when we could send parameters by post why Http introduced put and patch? - rest

I am trying to send parameters to my rest controller using postman and i see no difference when i use post, put or patch. Why HTTP introduced these methods if they are just same ?


How to send POST request without using form

I want to pass a parameter to a method using POST request. Since all data is generated after some logic, I don't want to use form to send such request. Is is possible in playframework?
you can use play ws. It allows you to do HTTP requests

Is it good idea to send request.body json values with GET HTTP request?

I am working with this third party service provider where i have to fetch / filter some data from them. The search filter parameters are complex in nature and contains too many filter params. I have tried to use querystring values and with querystring, i find it more difficult to send data since the data i have to send may contain an array of objects.
With JSON request body even with HTTP GET request, I find it extremely easy to process the request and did the testing using Insomnia REST client with ease. However POSTman REST client doesn't allow to send body parameters with GET request.
I have seen others using POST request to fetch / filter data from the api for the same purpose. POST HTTP request can be used to fetch data, but is it good from the technical standpoint? Is it recommended practice to send JSON request body values with GET request?
Not sure how much control you might have on the protocol or you have any middleware, but an HTTP GET usually doesn't have a body, I've even seen smart firewalls and hosting services strip any body by default. If you want to stay "close" to clean REST, you might consider adding a "/query" to your resource path and do a POST to that endpoint; it's a bit "RPC-ish" but not too bad. Another option would be to have a completely independent query service that could be using another protocol such as JSON-RPC.

How to workaround PATCH-request, if PATCH not supported serverside

I'm using ColdFusion 10 to communicate with PayPal's servers and for some requests I'd need to do HTTP PATCH requests which are not supported by CF10.
Is the PayPal REST API offering an alternate method to fake PATCH requests like appending ?_HttpMethod=PATCH to the request URI or sending a HTTP Header named X-HTTP-Method-Override with value PATCH?
Setting a header named X-HTTP-Method-Override with value PATCH works with PayPal REST API.

What is http text post in webservice context?

I am having confusion around http text 'post' in terms of webservice context. We are having a web service which is built on SOAP protocol, now the integration partner wants to eliminate the SOAP portion of the XML message and wants us to post XML message as 'http text post'.
Is this REST HTTP POST? Please clarify.
POST is an HTTP request method, of which there are many (ex. GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD...). POST is used to submit data to a server for processing, whereas GET (for example) is used to retrieve data for reading. You can read more here. These methods are used for all HTTP communication, whether the target is a SOAP/REST web service or an Apache server hosting a regular website.
SOAP normally operates using POST requests, although it is possible to use GET with SOAP 1.2 as well. GET requests have more restrictive size limitations than POST requests.

Tuleap - REST API with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

I have a question regarding the Tuleap REST API when used with CORS.
Basically, I'm trying to make a REST call to see the backlog of my project.
Referring to the API Explorer, to do so I need to do a GET call like this: /api/projects/{id}/backlog I also need to add the custom headers X-Auth-Token and X-Auth-UserId to ensure the authentication.
When I do this request with a HTTP Request tool (Poster for Firefox) everything works fine and I get status 200.
The problem now is that I'm trying to develop an application (in angularJS) that would do the same request.
I noticed that when the page is doing the request, it starts by doing a preflight OPTIONS request which is due to the Cross-Origin-Ressource-Sharing.
It seems like the X-Auth-Token and X-Auth-UserId header are being put in the Access-Control-Request-Headers. Because of that I get an unauthorized 401 response code from the server and I can't complete the request.
I've been looking online and couldn't find my answer as how to make this call work.
There was a recent contribution that should remove the need for authentication on all OPTIONS routes in order to enable the preflight: http://gerrit.tuleap.net/#/c/2642/ It was
Integrated in Tuleap
Either your version of Tuleap is too old or there is a bug.
Note all calls still require some headers such as "Content-Type: application/json"; the integration tests should provide good examples of how to make calls: