No more tabs in Properties File Editor - eclipse

I am using Eclipse Neon.3 (4.6.3). In the past, Eclipse used to have several tabs on the bottom of the editor window, when a file was opened in the Properties File Editor mode. There you could choose to view the file either in a table-like view or as a plain text file.
I usually edit my resource files in plain text, which still works fine. However, the table view had one nice feature: Duplicate entries were highlighted in red color in the table-view.
But this view is no longer available, since there are no tabs in the Properties File Editor anymore. Did I miss anything? Where has this tab gone? Do I need an additional plug-in for this feature? As far as I can tell, this used to be a built-in feature of Eclipse.

I still had an old installation of Eclipse Mars and found out, that the feature in question is not built-in to Eclipse. The feature is provided by the JBoss Tools Properties Editor, which is part of Red Hat's Hibernate Tools.
To install on Eclipse Mars, follow the instructions of this StackOverflow post.


Netbeans 8.2 wont apply themes

For some reason, Netbeans IDE 8.2 won't apply any different themes than the original one. Has anyone else had an issue with this? I have applied the new theme and restarted the application many times without success. Thank you.
It's very hard to identify what is wrong since everything in your screenshot looks perfect, and Sublime-Theme works for me using NetBeans 8.2 on Windows 10. See the file with the tab in the screen shot below.
Note that using Sublime-Theme does not impact everything. For example, the Projects and Navigator panels don't change. Since your screen shot only showed the Options window, and the Start Page doesn't change in the editor either, are you absolutely certain that none of your files in the editor are using Sublime-Theme?
Also, you say that "Netbeans IDE 8.2 won't apply any different themes than the original one", but NetBeans comes bundled with several themes, such as NetBeans and NetBeans 5.5 as shown in the screen shot below. How many options are shown in the profile drop list for you? If you select a different theme from the Profile list and click Apply the rendering of your files in the editor should change immediately. Is that happening?
If so, the problem is probably confined to the installation of Sublime-Theme. Try deleting Sublime-Theme (the button is in the top right corner of your screen shot), and then import the zip file again to see if that fixes the problem. Also, verify that the Sublime-Theme zip file you downloaded can be manually unzipped since it might be a corrupt file.
Another thing to try is using some alternative plugins. Select Tools -> Plugins -> Available Plugins and then install Dark Look and Feel Themes and Darcula LAF for NetBeans. If those don't work either then there is something fundamentally wrong with the installation of NetBeans.
Finally, this article titled The complete guide to tuning the appearance of NetBeans may be helpful.

How can I set UI interface of Eclipse in undock mode as in Netbeans?

There is an option in Netbeans that allows for a section of their UI interface to have its own window, allowing me to drag it to another monitor (see this link and appended picture).
I have search in Eclipse for this same behavior but unfortunatly I haven't found it.
Is this feature available in eclipse (natively or by plugin)?
You can do that in eclipse natively. just drag the view outside you'll get the same behavior. I use eclipse 4.6. I remember seeing this from 4.4.

In an eclipse plugin: How can I programmatically highlight lines of codes in the java editor?

I am trying to develop an eclipse plugin that does some documentation check on java code and highlights some lines of code in the editor.
To achieve my goal, I DON'T want to create a new editor in eclipse, I simply want to extend the default java editor to draw a line under (or highlight) the methods that do not satisfy some set of predetermined requirements.
Do I need to create a PresentationReconciler? If yes, how do I make the JDT or workbench use my reconciler.
I have never done plugin development and this is my first attempt.
Several starting points for you:
Annotations are an UI feature of JFace's text editor that allows you to visually mark some places in an open editor.
Markers are a Workbench feature, more high-level. They are generic "objects that may be associated with Workbench resources", and they can display in several places: in text editors (as annotations) or in the Problems view, for example.
Depending on what you want to do, you would plug in your plug-in into extension points related to either of those.
The Eclipse Java editor is located in the org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaEditor package.
The "internal" in the package name means that the Eclipse development team can change how the Java editor works with new revisions.
Try this help page: Juno Help on syntax highlighting
At the end of the page, it describes how to dynamically add a PresentationReconciler, which is used for syntax highlighting. See if that fits the problem that you want to solve.
I assume you already have a plugin project.
In your plugin.xml, open the tab Extensions, click Add..., search for org.eclipse.ui.editors, then you should see a template named Editor, which will produce a simple xml editor to experiment and play with. Also, you will be able to see the needed structure to define a custom editor.
Hope this helps...
I don't know if you still have a need for this, but you are going to want to use Annotations to keep track of what parts of the editor you need to highlight.
For actually doing the graphical effect of highlighting, you could do syntax highlighting via a PresentationReconciler, but I have no experience with that.
We used a technique we borrowed from, replacing the background image of the editor Shell. Its open source, so check it out. (Our code might also help -- its at )

The option to save a file is greyed out in Eclipse

I'm using Eclipse 3.7 on Ubuntu. Often, after editing a file, I cannot save it - the "save" option is greyed out in the menu and Ctrl+s seems to do nothing, even though the file has just been modified and the editor displays the asterisk before the file name in the tab header.
Changing the active tab to another file and then coming back to the first file "unlocks" the save option, which I can then choose.
What causes this behavior, and how can I fix it?
This is a reported bug in Eclipse. You can follow up and bring more information in the bug report in Eclipse's bugzilla.
The easiest workaround I could find was to just restart eclipse. Worked for me.
That can also happen when the Project Explorer view has focus (bug 211520)
The new Eclipse 2019-09 has fixed that issue
You can now save the active editor even when the Project Explorer has focus.
In cases where an extension contributes Saveables to the Project Explorer, the extension is honored and the save action on the Project Explorer will save the provided saveable item instead of the active editor.

SVN Export in Eclipse removes labels on tabs

I have a very strange effect when using subclipse with eclipse. Whenever I use Team->Export to export a file from the editor the export works fine, but the label of the tab of the file is removed.
Effect can be seen here:
Strangely enough it happens with php-files, css-files, html-files but NOT with javascript-files. So I'm assuming it's some kind of setting that I haven't found yet and not a bug in subclipse.
Anyone know where I can shut down this behaviour?
It could be a bug in the editors. If eclipse opens an editor on the exported file, it might not open it as an IFileEditorInput, and the editors therefore do not set the title correctly (that's the job of each individual editor implementation).
This is just a guess, but it would be consistent with some editors behaving ok and some not. It would basically be a missing feature in some of your editors.