File renaming with powershell - powershell

Script is working almost how it is intended, still struggling with renaming duplicate files. I cannot figure out how to get it to name the files like
the closest I have gotten was
#region actual script
$srcRoot = "C:\srcLocation"
$dstRoot = "C:\dstLocation"
$fileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $srcRoot -File -Force -Recurse
foreach ($file in $fileList) {
$fileName = $file.Name.ToUpper()
$fileExt = $file.Extension.ToUpper()
$dstFileName = $null
switch -Regex ($fileName)
'[A-Z]{4}-[0-9]{3}' { $dstFileName = $fileName }
'[A-Z]{4} [0-9]{3}' { $dstFileName = $fileName -replace '([A-Z]{4})\s([0-
9]{3})','$1-$2' }
'[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{3}' { $dstFileName = $fileName -replace '([A-Z]{4})([0-9]
Default { Write-Warning -Message "$fileName is not an expected filename"
if ($dstFileName) {
$dstDir = $dstFileName.Split('.')[0].Substring(0,8)
$dstPath = Join-Path -Path $dstRoot -ChildPath $dstDir
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $dstPath)) {
New-Item -Path $dstPath -ItemType Directory
$i = 1
if (test-path $dstPath\$dstFileName){
$dstFileName = $dstFileName.Split('.')[0] + "($i)" + $fileExt
While (test-path $dstPath\$dstFileName){
$i +=1
$dstFileName = $dstFileName -replace
Write-Verbose "Moving $($file.FullName)"
Move-Item -Path $($file.FullName) -Destination $dstPath\$dstFileName -
ErrorAction Continue

You can simply use the Replace method of string objects in PowerShell. To verify your input, you can use a RegEx. Move-Item will throw an error, if the file already exists in the destination anyways. The complete script would look like this.
#region setup
New-Item -Path C:\srcpath,C:\dstpath -ItemType Directory
Set-Location C:\srcpath
New-Item 'ABCD123.txt','ABCD 123.txt','AbCD-123.txt','AAAA111.txt','BBBB 222.jpg','BBBB-222.txt' -ItemType File
#region actual script
$srcRoot = "C:\srcpath"
$dstRoot = "C:\dstpath"
$fileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $srcRoot -File -Force -Recurse
foreach ($file in $fileList) {
$fileName = $file.Name.ToUpper()
$dstFileName = $null
switch -Regex ($fileName)
'[A-Z]{4}-[0-9]{3}' { $dstFileName = $fileName }
'[A-Z]{4} [0-9]{3}' { $dstFileName = $fileName -replace '([A-Z]{4})\s([0-9]{3})','$1-$2' }
'[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{3}' { $dstFileName = $fileName -replace '([A-Z]{4})([0-9]{3})','$1-$2'}
Default { Write-Warning -Message "$fileName is not an expected filename" }
if ($dstFileName) {
$dstDir = $dstFileName.Split('.')[0]
$dstPath = Join-Path -Path $dstRoot -ChildPath $dstDir
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $dstPath)) {
New-Item -Path $dstPath -ItemType Directory
Write-Verbose "Moving $($file.FullName)"
Move-Item -Path $($file.FullName) -Destination $dstPath\$dstFileName -ErrorAction Continue
#region result
Write-Host '----- Result -----' -BackgroundColor DarkYellow
Get-ChildItem C:\dstpath -Recurse | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName

Gets the Files in Source folder (Get-ChildItems)
Renames The File to include a - instead of a " " (Rename-Item)
Sets the Child Name property to the new name ($File.Name)
Creates new Folder in source based on first 4 Chars
Moves-Item to new created folder (move-item)
$Source = "C:\Start"
$Destination = "C:\End"
foreach($File in (Get-ChildItem -Path $Source -File -Recurse)){
Rename-Item $File.Fullname ($File.Name -replace " ", "-")
$file.Name = ($File.Name -replace " ", "-")
New-Item "$($Destination)\$($File.Name.Substring(0,3))" -ItemType directory
move-item $File.FullName -force -destination $Destination\$($File.Name.Substring(0,3))


Powershell: Find folders with a specific name, and move contents up one level, rename if exists

I've got the first two-thirds of this one accomplished, but I'm stuck on the last part. I've got a script that searches for subfolders with a specific name, and moves their contents up one level. I have another script that moves files from one place to another, and renames them if the file already exists. What I'm trying to do now is merge the two. So here's the one that moves files up:
$sourceDir="E:\Deep Storage"
$searchFolder="Draft Materials"
Get-ChildItem -path $sourceDir -filter $searchFolder -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem -File -Path $_.FullName |
ForEach-Object {
Move-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $(Split-Path -Parent $_.PSParentPath)
And here's the one that moves things while renaming if they already exist:
$targetDir="E:\Deep Storage\Test1"
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceDir -Filter *.* -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$nextName = Join-Path -Path $targetDir -ChildPath $
while(Test-Path -Path $nextName)
$nextName = Join-Path $targetDir ($_.BaseName + "_$num" + $_.Extension)
$_ | Copy-Item -Destination $nextName -Verbose
And lastly, my attempt to hybridize the two:
$sourceDir="E:\Deep Storage"
$searchFolder="Draft Materials"
Get-ChildItem -path $sourceDir -filter $searchFolder -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem -File -Path $_.FullName |
ForEach-Object {
$nextName = Join-Path -Path $_.FullName -Destination $(Split-Path -Parent $_.PSParentPath)
while(Test-Path -Path $nextName)
$nextName = Join-Path -Path $_.FullName -Destination $(Split-Path -Parent $_.PSParentPath) ($_.BaseName + "_$num" + $_.Extension)
$_ | Copy-Item -Destination $nextName
I feel like I'm on the right track, but after two hours of attempts I haven't been able to get this to work.
EDIT: providing the exact syntax I'm giving it
$sourceDir="E:\Deep Storage\Projects"
$searchFolder="Draft Materials"
$destinationPath = "$($sourceDir)\.."
Write-Host "OPERATION: Search for Folders Named" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen -NoNewLine;
Write-Host " '$searchFolder' " -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkGreen -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "and Move Contents Up One Level" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen;
Write-Host "SEARCHDIR: $sourceDir" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen;
# Get all directories in specific folders inside the source directory
$folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceDir -Directory | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "$searchFolder*" -or $_.FullName -like "*\$searchFolder\*"}
foreach ($folder in $folders) {
# Get all files in the current folder
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder.FullName
foreach ($file in $files) {
$destinationFile = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $file.Name
if (Test-Path $destinationFile) {
# If a file with the same name exists in the destination directory, rename it
$name = $file.Name
$extension = $file.Extension
$i = 0
while (Test-Path $destinationFile) {
$name = "{0}_{1}{2}" -f ($file.BaseName, $i, $extension)
$destinationFile = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $name
Write-Host "Renaming $($file.Name) to $name"
Move-Item $file.FullName $destinationFile -Verbose -WhatIf
Here's what I came up with reading OP's post, code, and comments:
$sourcePath = 'E:\Deep Storage\Projects'
$searchFolder = 'Draft Materials'
Write-Host "OPERATION: Search for Folders Named" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen -NoNewLine;
Write-Host " '$searchFolder' " -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkGreen -NoNewLine;
Write-Host "and Move Contents Up One Level" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen;
Write-Host "SEARCHDIR: $sourcePath" -ForegroundColor White -BackgroundColor DarkGreen;
# Get all directories in specific folders inside the source directory
$folders = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $sourcePath -Directory -Recurse) | Where-Object Name -match $searchFolder
### Check selected folders
$Folders.FullName | Out-GridView -Title 'Selected Folders'
Read-Host 'Paused. Check selected folders in GridView. Press <enter> to continue '
ForEach ($folder in $folders)
# Get all files in the current folder
$filesToCopy = $folder | Get-ChildItem -File
# Get list of names for exising files in target (parent folder)
$targetPath = $folder.Parent.FullName
$filesInTarget = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $targetPath -File).Name
ForEach ($file in $filesToCopy)
If ($file.Name -notIn $filesInTarget)
$file | Move-Item -Destination $targetPath -Verbose -WhatIf
$i = 0
$newName = '{0}_{1}{2}' -f ($file.BaseName, $i++, $file.Extension)
} Until ( $newName -notIn $FilesInTarget )
Write-Host ('Renaming "{0}" to "{1}"...' -f $file.Name , $newName)
$file | Move-Item -Destination (Join-Path $targetPath $newName) -Verbose -WhatIf
# Delete (hopefully empty) folder
If (!($folder | Get-ChildItem -Force))
$folder | Remove-Item -WhatIf
Write-Host ('Items still exist in "{0}". Folder not deleted.' -f $folder.FullName)
Syntax choice: For any cmdlet that has Path/LiteralPath parameter sets (gci, Copy, Move, Rename, etc.), the System.IO.FileSystemInfo | <Cmdlet> syntax succeeds with items that would fail in the <Cmdlet> -Path (System.IO.FileSystemInfo).FullNaame form becasue special characters in their name would require the -LiteralPath parameter.
In many cases replacing -Path with -LiteralPath (or its alias: -lp) will work as well. But the pipelined format reads "cleaner" (IMHO) when scanning code and, if you're just learning PowerShell, reminds you to think in terms of pipelining whenever possible and avoiding intermediate variables. Just for grins, here's a version of the above code where items are piped as much as possible, using ForEach-Object:
(Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $sourcePath -Directory -Recurse) |
where Name -match $searchFolder |
ForEach-Object {
# Get list of names for exising files in target (parent folder)
$targetPath = $_.Parent.FullName
$filesInTarget = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $targetPath -File).Name
$_ | Get-ChildItem -File | ForEach-Object {
If ($_.Name -notIn $filesInTarget)
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $targetPath -Verbose -WhatIf
$i = 0
$newName = '{0}_{1}{2}' -f ($_.BaseName, $i++, $_.Extension)
} Until ( $newName -notIn $FilesInTarget )
Write-Host ('Renaming "{0}" to "{1}"...' -f $_.Name , $newName)
$_ | Move-Item -Destination (Join-Path $targetPath $newName) -Verbose -WhatIf
# Delete (hopefully empty) folder
If (!($_ | Get-ChildItem -Force))
$_ | Remove-Item -WhatIf
Write-Host ('Items still exist in "{0}". Folder not deleted.' -f $_.FullName)
please try this:
$sourcePath = "C:\temp\test\Test"
$destinationPath = "$($sourcePath)\.."
# Get all files in the source directory
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath
foreach ($file in $files) {
$destinationFile = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $file.Name
if (Test-Path $destinationFile) {
# If a file with the same name exists in the destination directory, rename it
$name = $file.Name
$extension = $file.Extension
$i = 0
while (Test-Path $destinationFile) {
$name = "{0}_{1}{2}" -f ($file.BaseName, $i, $extension)
$destinationFile = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $name
Write-Host "Renaming $($file.Name) to $name"
Move-Item $file.FullName $destinationFile
This will not delete the original location and will move everything from the sourcePath to the parent location.
To delete the original location just add at the end:
Remove-Item -Path $sourcePath -Force -Confirm:$false
$sourcePath = "C:\temp\test\Test"
$destinationPath = "$($sourcePath)\.."
# Get all directories in specific folders inside the source directory
$folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Directory | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "Folder1*" -or $_.FullName -like "*\Folder2\*"}
foreach ($folder in $folders) {
# Get all files in the current folder
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $folder.FullName
foreach ($file in $files) {
$destinationFile = "$($folder.FullName)\.."
if (Test-Path $destinationFile) {
# If a file with the same name exists in the destination directory, rename it
$name = $file.Name
$extension = $file.Extension
$i = 0
while (Test-Path $destinationFile) {
$name = "{0}_{1}{2}" -f ($file.BaseName, $i, $extension)
$destinationFile = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $name
Write-Host "Renaming $($file.Name) to $name"
Move-Item $file.FullName $destinationFile

Powershell Move Files To Directory - Maintain Paths?

Trying to make a simple backup script that will do as below:
Move the following
At the same time, renaming any files that already exist in dest.
My Code:
$src = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\test1"
$dest = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\test2"
Get-ChildItem -Path $src -Filter *.txt -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$nextName = Join-Path -Path $dest -ChildPath $
while(Test-Path -Path $nextName)
$nextName = Join-Path $dest ($_.BaseName + " ($num)" + $_.Extension)
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $nextName
This almost works but it flattens all files into one folder in the dest.
(\source\path\example.txt becomes \dest\example.txt)
How to fix?
Following commented code snippet could do the job:
Get-ChildItem -Path $src -Filter *.txt -Recurse |
ForEach-Object {
# ChildPath ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
$nextName = Join-Path -Path $dest -ChildPath $_.FullName.Replace("$src\", '')
# effective destination for current file
$destNew = $nextName | Split-Path
# create effective destination silently if necessary
if ( -not (Test-Path -Path $destNew) ) {
$null = New-Item $destNew -ItemType Directory
while(Test-Path -Path $nextName)
# ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
$nextName = Join-Path $destNew ($_.BaseName + " ($num)" + $_.Extension)
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $nextName
Other method :
function Get-ItemNameWithNumberIfExist($NewPath, $BaseName, $Extension, $rang)
#build a new file name
if ($rang -eq 0)
$NewFileName="{0}{1}" -f $NewPath, $BaseName, $Extension
$NewFileName="{0}({1}){2}" -f $NewPath, $BaseName, $rang, $Extension
#build a new path file name (use combine for work on every SE)
$NewPathFile=[System.IO.Path]::Combine($NewPath, $NewFileName)
#recursive call if file exist
if (Test-Path -Path $NewPathFile)
Get-ItemNameWithNumberIfExist $NewPath $BaseName $Extension $rang
Get-ChildItem $OldPath -file -Recurse | %{
$NewPath=$_.DirectoryName.Replace($OldPath, $NewPath)
#create directory without error if exist
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $NewPath -Force
#move item and rename if exist
move-item $_.FullName (Get-ItemNameWithNumberIfExist $NewPath $_.BaseName $_.Extension 0)

PowerShell: Iterate Through Directory List, Copy Files with Duplicate Handling

EDIT: So after some research, since what I had wasn't quite doing the trick and the advice and comments from before got me further along than I was previously, I am back with a bit more research and a more complete script.
Import-CSV C:\saveme\file_path3.csv | ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem $_.path -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$split = $_.FullName -split '\\'
$DestFile = $split[1..($split.Length - 1)] -join '\'
$DestFile = "G:\Recuva2\$DestFile"
$null = New-Item -Path $DestFile -Type File -Force
If (Test-Path $DestFile) {
$i = 0
While (Test-Path $DestFile) {
$i += 1
$DestFile = $DestFile+$i
} Else {
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $DestFile -Verbose -Force
This seems to be breaking due to an inability to find the destination directory. It seems to be breaking on this line
$null = New-Item -Path $DestFile -Type File -Force
and this line
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $DestFile -Verbose -Force
The common denominator here seems to be the $DestFile. I understand I am doing a good bit to the $DestFile, but I can't seem to nail down what is causing it to break.
My desired end-result here is that the folder structure be maintained when copying the specific files over in the csv list from which I am importing.
What actually seems to be happening is that it is throwing errors whenever I attempt to copy. Error text below.
Copy-Item : Could not find a part of the path 'G:\Recuva2\HR_VIOLATORS\REPORTS\REPORT_Storage2\199452\\\'.
At line:16 char:5
+ Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $DestFile -Verbose -Force
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Copy-Item], DirectoryNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.CopyItem
Similar to but not quite the same as
Keep rename duplicate items with copy
Essentially I am being forced to grab a list of directories from a csv file and copy their contents. However the problem I am having is that some of the directories and files are duplicated.
I am attempting to use this script to import from the csv, copy the files with directory structure intact, while renaming any duplicates, ideally at the file level so that the duplicate directories are merged.
Import-CSV C:\COPYME\file_path.csv | foreach($_.path) {
ls $_.path -recurse | foreach($_) {
$SourceFile = $_.FullName
$DestinationFile = "G:\Recuva2\"+$_
If (Test-Path $DestinationFile) {
$i = 0
While (Test-Path $DestinationFile) {
$i += 1
$DestinationFile = "G:\Recuva2\"+$_+$i
} Else {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $DestinationFile -Force
Copy-Item -Path $SourceFile -Destination $DestinationFile -verbose -Force
I am receiving an error that says that line 2 character 24 cannot be resolved to a method? What am I missing/doing wrong here?
There is a difference between the ForEach-Object cmdlet and the ForEach loop.
Import-Csv -Path 'C:\COPYME\file_path.csv' |
ForEach-Object {
ls $_.path -recurse |
ForEach-Object {
$SourceFile = $_.FullName
$DestinationFile = "G:\Recuva2\"+$_
If (Test-Path $DestinationFile) {
$i = 0
While (Test-Path $DestinationFile) {
$i += 1
$DestinationFile = "G:\Recuva2\"+$_+$i
} Else {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $DestinationFile -Force
Copy-Item -Path $SourceFile -Destination $DestinationFile -verbose -Force
With PowerShell 4.0+ there is a .foreach() method. But it looks like you are really trying to use the alias to ForEach-Object which as iRon has pointed out in the comments does not need the ($_).
Import-CSV C:\COPYME\file_path.csv | ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem $_.Path -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$SourceFile = $_.FullName
$DestinationFile = "G:\Recuva2\" + $_
If (Test-Path $DestinationFile) {
$i = 0
While (Test-Path $DestinationFile) {
$i += 1
$DestinationFile = "G:\Recuva2\" + $_ + $i
} Else {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $DestinationFile -Force
Copy-Item -Path $SourceFile -Destination $DestinationFile -Verbose -Force
As it turned out, I was causing my own problems by trying to pass data I had already gotten. A working version of the scripting is below. This worked flawlessly for every test I put it through thus far large and small. Thank you to the answers above for contributing to my knowledge and understanding of powershell.
Import-CSV C:\COPYME\file_path.csv | ForEach-Object {
Get-ChildItem $_.path -recurse | ForEach {
$split = $_.FullName -split '\\'
$DestinationFile = $split[1..($split.Length - 1)] -join '\'
$DestinationFile = "D:\HUBICOPY\$DestinationFile"
#$DestinationFile = (Resolve-Path $DestinationFile).Path
#$null = New-Item -Path $DestinationFile -Type File -Force
If (Test-Path $DestinationFile)
$i = 0
While (Test-Path $DestinationFile)
$i += 1
$DestinationFile = $DestinationFile+$i
Else {New-Item -ItemType File -Path $DestinationFile -Force}
Copy-Item -Path $_ -Destination $DestinationFile -verbose -Force

Powershell: Move files to folder based on Date Created

I'm not a coder but I've still attempted tweaking PS scripts found here and still can't get the behavior I desire. The tough part for me has been the 2 digit Day requirement (dd). After several noob attempts I would like some help.
I have a folder that contains hundreds of JPG's. I manually sort these JPG's into folders based on the date taken. Folder name examples are 2015.02.04, 2016.10.31, 2016.12.01.
1) I would like a script to scan my JPG folder.
2) For each file, scan the date
3) If the file was created June 1st, 2016 then it will be moved to .\2016.06.01
Help a brother out?
$Filepath = ""
$file = ""
$date = ""
$month = ""
$year = ""
$MonthPath = ""
$FilePath = Read-Host "Place the directory which contains the files."
Write-Warning "Note: This action can take several minutes, depending on the amount of files in $FilePath."
get-childitem $FilePath | % {
$file = $_.FullName
$date = Get-Date ($_.LastWriteTime)
$month = $date.month
$year = $date.year
$day = $
$MonthPath = "$FilePath\$year.$month.$day"
Write-Verbose "month = $month"
Write-Verbose "Date = $date"
Write-Verbose "year = $year"
Write-Verbose "FilePath = $FilePath"
Write-Verbose "Filename = $file"
Write-Verbose "MonthPath = $MonthPath"
if(!(Test-Path -Path "$MonthPath" )){
Write-Verbose "Creating log location $MonthPath."
#Write-Host -backgroundcolor green -ForegroundColor black "Creating log location $MonthPath."
Write-Verbose "MonthPath inside path test = $MonthPath"
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $MonthPath | Out-null
#Write-Host -backgroundcolor green -ForegroundColor black "Log location exists already exist $MonthPath"
Write-Verbose "Log location exists already exist $MonthPath"
move-item "$file" "$MonthPath" | Out-null
Write-Warning "All files are sorted now based upon year and month."
[DateTime]$start_time="2016-6-1 00:00:00"
[DateTime]$end_time="2016-6-1 23:59:59"
$des_folder = "C:\test\2016.06.1"
Get-ChildItem c:\test\*.jpg -Recurse | foreach {if($_.lastwritetime -ge $start_time -and $_.lastwritetime -le $end_time) { move-item $_.fullname $des_folder }}
Please ensure there is no name conflict .
You may change"c:\test" in "c:\test*.jpg" to the path you want to scan .
Also the value of variable "$des_folder" to the destination folder you want to store the matched pictures .
Get-ChildItem c:\test\test2\*.jpg -Recurse | foreach {
$x = $_.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString()
$new_folder_name = Get-Date $x -Format yyyy.MM.dd
$des_path = "c:\test\test2\$new_folder_name"
if (test-path $des_path){
move-item $_.fullname $des_path
} else {
new-item -ItemType directory -Path $des_path
move-item $_.fullname $des_path
I ended up creating a script that does exactly what you're asking for here. You can find it in GitHub here, which will have the latest version of the code.
Here is the current implementation, edited for conciseness, removed unnecessary features, and tailored to the question's needs:
[string] $SourceDirectoryPath = 'C:\FilesToMove'
[string] $TargetDirectoryPath = 'C:\SortedFiles'
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $filesToMove = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDirectoryPath -File -Force -Recurse
$filesToMove | ForEach-Object {
[System.IO.FileInfo] $file = $_
[DateTime] $fileDate = $file.LastWriteTime
[string] $dateDirectoryName = $fileDate.ToString('yyyy.MM.dd')
[string] $dateDirectoryPath = Join-Path -Path $TargetDirectoryPath -ChildPath $dateDirectoryName
if (!(Test-Path -Path $dateDirectoryPath -PathType Container))
Write-Verbose "Creating directory '$dateDirectoryPath'."
New-Item -Path $dateDirectoryPath-ItemType Directory -Force > $null
[string] $filePath = $file.FullName
Write-Information "Moving file '$filePath' into directory '$dateDirectoryPath'."
Move-Item -Path $filePath -Destination $dateDirectoryPath
Note that it copies the file paths into an array before iterating over them. This is important for the cases where you are copying files to subdirectories of their current directory, otherwise Get-ChildItem could scan files twice, iterating over files that it just moved.
Expanded more to cover off duplicates
$jpg_files = Get-ChildItem "F:\*.jpg" -Recurse
foreach ($jpg in $jpg_files){
$x = $jpg.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString()
$new_folder = Get-Date $x -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$des_path = "F:\Photos\$($new_folder)"
if (Test-Path $des_path){
if (Test-Path "$($des_path)\$($jpg.Name)"){
$index = 1
do {
$new_name = $des_path + "\" + $jpg.BaseName + " ($($index))" + $jpg.Extension
} While(Test-Path $new_name)
move-item $jpg.fullname -destination $new_name
}else {
move-item $jpg.fullname $des_path
else {
new-item -ItemType directory -Path $des_path
move-item $jpg.fullname $des_path
I would like to propose this variant based on last response for duplicates showing that multiple files can be selected and also that removing the absolute paths works and it will move the files that are bellow of your current prompt no mathers where the file is. Also add a missing }. Thanks to all that contributes to this thread, this helps a lot to organize the pictures and video!
$files = Get-ChildItem "*.jpg","*.mp4" -Recurse
foreach ($file in $files) {
$x = $file.LastWriteTime.ToShortDateString()
$new_folder = Get-Date $x -Format yyyy-MM
$des_path = "$($new_folder)"
if (Test-Path $des_path) {
if (Test-Path "$($des_path)\$($file.Name)") {
$index = 1
do {
$new_name = $des_path + "\" + $file.BaseName + " ($($index))" + $file.Extension
} While(Test-Path $new_name)
move-item $file.fullname -destination $new_name
}else {
move-item $file.fullname $des_path
else {
new-item -ItemType directory -Path $des_path
move-item $file.fullname $des_path

PowerShell Move-Item $filename

I searched, i googled.. about to smash my head on the table
how come this will not work?
move-Item $path$file $targetdir
it gives me an error
Move-Item : An object at the specified path C:\Repository\test.csv
does not exist.
now if i debug this and i output using
write-output move-Item $path$file $targetdir
and take that output and paste it (file name with path and destination) it works!
and trust me the file is there. =\
Code below
$path = 'C:\test\'
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"
$LogFile = Get-Date -Format "MM_dd_yyyy"
$targetdir = "C:\test\Uploaded\"
#Get-ChildItem -path $path\* -Include *.csv | foreach-object {$_.Fullname} | Format-Table name -hidetableheaders | Out-File $path\list.txt
Get-ChildItem -path $path\* -Include *.csv | Format-Table name -hidetableheaders | Out-File $path\list2.txt
get-content C:\test\list2.txt | where {$_ -ne ""} | out-file C:\test\list.txt
Remove-Item C:\test\list2.txt
$list = get-content C:\test\list.txt
foreach ($file in $list)
$ftp = "ftp://REMOVED/$file"
"ftp url: $ftp"
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp)
"Uploading $file..."
$succeeded = $true;
& {
trap { $script:succeeded = $false; continue }
$webclient.UploadFile($uri, $path+$file)
if ($succeeded)
echo $file 'Was successfully uploaded!' $Timestamp >> logfile$LogFile.log
move-Item -path $path$file -destination $targetdir
#test-path $path$file
echo $file 'Was not successfully uploaded, will retry later' $Timestamp >> logfile$LogFile.log
Basics are:
Test-Path before you move it (file and destination)
Move the file, ensure you have permission (force it to move)
echo $targetdir
echo "$path$file"
if (!(Test-Path $targetdir)) {
New-Item -ItemType directory $targetdir
if(Test-Path "$path$file") {
Move-Item "$path$file" $targetdir -Force
} else {
echo "file does not exist"
If you loop over a collection you have to use the ".FullName" property of the object:
Get-ChildItem $path | ForEach-Object { Move-Item $_.FullName $targetdir -Force }
Does the target directory already exist? I believe Move-Item will fail if the target directory doesn't exist. If that's the case, you can simply test for existence of the directory beforehand and then create as necessary.
If (!(Test-Path -Path $targetdir)) {
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $targetdir
This worked for me. Thank you #TheMadTechnician. Hopes this helps everyone
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss"
$LogFile = Get-Date -Format "MM_dd_yyyy"
$targetDir = 'C:\test\Uploaded\'
$fileList = Get-ChildItem $path*.csv
If(!(Test-Path $TargetDir)){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TargetDir|Out-Null}
$fileList | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File 'C:\test\list.txt'
$list = get-content C:\test\list.txt
foreach ($file in $list)
$ftp = "ftp://REMOVED/$file"
"ftp url: $ftp"
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($ftp)
"Uploading $file..."
$succeeded = $true;
& {
trap { $script:succeeded = $false; continue }
$webclient.UploadFile($uri, $path+$file)
if ($succeeded)
echo $file 'Was successfully uploaded!' $Timestamp >> logfile$LogFile.log
move-Item -path $path$file -destination $targetdir$Timestamp"_"$file
#test-path $path$file
echo $file 'Was not successfully uploaded, will retry later' $Timestamp >> logfile$LogFile.log
How about this then:
ForEach($File in $List){
Join-Path $path $file | Move-Item -Dest $Targetdir
Edit: Also... your creation of list.txt, it bothered me so I had to comment. Format-Table should be used for formatting text, not for selecting a value to output to a file. There's a better way to do that, consider this alternative:
Get-ChildItem "$path*.csv" | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File $pathlist.txt
Since you say that $path = 'C:\test\' you are adding extra backslashes in there that may cause issues for some commands.
Edit2: Ok, if that doesn't work, why not work with the files themselves instead of outputting to a file, importing from that file, and then working with things.
$TargetDir = 'c:\test\NewDir'
$FileList = Get-ChildItem $path*.csv
If(!(Test-Path $TargetDir)){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $TargetDir|Out-Null}
$FileList | Move-Item -Destination $TargetDir
Then if you really want a list of those file names just pipe $FileList to Select and then to Out-File
$FileList | Select -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File 'C:\Test\list.txt'
Here, look through this and see if there's anything you like. I made a few changes, such as declaring paths at the beginning for everything, I moved the WebClient object creation outside of the loop, and changed how things are displayed on screen. Plus I skip the entire exporting to text file and re-importing it.
$path = 'C:\test'
$ftpaddr = ''
$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"
$LogFile = Get-Date -Format "MM_dd_yyyy"
$LogDir = "C:\Test\Logs"
If(!(test-path $LogDir)){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $LogDir | Out-Null}
$targetdir = 'C:\test\Uploaded'
If(!(test-path $targetdir)){New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $targetdir | Out-Null}
$list = Get-ChildItem -path $path\* -Include *.csv
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
"ftp url: $ftpaddr"
foreach ($file in ($list|select -ExpandProperty Name))
$uri = New-Object System.Uri(("$ftpaddr/$file"))
Write-Host "Uploading $file... " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White
$succeeded = $true
& {
trap { $script:succeeded = $false; continue }
$webclient.UploadFile($uri, "$Path\$file")
if ($succeeded)
Write-Host "Success!" -ForegroundColor Green
"$Timestamp`t$File was successfully uploaded!" | Out-File "$logdir\logfile$LogFile.log" -Append
move-Item -path "$path\$file" -destination $targetdir
Write-Host "Failed! Will retry later." -ForegroundColor Red
"$Timestamp`t$File was not successfully uploaded, will retry later" | Out-File "$logdir\logfile$LogFile.log" -Append