Application of tf function for large systems - matlab

I'm looking at the transfer functions (transfer matrix) of a Multiple-input single-output (MISO) system. The system has 32 dynamic states, four inputs, and one output. The system A, B, C, and matrices are calculated in a Matlab code, and the state space model is created as sys=ss(A,B,C,D).
My question is that why are the transfer functions obtained by applying the "tf" function on "sys" (a 1*4 structure) different from those obtained by applying the "tf" function on individual system models "sys(1)", "sys(2)", "sys(3)", and "sys(4)", whereas the system matrices obtained by individuals "sys(1)" to "sys(4) completely match with the corresponding matrices and matrices' columns of the "sys"?
I tried the same thing for a simple 4th-order system, and they completely match. I also tried it for a 32th-state system (of same dimension of my original system), where all system matrices are generated by randn function. Then, I tried to find the transfer function coefficients by using cell2mat(T.den) and cell2mat(T.num) for sys and for sys(1) to sys(4). All the denominator coefficients match. Also, except for one of the transfer functions, the numerator coefficients match as well.
It should be mentioned that in the original example, the matrix A is singular, but in the synthetic example 2 (of dimension 32), the condition number of system matrix is around 120.
You can find the code below.
Your help is highly appreciated.
clear all;
%% Building the system matrices
sys=ss(A,B,C,D); % creating the state space model
TFF=tf(sys); % calculating the tranfer matrix
%% extracting the numerator and denominator coefficients of 4 transfer
for i=1:4
Tin(i,:)=cell2mat(Ti.num); % numerator coefficients
Tid(i,:)=cell2mat(Ti.den); % denominator coefficients
clear Ti
%% calculatingthe numerator and denominator coefficients based on individual
%transfer functions
num2str([T1n.'-Tin(1,:).']) % the error between the numerator coefficients
% of the TF1 by 2 aproaches

It is a mixture of a few things; because the resulting model is not guaranteed to be minimal per se after model switches you get some discrepancies but also a subsystem of the MIMO system is not guaranteed to agree with a SISO part of the system which can remove some of the poles of the other modes if input is not acting on them.
However, beyond 5,6 transfer matrices are numerically terrible to perform operations with. Hence try to avoid them. Check other properties of the subsystems such as Bode plots for comparison


How to solve equations with complex coefficients using ode45 in MATLAB?

I am trying to solve two equations with complex coefficients using ode45.
But iam getting an error message as "Inputs must be floats, namely single or
X = sym(['[',sprintf('X(%d) ',1:2),']']);
Eqns=[-(X(1)*23788605396486326904946699391889*1i)/38685626227668133590597632 + (X(2)*23788605396486326904946699391889*1i)/38685626227668133590597632; (X(2)*23788605396486326904946699391889*1i)/38685626227668133590597632 + X(1)*(- 2500000 + (5223289665997855453060886952725538686654593059791*1i)/324518553658426726783156020576256)] ;
[t,Xabc]=ode45(f,[0 300*10^-6],[0 1])
How can i fix this ? Can somebody can help me ?
Per the MathWorks Support Team, the "ODE solvers in MATLAB 5 (R12) and later releases properly handle complex valued systems." So the complex numbers are the not the issue.
The error "Inputs must be floats, namely single or double." stems from your definition of f using Symbolic Variables that are, unlike complex numbers, not floats. The easiest way to get around this is to not use the Symbolic Toolbox at all; just makes Eqns an anonymous function:
Eqns= #(t,X) [-(X(1)*23788605396486326904946699391889*1i)/38685626227668133590597632 + (X(2)*23788605396486326904946699391889*1i)/38685626227668133590597632; (X(2)*23788605396486326904946699391889*1i)/38685626227668133590597632 + X(1)*(- 2500000 + (5223289665997855453060886952725538686654593059791*1i)/324518553658426726783156020576256)] ;
[t,Xabc]=ode45(Eqns,[0 300*10^-6],[0 1]);
That being said, I'd like to point out that numerically time integrating this system over 300 microseconds (I assume without units given) will take a long time since your coefficient matrix has imaginary eigenvalues on the order of 10E+10. The extremely short wavelength of those oscillations will more than likely be resolved by Matlab's adaptive methods, and that will take a while to solve for a time span just a few orders greater than the wavelength.
I'd, therefore, suggest an analytical approach to this problem; unless it is a stepping stone another problem that is non-analytically solvable.
Systems of ordinary differential equations of the form
which is a linear, homogenous system with a constant coefficient matrix, has the general solution
where the m-subscripted exponential function is the matrix exponential.
Therefore, the analytical solution to the system can be calculated exactly assuming the matrix exponential can be calculated.
In Matlab, the matrix exponential is calculate via the expm function.
The following code computes the analytical solution and compares it to the numerical one for a short time span:
% Set-up
A = [-23788605396486326904946699391889i/38685626227668133590597632,23788605396486326904946699391889i/38685626227668133590597632;...
Eqns = #(t,X) A*X;
X0 = [0;1];
% Numerical
options = odeset('RelTol',1E-8,'AbsTol',1E-8);
[t,Xabc]=ode45(Eqns,[0 1E-9],X0,options);
% Analytical
Xana = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(tk) expm(A*tk)*X0,t,'UniformOutput',false)')';
k = 1;
% Plots
The comparison plot is:
The output of ode45 matches the magnitude and real parts of the solution very well, but the imaginary portion is out-of-phase by exactly π.
However, since ode45's error estimator only looks at norms, the phase difference is not noticed which may lead to problems depending on the application.
It will be noted that while the matrix exponential solution is far more costly than ode45 for the same number of time vector elements, the analytical solution will produce the exact solution for any time vector of any density given to it. So for long time solutions, the matrix exponential can be viewed as an improvement in some sense.

Kriging / Gaussian Process Conditional Simulations in Matlab

I would like to perform conditional simulations for Gaussian process (GP) models in Matlab. I have found a tutorial by Martin Kolář (
sigma_f = 1.1251; %parameter of the squared exponential kernel
l = 0.90441; %parameter of the squared exponential kernel
kernel_function = #(x,x2) sigma_f^2*exp((x-x2)^2/(-2*l^2));
%This is one of many popular kernel functions, the squared exponential
%kernel. It favors smooth functions. (Here, it is defined here as an anonymous
%function handle)
% we can also define an error function, which models the observation noise
sigma_n = 0.1; %known noise on observed data
error_function = #(x,x2) sigma_n^2*(x==x2);
%this is just iid gaussian noise with mean 0 and variance sigma_n^2s
%kernel functions can be added together. Here, we add the error kernel to
%the squared exponential kernel)
k = #(x,x2) kernel_function(x,x2)+error_function(x,x2);
X_o = [-1.5 -1 -0.75 -0.4 -0.3 0]';
Y_o = [-1.6 -1.3 -0.5 0 0.3 0.6]';
K = zeros(length(X_o));
for i=1:length(X_o)
for j=1:length(X_o)
%% Demo #5.2 Sample from the Gaussian Process posterior
clearvars -except k prediction_x K X_o Y_o
%We can also sample from this posterior, the same way as we sampled before:
for i=1:length(prediction_x)
for j=i:length(prediction_x)%We only calculate the top half of the matrix. This an unnecessary speedup trick
K_ss=K_ss+triu(K_ss,1)'; % We can use the upper half of the matrix and copy it to the
for i=1:length(prediction_x)
for j=1:length(X_o)
for i=1:7
standard_random_vector = randn(length(A),1);
gaussian_process_sample(:,i) = A * standard_random_vector+K_s/K*Y_o;
hold on
The tutorial generates the conditional simulations using a direct simulation method based on covariance matrix decomposition. It is my understanding that there are several methods of generating conditional simulations that may be better when the number of simulation points is large such as conditioning by Kriging using a local neighborhood. I have found information regarding several methods in J.-P. Chilès and P. Delfiner, “Chapter 7 - Conditional Simulations,” in Geostatistics: Modeling Spatial Uncertainty, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012, pp. 478–628.
Is there an existing Matlab toolbox that can be used for conditional simulations? I am aware of DACE, GPML, and mGstat ( I believe only mGstat offers the capability to perform conditional simulations. However, mGstat also seems to be limited to only 3D models and I am interested in higher dimensional models.
Can anybody offer any advice on getting started performing conditional simulations with an existing toolbox such as GPML?
I have found a few more Matlab toolboxes: STK, ScalaGauss, ooDACE
It appears STK is capable of conditional simulations using covariance matrix decomposition. However, is limited to a moderate number (maybe a few thousand?) of simulation points due to the Cholesky factorization.
I used the STK toolbox and I recommend it for others:
I found that if you need conditional simulations at a large number of points then you might consider generating a conditional simulation at the points in a large design of experiment (DoE) and then simply relying on the mean prediction conditional on that DoE.

Simulink transfer fcn with matrix as parameters

Let's say I want to model this equation (electrical motor, 6 phases):
Vs = Rs*Is + d/dt*(Ls*Is)
where all variables are matrix, so:
Vs = [va1 vb1 vc1 va2 vb2 vc2]' (column vector)
Is = [ia1 ib1 ic1 ia2 ib2 ic2]' (column vector)
Ls and Rs are 6x6 matrix (constants)
From my point of view the Vs is the input vector and Is is the output vector so I need to rearrange the equation.
I have seen that is not possible in Simulink to feed the Transfer Fcn block with matrix, at least not for a multiple input multiple output system.
Is there a way to realize this on Simulink still using the matrix Ls and Rs without "unpacking" the equation?
Thank you
I would re-arrange your equations in state-space form and use the State-Space block, which is better suited for matrix equations.
Another option is to use basic Simulink blocks, such as Integrator and Gain blocks, with vectorized inputs. I am not 100% sure this will work, but reasonably confident.
You can use the product block with matrices inside Matlab so there should be no problem. It's also possible to use integrator/derivative block (though it's better to avoid using derivative if possible) with a vector input so if you can put your equation with Is as an output there should be no problem.
You can put 2 multiply blocks with your matrices as inputs and the vector you need and you will get a vector for the output like you want.

weighted correlation for case of matrix

i have question how to calculate weighted correlations for matrices,from wikipedia i have created three following codes
1.weighted mean calculation
function [y]= weighted_mean(x,w);
%assume that weight vector and input vector have same length
for i=1:n
sum=sum+ x(i)*w(i);
2.weighted covariance
function result=cov_weighted(x,y,w)
for i=1:n
and finally weighted correlation
function corr_weight=weighted_correlation(x,y,w);
now i want to apply weighted correlation method for matrices,related to this link
i did not understand anything how to apply,that why i have created my self,but need in case of input are matrices,thanks very much
#dato-datuashvili Maybe I am providing too much information...
1) I would like to stress that the evaluation of Weighted Correlation matrices are very uncommon. This happens because you have to provide beforehand the weights. Unless you have a clear reason to choose the weights, there is no clear way to provide them.
How can you tell that a measurement of your sample is more or less important than another measurement?
Having said that, the weights are up to you! Yo have to choose them!
So, people usually consider just the correlation matrix (no weights or all weights are the same e.g w_i=1).
If you have a clear way to choose good weights, just do not consider this part.
2) I understand that you want to test your code. So, in order to that, you have to have correlated random variables. How to generate them?
Multivariate normal distributions are the simplest case. See the wikipedia page about them: Multivariate Normal Distribution (see the item "Drawing values from the distribution". Wikipedia shows you how to generate the random numbers from this distribution using Choleski Decomposition). The 2-variate case is much simpler. See for instance Generate Correlated Normal Random Variables
The good news is that if you are using Matlab there is a function for you. See Matlab: Random numbers from the multivariate normal distribution.]
In order to use this function you have to provide the desired means and covariances. [Note that you are making the role of nature here. You are generating the data! In real life, you are going to apply your function to the real data. What I am trying to say is that this step is only useful for tests. Furthermore, pay attencion to the fact that in the Matlab function you are providing the variances and evaluating the correlations (covariances normalized by standard errors). In the 2-dimensional case (that is the case of your function it is possible to provide directly the correlation. See the page above that I provided to you of Math.Stackexchange]
3) Finally, you can apply them to your function. Generate X and Y from a normal multivarite distribution and provide the vector of weights w to your function corr_weight_correlation and you are done!
I hope I provide what you need!
% From the matlab page
mu = [2 3];
SIGMA = [1 1.5; 1.5 3];
[x,y] = mvnrnd(mu,SIGMA,n);
% Using your code
corr_weight=weighted_correlation(x,y,w); % Remember that Sigma is covariance and Corr_weight is correlation. In order to calculate the same thing, just use result=cov_weighted instead.

Creating a matrix of Gaussian Wavelets at dyadic scales

I need to create a diagonal matrix containing the Fourier coefficients of the Gaussian wavelet function, but I'm unsure of what to do.
Currently I'm using this function to generate the Haar Wavelet matrix
and taking the rows at dyadic scales (2,4,8,16) as the transform:
M= 256
H = ConstructHaarWaveletTransformationMatrix(M);
fi = conj(dftmtx(M))/M;
H = fi*H;
H = H(4,:);
H = diag(H);
How do I repeat this for Gaussian wavelets? Is there a built in Matlab function which will do this for me?
For reference I'm implementing the algorithm in section 4 of this paper:
I maybe would not being answering the question, but i will try to help you advance.
As far as i know, the Matlab Wavelet Toolbox only deal with wavelet operations and coefficients, increase or decrease resolution levels, and similar operations, but do not exposes the internal matrices serving to doing the transformations from signals and coefficients.
Hence i fear the answer to this question is no. Some time ago, i did this for some of the Hart Class wavelet, and i actually build the matrix from the scratch, and then i compared the coefficients obtained with the Built-in Matlab Wavelet Toolbox, hence ensuring your matrices are good enough for your algorithm. In my case, recursive parameter estimation for time varying models.
For the function ConstructHaarWaveletTransformationMatrix it is really simple to create the matrix, because the Hart Class could be really simple expressed as Kronecker products.
The Gaussian Wavelet case as i fear should be done from the scratch too...
THe steps i suggest would be;
Although MATLAB dont include explicitely the matrices, you can use the Matlab built-in functions to recover the Gaussian Wavelets, and thus compose the matrix for your algorithm.
Build every column of the matrix with every Gaussian Wavelet, for every resolution levels you are requiring (the dyadic scales). Use the Matlab Wavelets toolbox for recover the shapes.
After this, compare the coefficients obtained by you, with the coefficients of the toolbox. This way you will correct the order of the Matrix row.
Numerically, being fj the signal projection over Vj (the PHI signals space, scaling functions) at resolution level j, and gj the signal projection over Wj (the PSI signals space, mother functions) at resolution level j, we can write:
Hence, both fj0 and gj will induce two matrices, lets call them PHIj and PSIj matrices:
The PHIj columns contain the scaled and shifted scaling wavelet signal (one, for j0 only) for the approximation projection (the Vj0 space), and the PSIj columns contain the scaled and shifted mother wavelet signals (several, from j0 to j1-1) for the detail projection (onto the Wj0 to Wj1-1 spaces).
Hence, the Matrix you need is:
PHI=[PHIj0 PSIj0... PSIj1]
Thus you can express you original signal as:
where C is a vector of approximation and detail coefficients, for the levels:
C=[cj0' dj0'...dj1']'
The first part, for addressing the PHI build can be achieved by writing:
function PHI=MakePhi(l,str,Jmin,Jmax)
% [PHI]=MakePhi(l,str,Jmin,Jmax)
% Build full PHI Wavelet Matrix for obtaining wavelet coefficients
% (extract)
[LO_R,HI_R] = wfilters(str,'r');
laux=l([end-Jmax end-Jmax:end]);
PHI=[PHI MakeWMatrix('a',str,laux)];
for j=Jmax:-1:Jmin
laux=l([end-j end-j:end]);
PHI=[PHI MakeWMatrix('d',str,laux)];
the wfilters is a MATLAB built in function, giving the required signal for the approximation and or detail wavelet signals.
The MakeWMatrix function is:
function M=MakeWMatrix(typestr,str,laux)
% M=MakeWMatrix(typestr,str,laux)
% Build Wavelet Matrix for obtaining wavelet coefficients
% for a single level vector.
% (extract)
[LO_R,HI_R] = wfilters(str,'r');
if typestr=='a'
lin=laux(2); lout=laux(3);
for i=3:la-1
lin=laux(i); lout=laux(i+1);
and finally the MakeCMatrix is:
function [M]=MakeCMatrix(F_R,lin,lout)
% Convolucion Matrix
% (extract)
for i=1:lin
M(:,i)=[zeros(2*(i-1),1) ;F_R ;zeros(2*(lin-i),1)];
M=[zeros(1,lin); M ;zeros(1,lin)];
This last matrix should include some interpolation routine for having better general results in each case.
I expect this solve part of your problem.....