Microservices with REST API and messaging - rest

Is it ok to have a microservice exposing a public REST API to a gateway but also communicate with other services through messaging?

At least add some kind of identifier which is known only by the gateway or check the IP address if it is dedicated to the gateway. I hope you are using an encrypted communication protocol. Can't you do this via VPN, SSH tunnel or something more secure?


How do I funnel APIs with AWS API Gateway to APIs hosted on a private EC2 application running apache

I have an application server running apache on EC2 and I have lots of REST APIs already setup and running on that server.
This server is on the internal network, so, the only access to this server is via VPN client.
I now want to expose some of those APIs to be accessible from the WWW.
This server has only an internal IP address.
I've being reading the API Gateway REST proxy documentation, but still cannot understand how to point API calls to my server.
Any help would be appriciated.

two way SSL using AWS API Gateway

Can we use Two Way SSL feature using AWS API Gateway ? We want to use API Gateway as proxy for kinesis in our real-time streaming application.
Below is my requirement
The client make request to apigateway and apigateway needs to put the data in kinesis streams.
The only way to authenticate the clients is using two way SSL. our clients doesnt support other options.
Currently on-premise F5 loadbalancer does this work for us and we have tomcats running behind F5 placing data into kinesis.
Will i be able to achieve the same using API Gateway ? looks like even aws ELB seems to be not supporting this option.
I have taken a look at below link but this to authenticate API Gateway at server not apigateway authenticating the client.
API Gateway can authenticate itself to your back-end with TLS, as you have found, but it does not work in the opposite direction -- it does not support authenticating clients with TLS.

Is it safe to use http inside service fabric cluster for service to service commiunication?

I created a secure service fabric and have full control. Only services developed by me will be deployed and all public facing apis are using https. The question is for communication between service to service in cluster, is it safe to use http instead of https?
This is related to how do you set up your cluster with your network. Public facing services and internal services should be in a different NSG networks. You should control very strict communication between public and internal. If you can do that then http or any protocol between services is not a problem
Personally, i prefer http over remoting because there will be less dependency between services. Communication between services can be defined using Open API and therefore become vendor neutral.
There is a very good course on MVA for how to set up Service fabric class and best practice
I recommend using service fabric remoting (instead of http). This can be secured using certificates, with little effort.
More info here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-reliable-services-secure-communication

How to call an app with no-route from another app in Bluemix?

Here is usecase:
I have two apps in Bluemix: app1 and app2
app1 is accessible through the internet using its route (e.g. app1.mybluemix.net)
app2 doesn't have any route to prevent from being accessible through the internet.
app2 may expose a REST API.
How do I call app2 from app1 inside Bluemix?
An example of communicating to an application without a route is implemented in this Microservice Shipping sample.
This is an EJB Liberty application that runs on Bluemix without a route and subscribes to the Bluemix MQ Light service. The sender of the messages is the Microservice Orders sample application, which binds to the same MQ Light service.
Going the REST API route will mean you must have an externally accessible route. However, you could secure it using keys and tokens.
It would be easier to use one of the services in Bluemix as an "RPC" layer between the two applications. You could use one of the queue services (MQLight, RabbitMQ) or Redis to pass messages between the applications to execute commands.
These service bindings are internal and won't be exposed externally unlike the REST API.
Alternatively, you could expose the REST API from App2 and use authentication to control access.
There are two ways you can prevent access.
Put your microservice inside a Bluemix Container and utilize private IPs https://new-console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/containers/container_security_network.html#container_cli_ips_byoip
Use API Connect as a API Gateway/proxy to the private IP being in your container microservice.
Use Bluemix Dedicated to deploy app2. Bluemix dedicated provides firewall capabilities and you could set it up so that it only accepts requests from app1's IP address.
Use Bluemix Local when it becomes available with the same approach where you use your corporate firewall to only accept requests that come from your App1 IP Address. This is an expensive alternative compared to a public PAAS.
Use the API Connect Service which replaced the API Management Service to:
Specify what users can access your apis
Specify the number of requests per day or other unit of time
Provides a API Gateway to securely call the other service App2.
I expect at some point a software network defined solution will be considered as part of the offering.

For the Bluemix Secure Gateway service, how does the data center's network need to be configured?

I am going to use Secure Gateway service in Bluemix and I have some questions about how I should make it work.
Systems in my data center's intranet access the Internet through a proxy (with no authentication). Can Secure Gateway connect to Bluemix via a proxy?
Does it connect to Bluemix via HTTPS protocol?
The network admins asked me: What are the IPs (or the IP range) of Bluemix, any idea?
Thank you very much.
A Secure Gateway instance runs in two parts, as shown in "Reaching enterprise backend with Bluemix Secure Gateway via console": the gateway and the gateway client. The gateway runs in Bluemix, the gateway client runs in the data center containing one or more systems of record to connect to. The gateway client needs network access to the Bluemix data center (typically via the Internet) and to the systems of record (via the data center's internal network). The gateway client initiates the connection, so it needs to know Bluemix's address, but Bluemix doesn't need to know the gateway client's address.
To answer your questions specifically:
A proxy isn't supported. The gateway and its client need direct access to each other.
The connection uses HTTPS for SSL encryption. The transport level security (TLS) options can be used to add authentication.
Bluemix's IP addresses aren't published.
For point 3:
The client connects outbound to the cloud services. Once the SecGW is connected, all additional Destination connects flow through that connection, no additional firewall or iptables rules are needed. If they have a rule in-place so that the on-premises machine where the SecureGateway client is installed can use the outbound port 443 (HTTPS) to make connections, that is all they need.