 A rewrite of webmozart's example mentioned here
The csrf token is generated with twig-bridge, but when submitting the form - on calling$form->isValid() - invalid csrf error appears.
By default csrf protection is enabled, setting to false - the form submits.
Tried CSRF component with both setups with NativeSessionTokenStorage and SessionTokenStorage + Session of HttpFoundation.
Could you give any hint on what I'm doing wrong and where to look at?
Code samples with csrf error on submission:
The apps above work well, the problem was in browser storage filled with garbage.
Setting to false in $formFactory->createBuilder(FormType::class, null, ['csrf_protection' => false]) submits the form
This is a bit of a guess but the 4.2 linked repo has:
$csrfManager = new CsrfTokenManager($csrfGenerator, $csrfStorage);
$csrfTokenManager = new CsrfTokenManager();
Two token managers. One is used in the twig form engine and one is used in the form factory extension. Does not seem like a reasonable thing to do.
Here is an updated 5.1 working example. I stripped it down even more from your linked repo. But the only thing that I really changed was the token manager.
# index.php
require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App();
final class App
public function run()
$csrfGenerator = new UriSafeTokenGenerator();
$csrfStorage = new NativeSessionTokenStorage();
$csrfManager = new CsrfTokenManager($csrfGenerator, $csrfStorage);
$twig = new Environment(new FilesystemLoader([
$formEngine = new TwigRendererEngine(['form_div_layout.html.twig'], $twig);
$twig->addRuntimeLoader(new FactoryRuntimeLoader([
FormRenderer::class => function () use ($formEngine,$csrfManager) {
return new FormRenderer($formEngine, $csrfManager);
$twig->addExtension(new TranslationExtension());
$twig->addExtension(new FormExtension());
$formFactory = Forms::createFormFactoryBuilder()
->addExtension(new CsrfExtension($csrfManager))
//->addExtension(new ValidatorExtension($validator))
$form = $formFactory->createBuilder()
->add('firstName', TextType::class)
$form->submit($_POST[$form->getName()]); // form
if ($form->isValid()) {
dump('form is valid');
echo $twig->render('index.html.twig', [
'form' => $form->createView(),
The composer.json is simply:
"require": {
"symfony/form": "^5.1",
"symfony/twig-bridge": "^5.1",
"symfony/translation": "^5.1",
"symfony/security-csrf": "^5.1"
"require-dev": {
"symfony/var-dumper": "^5.1"
If you still have trouble then I would suggest tracking down where the sessions are stored and then verifying the that csrf token is being properly stored. It should look something like:
This was actually kind of an interesting exercise in using the twig system for standalone forms. Thanks.

sr_freecap: viewhelper calls eIDSR instead of eID - no image shown

i want to imeplement the extension sr_freecap in an own extension in a TYPO3 9 LTS. The viewhelper shows the text and the correct html but the link to the image looks like this:
When i call this url manually i get the whole page and not the image. Is eIDSR correct? I was in the opinion that the correct call should be eID= ... I can't find information about it.
Any help appreciated!
I missed the existing bug report:
I tried the above solution and it works:
Put in your extension in which you implements sr_freecap this file:
with the following content:
return [
'frontend' => [
'srfreecap-eidhandler' => [
'target' => \SJBR\SrFreecap\Middleware\EidHandler::class,
'before' => [
this will work. Seems like a necaissary feature which is not mentioned in the manual.

how to access header in lumen routing file(web.php)

how to access header in routing file lumen ?
i want to use header parameters values as namespace in route group in web.php.
example :
$router->group(['namespace' => 'Request::header('version')'], function() use ($router)
$router->post('login', 'UserController#loginUser');
$router->post('test', 'UserController#testApi');
if request header version param v1 then it use v1 namespace,if v2 then use v2 namespace.something like versioning.
If you just want a way to grab the version from header, you can try putting Request as callback parameter as seen:
$router->get('/head', function(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
return $request->header('version');
above should return whatever value you put as header with version key.
But I personally suggest you to try separating the route group for this. Say you'll have
'namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers\Api',
'prefix'=> 'api/v1/',
'middleware' => ['jwt.auth', 'student_access_token']
], function ($router) {
require __DIR__.'/../routes/api.php';
and then for other version you just define the same on bootstrap/app.php directing to other route files. Hope it helps.

Including and using Zend Service ReCaptcha in ZF2 (v2.3.3)

how to include Recaptcha service in zend framework 2?
I tried to do like this:
public function contactAction()
$formContact = new ContactForm();
$pubKey = 'mypubkey';
$privKey = 'myprivkey';
$recaptcha = new ZendService\ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha($pubKey, $privKey);
return array ('formContact' => $formContact, 'recaptcha' => $recaptcha);
but I discovered that ZendService\ReCaptcha is not present by default when you download the framework.
So, I downloaded it from here
and I placed it into vendor\zendframework\zendframework\library\zend together with the other parts of the library.
I tried to refresh the page but doesn't work again because it can't find the zend service recaptcha.
Fatal error: Class 'Application\Controller\ZendService\ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha' not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\xampp\htdocs\Zf-tutorial\module\Application\src\Application\Controller\IndexController.php on line 79
can someone help me? I thought it was simple to implement recaptcha, but it is not so ! thanks!
Add the zendservice-recaptcha module to your composer.json file and run an update:
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
"require": {
"zendframework/zendservice-recaptcha": "*",
update composer :
php composer.phar update
This will install the module and configure the relevant class mapping and you will be able to access the classes by adding the use statements as with any other classes you use.
Even i tried recaptcha but with no success so implemented something different to refresh captcha and worked very well, try this once
resetCaptcha function:
$form = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('zfcuser_register_form');
$captcha = $form->get('captcha')->getCaptcha();
$data = array();
$data['id'] = $captcha->generate();
$data['src'] = $captcha->getImgUrl() .
$captcha->getId() .
return $data;
ajax request :
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#refreshcaptcha').click(function() {
var data = [];
var form = <?php $this->registerForm; ?>
data.push({name: "action", value: 'resetCaptcha'});
data.push({name: "params[form]", value: form});
$.post("<?php echo BASE_URL ?>/user/iajax", data,
function(data) {
$('#form_reg img').attr('src', data.src);
}, 'json');
Html call :
<p class="refresh_captcha"><?php echo $this->formCaptcha($form->get('captcha')); ?>
<input type="button" id="refreshcaptcha" value="refresh">
You do not properly install the library ZendService\ReCaptcha.
your system write:
Class 'Application\Controller\ZendService\ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha' not found
You must:
placed it into vendor\zendframework\zendframework\library
In the file vendor/ZF2/library/Zend/Loader/StandardAutoloader.php insert string
$this->registerNamespace('ZendService', dirname(dirname((__DIR__)))
. '/ZendService');
in case self::AUTOREGISTER_ZF:
in the file init_autoloader.php insert string
$loader->add('ZendService', $zf2Path);.

Nette - {link!} macro can't handle already existing GET params in URL

I Use Nette 2 in my project and I also use .latte template system with AJAX.
Now I have jquery function (in template) that should generate GET request on the same destination but it should add some GET parameters after it.
This destination is initially rendered using one GET parameter, then some actions are made and during some of them AJAX loads some information from the same destination (just adds a couple of GET parameters).
Now I generate AJAX URL using .latte {link!} macro (exclamation mark stands for signal). This is now able to generate new URL with GET params appended to original one. But append is badly parsed, because there is &amp%3B in the URL instead of just &.
I have this code in my template:
{block content}
<h1 n:block=title>New Rule</h1>
{snippet rulesForm}
{form newRuleForm}
<script type="text/javascript">
{foreach $form['rule']->containers as $i => $rule}
{include #jsCallback, id => $i, input => $rule['table']->name, link => tableChange}
{include #jsCallback, id => $i, input => $rule['column']->name, link => tableChange}
{define #jsCallback}
$('#{$control["newRuleForm"]['rule'][$id][$input]->htmlId}').on('change', function(){
type: 'GET',
url: '{link {$link}!}',
data: {
'value': $(this).val(),
How can I fix this problem so I can generate link which appends GET parameters correctly?
Best approach is to avoid generating inline Javascript. You can mark all those form controls by CSS class (eg. special-input), then you don't have to generate Javascript code in Latte iteration.
{snippet rulesForm}
<div data-link-table="{link tableChange!}"></div>
$('.special-input').on('change', function () {
type: 'GET',
url: $('[data-link-table]').data('linkTable'),
data: {
value: $(this).val()
Maybe noescape modifier?
type: 'GET',
url: '{link {$link|noescape}!}',
data: {
'value': $(this).val(),