Nested do catch swift 3.0 - swift

I'd like to use consecutive try statements. If one returns an error I'd like to proceed to the next one, otherwise return the value.
The code below seems to work fine, however I'll end up with a big nested do catch pyramid. Is there a smarter/better way to do it in Swift 3.0?
do {
return try firstThing()
} catch {
do {
return try secondThing()
} catch {
return try thirdThing()

If the actual errors thrown from those function calls are not needed
then you can use try? to convert the result to an optional,
and chain the calls with the nil-coalescing operator ??.
For example:
if let result = (try? firstThing()) ?? (try? secondThing()) ?? (try? thirdThing()) {
return result
} else {
// everything failed ...
Or, if the error from the last method should be thrown if everything fails,
use try? for all but the last method call:
return (try? firstThing()) ?? (try? secondThing()) ?? (try thirdThing())

If Martin's answer is too terse for your taste you can just go with individual catch blocks.
do {
return try firstThing()
} catch {}
do {
return try secondThing()
} catch {}
do {
return try thirdThing()
} catch {}
return defaultThing()
As each throwing function's result is immediately returned no nesting is necessary.

Another way to do this is to write a function that takes all your throwing functions as an argument. It returns the first one that was successfully executed or nil.
func first<T>(_ values: (() throws -> T)...) -> T? {
return values.lazy.flatMap({ (throwingFunc) -> T? in
return try? throwingFunc()
The lazy ensures that the values are only called until it finds the first match. Doing it this way, you can also add a lot of cases very quickly.
You can use the function like this
return first(firstThing, secondThing, thirdThing) ?? "Default"
I also included the code I used to test this in playground:
enum ThingError: Error {
case zero
func firstThing() throws -> String {
return "0"
func secondThing() throws -> String {
return "1"
func thirdThing() throws -> String {
return "B"
func first<T>(_ values: (() throws -> T)...) -> T? {
return values.lazy.flatMap({ (throwingFunc) -> T? in
return try? throwingFunc()
func tryThings() -> String {
return first(firstThing, secondThing, thirdThing) ?? "Default"
tryThings() // prints "0" and "1"


Missing return in global function expected to return 'String' message in a function

I know this error is a common message and has already been the subject of many posts. However, as a pure beginner who just started days ago, I can't really understand the solution on other posts, and also haven't learned what Switch means. Thefore, that solution can't be used with me. Here's my block code getting the error :
func responseTo(question: String) -> String {
let lowercasedQuestion = question.lowercased()
if lowercasedQuestion.hasPrefix("hello") {
if lowercasedQuestion.hasPrefix("Hello") {
return "Why, hello there!"
} else if lowercasedQuestion.hasPrefix("where") {
if lowercasedQuestion.hasPrefix("Where") {
return "To the North"
} else {
return "Where are the cookies?"
I tried to put the last else outside the first if since I read it could change the output and remove the error, but it didn't change anything. I tried to enter return nil on the last line, but had an error. What can I do? Any answer appreciated.
Your responseTo(String) -> String function must return a String. You must consider this case, if the parameter (question) doesn't start with "hello", the function doesn't have any String to return.
let result: String = responseTo("asd") // error
As stated in the comments, there are several ways to solve this.
If your function must return a string, then consider returning a default value at the end. The return value can be an empty string (but whatever your default value is, make sure to handle it properly).
func responseTo(question: String) -> String {
let lowercasedQuestion = question.lowercased()
if lowercasedQuestion.hasPrefix("hello") {
} else {
return "" // this will be the default return value
func responseTo(question: String) -> String {
let lowercasedQuestion = question.lowercased()
if lowercasedQuestion.hasPrefix("hello") {
return "" // this will also be the default return value
Another way is to return an Optional String (String?). The reason why return nil doesn't work for responseTo(String) -> String is because it must return a string. To be able to return a nil, you will have to change the declaration of your function to responseTo(String) -> String?.
func responseTo(question: String) -> String? { // the "?" after String notifies the compiler that this function can return a String or a nil
let lowercasedQuestion = question.lowercased()
if lowercasedQuestion.hasPrefix("hello") {
return nil
you can read more about function here and optional here

How to write a template function that handle do catch

I want to write a template function that handle do catch. It may look like this
func handleMethod(methodNeedToHandle) -> result: notSureType{
var result
do {
let response = try handleMethod
result = response
return result
} catch let error as someObjectError{
result = error
return result
Then you can use it like
let catchResult = handleMethod(method(x: something, y: something))
Thank you guys help me a lot, I get working code below
func handleDoTryCatch<T>(closure:() throws -> T) -> Any {
do {
let result = try closure()
return result
} catch let error {
return error
You could use a generic function that takes a closure and returns a tuple.
Something like:
func handle<T>(closure:() throws -> T) -> (T?, Error?) {
do {
let result = try closure()
return (result, nil)
} catch let error {
return (nil, error)
This will define a function that takes a closure that calls the method that can throw. It the returns a tuple with the expected return type and something that conforms to the Error protocol.
You would use it like this:
let result: (Void?, Error?) = handle { try someFunc() }
let result2: (Int?, Error?) = handle { try someOtherFunc(2) }
someFunc and someOtherFunc are just examples and their signatures would be:
func someFunc() throws {}
func someOtherFunc(_ param: Int) throws -> Int {}
This is the function I managed to come up with:
// Your error cases
enum Errors: Error {
case someErrorCase
// Function to test another function
func doTryCatch<T>(for function: () throws -> T) {
do {
let returnValue = try function()
print("Success! The return value is \(returnValue)")
} catch {
print("Error! The error reason was \"\(String(describing: error))\"")
// Function to test
func failingFunction() throws -> Int {
throw Errors.someErrorCase // <-- Comment this to not recieve an error (for testing)
return 5 // Will return 5 if the error is not thrown
// Failure: Error! The error reason was "someErrorCase"
// Success: Success! The return value is 5
// Perform the test
doTryCatch(for: failingFunction) // <-- Very easy to test, no closures to write!
Hope this helps with your debugging! :)
The closest I could get to what you probably want is the following:
(Swift Playground code:)
func handleMethod(_ f: #autoclosure () throws -> Void) -> Error? {
do {
try f()
} catch let err {
return err
return nil
enum HelloError: Error {
case tooShort
func hello(_ what: String) throws {
guard what.count > 0 else { throw HelloError.tooShort }
print ("Hello \(what)!")
// use like this:
// let err = handleMethod(try hello("World")) // err == nil
// let err = handleMethod(try hello("")) // err == HelloError.tooShort
print ("* hello(\"World\") -> \(String(describing: handleMethod(try hello("World"))))")
print ("* hello(\"\") -> \(String(describing: handleMethod(try hello(""))))")
This will produce the following output:
Hello World!
* hello("World") -> nil
* hello("") -> Optional(__lldb_expr_3.HelloError.tooShort)
Consider just using do/catch as George_E recommends. It's a good advice. But if you need this function, than this snipped hopefully gives you a starting point.

Proper way to propagate exceptions in defer block

In the following example, the function usingTemporaryDirectory() creates and deletes a temporary directory, calling a passed function body() in between. If an exception is thrown by createTemporaryDirectory() or the passed function body(), it is propagated to the caller. But the exception thrown by removeDirectory() cannot be passed to the caller because no exception may escape a defer block.
import Foundation
func createTemporaryDirectory() throws -> URL { ... }
func removeDirectory(_ url: URL) throws { ... }
func usingTemporaryDirectory(body: (URL) throws -> ()) throws {
let tempDir = try createTemporaryDirectory()
defer {
// Errors thrown from here are not handled.
try removeDirectory(tempDir)
try body(tempDir)
What is the proper way to handle such an exception? I see two options:
Just catch the exception and log a message.
Catch the exception, log a message and abort the process.
I don't want to use option 1 because that could lead in this example to an arbitrary number of temporary directories piling up. And I also don't want to use option 2 because that would prevent outer stack frames from completing their cleanup work (e.g. if multiple temporary directories have been created, removal for all of them should at least be attempted).
Java has a feature called suppressed exceptions. In this case the exception thrown in the defer block could be added as a suppressed exception to the exception thrown by body(), if any. Does Swift have a comparable feature?
In this case the exception thrown in the defer block could be added as a suppressed exception to the exception thrown by body(), if any. Does Swift have a comparable feature?
Not that I know of – you could however build something similar yourself. First, let's define an Error type that can store multiple underlying errors:
struct ErrorCollection : Error {
private var errors: [Error] = []
init() {}
init<S : Sequence>(_ sequence: S) where S.Element == Error {
for error in sequence {
mutating func append(_ error: Error) {
switch error {
case let x as ErrorCollection: // ensure we flatten out any nested error collections.
errors.append(contentsOf: x.errors)
case let x:
extension ErrorCollection : RandomAccessCollection {
typealias Index = Int
typealias Element = Error
var startIndex: Index { return errors.startIndex }
var endIndex: Index { return errors.endIndex }
func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Index) -> Index {
return errors.index(i, offsetBy: n)
subscript(index: Index) -> Element { return errors[index] }
Then we can define a Result<T> type which we can use in order to evaluate a closure, storing the return value if successful, otherwise the error it threw. We can then add a then(_:) method to allow us to catch any additional errors, potentially causing the success value to be invalidated:
enum Result<T> {
case success(T)
case failure(Error)
init(_ body: () throws -> T) {
do {
self = .success(try body())
} catch {
self = .failure(error)
func then(_ body: () throws -> Void) -> Result {
do {
try body()
return self
} catch let nextError {
switch self {
case .success: // invalidate the success value and store the error.
return .failure(nextError)
case .failure(let error): // concatenate the errors.
return .failure(ErrorCollection([error, nextError]))
func materialize() throws -> T {
switch self {
case .success(let value):
return value
case .failure(let error):
throw error
You can then use this like so:
func usingTemporaryDirectory<R>(body: (URL) throws -> R) throws -> R {
let tempDir = try createTemporaryDirectory()
return try Result { try body(tempDir) }
.then { try removeDirectory(tempDir) }

Using Do/Catch in Swift

I am working on an app and want to get data back from a function. However sometimes data is missing or is different from the kind of that I want to retrieve. I am new to Swift and I can't find a way to write a function that does a little bit of processing and returns this data. When this data is missing, the function should give back a string "Not Found". Like this:
func processData(data:String) {
do {
var result = processedData
} catch {
var result = "Not Found"
return result
It would be very nice if somebody could help me.
You should check if the result is nil.
func processData(data: String?) -> String {
guard let result = data else {
return "Not Found"
return result
The most concise way of doing it would be using the guard-let construct:
func processData(data: String?) -> String {
// Assuming getProcessedData(:) returns your processed data
guard let result = getProcessedData(data) else {
return "Not found"
return result
Also, your function is missing a return type. You must specify the return type like -> TYPE in all functions that return some value.
Those answer were written till mine are right. There is one way: with handler check get result and use by your point.
enum Errors: Error {
case noData
case unknownError
func progress(data: String?, completionHandler: #escaping (_ result: String? , _ error: Error?) -> Void ) {
guard let data = data else {
// Data is missing
throw nil, Errors.noData
// Do other things, and throw if necessary
result = data
return result, nil
// example of calling this function
process(data: "A data to process"){(result, error) -> Void in
//do any stuff
/*if error == nil {
A good practice in swift would be to use correctly the throws errors
This is an example inspired from yours :
enum Errors: Error {
case noData
case unknownError
func progress(data: String?) throws -> String {
guard let data = data else {
// Data is missing
throw Errors.noData
// Do other things, and throw if necessary
result = data
return result
do {
try process(data: "A data to process")
} catch {
print("An error occurred: \(error)")
You can try this code as is in a Swift Playgound
Your function needs to be explicit about returning something with e.g. -> String Also do-catch is for methods that can throw an error. It seems like you need to take a look at how to use optionals. Optionals can have a value or they can have no value.
fun processData(data: String) -> String {
var result: String?
// Do some processing and assign the result to result variable
guard let result = result else { return "Not Found" }
return result

"Missing return in a closure expected to return 'SomeType'" error in .map

I have the fallowing code:
struct AInt {
var aInt: Int
struct ADouble {
var aDouble: Double
static func convert(aInt: AInt) throws -> ADouble {
return ADouble(aDouble: Double(aInt.aInt))
struct B {
func doAction(aInts: [AInt]) throws -> [ADouble] {
return { aInt in
do {
try ADouble.convert(aInt)
catch {
// ^^^ error here: Missing return in a closure expected to return 'ADouble'
let aInts = [AInt(aInt: 2), AInt(aInt: 3)]
let b = B()
do {
print(try b.doAction(aInts))
catch {}
When i'm trying to convert [AInt] to [ADouble] in .map using function that can throw error, i get this error:
Missing return in a closure expected to return 'ADouble'.
Well, i decided to add return statement in the end of .map like this:
return { aInt in
do {
try ADouble.convert(aInt)
catch {
return ADouble(aDouble: 2.2)
Error disappear, but when i print try b.doAction(aInts) on same aInts array, i get this: [ADouble(aDouble: 2.2), ADouble(aDouble: 2.2)], i.e. it prints my ADouble(aDouble: 2.2) that i set manually. Obviously, it's not what i want, so then i try to add return before try ADouble.convert(aInt) like this:
return { aInt in
do {
return try ADouble.convert(aInt)
catch {
return ADouble(aDouble: 2.2)
And now i get right result: [ADouble(aDouble: 2.0), ADouble(aDouble: 3.0)]. But this code still doesn't work without return statement in the end of the .map. Any ideas how to get rid of it?
The map() method is declared as
#rethrows public func map<T>(#noescape transform: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
which means (if I understand it correctly) that the transform can
either return a value or throw an error (and this will be
forwarded to the caller).
This compiles and works as expected:
struct B {
func doAction(aInts: [AInt]) throws -> [ADouble] {
return try { aInt in
return try ADouble.convert(aInt)
An error thrown from ADouble.convert(aInt) will be forwarded to
the caller of map() and from there to the caller of doAction().