Change Keycloak server login theme in Wildfly Swarm - keycloak

I'we created uber Wildfly-Swarm jar with included Keycloak Server in WildFly Swarm Project Generator.
Everything runs fine but the problem comes when I want to add my custum theme,
I have read official manual for creating themes but here is nothing describing how to do this inside Wildfly-Swarm's uber jar. Am I missing something?


Deploying Applications to Bluemix

Is it possible to deploy the J2EE Module only into Bluemix? Because what I did now is I deployed the entire whole WebSphere Application Server. But then, what happen is that I can't run the application locally anymore because the server.xml configuration has been changed to use the database service selected in the Bluemix platform.
Here's a snippet of the current setup. If there's another way, can someone tell me how
You can publish EAR and web modules directly to the Bluemix server in Eclipse. The Tools also support incremental publish of both type of modules.
To deploy the application, you can simply right click on the Bluemix server on the Servers view and select the Add and Remove option. For details, you can refer to Publishing an EAR file section of the documentation. The steps for publishing a web module is the same as publishing an EAR module.
Note that publishing the module directly does not allow you to include Liberty server configuration, i.e. the server.xml, as part of the publish operation. In case your application require specific server configuration settings, then you need to continue to publish the entire server as before.

Deploy Hooks in Liferay and JBoss

I need to create a Hook to inject Javascript in a site. I have not had troubles creating hook but when I deploy it, my hook is not registered like Hook.
I have tried to deploy it with Liferay and Tomcat and this work fine.
Anybody knows what could be happenning?
Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry to say that Liferay's hook mechanism doesn't fully work in JBoss domain mode. The Liferay documentation says:
"...since Liferay’s JSP override mechanism relies on the application
server reloading customized JSP files from the exploded plugin .war
file location. Other plugins, such as service or action hooks, should
still work properly since they don’t require JBoss to access anything
(such as JSP files) from an exploded .war file on the file system..."
I suggest, if you can, to change to JBoss standalone mode or change to other application server like Tomcat that is fully supported by Liferay.
You can read more information about that in installing-liferay-on-jboss

How can I deploy a Java-Spring Maven Application on Tomcat v8.0 (Restful WebService)

I am unable to deploy the Spring-Maven Restful WebService on Tomcat v8.0. My OS is windows 7. When I deploy it through Tomcat App Manager then I get a screen with the link "Click To Enter", although I have not created any links like that. Please see the image below.
This is exactly how it is supposed to work. When you create a new "Simple Spring Web Maven" project in Eclipse (I guess this is what you did), the wizard creates a working Maven project that can be immediately built with Maven. The created WAR can be, in turn, deployed to Tomcat (i.e. copy the WAR file to the webapp folder of Tomcat) or whatever container you are using.
As I said in the comment, it looks like you actually managed to deploy the WAR and what you are seeing is the default home page corresponding to the "index.jsp" file, that is created by the wizard.

How to configure application level settings in Websphere developer tool in Eclipse?

I install WebSphere Developer tools for Eclipse and refer to my local WebSphere 7 installation. Then deploy a Spring application within an EAR project. However, when I deploy the EAR project into WebSphere server instance in Eclipse, I find no options/UI to assign external library or assign role/user mapping etc, just like what I can do in WebSphere console.
When log on WebSphere console I do see the project setting but cannot save the change.
So is there anyway to configure on the UI or I have to make every change in an WebSphere XML configuration file?
In Eclipse, I find no options/UI to assign external library or assign role/user mapping etc
Yes, you have to do it via console.
When log on WebSphere console I do see the project setting but cannot save the change.
Thats the common problem. Open the Server configuration and uncheck Minimize application files copied to the server. Restart server, undeploy and redeploy application. You should be able to save mappings.
If this doesn't help (helps in most cases but not for some settings and I don't remember for which), then in the Publishing options, switch to Run server with resources on Server, this will work for sure, but deployment will be a bit longer. Of course restart and redeploy app.
You will see the missing OK buttons in the admin console then.

Tomcat REST services not deployed with Intellij IDEA

I have just switched to Intellij Idea (11) and I'm having possibly simple problem for which I cannot find a solution within Intellij IDE. I have a web application which contains some classes marked with annotations from like eg. #Path("/members") etc and my web.xml file configured for handling REST calls.
The application is build with Maven, when I package the application either from command line or through the Intellij IDE and copy the .war file into tomcat webapps directory manually, all works fine, eg. I can access GET based services from the browser.
If I deploy the application through configured tomcat in Intellij IDE the application works but without the REST portion, so I'm not able to execute any rest based calls (all end up with 404 error). I cannot see anything in logs about deploying rest service classes like I do during manual deployment:
INFO: Adding scanned resource:
so its definitively an IDE configuration option I've missed which prevents tomcat from scanning classes for this annotations.
The question is how should I configure my Tomcat within the IDE to work the same as started manually.
with Intellij you need to expose the classes as web services from Tools > WebServices.
Also check that in Setting > Web Services, the prefix path for web service is correct (by default is /services).
Here you have a nice tutorial about how to create webservices in intellij.
By the way... when you do a deploy from intellij, the application goes to:
This info appears in the console as: "Using CATALINA_BASE": .../path...
Hope this helps,