GitHub personal token for PhpStorm - github

I'm looking at connecting my GitHub account in the version control section of PhpStorm. The JetBrains guide suggests using a personal token but as I'm new to personal tokens in GitHub I'm unsure when creating the personal token what scopes I should be selecting so that it can work but doesn't have to much access.
Can someone please let me know which options I should be selecting and why?
All help is greatly appreciated!

You can read about the scopes in "About scopes for OAuth Apps".
In your case, as described in "Pushing to remote Git repository from a build"
The scope needed is public_repo for a public repository or repo for a private repository.
Grants read/write access to code, commit statuses, collaborators, and deployment statuses for public repositories and organizations. Also required for starring public repositories.
Grants read/write access to code, commit statuses, invitations, collaborators, adding team memberships, and deployment statuses for public and private repositories and organizations.


How to create PAT token in github for an Organization Account

I have been added to my organization, now I am part of the organization in github and have access to a private repo. I am not able to clone the repo in my eclipse as I understood that we need a PAT token to access a private repo, but how do I create PAT for the organization. However I know how to create PAT for my own account, but only if I have PAT token for my organization I can clone the repo in my local.
PAT token allows you also access to all the organization you have access to. But it seem some clients only show personal project. In Xcode I was able to work around this by pasting the repo URL into the search field.

I want to deny Travis CI access to an organization

I want to use Travis CI for personal projects, I would like to know if it is possible to prevent Travis CI to have access to an organization as a member and not an administrator.
If you have a Github account for yourself it is a personal account. That account can be a member or owner of any number of Github organizations.
If you are just trying to add Travis CI so that it has access to your personal repositories but not to the organizations you administer, you can do so easily.
When you sign in to the Travis CI website with your personal Github account for the first time, it asks you to "authorize Travis CI":
This page has an "organizations and teams" section that defaults to read-only (it can see what repositories etc your orgs have but cannot take any actions on them)
This page also has an "Organization Access" section at the bottom with a list of each Github organization you are a member of. As long as you do not click "request" or "grant" on any of those, your orgs will not yield any control to Travis CI.

Can I configure a Bluemix Continuous Delivery toolchain to use a private Github repository?

I have a private Github repository in a private Github organisation, and I'd like to configure Bluemix's "Continuous Integration" service to use that repository so that I can load source code from it to build in a delivery pipeline in that toolchain.
The "View docs" link for the GitHub tile in the toolchain points to a documentation page for the older DevOps Services, which doesn't give any information on configuring a GitHub repository in a toolchain.
When I try entering the URL for my repo, it comes up with this error:
The integration could not be set up. Check the settings and try again.
Reason: An error occurred while cloning the git repository. Error details: Unable to read the repository on: (URL removed). User is not authorized, or repository does not exist.
I'd expect to be given the option to authorise Bluemix against my account, but I'm not.
How can I access this repository?
It is possible to set up an integration with a private GitHub repository as long as you have authorized Bluemix with your GitHub account and have granted Bluemix permission in the org that owns the repo.
The first time you attempt to create a GitHub integration, you will be prompted to authorize with GitHub. On the GitHub authorization page, you have the option to select the orgs that you want to give Bluemix access to before you click the "Authorize" button.
It sounds like you've already gone through the initial authorization step and may have missed adding the org authorization. You can update the org authorization on GitHub's authorized applications page ( Click the "IBM Bluemix Toolchains" application. On that page, under "Organization Access", grant access to the organization that owns the repo you want to integrate with. That should allow you to set up the integration.

I cannot link toolchain to different github organization

I have a github account:
and am a member of several github organizations
I have added all organizations to the Bluemix DevOps Third Party applications authorizations.
But I cannot change the default github organization to a different organization when I enable the Toolchain on Bluemix, so that I can create/edit the source code to the repo in a different than default Github organization?
The integration could not be set up. Check the settings and try again.
Reason: Unable to update the git integration. An error occurred while cloning the git repository. Error details: Unable to read the repository on: User is not authorized, or repository does not exist.
When you authorized with GitHub you probably did not explicitly grant access to the eventquarry organization.
To fix this, first you need to revoke your token by logging into, then click settings > Authorized applications > Revoke "IBM Bluemix Toolchains". Now go back to Bluemix, and when you click on the GitHub tool you will see an “Authorize” button. Upon clicking, you will be taken to GitHub, and here you need to click "Grant Access" next to eventquarry (and all orgs you would like to grant access to) before clicking "Authorize application".
Now you should be able to fork/clone/link with the private repositories in the eventquarry organization.
The devops git folks responded with this:
Right now, we don't support the ability to create new organization repositories through the toolchain UI. Any new repos are created under the personal account of the user. It is possible to link to existing organization repos by typing in the repo URL in the field. (Org repos won't show up in the dropdown, but the URL can be entered manually.) Note that the user needs admin privileges on the repo they're linking to in order to have a fully functioning integration though. It's possible to link to a repo without admin privileges, but we can't create a webhook on the repo, so there's no way for us to be notified of commit events. Pipelines will only run manually if the user doesn't have admin privileges on the repo.
Let me know if this is helpful...

github invite non-github users to private repo

I am setting up a private repository in GitHub and I want to invite people to my repo.
I found out that I can invite github users as my team members, but I want to know is it possible to invite non-github users to access my repo for checkin/checkout?
Thanks in advance.
You could add their ssh keys as Deployment Keys.
Deployment keys are ssh keys of users (usually, scripts) that are allowed to read the repository so they can build the code and deploy it somewhere.
This would allow your non-githubber coworkers to clone the repository.
Unfortunately, I don't think there's an equivalent system to allowing non-githubber to use the web interface.