An 8255 IC is interfaced to 8086 microprocessor - microprocessors

An 8255 IC is interfaced to 8086 microprocessor .Assume the address of 8255 PORT B to be 0091H, Write down the addresses of Control PORT, PORT A and PORT C?
I am confused with the above question .Please help guys.

By using the following pdf content :
if PORT B is 0091H
PORT C is 0093H and Control PORT is 0095H


How to reserve tcp source port on linux?

I'm working on simple traffic tunneling solution (Linux).
Client side creates tun interface, routes all traffic on it, packages all arrived packets and sends to the server side via udp or tcp connection.
Server side expected to work like NAT. Change source ip address, source port (for tcp/udp) put packet on external network interface via sock_raw, listen for response via sock_raw, keep map of original-source-port <-> replaced-source-port and send responses back to the client.
The question is: how should I choose replaced-source-port ? OS chooses them from ephemeral ports. I can't choose it by myself, it would cause conflicts. OS kernel chooses port after I send packet via sock_raw and I have no chance to build original-source-port <-> replaced-source-port map. Even if I choose port by myself – OS kernel will reply with tcp rst to all incoming tcp packets with dst port not associated with particular app.
P.S. I'm not sure on the overall solution for tunneling too. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

How to forward packets between VLANs on Open vSwitch router?

I'm trying to configure an OVS router. I want to achieve that, by adding flows on the OVS router, the devices connected with switch ports (port 2-5) can access to the internet, if the internet cable is inserted into the WAN port (port 1).
My VLAN configuration in file /etc/config/network of the OVS router is:
eth1.1: 0t, 2
eth1.2: 0t, 3
eth1.3: 0t, 4
eth1.4: 0t, 5
eth1.5: 1, 6
The output of ovs-vsctl show is:
root#OpenWrt:~# ovs-vsctl show
Bridge "br0"
Controller "tcp:<an IP address>"
is_connected: true
fail_mode: standalone
Port "eth1.4"
Interface "eth1.4"
Port "eth1.2"
Interface "eth1.2"
Port "eth1.1"
Interface "eth1.1"
Port "br0"
Interface "br0"
type: internal
Port "eth1.3"
Interface "eth1.3"
The truncated output of ifconfig is:
eth0: (There is another home router)
eth1, eth1.1-1.4
As the subnet provides IP prefix of 192.168.3.* and the router itself is assigned IP of 192.168.0., I wonder if it's helpful to add a flow to forward packets from 192.168.3. to
So is it correct if I suppose, a machine with IP, for example, it wants to make query to google, the path should be>> router)->outside?
This is to build a flow based on Layer3. But I'm wondering if I can build flows between VLANs? According to my configuration, WAN port is port1, belongs to VLAN 5. Do you think is viable to add flows bidirectionally from VLAN 1 (machine connected) to VLAN 5 and from VLAN 5 to VLAN 1? If so, is there any examples I can flow please?
Another detail. The output of ifconfig shows eth0 interface was assigned IP, which means it's connected with my home router ( So do I need to forward packets between these to IP addresses?
I really appreciate any help.
The following commands add two rules to send packet from VLAN 5 and port 5 to port 1 with VLAN 1 and vice versa:
ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=5,dl_vlan=5,actions=mod_vlan_vid:1,output:1
ovs-ofctl add-flow br0 in_port=1,dl_vlan=1,actions=mod_vlan_vid:5,output:5
I have solved this problem. Following is the solution.
The main idea is to build a linux bridge connected with OVS bridge, when I need the VLANs to be able talking with outside internet. I can use brctl to operate linux bridge. Firstly I tried:
brctl addbr br-lan
brctl addif br-lan br0
Then all the machine can access to the internet. But unfortunately, only for couple minutes. After that, the router collapsed. I could not access to the OVS router anymore unless I reset it. That could be caused by the incorrect bridge configuration. I tried many ways and finally this one works:
brctl addbr br-lan
ifconfig br-lan
brctl addif br-lan br0
ifconfig br0
I considered linux bridge br-lan should be originally connected with eth0 (wan). And as I know, br0 could means 'local', with IP address All VLANs talk with this IP address. If I move 'local' to linux bridge which connected with wan port, it should work.
Thanks for everybody who viewed and tried to help me!

Localhost server in loopback does not answer incoming SYN

I have a TCP server which runs in localhost (, I am trying to connect to the server by injecting SYN packets to the loopback interface, but the server doesn't answer them. These packets have the source IP of the Ethernet interface of my internet adapter (and not localhost IP).
I watch the SYN packet that goes to my loopback server in Wireshark, but the server does not answer it with a SYN/ACK. I think it is because the IP source is not, which for example is
If I go to the browser and I connect to my localhost server it works fine, but the source IP that I am using is and the destination IP is too; the only difference between the packets is the source IP.
I want to establish a TCP connection with my loopback server (localhost) by using different IP source addresses than Is that possible?
For example, a Loopback TCP SYN packet which comes from to should be answered by the loopbackserver?
Thanks and regards!
You can send packets to localhost via Npcap Loopback Adapter and get response from the counterpart (e.g. a process on the same machine). An example is Nmap, Nmap uses Npcap Loopback Adapter to scan the ports of localhost. The command is: nmap -v -A Nmap is open-sourced here, so you can see its code about the implementation. If you think Nmap is too complicated, you can see the source code of Nping here, a ping tool shipped by Nmap. Nping also uses Npcap Loopback Adapter when pinging localhost, which works differently with the original ping shipped by Windows.
Using IP of one of local adapters or using should be the same. You can run Nmap to test it. Whatever, using is the best and recommended by Npcap when talking to localhost.
So I think the issue still relates to your own implementation.
Does the server bind() using INADDR_LOOPBACK? If so, you could try changing it to INADDR_ANY to see if that helps. See also man 7 ip.
(These links are obviously Linux-specific; if your platform is something else, then refer to the documentation applicable to your system. For example, if you're on Windows, then maybe refer to
I solved the problem, thank you very much for your answers.
The problem was a bit stupid, I was trying to establish a TCP connection with the loopback server (localhost) with IP source addresses that were not in the range of the loopback, loopback gateway:, loopback netmask:; It cant accept packets from IP source addresses that are not in the range of 127.0.X.X ; if I do NAT and I translate the packet from for example to the packet is received by the server and I can establish the server connection, I do not know how I did not realize it before.
Thank you for the time, regards!.
I think too that maybe it is better to bind the server to other virtual network adapter and not to the loopback, I am studing this:
It would be fine to create a miniport driver and bind the server there, we would have the advantage of having our own gateway and netmask and the layer would be ethernet and not BSD loopback. Your opinions will be interesting for me.

Socket UDP one socket, different ports

I'm new to socket programing, so forgive me if this question is basic; I couldn't find an answer anywhere.
What constitutes requiring a new socket?
For example, it appears possible to send and receive with the same socket fd on the same port. Could you send on port XXXX and receive on port YYYY with one socket? If not, then are sockets specific to host/port combinations?
Thanks for the insight!
A socket establishes an "endpoint", which consists of an IP address and a port:
Yes, a single socket is specific to a single host/port combination.
Beej's Guide to Network Programming:
Unix Network Programming: Stevens et al:
Port number is a local property and helps identify a socket endpoint for an incoming data destined for that port on the receivers machine. Each machine has 64K ports for each protocol type (TCP or UDP) and for each family type (IPv4 or IPv6).
With UDP, it is possible to send to (and receive from) many clients sitting on different ports. So, for the following connection:
UDP_socketA (port p1) <---------> UDP socketB (port p2)
UDP socketC (port p3)
Thus, socketA can send datat to socketB and socketC even though they are sitting on different port numbers. The way it works is that with UDP sockets, we typically use sendto() API that allows us to specify an IP address and a port number for each packet. Thus, we can send one packet to port B and the next packet to port C and what not.
With TCP, however this is not the case. Once a connection is established, let us say between socketA and socketB, then there is no way, either of these sockets can talk to socketC
TCP_socketA (port p1) <---------> TCP socket B (port p2)
TCP socketC (port p3)

Why are there differences between ETH_P_IP and ETH_P_ALL when doing a read()

I have the following setup:
client(eth0) --- (eth2) linux bridge (eth1) --- (eth1) server
When I open a RAW socket on the linux bridge using
fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
I have the socket bound to eth2. When the client sends a packet to the server, wireshark running on the bridge reports the packet with a source mac address of client(eth0) and a destination mac address of server(eth1).
When I do a read(), the first 6 bytes of the data read is the destination mac address, which is correctly read as server(eth1).
However when I change the statement to
fd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_IP));
When I do a read(), the first 6 bytes of the data read shows the destination mac address is linux bridge (eth2).
Why would this be? Is the kernel or ethernet card driver placing its own mac address in the buffer instead of reading off the wire with ETH_P_IP?
For the ETH_P_IP case, what you are describing sounds like a normal "routing" scenario.
(i.e. The routing mac is destination mac.)
It would make sense if your client and server are on different subnet/vlan, and a router in between.
However, the diagram is indicating a linux "bridge".
Does it do bridging only and no routing at all?
ETH_P_IP only captures incoming IP packet according to this answer:
Packet Sniffing using Raw Sockets in Linux in C