May the cname-string part of an AS-REQ contain the domain? - kerberos

In a network capture between a Windows client and an Active Directory server, I see that the field cname-string contains (to be precise, it is the field as-req -> req-body -> cname -> cname-string -> CNameString).
According to RFC 4130 in Section 5.2.2. Realm and PrincipalName:
This field encodes a sequence of components that form a name, each
component encoded as a KerberosString. Taken together, a
PrincipalName and a Realm form a principal identifier. Most
PrincipalNames will have only a few components (typically one or
Also in Section 5.3. Tickets:
This field contains the name part of the client's principal
To me, that means cname should only contain the username without the domain. The domain is obtained via the realm and together they form the principal identifier (basically paraphrasing the RFC here).
Am I wrong? Have you come across setups where the domain was part of the cname? How did the target service handle that? I see that the realm is added again to the cname, resulting, which obviously prevents a correct matching.

There is at least one case when this can happen: enterprise principals. You should see the NT-ENTERPRISE somehwere as well as CANONICALIZE bit set. The AD contains an upnSuffix for the supplied enterprise principal. See also RFC 6806 for this.


Building a REST API: How to decide which params go to Headers, Body, URL or query?

How do you decide where do parameters go?
Suppose the API is for an object, which has an ID, a few fields and each request may or may not have a token. There has to be GET, PUT, POST and DELETE requests for the object.
As a rule, you want all of the parameters necessary to identify a resource to be directly encoded into the URI somewhere. That allows you to bookmark the URI for re-use later, and to share that bookmark with another person/process.
Building a REST API: How to decide which params go to Headers, Body, URL or query?
All of the context you need to GET this resource is right here. You can click it, save it, send it off in an email, and it is still useful, of itself.
So where in the URI does information go?
If the information is only needed by the client once the representation has been downloaded, then you might consider encoding it into the fragment.
The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary resource and additional identifying information.
On the web, fragments were useful because they allowed you to call upon the user agent to focus at a particular element in a representation. The fragment is not sent over the network, but only used on the client side. Think Data Transfer Object - one big cacheable document (so we don't need a lot of round trips) with lots of URI that point to specific information within it.
Other parameters can be encoded into path segments or the query string. The machines don't care (20 years ago, this was somewhat less true - we would sometimes have to work around caches that didn't handle the query part of a URI correctly).
URI with parameters configured via application/x-www-form-urlencoded query strings were convenient on the web because HTML had form support for creating those identifiers on the client.
These days, we can use URI templates to describe how to compute a new URI, which gives you more options.
Relative resolution gives us a general purpose mechanism for computing a new URI from a given reference identifier. Think dot-references with symbolic links. That mechanism is primarily based on navigating the hierarchical part of the URI, which is to say that path.
The machines don't care of the hierarchy of resources and the hierarchy of identifiers are parallel
# Here's an identifier for a collection
# Here's an identifier for a member of this collection
# Here's an identifier for a collection
# Here's an identifier for a member of this collection
All of these samples are fine, as far as the machines are concerned; but human beings tend to have an easier time working with the top set.
Headers are metadata that belongs to the domain of "transporting documents over a network".
The body is the document itself - it is the message that is being transported over the network (the http request and the headers are, in a sense, the envelope that carries the message). Yes, this sometimes means that information that is in the message also gets copied into the headers, or copied via the template into the target-uri.

Purpose of NameQualifier attribute within the NameID element

According to the SAML 2.0 specification, the NameQualifier attribute in the NameID element is "the security or administrative domain that qualifies the name. This attribute provides a means to federate names from disparate user stores without collision."
My question is: can the "disparate user stores" be within the same IDP? If so, given that the Format of the NameID will be urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified, does the IDP have the right to send anything in the name qualifier as long as it is unique to each of its datastore?
Does this mean that in order for the SP (provided it receives requests from different IDPs) to achieve uniqueness, it has to consider the remote entity ID, NameQualifier and NameID value?

REST API - what is the proper way for sending ID on http request?

Let's say I have this URI endpoint:
:GET /v1/permissions
Which select all of the permissions on version 1.
One also can request this:
:GET /permissions
Which will request all permissions by the latest default version.
Now I want to select all of the permissions from a specific user.
I want to know what is the proper and respectable way to send the identifier of the user - in the URI endpoint OR in the http request headers OR as a GET param.
For example:
Method 1:
:GET /v1/groups/:id/permissions
Method 1.1:
:GET /v1/:id/permissions
Method 2:
:GET /v1/permissions,
"If-Match": "[REPLACE_ID_HERE]" (header)
Method 3:
:GET /v1/permissions/?groups=REPLACE_ID_HERE
All of them will work.
But which is the proper way?
But which is the proper way?
It's a common misconception.
The REST architectural style doesn't enforce any URI design (see notes below). It's totally up to you to pick the URIs that better identify your resources.
The URI syntax is defined in the RFC 3986. As general rule, the path is organized in hierarchical form (with segments separated by /) and can contain non-hierarchical data in the query component (starting with ?).
These approaches seem to be fine to identify the permissions of a particular group:
The "right" approach would depend on your needs and how you model your API. In the first approach, the hierarchy expresses that the permissions belong to a particular group (the permissions depend on a group to exist). The second approach is more like filtering a collection of permissions by group.
Note 1: The REST architectural style is described in the chapter 5 of Roy T. Fielding's dissertation and it defines a set of constraints that must be followed by the applications that follow such architecture. However it says nothing about what the URIs must be like.
Note 2: The examples of a popular article written by Martin Fowler explaining a model defined by Leonard Richardson suggest a URI structure that looks friendly and easy to read.
Two points upfront:
There is no official REST specification issued by a central authority. The entire paradigm originates from a rather slim (yet ingenious) technical outline written by Roy Fielding in the year 2000.
However, there are several good books on the matter and hundreds of thousands of implementations that have led to a firm industry standard.
One of those standards is that REST Urls are specific to resources and ids embedded in those Urls reference resources of the same type. Thus GET /groups/:groupdId is orthodox (a standard implementation that matches the expectations of most programmers) whereas GET /groups/:permissionId is not.
Coming back to the 4 alternatives you contemplate:
Method 1:
:GET /v1/groups/:id/permissions
Is orthodox, since the resource managed by the endpoint is of type Group and :id is a Group id.
Method 1.1:
:GET /v1/:id/permissions
Is unorthodox since there is no indication of what resource type the Url refers to.
Method 2:
:GET /v1/permissions,
"If-Match": "[REPLACE_ID_HERE]" (header)
Is unorthodox, since resource ids are expected to be passed as part of the Url.
Method 3:
:GET /v1/permissions/?groups=REPLACE_ID_HERE
Is orthodox, since here the resource is Permission and the groupId is applied as a filter, for which request parameters are the adequate means.
The most common way of designing a REST API is following the resources (and - or sub-resources) structure. i.e. api url will start with your resource name followed by a unique ID for the resource in case of Single resource GET, PUT(update) or DELETE.
Ex :
1. /users/$unique_user_id - HTTP GET - Fetches the single user detail.
/users/$unique_user_id - HTTP PUT - updates the user details identified by the id with the related data.
/users/$unique_user_id - HTTP DELETE - Deletes the user identified by the ID.
If your case handles a well established relation between 2 resources you can handle them as sub-resources of the parent.
Ex :
This model will suit if you won’t get a requirement to fetch permissions for multiple resources(kind of filtering)
Ex :
As per REST spec, you first need to determine what is the base resource you are requesting for. The name of the resource comes first in the URI. In your case, it's the Permission. Hence the URI will begin with permission, with an optional version prefix (as the whole API is versioned)
Following the resource name, you need to mention either a specific resource or a query parameters to get a broad list. Now here you have two options, based on what you are retrieving.
1) permission for a person: In this case, you need to put query param as the api itself won't be able to guess what is the id for. Hence it will be permissions/?personId=123
2) permission detail of a particular permission: Used when you have a list of permissions pre fetched, maybe as result of above api. In this case the identifier will belong to the resource itself, hence it will be specified as the resource identifier as permissions/5e55 where 5e55 is the primary key of the specified permission of whom detail is being sought after.
The major complexity in such design is properly identify the resource primary identifier and secondary identifier...
The primary identifier is put directly in type 2 and secondary is specified as query param.
All said, technically nothing will stop the either request style from working as long as you provide the parsing logic of the URI. REST just says that URI should be able to identify resource properly and does not impose an implementation requirement.

REST strategy for overloading GET verb

Consider a need to create a GET endpoint for fetching Member details using either of 4 options (It's common in legacy application with RPC calls)
Get member by ID
Get member by SSN
Get member by a combination of Phone and LastName (both must be passed)
What's a recommended strategy to live the REST spirit and yet provide this flexibility?
Some options I could think of are:
Parameters Based
Separate Endpoints
RPC for custom
REST doesn't care what spelling you use for your identifiers.
For example, think about how you would do this on the web. You would provide forms, one for each set of search criteria. The consumer would choose which form to use, and submit the form, without ever knowing what the URI is.
In the case of HTML forms, there are specific processing rules for describing how the form information will be copied into the URI. The form takes on the aspect of a URI Template.
A URI Template provides both a structural description of a URI space and, when variable values are provided, machine-readable instructions on how to construct a URI corresponding to those values.
But there aren't any rules saying that restrict the server from providing a URI template that directs the client to copy the variable values into path segments rather than into the query string.
In other words, in REST, the server retains control of its own URI space.
You might sometimes prefer to use path segments because of their hierarchical nature, which may be convenient if you want the client to use relative resolution of relative references in your representations.
REST ≠ pretty URLs. The two are orthogonal.
Your question is about the latter, I feel.
Whilst the other answers have been good, if you want your API to work with HTML forms, go with query parameters on the collection /user resource for all fields, even for ID (assuming a human is typing these in based on information they are getting from sheets of paper on their desk, etc.)
If your server is able to produce links to each record, always produce canonical links such as /users/{id}, don't duplicate data under different URLs.

What are the different NameID format used for?

In SAML metadata file there are several NameID format defined, for example:
Can anybody explain what are these used for? What are the differences?
Refer to Section 8.3 of this SAML core pdf of oasis SAML specification.
SP and IdP usually communicate each other about a subject.
That subject should be identified through a NAME-IDentifier , which should be in some format so that It is easy for the other party to identify it based on the Format.
All these
1.urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified [default]
are format for the Name Identifiers.
The name format for a transient ID in SAML 1 is urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:nameIdentifier and in SAML 2 is urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient
Transient is for [section 8.3.8 of SAML Core]
Indicates that the content of the element is an identifier with
transient semantics and SHOULD be treated as an opaque and temporary
value by the relying party.
Unspecified can be used and it purely depends on the entities implementation on their own wish.
About this I think you can reference to
Here're my understandings about this,
with the Identity Federation Use Case to give a details for those concepts:
Persistent identifiers-
IdP provides the Persistent identifiers, they are used for linking to the local accounts in SPs, but they identify as the user profile for the specific service each alone. For example, the persistent identifiers are kind of like : johnForAir, jonhForCar, johnForHotel, they all just for one specified service, since it need to link to its local identity in the service.
Transient identifiers-
Transient identifiers are what IdP tell the SP that the users in the session have been granted to access the resource on SP, but the identities of users do not offer to SP actually. For example, The assertion just like “Anonymity(Idp doesn’t tell SP who he is) has the permission to access /resource on SP”. SP got it and let browser to access it, but still don’t know Anonymity' real name.
unspecified identifiers-
The explanation for it in the spec is "The interpretation of the content of the element is left to individual implementations". Which means IdP defines the real format for it, and it assumes that SP knows how to parse the format data respond from IdP. For example, IdP gives a format data "UserName=XXXXX Country=US", SP get the assertion, and can parse it and extract the UserName is "XXXXX".
It is just a hint for the Service Provider on what to expect from the NameID returned by the Identity Provider. It can be:
emailAddress – e.g.
X509SubjectName – e.g. CN=john,O=Company Ltd.,C=US
WindowsDomainQualifiedName – e.g. CompanyDomain\John
kerberos– e.g. john#realm
entity – this one in used to identify entities that provide SAML-based services and looks like a URI
persistent – this is an opaque service-specific identifier which must include a pseudo-random value and must not be traceable to the actual user, so this is a privacy feature.
transient – opaque identifier which should be treated as temporary.
1 and 2 are SAML 1.1 because those URIs were part of the OASIS SAML 1.1 standard. Section 8.3 of the linked PDF for the OASIS SAML 2.0 standard explains this:
Where possible an existing URN is used to specify a protocol. In the case of IETF protocols, the URN of the most current RFC that specifies the protocol is used. URI references created specifically for SAML have one of the following stems, according to the specification set version in which they were first introduced: