typo3 text and media position and picture width has no effect - typo3

In my typo3 6.2.31 page the text and media content doesn't work properly.
Changing the width and position of a picture has absolute no effect.
what could be the problem in this case?

"Text & Media" ? that sound like FSC (Fluid Styled Content) and that was not very elaborated for 6.2.
you might need to evaluate those setings in the templates / partials for your CEs (Content elements).
In general: all those input fields could be evaluated in the rendering of an CE. maybe someone wanted an simple rendering with less option for editors to mess around with the design. So he ignores those inputs (but forgot to disable the display in BE for editors).
Have alook whether you use CSC or FSC.
With CSC the rendering is done in typoscript.
With FSC the rendering is done in fluid templates. Look for all pathes where templates and partials are (re)defined.
add on:
For CSC the rendering is defined in typoscript. use the TSOB (TyposcriptObjectbrowser) to identify the involved parts. You can start with tt_content.textpic in that COA you will find .10and .20.
.10 renders the header, .20 renders the body of the CE.
Follow the definition and look what fields are used. You might compare an empty installation with yours to see mdifications to the default rendering.

First you should look where the image are rendered and if these fields are used, too. Maybe the image dimensions are hardcoded in your typoscript.


After typo3 update - text does not wrap around image, images are not displayed in columns

After the typo3 update to version 8.7 I am having an issue with images.
First text is no longer wraping around images although the alignment for the image is set to wrap around the text. See here: http://www.vbl.org
Second images are no longer displayed in columns, although number of columns is set to 5. See here: http://www.vbl.org/berichte/bildberichte-2018/halbziit-2-juni-2018.html
Why is this happening?
In TYPO3 8 the extension css_styled_content has a second optional template. Add static template from extension css_styled_content: TypoScript Content Elements CSS.
I think you missed some CSS.
In your compressed CSS at least one include (gray-theme.css) results in a 404.
And maybe the markup has changed, so HTML and CSS does not match any longer.

Some links displayed as text in TYPO3

I have added links to a list of sentences in my TYPO3 backend.
In the frontend, some of these sentences are rendered properly, with a link to them. However, some others are rendered as plain text, with the tag visible.
View of the text in the backend
View of the rendered text in the frontend
What caused the problem, and how can I correct it?
your description of the error is not good enough to give a good answer. please explain more in detail what you are doing: templates, configuration, ...
for the moment I guess: you use fluid-templates and have fluid-variables which contain the rendered content.
instead of outputting the content of a field directly (like {fieldname}), where the rendering is done by fluid you need to output the already rendered output without interfering of fluid (rtefieldname->f:format.raw()}) as for RTE-fields the content is already rendered in html. otherwise all specialchars are converted to show as given.
It might be that the <a> tags aren't closed properly.
Try checking the HTML code from the backend (by clicking the <> button in the backend). See if the </a> tag is where it should be, at the end of each sentences.
You need to find the difference between the lines that work and the lines that don't.

Layouts for news-articles in the news-extension for TYPO3

While it is possible to choose and edit layout variants for the plugin and so for e.g. list views it seems impossible to have a choice of layout variants for a single news article, which then could be rendered differently in the list or single view. As it was possible with rgnewsimg ...
Any ideas how something like this could be achieved?
This would really be a nice function. On your own you can extend news and add a select field to news records to configure the detail layout. If you extend the extension well, you can access this field in fluid template then.
Another solutation would be using the categories for changing the detail view. You could add categories like "Style1" or "Style2" and then access the selection in fluid. It is possible like this, but its quite dirty.
And perfect would be a ViewHelper to allow for conditions in fluid regarding the aspect ratio of the first image, ie. to control the news article's layout depending on the used image:
if image's aspect ratio < 1 (= Portrait) ...
Unfortunately I can't code that ...

Plugin Typo 3 Text box slide open

Are there plugins that achieve the following:
You can add text blocks into a section of a page (left, right, normal,bottom). the text isnt shown ommediately but after clicking the title/header of the text block which slides open the text. I'm in need of such an extension as I want to place much content on a site without throwing the whole text on a viewer. There seem not to ve any available.
By default TYPO3 doesn't force any particular frontend library so probably you won't find such ext (maybe somebody created extension like this but for 99% it will be required to fit it tou your needs)
Instead there are generic extensions like Grid Elements or Dynamic Content Elements (DCE) - you can use it to predefine your custom HTML structures and then reuse them easily (no need for advanced PHP programming of your own plugins).
So finally you can combine them with dedicated JS libs for frontend i.e. Bootstrap and its Accordion Collapse
If you use TYPO3 6.2 or higher have a look at df_contentslide. After install you'll find another section under appearance in CEs. Now you can slide every content element. It is easy to use and with little knowledge also easy to style.

How to create some custom box into a Typo3 web page?

I am very new in Typo3 world (I came from Joomla and WordPress) and I have some doubts related a thing that has been requested by a customer that use Typo3 for its site
He ask me to create some colored boxes into a specific page. Each of these boxes simply must contain text or links.
How can I do this?
I am thinking that I can solve in the following way (but I have not idea if this is a GOOD solution):
In the backend I go in the Page section and I open the settings related to the page that I have to modify
Here I have 3 columns (Left, Normal, Right) and for example I add a NEW Regular Text Element into this central column
Now appear to me the wysiwyg editor, so I click on the Toggle text mode icon and I pass from the wysiwyg mode to the pure HTML editor's mode and now I will create some div tags (settings the CSS settings for the background color and the dimension) that rappresent my boxes (and into these div I put their textual contents).
Is it a possible solution or is it a bad solution?
You may either use the RTE typoscript config to add some new paragraph styles, which will make the boxes or use the section_frame field in tt_content, a field called "frame" in the backend when you edit a content record. Both solutions would just need some typoscript (which you will deal with very often in the TYPO3 world) and CSS code.
If you need some more structure in the backend, there is also an extension for that called multicolumn. If you just need "more" columns in the backend (in combination with backend layouts) to achieve different looks, this can also be done by adding some typoscript config. To give you a more precise recommendation, some sort of scribble or design screenshot of what you want would be nice.