Why doesn't this form code work? It seems logical - forms

I'm trying to program a simple form that asks for the following inputs:
mood, age, and gender
It does not matter what I put in the mood prompt. It always comes out positive. For the age, I would like the tab to close if they are under 18 years old. For gender, it goes the same with the mood prompt. Any help would be appreciated.
var userMood = prompt("Hey! How's it going?");
if (userMood = "good" || "Good") {
alert("Awesome! We just need you to fill out a form for security reasons.");
} else if (userMood != "good" || "Good") {
alert("Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... We just need you to fill out a form for security reasons.");
var userAge = prompt("What is your current age?");
if (userAge >= "18" ) {
alert("Great! You are the sufficient age to enter this webpage!");
userAge = true;
} else if ( userAge <= "17"){
alert("Sorry, you are too young to view this content...");
var userGender = prompt ("What is your gender?");
if (userGender = "male" || "Male" || "female" || "Female"){
alert("Great! You're human!");
userGender = true;
} else {
alert("The webpage has perdicted non-human cyber activity, you can no longer continue.");

i'm going to make my answer verbose to help you learn. for starters, you are using = when you mean to use == or even ===. this is why the mood is always registering as good, because userMood = "good" sets userMood to 'good' and so the expression evaluates to "good", which validates the if statement because FALSE for strings is "" and true is every other string. also userMood = "good" || "Good" doesn't do what you think it does. you need to check both strings like so (userMood === "good" || userMood === "Good").

I tried varying some lines in your code into something below.
var userMood = prompt("Hey! How's it going?");
if (userMood == "good" || userMood == "Good")
alert("Awesome! We just need you to fill out a form for security reasons.");
alert("Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... We just need you to fill out a form for security reasons.");
var userAge = prompt("What is your current age?");
if (userAge >= 18 )
alert("Great! You are the sufficient age to enter this webpage!");
userAge = true;
else if ( userAge < 18 && userAge > 0)
alert("Sorry, you are too young to view this content...");
else if ( userAge < 0 )
alert(" ***** prompt message for inputting negative number ****");
var userGender = prompt ("What is your gender?");
if (userGender == "male" || userGender == "Male" || userGender == "female" || userGender == "Female")
alert("Great! You're human!");
userGender = true;
alert("The webpage has perdicted non-human cyber activity, you can no longer continue.");


salesforce compare standard obj and custom object and assign value

I have custom obj "A" and Standard obj Case. Case standard obj has lookup to custom obj "A". there is a field between the two objects called Customer_ID__c. I wrote a Trigger (before Insert, Before Update) to associated the case record to the correct existing custom obj "A" record if "Case.Custom_Id__c" match the one in the Custom obj "A". Unfortunate it is not happening and I'm not sure where to look.
trigger IAACaseRelateASAP on Case (before insert, before update) {
Id recordtypes = [Select Id, name
From RecordType
Where SobjectType = 'Case'
AND Name = 'I Buy'
LIMIT 1].Id;
Set<String> casId = new Set<String>();
for(Case cs : Trigger.new)
if(cs.RecordtypeId == recordtypes && cs.Type == 'Contact Me')
if(cs.custm_Obj_A_Name__lookupfield__c == null && (cs.Customer_ID__c != null || cs.Customer_ID__c !='0'))
system.debug('Case Set Ids' + casId);
List<A__c> aList = [Select Customer_ID__c, Id
From A__c
Where Customer_ID__c IN: casId
A__c != 'Provider'];
System.Debug('equals' + aList);
Map<String, A__c> aMapId = new Map<String, A__c>();
for(A__c aAcct : aList)
aMapId.put(aAcct.Customer_ID__c, aAcct);
for(Case cas : Trigger.new)
if(cas.RecordtypeId == recordtypes && cas.Type == 'Contact Me')
if(cas.custm_Obj_A_Name__lookupfield__c == null && (cas.Customer_ID__c != null || cas.Customer_ID__c !='0'))
A__c aAcct = aMapId.get(cas.Customer_ID__c);
System.Debug('Case IAA ASAP Account value: ' + asapAcct);
It might be best when looping through your cases to build your set of Customer_ID__c ids to also build a List of cases with customer ids so that you don't have to loop through the entire new list a second time. There are a couple other issues with the trigger in general but I'll ignore those and just focus on what you asked. Think your issue is that you don't actually set the case field in this area:
A__c aAcct = aMapId.get(cas.Customer_ID__c);
System.Debug('Case IAA ASAP Account value: ' + asapAcct);
It should be :
cas.custm_Obj_A_Name__lookupfield__c = aMapId.get(cas.Customer_ID__c).Id;

Drupal redirection

I am working on a project and there is a custom module in that which have the drupal redirection code in it here is the code :
if (empty($_GET['destination'])
&& isset($_COOKIE["abc"])
&& $_COOKIE["abc"]<>''
&& ($_POST['form_id'] != 'user_pass_reset'))
$_GET['destination'] = "xyz" ;
Can anyone please explain the 3rd line of code or maybe all of it. Thanks
I have added comments to the source. <> is the same as !=. See PHP Comparison Opperators.
if (empty($_GET['destination']) //Check if $_GET['destination'] is empty.
&& isset($_COOKIE["abc"]) //Check if $_COOKIE["abc"] is not NULL.
&& $_COOKIE["abc"]<>'' //Check if $_COOKIE["abc"] does not equal an empty string.
&& ($_POST['form_id'] != 'user_pass_reset')) //Check if $_POST['form_id'] is not 'user_pass_reset'
$_GET['destination'] = "xyz" ; //Set $_GET['destination'] to "xyz"
should be modify a little bit in second line
if (empty($_GET['destination']) //Check if $_GET['destination'] is empty.
&& isset($_COOKIE["abc"]) //Check if $_COOKIE["abc"] is EXISTS.
&& $_COOKIE["abc"]<>'' //Check if $_COOKIE["abc"] does not equal an empty string.
&& ($_POST['form_id'] != 'user_pass_reset')) //Check if $_POST['form_id'] is not 'user_pass_reset'
$_GET['destination'] = "xyz" ; //Set $_GET['destination'] to "xyz"

Checking form submission against a word list

I have some code to check is a form is being spammed and if so then stop the email.
It includes a section like this:
if(strpos($messagefield, " cialis") !== false){
$noemail = true;
if(strpos($messagefield, " viagra") !== false){
$noemail = true;
etc for as many words as we have in the bad word list
This works fine, but is clumsy and difficult to easily add new words to check.
It would be easier if I could create an array and check any field against the array, but I am strugling to find an example to use (most examples still specify the text to search for which defeats the object in this case)
Can anyone help with code to check $messagefield against an array?
(I know there are better ways maybe but this works for us at the moment!)
$i = 0;
$wordlist = array(' cialis', ' viagra');
while ($i < count($wordlist) && $noemail == false) {
if (strpos($messagefield, $wordlist[$i]) !== false) {
$noemail = true;
It is better to use stripos (case-insensitive version of strpos).
Try following code:
$a = array(' cialis', ' viagra');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($a); $i++)
if(stripos($messagefield, $a[$i]) !== false){
$noemail = true;

how to debug EF 5 null reference exception?

I am getting a null refrence exception when im filtering EF but I am absolultely clueless.
public IEnumerable<TonalityBatchModel> GetTonalityBatch(int briefID)
var brief = NeptuneUnitOfWork.Briefs.FindWhere(b => b.ID == briefID).FirstOrDefault();
if (brief != null && brief.TonalityCriteria != null)
return brief.TonalityCriteria.TonalityBatches
.Select(b => new TonalityBatchModel()
BriefID = b.BriefID,
Status = b.TonalityCriteria.IsActive == true ?"Active":"Ended",
BatchID = b.ID,
CompetitorID = b.BriefCompetitorID,
Competitor = brief.BriefCompetitors.Where(i=>i.ID == b.BriefCompetitorID).Select(c=>c.Organisation.Name).First(),
Size = b.BatchSize,
StartDate = b.StartDate,
EndDate = b.EndDate,
IsPublished = b.Lookup_TonalityBatchStatus.ID == (int)TonalityBatchStatus.Published?"Yes":"No",
IsCompleted = b.Lookup_TonalityBatchStatus.ID == (int)TonalityBatchStatus.Completed ? "Yes" : "No",
IsAssigned = b.Lookup_TonalityBatchStatus.ID == (int)TonalityBatchStatus.Allocated ? "Yes" : "No",
ImportantCount = b.TonalityItems.Count(i=> i.IsImportant),
ArticlesCount = b.TonalityItems.Count,
FavourableCount = b.TonalityItems.Count(i => i.Lookup_TonalityScoreTypes.ID ==(int)TonalitySourceType.Favourable),
UnfavourableCount = b.TonalityItems.Count(i => i.Lookup_TonalityScoreTypes.ID ==(int)TonalitySourceType.Unfavourable),
NeutralCount = b.TonalityItems.Count(i => i.Lookup_TonalityScoreTypes.ID ==(int)TonalitySourceType.Neutral)
return new List<TonalityBatchModel>();
catch (Exception ex)
You'll need to reduce your query to a simpler query, and then start building it back up again until the NullReferenceException occurs. Looking at your code, here are some likely places (I'm making some assumptions since I don't know everything about your model):
Competitor = brief.BriefCompetitors.Where(i=>i.ID == b.BriefCompetitorID).Select(c=>c.Organisation.Name).First()
BriefCompetitors could be null. c.Organisation could be null.
IsPublished = b.Lookup_TonalityBatchStatus.ID == (int)TonalityBatchStatus.Published?"Yes":"No",
(and other similar lines) b.Lookup_TonalityBatchStatus might be null.
ImportantCount = b.TonalityItems.Count(i=> i.IsImportant),
(and other similar lines) b.TonalityItems might be null.
I believe this is because your count is returning null records. I could be wrong but the SQL that's being produced here is something like:
INNER JOIN TonalityItems i on i.Lookup_TonalityScoreTypes == x
Where x is the value of (int)TonalitySourceType.Favourable. Because this join has no matching results there is nothing to do a count on. You could try adding ?? 0 to the end of the query:
FavourableCount = b.TonalityItems.Count(i => i.Lookup_TonalityScoreTypes.ID ==(int)TonalitySourceType.Favourable) ?? 0,

How can I get an alert if a specific url substring is present and nothing if null

function getCode() {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("?discount=")) {
var url = (document.URL);
var id = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('=') + 1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
Purpose: When people go to our "Service Request" page using a QR code that has a substring of ?discount=1234. I have been testing by creating an alert box with the discount code showing. Eventually I want to be able to populate that "1234" automatically into a "Discount Code:" text field on page load.
The above is a mixture of a few suggestions when I researched it.
Result: Going to example.com/serviceRequest.html?discount=1234 gives me the appropriate alert "1234", as I want... Going to example.com/serviceRequest.html gives me the alert http://example.com/serviceRequest.html, but I don't want anything to happen if "?discount=" is null.
Any suggestions?
indexOf returns -1 if the search pattern doesn't exist. In JavaScript, anything not a 0 or false or undefined is considered true.
So your line of:
if(window.location.href.indexOf("?discount=")) {
Would better search as:
if(window.location.href.indexOf("?discount=") > -1) {
Try changing your if-statement to:
if(window.location.href.indexOf("?discount=") != -1)
Look up the documentation for ".indexOf". It returns -1 for not found and >= 0 if it is found.
...indexOf("?discount=") >= 0
substring and indexOf return -1 if the text is not found, so you can test for this. E.g.
function getCode() {
if(window.location.href.indexOf("?discount=") != -1) {
var url = (document.URL);
var id = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('=') + 1);
return true;
else {
return false;
You just need to test the indexOf value:
function getCode() {
if (window.location.href.indexOf("?discount=") !== -1) {
var url = (document.URL);
var id = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('=') + 1);
return true;
else {
return false;
So the quick and dirty answer would be
var discount = window.location.search.split("?discount=")[1];
But this doesn't take into account the occurence of other query string parameters.
You'll really want to parse all the query parameters into a hash map.
This article does a good job of showing you a native and jQuery version.