How can I remove template parse warning - "The <template> element is deprecated. Use <ng-template> instead" - ng-lightning

I am getting this error at the console -
Template parse warnings:
The element is deprecated. Use instead ("s-breadcrumb slds-list--horizontal">[WARNING ->]
"): ng:///NglBreadcrumbsModule/NglBreadcrumbs.html#1:174

Just use the new release v2.0.1 which supports Angular 4. Enjoy :)


New ag-grid CSS import path throws error during build process in my react app

I'm doing some changes to my React project (React version: 16.13.1, created with CRA) in order to upgrade from v27 to v28 of Ag-Grid. One of the changes requested is the new way to import the css files. It used to be
import 'ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-grid.css'
and now it has to be like this:
import 'ag-grid-community/styles/ag-grid.css'
This is generates an error during the build process:
Failed to compile.
ParserError: Syntax Error at line: 1, column 83
error Command failed with exit code 1.
This makes me think it is a webpack problem, maybe a loader?. If it is the case, is there a way to handle this error without ejecting the webpack config?
Other clues I explored:
is it because I try to import CSS from a module?
is it a problem with the react version (16.13.1)?
Any ideas and solutions will be much appreciated.
You can find more details on this issue on the following Github Issue which is related to a known issue with CRA 3.x
The main thing to note is that we will be applying a fix in v28.2 which is due out next week.
AG-7222 Add Post Processing of CSS for CRA 3.x/4.x Compatibility which should help address this issue will be released as part of our next release 28.2 and should resolve these issues without the need for a workaround.
CSS file ag-grid.css has two syntax errors. Calc() function is missing in two places.
line-height: min(var(--ag-line-height, calc(var(--ag-row-height) - 2px)), var(--ag-row-height) - 2px);
This should be:
line-height: min(var(--ag-line-height, calc(var(--ag-row-height) - 2px)), calc(var(--ag-row-height) - 2px));
height: min(var(--ag-line-height, calc(var(--ag-row-height) - 2px)), var(--ag-row-height) - 2px);
should be:
height: min(var(--ag-line-height, calc(var(--ag-row-height) - 2px)), calc(var(--ag-row-height) - 2px));
Correcting these issues resolved above build error in my case.

UIKit.NSUnderlineStyle single or styleSingle

I am trying to upgrade my AttributedTextView library to Swift 4.2.
During this conversion I had to change NSUnderlineStyle.styleSingle to NSUnderlineStyle.single and now my project builds and runs
Now I want to publish my update, but when doing a pod lib lint I am getting the following error:
- ERROR | [iOS] xcodebuild: /Users/evermeer/Dev/GitHub/AttributedTextView/Sources/Attributer.swift:621:48: error: 'single' has been renamed to 'styleSingle'
- NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: UIKit.NSUnderlineStyle:15:23: note: 'single' was introduced in Swift 4.2
when I change it back to styleSingle, the pod error disappears but my project won't build.
My pod spec does contain the line
s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'SWIFT_VERSION' => '4.2' }
but setting it to any other version does not help.
any idea how to solve this?
instead of using the now deprecated pod_target_xcconfig you should use: s.swift_version = '4.2'
In my case I also had a file with the name .swift_version that contained 4.0
If you use both and they are different, then you will get a warning.

error adding java package in toaster

I am using yocto krogoth, I have added meta-java in using toaster then its giving below error.
ParseError at /home/siva/yocto/toaster/poky/_toaster_clones/_git___git.yoctoproject.org_meta-java_krogoth/recipes-core/jikes/ Could not inherit file classes/relative_symlinks.bbclass
Down load the file from the link relative_synlinks.bbclass and copy in your meta-java/classes dir
Your layer branches must match: if you use krogoth-branch from poky, you should use krogoth-branch from meta-java as well. You error implies that your meta-java is actually newer.

How to implement ArcMenu for Android?

I'm trying to get ArcMenu for my application.
The code runs great by itself, but I don't know how to make it work with another project.
It doesn't look like an Android Library project...
When trying to use this project with my own, this is what I get in Eclipse's console:
res/layout/arc_menu.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'fromDegrees' in package 'com.capricorn'
res/layout/arc_menu.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'toDegrees' in package 'com.capricorn'
res/layout/ray_menu.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'childSize' in package 'com.capricorn'
res/layout/ray_menu.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'leftHolderWidth' in package 'com.capricorn'
I forked ArcMenu and published it on Github.
Now a better recode of it appeared:
I recommend you use that one.
it seems that on your XML you didn't properly define the namespace.
for example for all the android framework stuff is:
I suggest checking on your examples what would be for the ArcLibrary.

Uncaught exception 'Zend_Config_Exception' with message 'Comments starting with '#' are deprecated

I have developed a web application and deployed the same under php version 5.2.13 but when i shifted the same to server having PHP Version 5.3.6 it started to give me the error
Uncaught exception 'Zend_Config_Exception' with message 'Comments
starting with '#' are deprecated in ...
Please suggest any workaround to run the same without downgrading the php version.
The clue is in the error. You can no longer comment out lines in an ini file using a hash, use a semi-colon instead. If you simply change this in whichever ini file it's complaining about the error should disappear.
Edit: Since the error is coming from Zend_Config I'm assuming it's an ini file it's complaining about. If it's a PHP script then use // to comment out the line instead.