Title says it all, I just want to change this
That's all.
This is for ROBLOX by the way
To define loc_XXXXXX as a function you should use P. This is used to create a function where your cursor at. In some cases you'll need to undefine the current analysis done by IDA on a specific place and then redefine it as code. You can do it by pressing U and then C. Finally, by using ALT+P you can edit an existing function.
Keep in mind that creating and editing functions might cause with unwanted side-effects, so be careful with that.
For more shortcuts, see the Quick Reference Sheet by Hex-Rays.
Just use p to define the address as a function. Be careful with that because you can ruin the disassembly.
Using the GUI: I assigned a macro to allow me to select the current line my cursor is on. I assigned it to 'ctrl+a', and reassigned 'select all' to 'ctrl+alt+a'. I now want, when I press 'ctrl+a' a second time, to have it highlight the remainder of the paragraph. Currently these commands are available via the following key-press:
1. Home->shift+end --highlights one line
2. Home->shift+end->shift+end -- highlights connected lines
So 1. is assigned to 'ctrl+a', but I'm stuck at this point. How do I assign ctrl+a when hit a second time to highlight the connected lines/paragraph? Details/specifics in layman's terms would be appreciated. Again, I've only been using the gui options, I'm not familiar with the more codey options. Note that it doesn't allow me to use
I'm not overly familiar with macro and hotkey binding, so I'm unaware if this is a limitation or if there's a workaround, other than writing a program to fix it.
Not a coder, but from what I know of Lua I cameup with:
if btn(ctrl+a) and !is_press then btn(Home->shift+end) is_press=true end
if btn(ctrl+a) and is_press then btn(Home->shift+end->shift+end) is_press=false end
I could assign 2. to ctrl+shift+a, as a separate macro if all else fails.
Short answer, I don't think this is possible with a singe shortcut/macro.
Behind the scenes, Scintilla is doing the selecting. Once you've done the selection, going back to "home" the second time will reset the word wrap extension.
I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis in Libreoffice Writer. To make the working process easier I wondered if there is a way to get writer to automatically add an closed bracket when I type an open one. This would be useful, because I have to quote many times and I do this by writing the quote in "..." followed by the last name of the Author e.g. (STEPHEN 2005: 44).
To keep my writing flow going on I would find it easier if I don't have to hop with my fingers so many times to simply write the source of my quote.
So, is there a way to make libreoffice add the second bracket in the moment I enter the first one and then move the cursor back into the brackets so I can continue writing?
Regards, Mario
You can set up AutoCorrect Options in the Tools menu to add in parenthesis. As a test I set up ppp to change to (). However the cursor does not end up inside.
To do this in a single key press, you would need to set up a custom shortcut key (Tools -> Customize, Keyboard tab) to call a macro. The macro would be pretty simple and could be created by recording it. This would allow you to move the cursor to end up inside, as you requested.
Instead of maintaining the references manually, for scholarly writing I recommend you use a tool such as Zotero. It has a plugin for LibreOffice. In my experience, maintaining the references manually will eventually lead to mistakes. Zotero reference stylesheets allow you to use a consistent citation style, something your professors will appreciate.
By default, Matlab binds F1 to the doc command. I'd like to change that binding to doc2, which is a function of mine. Unfortunately, the documentation is not very helpul with that matter.
Is there a simple way to achieve this ?
Thank you.
No, you can't do that, and MATLAB does not at all bind F1 to the doc command.
By default, F1 is bound to a few different things, depending on what desktop component you're using at the moment, and whether you have anything selected. In the MATLAB desktop, if nothing is selected, it will open up the Help Browser; but if something is selected, it will do Help on Selection instead, and if you're in the Genome Browser from Bioinformatics Toolbox, it will do something different again, specific to that tool.
You can modify those bindings in the MATLAB Preferences (Keyboard->Shortcuts); but you can only remap the bindings for existing actions, not create your own.
When the default action of opening up the Help Browser is carried out by a keyboard shortcut, it is not done by calling the doc command (that would be a bad idea, as the user may have modified or replaced the doc command to do something unrelated to help).
total Emacs noob here. So right now I'm working on a fairly big LaTeX project in Emacs in which there are couple of places where I need to index some words, using the makeidx package. Because I also wanted indexed words to be bold, I created my own command \ind{} which would make the argument go bold and indexed. But right now I'm dissatisifed with this command so I'd like to change every instance of \ind{whatever} in my text by \textbf{whatever}\index{whatever by default}.
The thing is I know exactly what I want :
Go through the text, look for any instance of \ind{ and replace by \textbf{ using search-and-replace
Save the argument of \ind ("whatever" in this case) in memory
Ask me the user what should the argument of \index be. By default (by striking enter), it should be the first argument, but I can also change my mind and enter something different ("whatever by default" in this case). If there's no input (only a space " " for example) stop the program.
Write down \index{, the new argument and }.
Go to next occurance in the text.
But, alas!, I know not how to achieve this, so I need someone's help. If it should take too much time to explain how to do such a thing, would you please send me some tutorial about writing my own functions?
I hope I'm being clear, and thanks for your patience!
This approach seems vaguely unorthodox to me, but it works and seems sufficient for a one-off job...
In the replacement text for replace-regexp and query-replace-regexp (C-M-%), one newer escape sequence is \,(...), where ... can be any Lisp expression. There's a Lisp function read-from-minibuffer which reads arbitrary text typed by the user, with an optional default. Therefore:
C-M-%: Start query-replace-regexp.
\\ind{\([^}]+?\)}: The pattern to search for.
\\textbf{\1}\\index{\,(read-from-minibuffer "index content? " \1)}: The replacement text. The user will be prompted for the text to put in the braces following the \index{} element, using the original text between the braces following the \ind{} element as a default.
Note that when using query-replace-regexp, you'll have to confirm each choice by typing y after each. Use M-x replace-regexp if you want to avoid this step.
Vlad give you the LaTeX answer to your problem. An Emacs solution is the key-macro: start with
C-x (
to define a new macro, then do one step of your change, say:
C-s \ind{
Then copy and paste the argument in the \textbf macro... You have to be careful to move in a way that will be repeatable. Once the standard modification is done, you let the cursor after the whatever by default and end the definition by
C-x )
now C-x e will call the macro you just define, letting your cursor at the correct place to change the part you want to change You can also repeat the e to call the macro several time at once.
Why not just redefine the \ind so that it can get an optional argument?
For example:
This way you can use \ind{whatever} or \ind[whatever-else]{whatever}.
I'd like to quickly move point to a function in my Emacs buffer. I'd like to run some function and get a prompt asking me for the function name, with completion provided for every function defined in the current buffer.
I generally use etags to navigate around, but sometimes I'm looking for a framework method that's been overridden in several files. In these cases, I can find the file I need but then I'd like to quickly jump to the function there. There is a similar feature in TextMate where you can select a definition from a list in the bottom right of the editor.
Just to jump around functions in the current file? Use imenu. It's the simplest and lightest of all the alternatives listed so far and might be enough for what you want. It's also built into Emacs and has minimum setup hassle. It features graphical and textual interfaces. Anything extra and you'll be better off using one of the other excellent suggestions made here.
speedbar comes standard, and gives you a collapsible menu for each file in the current directory, by default middle clicking on an entry for a function definition jumps to that def. With emacs23 this was changed to the more normal leftclick.
You can use etags-select to select from multiple matching tags. But the answer to what you asked is imenu.
Icicles is probably closer to what you are looking for:
It's an enhancement to etags and includes (among other things) the file name with the tag so you can tell if it's the one you are looking for.
try CEDET. It is a bit difficult to set up the first, but here is an excellent tutorial: by Alex ott
And when he gets installed, you can use semantic-complete-jump. pressed tab couple times, and it is also brings up symbol definitions.
If M-. brings up the wrong method, you can type C-u M-. to find the next one with the same name.
global gtags is very good
To navigate within the current file or a set of files that you select, you do not need a TAGS file. You can use Imenu. But it is better to use Icicles imenu commands.
Why? Because they let you use completion. Substring, regexp, prefix, or fuzzy completion. Combine simple patterns to match, or subtract them.
Command icicle-imenu is bound in Icicle mode to C-c =. Butyou can also look up just a command or just a non-command function (non-interactive), using command icicle-imenu-command or icicle-imenu-non-interactive-function.
These commands are multi-commands, meaning that they are actually browsers: you can trip among function definitions using keys C-RET or C-mouse-2 (direct jumps) and C-down (cycle). Hit RET or click mouse-2 to settle down at a final destination.
I use C-M-a and C-M-e to jump between the beginning and end of functions.
Otherwise, open up Speedbar and click the + icon next to a file name to view a list of functions contained in the file. Then click on the function names to jump to them directly.