failed to install my own perl module(pm file) - perl

I have made my own perl modules(pm files),named
package test;
use Exporter;
use strict;
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use FindBin qw($Bin $Script);
our #ISA = qw(Exporter);
our #EXPORT = qw(mkdirOrDie);
our $VERSION = 1.0;
sub mkdirOrDie
my ($dir) = #_ ;
if(!-d $dir){
# timeLog("Directory Created: $dir");
and I tried to install this module as follows,
h2xs -AX -n test
perl Makefile.PL
make install
there is no error,and I copy the to /usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/,but when i call sub function using test, an error has occurred,
Undefined subroutine &main::mkdirOrDie called at /to/my/path/ line 92
is there something i ignored?

It's unclear at which point things started to go wrong for you.
Firstly, is a bad name for a Perl module. Perl modules should have names that begin with upper case letters (and is already taken).
You should run h2xs before writing your code - as it generates a module skeleton for you fill in. I hope it hasn't overwritten your code with an almost empty file! It's also worth noting that most people stopped using h2xs many years ago. These days we have tools like Module::Starter.
Then, running, make install (which you need to do with root permissions - so usually with sudo) is what installs your module into the system libraries. There should be no need to run that cp command afterwards.
As for why your code doesn't find the module, there are many possible reasons. Are you using Perl 5.10 or do you have other Perl versions installed? What does the code look like that you are trying to use? Does still include the code you think it does?
Need more information to be much help here.


How to run this simple Perl CGI script on Mac from terminal?

This simple .pl script is supposed to grab all of the images in a directory and output an HTML — that when opened in a browser — displays all of the images in that dir at their natural dimensions.
From the mac command line, I want to just say perl and have it run.
… It used to run on apache in /cgi-bin.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT
use strict;
use CGI;
use Image::Size;
my $q = new CGI;
my $imageDir = "./";
my #images;
opendir DIR, "$imageDir" or die "Can't open $imageDir $!";
#images = grep { /\.(?:png|gif|jpg)$/i } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
print $q->header("text/html"),
$q->start_html("Images in $imageDir"),
$q->p("Here are all the images in $imageDir");
foreach my $image (#images) {
my ($width, $height) = imgsize("$image");
print $q->p(
print $q->end_html;
Perl used to include the CGI module in the Standard Library, but it was removed in v5.22 (see The Long Death of Lots of older code assumed that it would always be there, but now you have to install it yourself:
$ cpan CGI
Perl used to include the CGI module in the Standard Library, but it was removed in v5.22. Lots of older code assumed that it would always be there, but now you have to install it yourself.
The corelist program that comes with Perl is handy for checking these things:
$ corelist CGI
Data for 2020-03-07
CGI was first released with perl 5.004, deprecated (will be CPAN-only) in v5.19.7 and removed from v5.21.0
I handle this sort of thing by using the extract_modules program from my Module::Extract::Use module. Otherwise, I end up installing one module, then run again and discover another one to install, and so on:
$ extract_modules | xargs cpan
There's another interesting point for module writers. For a long time, we'd only list the external prerequisites in Makefile.PL. You should list even the internal ones now that Perl has a precedent for kicking modules out of the Standard Library. Along with that, specify a dependency for any module you actually use rather than relying it being in a particular distribution.
And, I was moving legacy programs around so much that I wrote a small tool, scriptdist to wrap the module infrastructure around single-file programs so I could install them as modules. The big win there is that cpan and similar tools install the prereqs for you. I haven't used it in a long time since I now just start programs as regular Perl distributions.

Check and report Perl module missing

Is there any way to report the missing modules used in the Perl file beforehand instead of getting as an error.
I have something like use Digest::MD5, use File::DosGlob modules in my Perl program. Whenever the users run the script they are getting an error if there is no specific module installed in their system. They could not understand the default error message given by #INC. So I would like to clearly tell them that these modules need to be installed to run the script.
You could build your own verification by using a BEGIN block. Those are run at compile time, just like use is. Keep in mind that use Foo is essentially nothing else as this:
require Foo;
The following code will replace all use statements with a single BEGIN and place them inside an eval. That's essentially like a try/catch mechanism.
We need the string eval (which is considered evil around here) because require only converts from package names with colons :: to paths if the argument is a bareword. But because we have the name in $module, it's a string, so we need to place it into an eval according to require's docs.
If that string eval fails, we die. That's caught by the outer eval block and $# is set. We can then check if it contains our module name, in which case we naively assume the failure was because that module is not installed. This check could be a bit more elaborate.
We keep track of any failures in $fails, and if there were any, we stop.
use strict;
use warnings;
# all our use statements go here
my $fails;
foreach my $module ( qw/Digest::MD5 File::DosGlob ASDF/ ) {
eval {
eval "require $module" or die; # because $module is not a bareword
if ($# && $# =~ /$module/) {
warn "You need to install the $module module";
exit if $fails;
# ...
Above I included ASDF, which I don't have, so when run it will say
You need to install the ASDF module at /home/code/ line 1335.
You might want to make that message a bit more verbose. If your users are not able to understand the default error message that Perl gives when it cannot find a module, it might be wise to include a guide on how to install stuff right there.
Note that both modules you listed have been included with Perl for a while (read: since March 2002). So why would you want to do this for those modules?
$ corelist Digest::MD5
Data for 2014-09-14
Digest::MD5 was first released with perl v5.7.3
$ corelist File::DosGlob
Data for 2014-09-14
File::DosGlob was first released with perl 5.00405
A better way would be ship your program as a distribution that can be installed, and include a Makefile or a cpanfile or something similar that lists dependencies. There is a guide in perlnewmod on how to start a new module. You'd not want to upload to CPAN obviously, but the basics are the same.
With this, your users would get all dependencies installed automatically.
You could use Devel::Modlist, it will list all the required module for your program.
perl -d:Modlist
There's another module Module::ScanDeps which comes with a utility which you can use on your script as:
Note that sanity checking your Perl code using perl -c is dangerous, so use it carefully.
Your question isn't really clear about what "beforehand" means. To check if a Perl program's syntax is correct and directly included modules are resolvable, use
perl -c <>
This checks the syntax of your file and ensures that any modules used by your code exist. However, it does not transitively check the entire dependency tree, only those mentioned in

In Perl, why do I need Exporter?

I have a module called in my perl\lib folder. I have nothing in the module but subroutines and 1; at the end.
One subroutine, for example, is named pause. I have implemented no import or export routines.
In my main programs, I simply say use hsfSubs;, and I am subsequently able to call pause with no problem. Ditto if I say use hsfSubs qw(pause);.
Why would I need to use Exporter, #EXPORT and #EXPORT_OK, etc. or any other complications?
The multiple answers on Stack Overflow to questions about Exporter tell how to use it, but I fail to see why to use it.
The short version is that you wanted a module, but you ended up with what this calls a library. These aren't good because they pollute their caller's namespace (which can cause plenty of problems). But more crucially here, loading them using require or use (as oppose to do) is buggy.
If it had been properly written as a module, your example would not work. Exporter is the solution to that problem.
Let's dive into the details.
Like I said, there's a problem with your module. As you've noticed, it sometimes works despite the bug.
$ cat
sub test { "ok!" }
$ perl -e'use Buggy; CORE::say(test());'
But that's just because your example is too simple. Let's add a properly-written[1] module to the mix.
$ cat
sub test { "ok!" }
$ cat
package Other;
use Buggy;
$ perl -e'use Other; use Buggy; CORE::say(test());'
Undefined subroutine &main::test called at -e line 1.
The bug in your module is that it doesn't have a package directive. Modules loaded using use and require must always use a package directive. But as soon as you add that, your module stops working.
$ cat
package NotBuggy;
sub test { "ok!" }
$ perl -e'use NotBuggy; CORE::say(test());'
Undefined subroutine &main::test called at -e line 1.
Exporter is used to solve that problem.
$ cat
package Final;
use Exporter qw( import );
our #EXPORT = qw( test );
sub test { "ok!" }
$ perl -e'use Final; CORE::say(test());'
Well, not really. If it was properly written, it would include use use strict; use warnings 'all';. Always include that! It was omitted here to keep things visually simple.

Using FindBin in more than one module

Here is the scenario, I have two files:
1. dir/
2. dir/new_dir/a.t
This is how looks like:
package A;
use FindBin;
use Test::More;
is (FindBin->again, 'dir', 'got dir');
This is how a.t looks like:
use FindBin;
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
use A;
is (FindBin->again, 'dir/new_dir', 'got dir/new_dir');
So I ran file a.t with perl new_dir/a.t and expect my tests to pass. But this is my test result:
not ok 1 - got dir
# Failed test 'got fir'
# at line 6.
# got: 'dir/new_dir'
# expected: 'dir'
ok 2 - got dir/new_dir
Am I doing anything wrong? I am very new to perl. Please help!!
As Dave Sherohman notes, FindBin is for finding the location of the main script, not individual modules. From the documentation:
FindBin - Locate directory of original perl script
(Admittedly, the documentation does, somewhat confusingly, refer to "modules" in the "KNOWN ISSUES" section, but it doesn't really mean what you think it means by that.)
Anyway, if you look at the source with perldoc -m FindBin, you'll see that FindBin obtains the path to the script from the $0 variable. If you're interested in finding the location of a module included via use (or require), you should look under %INC instead, something like this:
package Foo::Bar;
use File::Spec;
my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $INC{'Foo/'} );
FindBin finds the location of the file Perl launched, not of file currently executing.
I don't see why you'd need the path to a module — File::ShareDir can be used to access your module's data files — but the following will find it:
use Cwd qw( realpath );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
my $module_dir = dirname(realpath(__FILE__));
The same caveat as Find::Bin applies: This only works if chdir hasn't been changed.
If I understand the question correctly, a.t is in the directory dir/new_dir/ and you're using new_dir/a.t to run it from dir/, right?
If so, then it is doing the right thing. Since a.t is in dir/new_dir, you should always get dir/new_dir from FindBin - its job is to Find the Binary (program), not to find the file it's being called from, so the result will be the same in as it is in a.t.
The ->again function is for running instances of completely different programs from within the same perl interpreter, such as what mod_perl does, not for just using different modules within a single program.

How can I split my Perl code across multiple files?

My scripts are getting too long. How do I split my code (procedural subs) into multiple Perl files and tell the interpreter to make sense of them?
Kind of like:
# ->
#include ""
# ->
sub say_hello {print "hello!"}
What you want to do is create one or more modules. Start by looking over perlmod, especially the Perl Modules section.
Since you say you're writing procedural code, you'll want to export functions from your modules. The traditional way to do that is to use Exporter (which comes with Perl), although Sub::Exporter is a newer CPAN module that allows for some nice things. (See also its Sub::Exporter::Tutorial for an introduction to exporting functions.)
Modules can be placed in any of the directories listed in the #INC variable. Try perl -V to get a list. You can also use lib to add directories at runtime. One trick is to use the FindBin module to find the location of your script, and then add a directory relative to that:
use FindBin; # Suppose my script is /home/foo/bin/
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; # Add /home/foo/bin/lib to search path
Your sample code, converted to a module:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Foo;
package Foo;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
our $VERSION = '1.00';
our #EXPORT = qw(say_hello);
sub say_hello {print "hello!"}
1; # A module must end with a true value or "use" will report an error
I think you may be looking for do?
put it in the same folder as your class and add use ClassName to the top of the calling file.
Also check the Perl OOP tutorial.