Implement search functionality with Entity Framework - entity-framework

I have three tables
SalesDetails with columns SalesId, ProductId, Qty, Price etc
SalesPersonDtls with columns SalesId, SalesPersonId, CommPercentage etc
SalesPerson with columns SalesPersonId, firstName, lastName etc
I have second table because one sale can be done by more than one sales person together with split commission.
I have various inputs in search screen like productname, sales date, sales person name etc.
I am making the model class as 'AsQueryable' and add various where conditions and finally the result into a list.
I have sales person's name in search criteria but I don't know how to include this into the search. Can you please help?

If I get it correct , relation of your business models is like this :
person (n) <-----> (1) Sale (1) <-----> (n) Details
you put sale and person relation in "SalesPersonDtls" and sale and detail relation to "SalesDetails". I think it's better to change your entities a little bit, if you want to get better result as your project getting bigger and more complex.
Your entities should be like this :
List<SalesDetail> details;
List<Person> persons;
Now it's really simple , if you want sales that is related to a personName :
sales.Where(sale => sale.Persons.Any(person => person.PersonName == "your input name"));
If you can't or don't want to change your models:
first you need to find personId by it'name and then search into your "SalesPersonDtls" and get saleIds.


Build up IQueryable including additional tables based on conditions

I have an issue where we create a complex IQueryable that we need to make it more efficient.
There are 2 tables that should only be included if columns from them are being filtered.
My exact situation is complex to explain so I thought I could illustrate it with an example for cars.
If I have a CarFilter class like this:
public class CarFilter
public string BrandName { get;set; }
public decimal SalePrice {get; set; }
Let's say that we have a query for car sales:
var info = from car in cars
from carSale in carSales on carSale.BrandId == car.BrandId && car.ModelId == carSale.ModelId
from brand in carBrands on car.BrandId == brand.BrandId
select car
var cars = info.ToList();
Let's say that this is a huge query that returns 100'000 rows as we are looking at cars and sales and the associated brands.
The user only wants to see the details from car, the other 2 tables are for filtering purposes.
So if the user only wants to see Ford cars, our logic above is not efficient. We are joining in the huge car sale table for no reason as well as CarBrand as the user doesn't care about anything in there.
My question is how can I only include tables in my IQueryable if they are actually needed?
So if there is a BrandName in my filter I would include CarBrand table, if not, it's not included.
Using this example, the only time I would ever want both tables is if the user specified both a BrandName and SalePrice.
The semantics are not important here, i.e the number of records returned being impacted by the joins etc, I am looking for help on the approach
I am using EF Core
It is common for complex filtering. Just join when it is needed.
var query = cars;
if (filter.SalePrice > 0)
query =
from car in query
join carSale in carSales on new { car.BrandId, car.ModelId } equals new { carSale.BrandId, carSale.ModelId }
where carSale.Price >= filter.SalePrice
select car;
if (!filter.BrandName.IsNullOrEempty())
query =
from car in query
join brand in carBrands on car.BrandId equals brand.BrandId
where brand.Name == filter.BrandName
select car;
var result = query.ToList();

could not resolve property Nhibernate alias

Have two classes. Books and Rating.
When user rates i am adding record to a Rating. Rating has a foreign key to Books.
Now, i want to calculate average of rating for the books using criteria language.
var bks = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Books), "b")
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("b.CategoryId", id))
.CreateAlias("b.Rating", "r")
When i run this, it shows an error :
could not resolve property: Rating of: Site.Models.Books

C# EF query for typical products - category relationship?

Using entity framework, trying to get some help for a query (prefer method based syntax) for this typical use case:
There is a products table, like:
productInfo, etc.
There is a typical product-category-mapping table, like:
This set up allows one product to be in multiple category, and has its own sort order in each category. Also, we have the "ownerId" in all tables since each owner can only see his own data.
Now, given a categtoryId and ownerId, we need to find all products of this category, sorted by the sortOrder.
Any way how we should write this?
Many Thanks!
You can try to use something along those lines :
// Instanciate your context.
// Do it the way you've already done it, it's here only for example.
DbContext bd = new DbContext();
// The query :
List<Products> listProducts = new List<Products>();
listProducts = db.Products.Where(p => (db.ProductsCategories.Where(pc => pc.CategoryID == categoryID && pc.OwnerID == ownerID).Select(pc => pc.ProductID).OrderBy(pr => pr.sortOrder).ToList()).Contains(p.ProductID)).ToList();
This way use the product-category mapping (categorieID and ownerID are the datas you inject and you keep the sorting.

Entity Framework Conditional Count of Navigation Property 2 levels down

Just starting out with Entity Framework and am trying to work out how you would do something like this....
Say I have the following entities, Customers that have Orders that have OrderLineItems which are linked to Products. I would like to return the name of every customer with a count of the number of times they have ordered a particular product.
I have seen examples of using .Count() but these have always been for the first navigation property i.e. number of orders per customer.
Would appreciate some guidance here.
Something like this should work, where context is your DbContext instance.
It will return an IEnumerable<dynamic>, although obviously you could make a class to hold the results.
// The product to count
var productId = 12345;
.Select(customer =>
new {
CustomerName = customer.Name,
ProductCount = customer.Orders
.SelectMany(o => o.OrderLineItems)
.SelectMany(i => i.Products.Where(p => p.Id = productId).Count()
The Include() extension method is useful, it will make sure that the resulting SQL query joins the relevant tables together - otherwise multiple queries would be executed for each customer (one to get orders, another for line items and a final one for products).

Entity Framework Return Parent along with child entity as Ieunmerable List

I am new to Entity Framework and had a question i have been stuck on for a while. I have a repository in my DAL to access the data its returning IEnumerable lists for functions defined there. There are two tables involved here table Company and thier Customer_orders please see below for details. I need to return an Ienumerable list for Customer Orders ...which also includes the Customer name. I am able to return everything back for the customer order table but cant get the Customer name from the related table. Is it because I am returning a list of Ienumerable CustomerOrder type? If anyone can provide some help by showing the right code it would be greatly appreciated. Once again I am trying to bind to a grid pulling from the CustomerOrders table but need to also display CustomerName from Customers table.
Table1 (Customers)
Table 2 (CustomerOrders)
This is what I have so far this doesnt pull up any customer Names but pulls the CustomerOrders information
public IEnumerable<CustomerOrders> GetCustomerOrders(int company_id)
return context.Customers.Where(c => c.company_id == company_id).First().CustomerOrders.ToList().OrderBy(p => p.ProductName);
How about:
return context.CustomerOrders
.Include(o => o.Customer)
.Where(o => o.customer_id == customer_id);