Is there a way to Concat multiple rows into one but keep each column value as a seperate column? - db2

I know that it is possible to almost do what I want with LISTAGG however that adds all of the values into one column.
For example if I have something like this
SubjectID StudentName
---------- -------------
1 Mary
1 John
1 Sam
2 Alaina
2 Edward
I am hoping to get something like this
SubjectID StudentName StudentName1 StudentName2
---------- ----------- ------------ ------------
1 Mary John Sam
2 Alaina Edward 0

This is called pivoting and is perfectly described in this article


Using DIFFERENCE in a WHERE clause

I want to use the DIFFERENCE keyword in a T-SQL query to find data that is equal or very similar between two data sets. DIFFERENCE returns a score from 1-4, where 4 is very similar and 1 is not similar at all.
For example, if I have two data sets, A and B, that contain the following:
---- ----
adam adam
bob billy
charlie brittany
doug charles
frances diana
I would want to select ones that are equal or similar (say, DIFFERENCE value of 3 or 4), so I would want the result set (which stems from data set A) of:
My thought is to put the DIFFERENCE keyword in the WHERE clause, something like this:
/* somehow join B here, despite that A and B might not be exact matches such as in charlie and charles */
How can I do this?
select *
from a
join b
on difference(, = 4;

Group by specific column in PostgreSQL

I trying to get a count of person depending on the org_id.
Let's say I have 10 people in my people coming in from different organization.
I want to count no of people working in separate with each record listed.
Please click here on SQL Fiddle link to get what exactly I am trying to do.
Postgres version 9.4
Below are my table records:
id person_name emp_id org_id
1 John Mackenzie TTT104 1
2 Raven Raid TTT105 1
3 Albert Pinto TTT106 2
4 Albert Pinto1 TTT119 2
5 Ram Raman TTT108 2
6 Huge Jackman TTT109 2
7 Peter Pan TTT107 2
8 Albert Pinto2 TTT106 2
id person_name emp_id count(org_id)
1 John Mackenzie TTT104 2
2 Raven Raid TTT105 2
3 Albert Pinto TTT106 6
4 Albert Pinto1 TTT119 6
5 Ram Raman TTT108 6
6 Huge Jackman TTT109 6
7 Peter Pan TTT107 6
8 Albert Pinto2 TTT106 6
As shown in the image I want my records to look in my velocity template:
While collecting results, you The solution you are looking for is the following:
SELECT org_id, count(*)
FROM person
GROUP BY org_id;
Basically with this query you are collecting the number of people working in each distinct org_id.
Result of the query is, then:
rg_id | count
1 | 2
2 | 6
Execute query as below to solve the issue:
SELECT p.person_name,
count(p.org_id) OVER w as org
FROM person p WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY org_id);

Transposing Row Data as Columns in Crystal Reports

I have the following data returned from a stored procedure
Staff Category Amount
----- ------- ------
Bob Art 123
Bob Sport 777
Bob Music 342
Jeff Art 0
Jeff Sport 11
Jeff Music 27
All Categories will always be returned for all Staff even is the Amount is zero
What I want to do on my Crystal Report is output this:-
Staff Art Sport Music
----- --- ----- -----
Bob 123 777 342
Jeff 0 11 27
I effectively want to Transpose the data in the Category rows as headers or columns in my report.
I do not want to use a Cross Tab as I have other things I need to add which will not fit nicely into a Cross Tab
Any thoughts on how I can do this in Crystal? I'm using version 11
Should be able to achive this in your sproc with a PIVOT Table. A helpfile on PIVOT tables can be found here
Group the report by staff and place staff, Art, Sport, Music as text fields in Group header.
now in details section place data as
Staff, formula 1 (If Category='Art' then Amount), formula 2 (If Category='Sport' then Amount), formula 3 (If Category='Music' then Amount)
If Staff has only one value then its ok else place Staff in Group footer and take sum of all values in group footer (Don't remove Formula 1,2,3 from details)

Space character within symbol literals

I need to query a database which contains names of companies. I have list of around 50 names, for which i have to get the data. But I am unable to write a query using in command as there spaces in a name which are not being recognized. ex
select from sales where name in (`Coca Cola, `Pepsi)
This is giving me an error as 'Cola' is not being recognized. Is there a way to write such a query?
The spaces between the strings cause the interpreter to get confused. The `$() casts the list of characters to symbols.
q)t:([] a:1 2 3; name:`$("coca cola";"pepsi";"milk"))
q)select from t where name in `$("coca cola";"pepsi")
a name
1 coca cola
2 pepsi
You may also want to be careful of casing and either use consistently lower or upper case else that would cause unexpected empty results:
q)select from t where name in `$("Coca Cola";"Pepsi")
a name
q)select from t where upper[name] in upper `$("Coca Cola";"Pepsi")
a name
1 coca cola
2 pepsi
You need to do something like the following:
select from sales where name in `$("Coca Cola";"Pepsi")

Transpose a database table to dynamic column count result

There are several transposing questions on Stackoverflow, but looking at few non of them is really similar to my problem. The main difference being: the have a predefined set of columns.
Let's say my table looks like this:
ID Name Value
1 Set Mitch
2 Get Jane
3 Push Dave
4 Pull Mike
5 Dummy John
I'd like to transpose it to become:
Set Get Push Pull Dummy ...
Mitch Jane Dave Mike John ...
It looks like you're looking for a "dynamic pivot table". See the example here, or Google that term for more information:
Do you need to do this in the SQL? It seems pretty trivial if you can just do it after you get a SELECT * query into an array you can manipulate at will.