Liferay DXP which portlet archetype to be backed by REST-Service - rest

With Liferay DXP a new Rest-Service archtype is provided. I successfull created a Rest-service an deployed it on my DXP.
My question is how to create/generate a portlet that uses the rest-service? Is there an archetype for a pure HTML/JS portlet? Or do i have to use and old one and modify it (how?).


Vaadin Liferay Portlet Project using Liferay 6.0.6 and Eclipse Luna

I have a question about Vaadin Liferay Portlet. I'm new for this.
I have to use an old Liferay Portal (6.0.6).
I have to develop a new Vaadin portlet in this portal.
I downloaded Eclipse Luna IDE and I installed liferay-plugins-sdk-6.0.6-20110225 and Liferay IDE
I tried to create new Vaadin Liferay Portlet project (New Project -> Vaadin Liferay Portlet) but I obtain this alert message:
There are no suitable Liferay plugin project available for this new
Liferay Vaadin Portlet. Open the new Liferay Plugin Project wizard
I tried to select
I completed all wizard steps.
In one of these steps I can select the type of Portlet:
I selected Vaadin Portlet and I see this error:
At the end of this wizard I can see the portlet project folder but there are some issues.
In particular I find these errors:
Can't I create a Vaadin Portlet Project using this Liferay Portal version and corresponding Liferay plugins (6.0.6)?
How can I create my Vaadin Liferay Portlet?

Liferay on Glassfish. Spring portlet is deployed successfully but not showing up in the Liferay "Add Application" list

I'm using Liferay 6.1.2 on Glassfish 3.2.2. I'm able to deploy Spring portlet successfully (A working and verified portlet on the previous glassfish/liferay build) but it is not showing up in the Liferay "Add Application" list.
I've checked the xml namespace declarations, liferay xml files (portlet, display) and all seem to be compliant with the liferay specs. The logs do not show any errors but I did notice that the logs were NOT showing the "x portlets are available for use" message as it used to in the previous build.
The problem was with the Liferay build itself. The web.xml parser is faulty and breaks when comments/filters are present in web.xml. I got the latest patches from Liferay and that fixed it. The other way to fix it is to remove comments from web.xml and clean up the filter declarations properly.

Tutorial for creating own portlet in liferay with eclipse

I want to create My Own Portlet With the Eclipse JUNO for Liferay. I have googled a lot but that's provide me only for using with netbeans so can anyone guide me or give me link of the tutorial for the creating portlet from scratch in eclipse.
I have tried with the following
ADD-> new Liferay Projects
And then its not showing in a liferay the portlet which i have created
I have successfully installed liferay in my windows7 as well as i have also integrated ready made books portlet but just having while creating simple hello world portlet of my own
very before i have even follow this link
but its showing my portlet in update manager option in admin account as a status is "UNKNOWN"
For creating a portlet at Eclipse please have a look at Liferay development in Eclipse .
For getting ready portlet visible on Liferay you could find instructions for example on this: How to deploy portlets to Liferay?
Here is the installation guide and getting started tutorial.

Deploying portlet on liferay with weblogic 10.3

Currently I have set up liferay 6.1 to weblogic server 10.3.5.
Now I can use liferay portal from weblogic server.
After that, I am trying to deploy the other sample portlet to liferay on weblogic server.
I would like to know how to deploy that sample portlet?
Another problem is that I want to develop portlet applicatin that use JSF 2.0 for view and EJB 3.0 for business layer. Can I deploy that portlet applicatin on liferay with weblogic server. Is that possible. If possible, Please guide me.
Keep in mind that Weblogic only supports hot deploy for the admin server. There are 2 import settings that liferay needs for hot deployment on weblogic. You need a setting for the weblogic dest dir and a liferay home setting that refers to the root folder of the Weblogic domain. The env.DOMAIN_HOME doesn't work in WLS 10.3.6, that's why you need to set the home location with the full path.
Normally Liferay has a "deploy" folder that it monitors for .war files. You just copy your portlet .war file to that folder, and Liferay deploys it. You can change location of that folder by configuring "auto.deploy.dest.dir" setting in
According to documentation, on WebLogic by default it has this value:
Also another part of documentation mentions that on some containers portlets hot deployment may not work or be problematic. But I think this is not about WebLogic.

Portlet Development with Tomcat and Eclipse

I'm starting to learn some portlet development. I'm wondering if there are any good (preferably recent since many of the guides I saw date back a few years) Hello Portlet or beginners guides. I have eclipse set up but I'm not sure what plugins/libraries/etc I need to start developing portlets for a Tomcat server.
Any help would be appreciated!
Liferay Portal (open source portal) has a set of eclipse plugins called Liferay IDE. If you set it up and also setup a Liferay Plugin SDK (zip download), then use the New Liferay Project wizard after installing the Liferay IDE plugins you will have everything you need. You can see the Liferay IDE Getting Started guide for how to deploy your first portlet to Liferay.