How to use Entity Framework with adding a new database for every new client? - entity-framework

I am creating a project which requires a separate database for each client. We are using EF to create interaction between database and our API.
I am not sure how to use Entity Framework every time I create a new database. What shall be the correct way of doing this?
I am getting this idea to have a config file where I can enter the entry of this new database which will then allow the users to use the system but don't know how to implement this. Can someone please suggest? Thanks in advance!


How to create a hibernate view of other databases?

Good Morning, I'm in a problem!
My project is multitenant, I use SPRING JPA + SPRINGBOOT + POSTGRES.
Where it contains a database manager and Each tenant has its own database.
The problem starts when inside the database of the tenant I have views of the data manager database.
For example, inside the database manager I have information to make the login of the users of a tenant. But in the database of each tenant should be able to have the information of their users. Where users within the tenant database could have more data!
What is the best way to do this? Should I create the view?
In addition, this application is very popular, so the idea is that the use of the database is quite dynamic.
Thank you in advance! any contribution will be helpful.
Yes the best solution will be to create views where you get all the data that you need and the data is already filtered for the tenant.
You have to create the views on the database and then map it to read only Entities or just use it with SQL.
To have read only entities you can use Hibernates #Immutable annotation.
Please find more information in the Hibernate documentation:

Suitecrm Database schema for multiple companies

How can I separate database using suitecrm.
In My application there is one source code and i want to company wise separate database.
Please help me.
You might need to use seperate installations for keeping them seperate.
Additionally, you can use $sugar_config['db'] variable to dynamically connect with a database of your choice.

how to create a database that is suitable for xcode?

I have understood the basic concepts of core data and how to create schemas or data model in xcode. However I am struggling to create database and import it xcode.
I don't have any experience with creating databases before.
Can somebody guide me here.
Thanks in advance!
If your application is document based, the database is the document. You create it in code when you create the document.
If it's not document based and will use just one single database, then you generally create it in code the first time the application is run (or, more likely, whenever the application is started and it cannot find an already existing database).
In either case if the database can start empty, that's all you need. If an empty database would be invalid and you do need some minimal data when you initialize it, you will have to populate it upon creation.
Depending on how much data your minimal database needs to have you can either hardcode the initialization or use a static resource (that is, a file) in your application bundle containing the initialization data in some form that you know how to read and use that to populate the database.
Using SqlLite is more attractive to me as I import the database without any modifications to the android version.
And I made some generic class to handle any database for android and iPhone but I cannot share it here.
To follow-up on the AnalogFile answer, in case your application is not document base, you probably want to use core data with a preexisting SQLite DB. You could feed your DB with a scripting language like Python. e.g. I think it is a better approach than populating your DB programmatically in XCode. Check this tutorial for more info about this approach.

Implementation for database

I am new in iPhone, I am trying to make an application in which there is need of database for record.
I do not know how to implement it. Is there any one to help me.
You can use core data
Check this Tutorial

Changing database structure at runtime with Entity Framework?

I have to write a solution that uses different databases with different structure from the same code. So, when a user logs to the application I determine to which database he/she is connected to at runtime. The user can create tables and columns at any time and they have to see the change on the fly. The reason that I use one and the same code the information is manipulates the same way for the different databases. How can I accomplish this at runtime? Actually is the Entity Framework a good solution for my problem?
Thanks in advance.
You can do this with EF 4 using a code-first model. That said, I tend to avoid changing DB metadata on the fly, with or without EF. Rather, I'd choose a schema which fits the user's changing needs.