I have following code to work with play json
import play.api.libs.json.Json
trait A {
def x: Option[Int]
def y: Option[String]
case class A1(x: Option[Int] = Some(1), y: Option[String]) extends A
object PlayJsonBug {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val A1Reader = Json.reads[A1]
implicit val A1Writer = Json.writes[A1]
val str = """{"y":"xyz"}"""
val a: A1 = Json.fromJson[A1](Json.parse(str)).get
case class A1 has default value for x which is Some (1).
when i parse {"y":"xyz"} ,the result is A1(None,Some(xyz)),I thought that the default value should be used here,that tis,the result should be A1(Some(1),Some(xyz))
Is this a bug?Or how I could work around this problem
Json.reads is a scala macro whose implementation doesn't care for default values since it only iterates through all of the class' case accessors. You will need to implement your own play.api.libs.json.Reads to support falling back to default parameters in case of not finding the value in json.
It could look something like this (for Play 2.5.x):
implicit object A1Reads extends Reads[A1] {
private val generatedReads = Json.reads[A1]
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[A1] = {
// re-use reads, but replace None for x with default param
generatedReads.reads(json).map {
case A1(None, y) => A1(Some(1), y)
case valid => valid
I am trying to create a Macro to give me a list of val for a specific case class.
object CaseClass {
def valList[T]: List[String] = macro implValList[T]
def implValList[T](c: whitebox.Context): c.Expr[List[String]] = {
import c.universe._
val listApply = Select(reify(List).tree, TermName("apply"))
val vals = weakTypeOf[T].decls.collect {
case m: TermSymbol if m.isVal => q"${m.name}"
c.Expr[List[String]](Apply(listApply, vals.toList))
So given
case class AClass(
val a: String,
val b: Int
I want a list of CaseClass.valList[AClass] = List("a", "b")
Not an expert on macros, so take it with a grain of salt. But I tested it with Intellij.
First, to use weakTypeOf you need to take a WeakTypeTag as an implicit in your macro impl like this:
def implValList[T](c: whitebox.Context)(implicit wt: c.WeakTypeTag[T]) ...
Second, to create literals, you use this construct instead of your quasiquote, (which, I believe, actually does nothing):
Last, I recommend using this guard instead of isVal:
m.isCaseAccessor && m.isGetter
Which is properly checking for case class parameter and also being a getter (case class parameters are duplicated, one as isGetter, other one as isParam). The reason for this being that isVal names for case classes surprisingly produce a name ending in whitespace.
The final implementation that works for me is as follows:
object CaseClass {
def valList[T]: List[String] = macro implValList[T]
def implValList[T](c: whitebox.Context)(implicit wt: c.WeakTypeTag[T]): c.Expr[List[String]] = {
import c.universe._
val listApply = Select(reify(List).tree, TermName("apply"))
val vals = weakTypeOf[T].decls.collect {
case m: TermSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor && m.isGetter => Literal(Constant(m.name.toString))
c.Expr[List[String]](Apply(listApply, vals.toList))
As an alternative (because macros are somewhat of a pain to set up - you cannot use macro in the same subproject that defines it), and you don't need it very often, you might be able to get away with a shapeless one-liner:
import shapeless._
import shapeless.ops.record.Keys
case class Foo(a: Int, b: String)
Keys[the.`LabelledGeneric[Foo]`.Repr].apply().toList.map(_.name) // List("a", "b")
Suppose I've got a few case classes, e.g.:
case class C(c1: Int, c2: Double, c3: Option[String])
case class B(b: Int, cs: Seq[C])
case class A(a: String, bs: Seq[B])
Now I would like to generate a few instances of A with random values for tests.
I am looking for a generic way to do that. I can probably do it with runtime reflection but I prefer a compile-time solution.
def randomInstance[A](a: A): A = ???
How can I do it ? Can it be done with shapeless ?
The easiest way for you to do that would be using ScalaCheck. You do so by defining a Gen[A] for your instances:
import org.scalacheck.Gen
final case class C(c1: Int, c2: Double, c3: Option[String])
object C {
val cGen: Gen[C] = for {
c1 <- Gen.posNum[Int]
c2 <- Gen.posNum[Double]
c3 <- Gen.option(Gen.oneOf("foo", "bar", "hello"))
} yield C(c1, c2, c3)
And you consume it:
object F {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val randomC: C = C.cGen.sample.get
On top of that, you can add scalacheck-shapeless which generates the Gen[A] for you, with completely random values (where you have no control over them).
You may also want to look into random-data-generator (thanks #Gabriele Petronella), which simplifies things even further. From the docs:
import com.danielasfregola.randomdatagenerator.RandomDataGenerator
object MyApp extends RandomDataGenerator {
case class Example(text: String, n: Int)
val example: Example = random[Example]
// Example(ਈ䈦㈾钜㔪旅ꪔ墛炝푰⡨䌆ᵅ퍧咪, 73967257)
This is also especially helpful in property based testing.
We've just moved away from scalacheck-shapeless and use Scala/Java reflection instead.
The main reasons are (1) scalacheck-shapeless uses Macros (slow compilation), (2) the API is a bit more verbose than my liking, and (3) the generated values are way too wild (e.g. generating strings with Japanese characters).
However, setting it up is a bit more involved. Here is a full working code that you can copy into your codebase:
import scala.reflect.api
import scala.reflect.api.{TypeCreator, Universe}
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object Maker {
val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
var makerRunNumber = 1
def apply[T: TypeTag]: T = {
val method = typeOf[T].companion.decl(TermName("apply")).asMethod
val params = method.paramLists.head
val args = params.map { param =>
makerRunNumber += 1
param.info match {
case t if t <:< typeOf[Enumeration#Value] => chooseEnumValue(convert(t).asInstanceOf[TypeTag[_ <: Enumeration]])
case t if t =:= typeOf[Int] => makerRunNumber
case t if t =:= typeOf[Long] => makerRunNumber
case t if t =:= typeOf[Date] => new Date(Time.now.inMillis)
case t if t <:< typeOf[Option[_]] => None
case t if t =:= typeOf[String] && param.name.decodedName.toString.toLowerCase.contains("email") => s"random-$arbitrary#give.asia"
case t if t =:= typeOf[String] => s"arbitrary-$makerRunNumber"
case t if t =:= typeOf[Boolean] => false
case t if t <:< typeOf[Seq[_]] => List.empty
case t if t <:< typeOf[Map[_, _]] => Map.empty
// Add more special cases here.
case t if isCaseClass(t) => apply(convert(t))
case t => throw new Exception(s"Maker doesn't support generating $t")
val obj = mirror.reflectModule(typeOf[T].typeSymbol.companion.asModule).instance
def chooseEnumValue[E <: Enumeration: TypeTag]: E#Value = {
val parentType = typeOf[E].asInstanceOf[TypeRef].pre
val valuesMethod = parentType.baseType(typeOf[Enumeration].typeSymbol).decl(TermName("values")).asMethod
val obj = mirror.reflectModule(parentType.termSymbol.asModule).instance
def convert(tpe: Type): TypeTag[_] = {
new TypeCreator {
override def apply[U <: Universe with Singleton](m: api.Mirror[U]) = {
tpe.asInstanceOf[U # Type]
def isCaseClass(t: Type) = {
t.companion.decls.exists(_.name.decodedName.toString == "apply") &&
t.decls.exists(_.name.decodedName.toString == "copy")
And, when you want to use it, you can call:
val user = Maker[User]
val user2 = Maker[User].copy(email = "someemail#email.com")
The code above generates arbitrary and unique values. They aren't exactly randomised. It's best for using in tests.
Read our full blog post here: https://give.engineering/2018/08/24/instantiate-case-class-with-arbitrary-value.html
We've started using Magnolia, which provides a faster type class derivation compared to shapeless for derivation of Arbitrary instances.
Here is the library to use, and here is an example (docs):
case class Inner(int: Int, str: String)
case class Outer(inner: Inner)
// ScalaCheck Arbitrary
import magnolify.scalacheck.auto._
import org.scalacheck._ // implicit instances for Arbitrary[Int], etc.
val arb: Arbitrary[Outer] = implicitly[Arbitrary[Outer]]
// = Some(Outer(Inter(12345, abcde)))
I'm experimenting with Free monad in Scalaz and trying to build simple interpreter to parse and evaluate expressions like:
where dec means decrement, inc means increment. Here is what I got:
trait Interpreter[A]
case class V[A](a: A) extends Interpreter[A]
object Inc {
private[this] final val pattern = Pattern.compile("^inc\\((.*)\\)$")
def unapply(arg: String): Option[String] = {
val m = pattern.matcher(arg)
} else None
object Dec {
private[this] final val pattern = Pattern.compile("^dec\\((.*)\\)$")
def unapply(arg: String): Option[String] = {
val m = pattern.matcher(arg)
} else None
object Val {
def unapply(arg: String): Option[Int] =
if(arg.matches("^[0-9]+$")) Some(Integer.valueOf(arg))
else None
Now this is all I need to build AST. It currently looks as follows:
def buildAst(expression: String): Free[Interpreter, Int] =
expression match {
case Inc(arg) => inc(buildAst(arg))
case Dec(arg) => dec(buildAst(arg))
case Val(arg) => value(arg)
private def inc(i: Free[Interpreter, Int]) = i.map(_ + 1)
private def dec(d: Free[Interpreter, Int]) = d.map(_ - 1)
private def value(v: Int): Free[Interpreter, Int] = Free.liftF(V(v))
Now when testing the application:
object Test extends App{
val expression = "inc(dec(inc(inc(inc(dec(10))))))"
val naturalTransform = new (Interpreter ~> Id) {
override def apply[A](fa: Interpreter[A]): Id[A] = fa match {
case V(a) => a
println(buildAst(expression).foldMap(naturalTransform)) //prints 12
And it works pretty much fine (I'm not sure about if it is in scalaz style).
THE PROBLEM is the extractor objects Inc, Dec, Val feels like boilerplate code. Is there a way to reduce such a code duplication.
This will definitely become a problem if the number of functions supported gets larger.
Free monads are creating some boilerplate and that is a fact. However if you are willing to stick to some conventions, you could rewrite interpreter with Freasy Monad:
#free trait Interpreter {
type InterpreterF[A] = Free[InterpreterADT, A]
sealed trait InterpreterADT[A]
def inc(arg: InterpreterF[Int]): InterpreterF[Int]
def dec(arg: InterpreterF[Int]): InterpreterF[Int]
def value(arg: Int): InterpreterF[Int]
and that would generate all of case classes and matching on them. The interpreter becomes just a trait to implement.
However, you already have some logic within unapply - so you would have to split the parsing and executing logic:
import Interpreter.ops._
val incP = """^inc\\((.*)\\)$""".r
val decP = """^dec\\((.*)\\)$""".r
val valP = """^val\\((.*)\\)$""".r
def buildAst(expression: String): InterpreterF[Int] = expression match {
case incP(arg) => inc(buildAst(arg))
case decP(arg) => dec(buildAst(arg))
case valP(arg) => value(arg.toInt)
Then you could implement an actual interpreter:
val impureInterpreter = new Interpreter.Interp[Id] {
def inc(arg: Int): Int = arg+1
def dec(arg: Int): Int = arg-1
def value(arg: Int): Int = arg
and run it:
I admit that this is more of a pseudocode than tested working solution, but it should give a general idea. Another library that uses similar idea is Freestyle but they use their own free monads implementation instead of relying on a cats/scalaz.
So, I would say it is possible to remove some boilerplate as long as you have no issue with splitting parsing and interpretation. Of course not all can be removed - you have to declare possible operations on your Interpreter algebra as well as you have to implement interpreter yourself.
It's been while Since I've started working on scala and I am wondering what kind of variable type is the best when I create a method which requires to return multiple data.
let's say If I have to make a method to get user info and it'll be called from many places.
def getUserParam(userId: String):Map[String,Any] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> true,
"userDataA" -> "String",
"userDataB" -> 1 // int
in this case, the result type is Map[String,Any] and since each param would be recognized as Any, You cannot pass the value to some other method requiring something spesifically.
def doSomething(foo: String){}
val foo = getUserParam("bar")
doSomething(foo("userDataA")) // type mismatch error
If I use Tuple, I can avoid that error, but I don't think it is easy to guess what each indexed number contains.
and of course there is a choice to use Case Class but once I use case class as a return type, I need to import the case class where ever I call the method.
What I want to ask is what is the best way to make a method returning more than 2 different variable type values.
Here are three options. Even though you might like the third option (using anonymous class) it's actually my least favorite. As you can see, it requires you to enable reflective calls (otherwise it throws a compilation warning). Scala will use reflection to achieve this which is not that great.
Personally, if there are only 2 values I use tuple. If there are more than two I will use a case class since it greatly improves code readability. The anonymous class option I knew it existed for a while, but I never used that it my code.
import java.util.Date
def returnTwoUsingTuple: (Date, String) = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
val tupleVer = returnTwoUsingTuple
case class Reply(date: Date, str: String)
def returnTwoUsingCaseClass: Reply = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
val caseClassVer = returnTwoUsingCaseClass
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
def returnTwoUsingAnonymousClass = {
val date = new Date()
val str = "Hello world"
new {
val getDate = date
val getStr = str
val anonClassVer = returnTwoUsingAnonymousClass
Sinse your logic with Map[String,Any] is more like for each key I have one of .. not for each key I have both ... more effective use in this case would be Either or even more effectively - scalaz.\/
import scalaz._
import scalaz.syntax.either._
def getUserParam(userId: String): Map[String, String \/ Int \/ Boolean] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> true.right,
"userDataA" -> "String".left.left,
"userDataB" -> 1.right.left
String \/ Int \/ Boolean is left-associatited to (String \/ Int) \/ Boolean
now you have
def doSomething(foo: String){}
unluckily it's the most complex case, if for example you had
def doSomethingB(foo: Boolean){}
you could've just
since the right value considered as correct so for String which is left to the left you could write
Closed Family
Or you could craft you own simple type for large number of alternatives like
sealed trait Either3[+A, +B, +C] {
def ifFirst[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = None
def ifSecond[T](action: B => T): Option[T] = None
def ifThird[T](action: C => T): Option[T] = None
case class First[A](x: A) extends Either3[A, Nothing, Nothing] {
override def ifFirst[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
case class Second[A](x: A) extends Either3[Nothing, A, Nothing] {
override def ifSecond[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
case class Third[A](x: A) extends Either3[Nothing, Nothing, A] {
override def ifThird[T](action: A => T): Option[T] = Some(action(x))
now having
def getUserParam3(userId: String): Map[String, Either3[Boolean, String, Int]] = {
//do something
"isExist" -> First(true),
"userDataA" -> Second("String"),
"userDataB" -> Third(1)
val foo3 = getUserParam3("bar")
you can use your values as
I'm building a web-application using Play and Slick, and find myself in a situation where the user-facing forms are similar, but not exactly the same as the database model.
Hence I have two very similar case classes, and need to map from one to another (e.g. while filling the form for rendering an "update" view).
In the case I'm interested in, the database model case class is a super-set of the form case-class, i.e. the only difference between both is that the database model has two more fields (two identifiers, basically).
What I'm now wondering about is whether there'd be a way to build a small library (e.g. macro-driven) to automatically populate the form case class from the database case class based on the member names. I've seen that it may be possible to access this kind of information via reflection using Paranamer, but I'd rather not venture into this.
Here is a solution using Dynamic because I wanted to try it out. A macro would decide statically whether to emit an apply of a source value method, the default value method, or just to supply a literal. The syntax could look something like newFrom[C](k). (Update: see below for the macro.)
import scala.language.dynamics
trait Invocable extends Dynamic {
import scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def applyDynamic(method: String)(source: Any) = {
require(method endsWith "From")
def caseMethod(s: Symbol) = s.asTerm.isCaseAccessor && s.asTerm.isMethod
val sm = currentMirror reflect source
val ms = sm.symbol.asClass.typeSignature.members filter caseMethod map (_.asMethod)
val values = ms map (m => (m.name, (sm reflectMethod m)()))
val im = currentMirror reflect this
invokeWith(im, method dropRight 4, values.toMap)
def invokeWith(im: InstanceMirror, name: String, values: Map[Name, Any]): Any = {
val at = TermName(name)
val ts = im.symbol.typeSignature
val method = (ts member at).asMethod
// supplied value or defarg or default val for type of p
def valueFor(p: Symbol, i: Int): Any = {
if (values contains p.name) values(p.name)
else ts member TermName(s"$name$$default$$${i+1}") match {
case NoSymbol =>
if (p.typeSignature.typeSymbol.asClass.isPrimitive) {
if (p.typeSignature <:< typeOf[Int]) 0
else if (p.typeSignature <:< typeOf[Double]) 0.0
else ???
} else null
case defarg => (im reflectMethod defarg.asMethod)()
val args = (for (ps <- method.paramss; p <- ps) yield p).zipWithIndex map (p => valueFor(p._1,p._2))
(im reflectMethod method)(args: _*)
case class C(a: String, b: Int, c: Double = 2.0, d: Double)
case class K(b: Int, e: String, a: String)
object C extends Invocable
object Test extends App {
val res = C applyFrom K(8, "oh", "kay")
Console println res // C(kay,8,2.0,0.0)
Update: Here is the macro version, more for fun than for profit:
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
def newFrom[A, B](source: A): B = macro newFrom_[A, B]
def newFrom_[A: c.WeakTypeTag, B: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(source: c.Expr[A]): c.Expr[B] = {
import c.{ literal, literalNull }
import c.universe._
import treeBuild._
import nme.{ CONSTRUCTOR => Ctor }
def caseMethod(s: Symbol) = s.asTerm.isCaseAccessor && s.asTerm.isMethod
def defaulter(name: Name, i: Int): String = s"${name.encoded}$$default$$${i+1}"
val noargs = List[c.Tree]()
// side effects: first evaluate the arg
val side = ListBuffer[c.Tree]()
val src = TermName(c freshName "src$")
side += ValDef(Modifiers(), src, TypeTree(source.tree.tpe), source.tree)
// take the arg as instance of a case class and use the case members
val a = implicitly[c.WeakTypeTag[A]].tpe
val srcs = (a.members filter caseMethod map (m => (m.name, m.asMethod))).toMap
// construct the target, using src fields, defaults (from the companion), or zero
val b = implicitly[c.WeakTypeTag[B]].tpe
val bm = b.typeSymbol.asClass.companionSymbol.asModule
val bc = bm.moduleClass.asClass.typeSignature
val ps = (b declaration Ctor).asMethod.paramss.flatten.zipWithIndex
val args: List[c.Tree] = ps map { case (p, i) =>
if (srcs contains p.name)
Select(Ident(src), p.name)
else bc member TermName(defaulter(Ctor, i)) match {
case NoSymbol =>
if (p.typeSignature.typeSymbol.asClass.isPrimitive) {
if (p.typeSignature <:< typeOf[Int]) literal(0).tree
else if (p.typeSignature <:< typeOf[Double]) literal(0.0).tree
else ???
} else literalNull.tree
case defarg => Select(mkAttributedRef(bm), defarg.name)
c.Expr(Block(side.toList, Apply(Select(New(mkAttributedIdent(b.typeSymbol)), Ctor), args)))
With usage:
case class C(a: String, b: Int, c: Double = 2.0, d: Double)
case class K(b: Int, e: String, a: String) { def i() = b }
val res = newFrom[K, C](K(8, "oh", "kay"))