How to add non azure vm into VSTS Deployment groups - azure-devops

As we know we can add azure vm as a machine into our VSTS deployment group using the PowerShell script which VSTS provides. Based on that we can create new release definition and add our machine into pipeline.
Question is there any way to add non azure vm into VSTS deployment group?

The script that is provided is agnostic to cloud providers and can be used on any machine with powershell and internet connectivity.


Can we deploy application to multiple Vms on multiple clouds with Github Actions?

I have an application which I want to deploy to a number of VMS on Azure and AWS, I was working with Azure DevOps before and it provided very nice features to achieve this with deployment groups etc. Now I want to work with Github and I am really having problems to design my CI CD pipeline since Github actions do not have any feature which could be used to do deployment on a set of VMS. If there are please guys share your thoughts any article would be appreciated. Thanks
You can firstly consider to deploy application to one Virtual Machine with Github Actions.
Just in the environment of Azure, all you need is to use GitHub Action to build a virtual machine (VM) within Azure.
you can learn the detailed steps to deploy application to one Virtual Machine with Github Actions in:How to use GitHub Actions to deploy an Azure Virtual Machine.
For multi-environment deployments either in Azure or AWS with GitHub Actions, I recommend you to use Octopus Deploy as a reference. you can still refer to Multi-environment deployments with GitHub Actions and Octopus to deploy Virtual Machine on AWS.
deploy application to multiple Vms
We recommend you to use Azure Batch to run parallel workloads. It can allow you to deploy application to multiple Vms at one time in batch in the basic of deploy application to one Virtual Machine.
You can run the batch job using Azure CLI by following the example: Run Batch job with the Azure CLI.

VSTS Agent Check if VM Already in Release Environment

I'm trying to use Powershell DSC to provision virtual machines in Azure and use Azure DevOps to manage the actually code deployment onto the virtual machines. The DSC script is setup to install IIS, core hosting, setup the sites in IIS, but not actually deploy any application code. The last step in the DSC is to add the virtual machine to azure devops. I went into the Environments tab in devops and copied the powershell script provided, parameterized my PAT so it could be passed into the configuration script, and executed. However, when the script runs a second time, it gives an error because the a resource already exists with the same name in that environment. I could not find a way to check if the VM was already registered as an environment resource in devops using the vsts agent config. I'm considering using the --replace flag, but I don't know if that will lose my deployment history or has any other consequences.
Is there a way to check if a Virtual Machine is already registered as a resource in an Azure DevOps environment.

how to deploy an application to a particular ubuntu server using azure-devops?

I have my code in the azure repos.I have created the release pipeline which runs the task "npm install" and "npm run start".This will deploy my application.But I want to deploy this application to my ubuntu server from the azure release pipeline.Is there any way I can configure the release pipeline to use my ubuntu server?
The only agent pool available for me is "Azure Pipelines" and for agent specification I used "ubuntu-16.04".Iam totally confused about how this works.
I just want my application to run on I can run the application directly in the server, but the whole point is to run it from the release pipeline.So how do I connect the pipeline to my ubuntu server?I think my default azure uses some kind of virtual machine for deployment.
You can create a deployment group in Azure DevOps. Deployment groups in Azure pipelines make it easier to organize the servers you want to use to host your app. In Azure pipelines -> Devployment group, select “+New” button and type of target to register. Copy and run the Registration script in your Ubuntu server.
You can refer to and for more detailed information
After you create the deployment group, you can choose it in your release pipeline
And after you configure you deployment group, you can deploy your app to the specific server.

Azure pipeline - How do I deploy code to Preregistered application

Our devops team have created an application (ex:athena) and registered with AD. They also have given us Service Principle.
The question I have is , how do I deploy my code in GitHub to the application (athena) that the devops team created for me using the “Deploy to kubernetes service” configuration template ?
Apologies in advance, as I am not proficient in Azure and this shows my gap in understanding.
The Information I have are :
Repository - GitHub (I have done the appropriate authorisation and can see the repository)
Service Principle (create by devops team)
Application (created by devops team)
I have created a Container Registry and Kubernetes service using azure portal
Now, I want to use the “Deploy to kubernetes service” configuration template.
Help much appreciated.
If you want to use this Deploy to kubernetes service, you must get two service connection : Azure Resource Manager and Kubernetes Service Connection.
So, first, you need to configure the connection between Azure Kubernetes, ARM and Azure Devops. Enter project setting->service connection, open New Service Connection and select Kubernetes. Input the relevant configure according to your Azure:
And so do with Azure Resource Manager, you can follow this doc to configure it. Here is my ARM connection you can refer:
Then, you can begin your build and release pipeline.
Deploy to kubernetes service task used in release pipeline. In build pipeline, you must run docker build, push task to finish pushing to Azure registry Container.
And then, run this deploy task in release. You can refer to this blog which written by Azure DevOps Labs: Deploying a multi-container application to Azure Kubernetes Services. It has detailed steps you can refer.
In addition, there has two build source type. One is you import your github repos into Azure Devops repos. So the build can be trigger by Azure Devops Repos. And the other is select Github as your build source, in this type, you can triggered directly by your github instead of use Azure Devops repos:
And also, this need you get the service connection with your Github first. Then, authorize it during the build pipeline.

Could not able to create an executable(.exe) from Azure Devops pipelines release

I am working for a WPF application, and recently I have migrated TFS to Azure DevOps and I am successfully able to create build artifacts as well, unfortunately, I could not create executable from the artifacts as Azure DevOps does not support InstallShield Package creation with it, now I decided to move the build artifacts to my local build server,again my company law doesn't allow to access my server from outside network, what should do to create executable.
The Build Agent needs to be able to connect to Azure DevOps. It's enough for it to be able to make an outgoing connection over https (443). The agent can be configured to connect through a web proxy server.
What alternatives do you have:
Use the hosted agent and install InstallShield as part of the build process. This will be slow, but it is doable. You'll need to execute this step as part of every build that tries to create the InstallShield package and requires you to do a head-less installation of InstallShield (given that they are the kings of Installers, I suppose this is doable).
Use a private agent in Azure. You can spin up any IaaS server on Azure, install Visual Studio, InstallShield and the Azure DevOps Agent on it and use it as a build server. There is a set of standard images file available which you can use as a basis.