500 Error: Failed to establish a backside connection on bluemix java liberty app - ibm-cloud

I deployed my java web application on Bluemix Dedicated environment and use it with Cloudant Dedicated NoSql DB. In this DB i tried to return 60k documents and server returned
500 Error: Failed to establish a backside connection
to me. So i'm wondering about connection timeout in Bluemix, there're posts where people claim that Bluemix resets a network connection in 120 if there's no response received. Is it possible to change this setting, or maybe someone knows how to solve such problem.
P.S. When I deploy it on my computer then it works fine, but of course it takes some time. Particularly this case may be solved using cloudant pagination, but i develop service for scheduling REST-calls and if bluemix reset all connections after 2 minutes i'll have a big problems with it.

Not sure which Bluemix Dedicated you are using, but the timeout is typically global. Paging would work and I thinking a websocket based approach would work as well.


socket connections closing when manually deploying

We made a chat module in our project using socket.io. When the load is balanced and the manual deployed, if socket connections are switched to different servers, socket connections are disconnected and the messaging events are partially not processed. I solved the load balance problem with socket.io-redis library. It acts as a gateway and solves this problem thanks to redis.
Another problem is that when I deploy it manually, the pid of the servers changes and socketio connections are instantly disconnected on the client and then it is not connected even though it says connected.
Do you think that using tools such as Travis CI solves the problems in manual deploy process?
Another question is, if a system that goes to 3 servers with load balance then goes back to 2 servers, the socket connections will be closed again, what method may be required to solve this? I thought of separating the socket.io service from the monolithic structure and keeping it on a single server, and scaling the server vertically when the load increased.
We are using an Aws Elastic Beanstalk(EBS), it automatically performs load balance.

How to find connection leaks on PostgreSQL cloud sql

I’m using Postgres provisioned by Google Cloud SQL,
Recently we see the number of connections to increase by a lot.
Had to raise the limit from 200 to 500, then to 1000. In Google Cloud console Postgres reports 800 currenct connections.
However I have no idea where these connections come from. We have one app engine service, with not a lot of traffic at the moment accessing it, another application hosted on kubernetes. And a dozen or so batch jobs that connect to it. Clearly there must be some connection leakage somewhere.
Is there any way I can see from where these connections originate ?
All applications connecting to it are Java based at the moment.
They use the HikariCP connection pool. I’m considering changing the “test query”upon connection to insert a record in a log table. Hence I could perhaps find out from where the connections originate.
But are there better ways available?
Consider monitoring connection activity with pg_stat_activity, i.e: SELECT * from pg_stat_activity;.
As per the documentation:
Connections that show an IP address, such as, are connecting using IP. Connections with cloudsqlproxy~ are using the Cloud SQL Proxy, or else they originated from App Engine. Connections from localhost are usually to a First Generation instance from App Engine, although that path is also used by some internal Cloud SQL processes.
Also, take a look at the best practices for managing database connections that contain information on opening and closing connections, connection count, or on how to set a connection duration in the Java programming language.

Using different cloud hosts for app and db/will there be latency with Mongo Atlas?

Is it ok to host both a web app and db server on different cloud providers? Traditionally you really needed to host both on the same network - but I'm wondering if, with modern networks, this is less of a necessity.
I have a web app (Aurelia/ASP.Net Core) hosted on Linode and I need to add a mongo db server. I really don't want to have to manage the db servers - so would prefer to use a cloud service like MongoAtlas or mLab etc but my concern is latency. I'm hoping that I could use either of these if I chose a data center in the same country/location as my Linodes are hosted.
My app should be ok with not-so-real-time responses - but lags of a few seconds won't work.
Can anyone comment on experiences with this?

Problems with configuration of Bluemix server

I'm trying to increase timeouts in Bluemix. I've set all the timeout settings to 5 min. But after 2 min of a request I got an error:
500 Error: Failed to establish a backside connection
How do I solve this problem?
"This particular message probably comes from the L1 load balancer in Bluemix when it fails to get a timely response from the application it tries to route to. One of the possible cause here is because your application does not send any response back before the load balancer times out, which is 2 minutes if my memory serves me well."
I would open up a support ticket if you need any additional help.

Connection timeout to MongoDb on Azure VM

I have some timeout problems when connecting my Azure Web App to a MongoDb hosted on a Azure VM.
2015-12-19T15:57:47.330+0100 I NETWORK Socket recv() errno:10060 A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2015-12-19T15:57:47.343+0100 I NETWORK SocketException: remote: 104.45.x.x:27017 error:
9001 socket exception [RECV_ERROR] server [104.45.x.x:27017]
2015-12-19T15:57:47.350+0100 I NETWORK DBClientCursor::init call() failed
Currently mongodb is configured on a single server (just for dev) and it is exposed through a public ip. Website connect to it using an azure domain name (*.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com) and without a Virtual Network.
Usually everything works well, but after some minutes of inactivity I get that timeout exception. The same will happen when using the MongoDb shell from my PC, so I'm quite sure that it is a problem on mongodb side.
I'm missing some configuration?
After some searching here my considerations:
It is usually a good practice to implement some sort of retry logic on every resource that you access on Azure (database, VM, ...). For MongoDb there is a partial implementation so you should potentially write your own. See also this issue and this.
If possible all resources on Azure should be in the same Azure Virtual Network (in this way all connections are made using Azure Private Ip instead of Public Ip. This is also useful for security reasons because you don't need to open endpoint to the public.
When deploying MongoDb on Azure try to follow the official MongoDb guidelines.
In this particular case you should set the net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time to a value lower than the tcp keep alive of Azure, that by default is 240 seconds. In this way the connection is closed and MongoDb driver can intercept this condition and open a new connection. If the connection is closed by Azure the driver cannot intercept it. If you want to change this setting on Azure (not recommended) you can find it inside the Public Ip configuration.
In my development environment I have set the net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time to 120 and now everything seems to work fine. Consider that if you host MondoDb inside an Docker container you should set this setting on the Docker host.
Here some other useful links:
MongoDB connection problems on Azure
MongoDB connection timeouts (Azure)
When using the C# Mongo driver we resolved this by setting the following
MongoDefaults.MaxConnectionIdleTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);