OrientDB: dbtype - Graph or Document - orientdb

When creating a DB in OrientDB, you can choose between Graph or Document.
I understand the conceptual difference between a Graph and a Document. However, it seems that regardless of the choice, the DB has the same capabilities (for example, if you create a document DB you can still create vertices in the graph).
So is there really any difference between the two options? Is it a hint to OrientDB on how to initially organize the DB?

The only difference is that with "graph" the default classes V and E are created. That's it. In the next releases, we will remove this parameter because has not much sense.


Multimodel database vs multiple individual databases?

I am working on application which requires features offered by both graph database(to store raw data) and document database(extracted reports from raw data). I planned to use neo4j and mongodb. I am having second thoughts about and looking at orientDB. is it better to have a single multimodel database than two separate databases? The reason I leaned towards neo4j is its native graph storage which might come in handy for memory locality for large graphs. OrientDB doesn't store graph natively. or does it?
OrientDB stores graph natively. Its engine is 100% a Graph Database like Neo4j. Actually OrientDB and Neo4j are the only Graph Databases with index-free adjacency. Some other Graph Database acts as a layer on top of an existent model (RDBMS, Column or Document stores).
So there is nothing you can do with Neo4j that you can't do with OrientDB. But OrientDB allows to model more complex data, like Document DBMS (MongoDB) can do. For example each vertices and edges in OrientDB is a document (json), so you can store in the vertex and edge complex types like embedded properties, list, sets, date, decimal, etc.
Don't be dazzled by terminology. "Index-free adjacency" is a term that simply means graph vertices are stored "with" their edges. Each database does this in a slightly different way. Neo4J stores them on disk in a linked list. If you have them in memory, and there's not too many of them, they're fast. If you have to hit them on disk, then you may need an index. Titan stores them as columns in a wide-column database such as Cassandra. If they're in memory, they're fast. If you have to hit them on disk, the underlying database's range queries make them fast to load in bulk, and extra indexing can decrease the cost of searching large edge lists.
This discussion is fairly valuable: How does Titan achieve constant time lookup using HBase / Cassandra?
Whether you're using OrientDB or any other database, your efficiency at graph queries will rely in large part on the indexing you put in place so that you start your graph queries on, and traverse through, a relatively small set of nodes. Be sure to model some of the queries you're doing to make sure that whatever database you choose will support the right indexes, whether they're across the whole graph, or local to each vertex.

How to compute connected components in OrientDB

Does OrientDB's support efficient computations of connected components?
I am not experienced with graph databases. My naiive intuition is that this operation should be quite efficient.
If it is efficiently supported, how would a query look like to find all connected components?
I had your same issue but I finally ended up writing an OSQL query to compute connected components in a graph, here is my solution
Below is an excerpt from the OrientDB website. I've highlighted a few relevant portions.
OrientDB can embed documents like any other document database, but
also supports relationships. It doesn’t use the costly JOIN. Instead,
OrientDB uses super-fast, persistent pointers between records, taken
from the graph database world. You can traverse parts of or entire
trees and graphs of records in just a few milliseconds.
This illustration shows how the original document has been
split into two documents linked using the Customer’s Record ID #8:124
to connect the Order to the Customer document. Links can be thought of
as in-memory pointers, but persistent on disk.
Equipped With document and relational DBMS, the more data you
have, the slower the database will be. Joins have a heavy runtime
cost. Instead, OrientDB handles relationships as physical links to the
records, assigned only once, when the edge is created O(1). Compare
this to an RDBMS that “computes“ the relationship every single time
you query a database O(LogN). With OrientDB, traversing speed is not
affected by the database size. It is always constant, whether for one
record or 100 billion records. This is critical in the age of Big
And here is an example query taken from the tutorial document, which will get all the friends of the person called Luca.
SELECT EXPAND( BOTH( 'Friend' ) ) FROM Person WHERE name = 'Luca'

Equivalent of ERD for MongoDB?

What would be the equivalent of ERD for a NoSQL database such as MongoDB?
It looks like you asked a similar question on Quora.
As mentioned there, the ERD is simply a mapping of the data you intend to store and the relations amongst that data.
You can still make an ERD with MongoDB as you still want to track the data and the relations. The big difference is that MongoDB has no joins, so when you translate the ERD into an actual schema you'll have to make some specific decisions about implement the relationships.
In particular, you'll need to make the "embed vs. reference" decision when deciding how this data will actually be stored. Relations are still allowed, just not enforced. Many of the wrappers for MongoDB actually provide lookups across collections to abstract some of this complexity.
Even though MongoDB does not enforce a schema, it's not recommended to proceed completely at random. Modeling the data you expect to have in the system is still a really good idea and that's what the ERD provides you.
So I guess the equivalent to the ERD is the ERD?
You could just use a UML class diagram instead too.
Moon Modeler supports schema design for MongoDB. It allows users to define diagrams with nested structures.
I know of no standard means of diagramming document-oriented "schema".
I'm sure you could use an ERD to map out your schemata but since document databases do not truly support--or more importantly enforce--relationships between data, it would only be as useful as your code was disciplined to internally enforce such relationships.
I have been thinking about the same issue for quite some time.
And I came to the following conclusion:
If NoSQL databases are generally schemaless, you don't actually have a 'schema' to illustrate in a diagram.
Thus, I think you should take a "by example" approach.
You could draw some mindmaps exemplifying how your data would look like when stored in a NoSQL DB such as MongoDB.
And since these databases are very dynamic you could also create some derived mindmaps to show how the data from today could evolve in time.
Take a look at this topic too.
Confusion about NoSQL Design
MongoDB does support 'joins', just not in the SQL sense of INNER JOIN (the default SQL join). While the concept of 'join' is typically associated with SQL, MongoDB does have the aggregation framework with its data processing pipeline stages. The $lookup pipeline stage is used to create the equivalent of a LEFT JOIN in SQL. That is, all documents on the left of a relationship will be pass through the pipeline, as well as any relating documents on the right side of the relationship. The documents are modified to include the relationship as part of the new documents.
Consequently, I postulate that Entity Relationship Diagrams do have a role in MongoDB. Documents are certainly related to each other in the db, and we should have a visualization of these relationships, including the cardinality relationship, e.g. full participation, partial participation, weak/strong entities, etc.
Of course, MongoDB also introduces the concept of embedded documents and referenced documents, and so I argue it adds additional flavor to the model of the ERD. And I certainly would want to see embedded and referenced relationships mapped out in a visual diagram.
The remaining question is so what is out there? What is out there for Mongoose for NodeJS? Mongoid for Ruby? etc. If you check the respective repositories for their corresponding ORMs (Object Relational Mappers), then you will see there are ERDs for them. But in terms of their completeness, perhaps there is a lot to be desired and the open source community is welcome to make contributions.

Storing a graph in mongodb

I have an undirected graph where each node contains an array. Data can be added/deleted from the array. What's the best way to store this in Mongodb and be able to do this query effectively: given node A, select all the data contained in the adjacent nodes of A.
In relational DB, you can create a table representing the edges and another table for storing the data in each node this so.
table 1
NodeA, NodeB
NodeA, NodeC
table 2
NodeA, item1
NodeA, item2
NodeB, item3
And then you join the tables when you query for the data in adjacent nodes. But join is not possible in MongoDB, so what's the best way to setup this database and efficiently query for data in adjacent nodes (favoring performance slightly over space).
Specialized Distributed Graph Databases
I know this is sounds a little far afield from the OPs question about Mongo, but these days there are more specialized graph databases that excel at this kind of work and may be much easier for you to use, especially on large graphs.
There is a comparison of 7 such offerings here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AlHPKx74VyC5dERyMHlLQ2lMY3dFQS1JRExYQUNhdVE#gid=0
Of the three most significant open source offerings (Titan, OrientDB, and Neo4J), all of them support the Tinkerpop Blueprints interface. So for a graph that looks like this...
... a query for "all the people that Juno greatly admires who she has known since the year 2011" would look like this:
Iterable<Vertex> results = juno.query().labels("knows").has("since",2011).has("stars",5).vertices()
This, of course, is just the tip of the iceberg. Pretty powerful stuff!
If you have to stay with Mongo
Think of Tinkerpop Blueprints as the "JDBC of storing graph structures" in various databases. The Tinkerpop Blueprints API has a specific MongoDB implementation that would work for you I'm sure. Then using Tinkerpop Gremlin, you have all sorts of advanced traversal and search methods at your disposal.
I'm picking up mongo, looking into this sort of schema as well (undirected graphs, querying for information from neighbors) I think the way that I favor so far looks something like this:
Each node contains an array of neighbor keys, like so.
nodeIndex: 4
myData: "data"
neighbors: [8,15,16,23,42]
To find data from neighbors, use the $in "operator":
db.nodes.find({nodeIndex:{$in: [8,15,16,23,42]}});
You can use field selection to limit results to the relevant data.
db.nodes.find({nodeIndex:{$in: [8,15,16,23,42]}}, {myData:1});
See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Trees+in+MongoDB for inspiration.
MongoDB will introduce native graph capabilities in version 3.4 and it could be used to store graph stuctures and do analytics on them although performance might not be that good compared to native graph databases like Neo4j depending on the cases but it is too early to judge.
Check those links for more information:
$graphLookup (aggregation)
MongoDB 3.4 Accelerates Digital Transformation for the Modern Enterprise
MongoDB can simulate a graph using a flexible tree hierarchy. You may want to consider neo4j for strict graphing needs.

What is the difference between a Graph Database and a Network Database?

What is the difference between a Graph Database (e.g. Neo4J) and a Network Database (e.g. IDS, CODASYL)? In principle are they the same thing?
The network databases like CODSASYL are still more or less based on a hierarchical data model, thinking in terms of parent-child (or owner-member in CODASYL terminology) relationships. This also means that in network database you can't relate arbitrary records to each other, which makes it hard to work with graph-oriented datasets. For example, you may use a graph database to analyze what relationships exist between entities.
Also, network databases use fixed records with a predefined set of fields, while graph databases use the more flexible Property Graph Model, allowing for arbitrary key/value pairs on both nodes/vertices and relationships/edges.
Copying from the book Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann.
In the network model, the database had a schema that specified which record type could be nested within which other record type. In a graph database, there is no such restriction: any vertex can have an edge to any other vertex. This gives much greater flexibility for applications to adapt to changing requirements.
In the network model, the only way to reach a particular record was to traverse one of the access paths to it. In a graph database, you can refer directly to any vertex by its unique ID, or you can use an index to find vertices with a particular value.
In the network model, the children of a record were an ordered set, so the database had to maintain that ordering (which had consequences for the storage layout) and applications that inserted new records into the database had to worry about the positions of the new records in these sets. In a graph database, vertices and edges are not ordered (you can only sort the results when making a query).
In the network model, all queries were imperative, difficult to write and easily broken by changes in the schema. In a graph database, you can write your traversal in imperative code if you want to, but most graph databases also support high-level, declarative query languages such as Cypher or SPARQL.
First, let´s ask the question correctly. There are TWO types of graph databases: RD Graph (standard) and Property Graph (non-standard). Neo4J is a Property Database, not a "standard" RDF Graph.
Then, if you read Sumit Sethia´s answer above, you will have the right answer in terms of the relationship between the Network Model and the Graph DB (which, by deafult should be understood as an RDF graph).
It helps to think of the relationships as a development time-line, where next step "improves" previous step. Then it would be something like the Hierarchical DB first, then the Network Model, then Graph, and then Property Graph. This is not "strict", by the way.