sbcl: list all valid character encodings - encoding
To get the list of all valid encodings for sbcl, I do this:
(let (encoding-list)
(let (symbol-list)
(do-external-symbols (s :keyword)
(push s symbol-list))
(setf symbol-list (sort symbol-list #'string<))
(mapc (lambda (x)
(when (ignore-errors
(phyle "scratch1"
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:external-format x)
1)) ; <-- produce something non-NIL
(push x encoding-list)))
(nreverse encoding-list))
Is there an easier way to do this in sbcl? (For example, in clisp, all the encodings are external symbols in the CHARSET package.)
The only "official" list is in the manual. If you don't mind looking into SBCLs internals, external formats are stored in a hash table, SB-IMPL::*EXTERNAL-FORMATS*.
CL-USER> (alexandria:hash-table-keys sb-impl::*external-formats*)
:|Shift_JIS| :SJIS :SHIFT_JIS :|eucJP| :EUCJP :EUC-JP :CP936 :GBK :|macintosh|
:MACINTOSH :|mac| :MAC :|MacRoman| :|mac-roman| :MAC-ROMAN :|windows-1258|
:WINDOWS-1258 :|cp1258| :CP1258 :|windows-1257| :WINDOWS-1257 :|cp1257|
:CP1257 :|windows-1256| :WINDOWS-1256 :|cp1256| :CP1256 :|windows-1255|
:WINDOWS-1255 :|cp1255| :CP1255 :|cp1254| :CP1254 :|windows-1253|
:WINDOWS-1253 :|cp1253| :CP1253 :|windows-1252| :WINDOWS-1252 :|cp1252|
:CP1252 :|windows-1251| :WINDOWS-1251 :|cp1251| :CP1251 :|windows-1250|
:WINDOWS-1250 :|cp1250| :CP1250 :ISO8859-15 :ISO-8859-15 :LATIN9 :LATIN-9
:|latin-8| :LATIN-8 :|iso-8859-14| :ISO-8859-14 :|latin-7| :LATIN-7
:|iso-8859-13| :ISO-8859-13 :|iso-8859-11| :ISO-8859-11 :|latin-6| :LATIN-6
:|iso-8859-10| :ISO-8859-10 :|latin-5| :LATIN-5 :|iso-8859-9| :ISO-8859-9
:|iso-8859-8| :ISO-8859-8 :|iso-8859-7| :ISO-8859-7 :|iso-8859-6| :ISO-8859-6
:|iso-8859-5| :ISO-8859-5 :|latin-4| :LATIN-4 :|iso-8859-4| :ISO-8859-4
:|latin-3| :LATIN-3 :|iso-8859-3| :ISO-8859-3 :|latin-2| :LATIN-2
:|iso-8859-2| :ISO-8859-2 :|cp874| :CP874 :|cp869| :CP869 :|cp866| :CP866
:|cp865| :CP865 :|cp864| :CP864 :|cp863| :CP863 :|cp862| :CP862 :|cp861|
:CP861 :|cp860| :CP860 :|cp857| :CP857 :|cp855| :CP855 :|cp852| :CP852
:|cp850| :CP850 :|cp437| :CP437 :|x-mac-cyrillic| :X-MAC-CYRILLIC :|koi8-u|
:KOI8-U :|koi8-r| :KOI8-R :IBM037 :IBM-037 :|cp037| :CP037 :EBCDIC-US :UTF8
:UTF-8 :ISO8859-1 :ISO-8859-1 :LATIN1 :LATIN-1 :|646| :ISO-646-US :ISO-646
Of course, since this is not a public API there is no guarantee that it won't be broken in future releases.
emacs: slime-repl hang if using read() or read-line() function
I am using Emacs 24.3.1 on Ubuntu 14.04, slime-20160402.549, GNU CLISP 2.4. Whenever i use read() or read-line() function in slime-repl, it will freeze after one or two input characters (e.g. "wa"), ; SLIME 2016-04-02 CL-USER> (read) wa Trying C-g it shows the error below: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit) accept-process-output(nil 0.01) #[0 "\306\307!\306\310!\211\302L\266\211\211\300L\266\311\312J\301#\313\314\315\316\317D\316\nD\316\fD\320\257E\257!\266\321\322\323 \322\262\322\262\324!\325=\204J slime-eval((swank:simple-completions "wa" (quote "COMMON-LISP-USER"))) slime-simple-completions("wa") ac-source-slime-simple-candidates() ac-candidates-1(((init . ac-slime-init) (candidates . ac-source-slime-simple-candidates) (candidate-face . ac-slime-menu-face) (selection-face . ac-slime-selection-face) (prefix . slime-symbol-start-pos) (symbol . "l") (document . ac-slime-documentation) (match . ac-source-slime-case-correcting-completions))) ac-candidates() ac-update(t) ac-show-menu() apply(ac-show-menu nil) ... This problem does not happen in clisp REPL on command line. Any helps?
Charting the value of Datomic facts over time
Since Datomic stores assertions and retractions of facts, is it possible to use this built-in storage to chart changes to a value over time, e.g. a price history?
Yes. The command you want is datomic.api/history. Called with a database value, it returns a special db featuring all datom additions and retractions. (ns datomic-history-demo.core (:require [datomic.api :as d :refer [db q]])) (defn demonstrate [] (let [db-uri '"datomic:mem://fnord"] (d/delete-database db-uri) (d/create-database db-uri) (let [conn (d/connect db-uri)] (d/transact conn [{:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db] :db/ident :demo/amount :db/valueType :db.type/long :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one :db/doc "An interesting quantity." :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}]) (let [tempid (dbg (d/tempid :db.part/user)) tx-data #(d/transact conn [{:db/id tempid :db/doc "initial value" :demo/amount 5}]) id (dbg (d/resolve-tempid (:db-after tx-data) (:tempids tx-data) tempid))] #(d/transact conn [{:db/id id :db/doc "subsequent value" :demo/amount 17}]) #(d/transact conn [{:db/id id :db/doc "final value" :demo/amount 23}]) (let [special-history-db (d/history (db conn))] (->> (q '[:find ?instant ?e ?amount ?operation :where [?e :demo/amount ?amount ?tx ?operation] [?tx :db/txInstant ?instant]] special-history-db) (sort-by first))))))) (demonstrate) (comment ;; evaluates to ([#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.054-00:00" 17592186045418 5 true] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.058-00:00" 17592186045418 5 false] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.058-00:00" 17592186045418 17 true] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.062-00:00" 17592186045418 23 true] [#inst "2014-02-25T19:12:24.062-00:00" 17592186045418 17 false])
not able to find package when running from SLIME, but from command line is ok
I'm running the teapot example from cl-opengl package. The only changes I've made are loading the required packages. It works fine when executed from unix shell (sbcl --load ""), but when I try to compile and load it through SLIME (C-c C-k) i get the error about package GLUT not found. Curiously, the compiler chokes on the (defclass glut-teapot-window (glut:window). What gives??? Here's a screenshot of what happens Here's the code for ;;;; -*- Mode: lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- ;;; glut-teapot.lisp --- Simple usage of glut:solid-teapot. (ql:quickload :cl-opengl) (ql:quickload :cl-glu) (ql:quickload :cl-glut) ;(setf *communication-style* :fd-handler) (defclass glut-teapot-window (glut:window) () (:default-initargs :width 250 :height 250 :title "glut-teapot.lisp" :mode '(:single :rgb :depth))) (defmethod glut:display-window :before ((w glut-teapot-window)) (gl:clear-color 0 0 0 0) (gl:cull-face :back) (gl:depth-func :less) (gl:disable :dither) (gl:shade-model :smooth) (gl:light-model :light-model-local-viewer 1) (gl:color-material :front :ambient-and-diffuse) (gl:enable :light0 :light1 :lighting :cull-face :depth-test)) (defmethod glut:display ((window glut-teapot-window)) (gl:load-identity) (gl:translate 0 0 -5) (gl:rotate 30 1 1 0) (gl:light :light0 :position '(100 1000 1 0)) (gl:light :light0 :diffuse '(1.2 0.4 0.6 0)) (gl:light :light1 :position '(-100 1000 1 0)) (gl:clear :color-buffer :depth-buffer) (gl:color 1 10 1) (gl:front-face :cw) (glut:solid-teapot 1.3) ;(glut:solid-torus 0.5 1.0 50 50) ;(glu:cylinder (glu:new-quadric) 0.5 0.5 0.5 20 20) (gl:front-face :ccw) (gl:flush)) (defmethod glut:reshape ((window glut-teapot-window) width height) (gl:viewport 0 0 width height) (gl:matrix-mode :projection) (gl:load-identity) (glu:perspective 50 (/ width height) 0.5 20) (gl:matrix-mode :modelview) (gl:load-identity)) (defmethod glut:keyboard ((window glut-teapot-window) key x y) (declare (ignore x y)) (when (eql key #\Esc) (glut:destroy-current-window))) (defun glut-teapot () (glut:display-window (make-instance 'glut-teapot-window))) (glut-teapot)
If you load the file, the Lisp system reads the file expression by expression and executes them after reading each single expression. If you compile the file in a fresh Lisp, then it reads the expressions and compiles them. But it does not execute them. Thus it sees the quickload command, compiles it, but does not execute it. This OpenGL code is not loaded and the packages are not known to the compiler. But that makes sense: a compile usually should compile the file, not execute it. Lisp would execute the expressions then when you load the compiled fasl file. There are two simple ways around it: put the quickload operation in a separate file and compile/execute it before compiling the next file. enclose the load operations in an EVAL-WHEN statement. (eval-when (:execute :load-toplevel :compile-toplevel) ... your code here ...). The :compile-toplevel symbol means, that the code will be executed when the compiler sees it as a top-level form. Which it otherwise would not do. Thus you can have code in a file to compile which creates side effects - here loading other code.
Best way to read (MATLAB) structures from a text file in Clojure / Incanter
I exported my matlab structs to text files so that I can read them in clojure. I have a text file like: name Ali age 33 friends-ages 30 31 25 47 know I can read this file, but what's the clojure way to convert it into something like: (def person1 {:name "Ali" :age 33 :friends-ages [30 31 25 47]}) or lets make it easier: name Ali age 33 to: (def person1 {:name "Ali" :age 33})
Assuming each file has a single record, (defn parse [f] (let [[_ name _ age _ & friends] (.split (slurp f) "\n")] {:name name :age age :friends (map read-string friends)})) (parse "../../../Desktop/t.txt") you get, {:name "Ali", :age "33", :friends-ages (30 31 25 47)}
I guess you would need to manually do this conversion from text file (which isn't in any standard serialization formats) to the required set format. If possible, I would suggest that you should extract the MATLAB data in JSON format and that would be easy to read in clojure using the json library.
Here's a solution for your easier problem: (ns example (:require [clojure.string :as str])) (def input "name\nAli\nage\n33\n") ; you'd get this by reading the file (defn process [data] (->> (str/split data #"\n") (partition 2) (map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword k) (try (Integer/valueOf v) (catch NumberFormatException _ v))])) (into {}))) (prn (process input)) The full problem requires better specification of the format: how do you know that the list of ages is done?
I ended up writing an .m file to export my .mat files to text, then imported them by something like the following: (use '[clojure.string :only (split join)]) (defn kv [[k v]] [(keyword k) v]) (let [a (split (slurp ( fileName)) #"\n")] (def testNeuron (into {} (map kv (partition 2 a))))) Thanks to the answers by Hamza and Jouni. The actual code is more like this: (def dataPath "/home/ali/Dropbox/Projects/Neurojure/") (def testFileName "dae062.c1.cylinder.DID.txt") (defn kv [[k v]] [(keyword k) (if (< 0 (count (re-seq #"\d\d\d\dSpikes|\d\d\d\dOcodes|\d\d\d\dOSpikes" k))) (into [] (map (fn [x] (Integer/valueOf x)) (split v #","))) (try (Integer/valueOf v) (catch NumberFormatException _ v)))]) (let [a (split (slurp ( (str dataPath testFileName))) #"\n")] (def testNeuron (into {} (map kv (partition 2 a))))) and the converted data file looks like this: ConvertDate 18-Nov-2011 Name /bgc/data/dae/062/dae062.mat frameperiod 83.2500000037253 Spike2Version 1.27 unstored 167 rfstr cm=rf-3.10,9.61:0.00x0.00,-135deg pe20 -2.0,-3.0 fx=0.00,fy=0.00cm=rf-3.10,9.61:0.00x0.00,-135deg pe20 -2.0,-3.0 fx=0.00,fy=0.00 rf -3.1,9.61,0,0,-135,20,-2,-3,0,0 trange 47371169.75,100193717.5 psych 1 rc 0 Options expname cylinder.dxXIdD Start 94745610.75 End 100193717.5 Area MT Ex perimenter Ali Trial=>0001Start 47377343 Trial=>0001TrialStart 47377343 Trial=>0001End 47397224.25 Trial=>0001dur 19881.2500000075 Trial=>0001uStim 0 Trial=>0001op 40980 Trial=>0001Trial 1860 Trial=>0001id 15897 Trial=>0001Startev 47377149.5 Trial=>0001serdelay -46.25 Trial=>0001bstimes 47377195.75 Trial=>0001delay 147.25 Trial=>0001TrueEnd 47397224.25 Trial=>0001CorLoop 0 Trial=>0001dx 0 Trial=>0001Spikes -1402,-1232,1577,1931,2165,2222,2478,2773,2903,3229,3745,3820,4071,4588,4920,5141,5752,6440,6490,6664,6770,7042,7958,8081,8307,8622,8732,9021,9082,9343,9619,9695,9877,10357,10668,10943,11105,11364,11720,12272,12499,12762,12907,13621,14121,14351,14542,14588,15104,15420,15501,16331,16596,16843,17476,17698,17996,18169,18401,18532,18706,19029,19081,19418,19603,19750,20222 Trial=>0001count 65 Trial=>0001OptionCode +do+aa+sq+72+se+fc+fb+ap+wt+cf+ws+ts+sw+bw+cs+2a+bm+gm+x2+sp+da+ao+cS+C3+CF Trial=>0001me 0 Trial=>0001OSpikes -1976,-1802,-1423,-1360,-1268,-1248,-1140,-244,-220,-164,632,681,730,760,779,786,867,879,924,1062,1161,1252,1268,1431,1533,1632,1946,2210,2235,2273,2285,2296,2305,2496,2532,2541,2732,2787,2806,2822,2840,3095,3292,3431,3598,3614,3837,4100,4482,4504,4515,4651,4768,4794,4936,5020,5160,5184,5300,5314,5710,5764,6431,6453,6471,6553,6561,6584,6791,7018,7124,7880,7905,7940,7968,8011,8315,8330,8352,8568,8666,8748,8756,8766,8797,8836,9038,9297,9328,9360,9471,9632,9639,9721,9939,10196,10363,10375,10387,10410,10931,10953,10969,10986,11038,11118,11135,11405,11692,12018,12163,12258,12492,12512,12525,12884,12899,12919,13156,13183,13638,13674,13842,13988,14110,14298,14310,14321,14606,14617,15124,15132,15150,15289,15341,15620,16293,16305,16342,16364,16441,16604,16692,16932,16997,17059,17086,17210,17368,17495,17626,17639,17651,17677,17718,18013,18247,18353,18553,18691,18722,18887,18941,19438,19774,19938,19959,19967,20004,20240,20306,20500,20623 Trial=>0002Start 47406914 Trial=>0002TrialStart 47406914 Trial=>0002End 47426795.25 Trial=>0002dur 19881.2499999925 ...
Racket Server & PostgreSQL - BLOB upload/download without saving to memory or disk
I am trying to make a servlet for the Racket Web Server that would allow a user to upload pictures to the site and display the already uploaded files as images on the same page. I would like to stream the pictures directly in and out of a PostgreSQL database, rather than saving them to a temporary file on disk or in memory. Is it possible? If so, what is the best way to do it? Can it be done with a stateless servlet? Any help is greatly appreciated!
Should be. I recommend the db package from PLaneT (because I wrote it). You can read the docs online. The PostgreSQL table should have a bytea field for the image contents; on the Racket side it will be represented as a byte string. In your servlet, you should probably return a response/full structure with the image contents. You'll have to deal with the return code, MIME type, etc yourself. (See the example in the documentation.)
In the name of science, I am posting one half of the answer to my own question. This page will show images that are already in the database. The upload page is still an open question. Ryan Culpepper helped me in private correspondence beyond of what is posted here. I thank him for his help. All things that may look like black magic come from him, and all clumsy goofs are mine. I will be grateful for all suggestions on how to improve the code. #lang racket #| ================================================================================================================ We are assuming that the PostgreSQL database we are connecting to has a table "person" with columns "id", "firstname", "lastname" and "portrait". The "portrait" column contains the OID of a BLOB that stores the image file we want to display. Suppose further that the table "person" has a legitimate entry with id=22, firstname="John", lastname="Doe" Then the page should display greetings "Hello, John Doe!" and show the portrait of the person below the greeting. The portrait itself should be at The program should be run via Racket -t "<filename>" after defining the environment variables "DB_USER", "DB_NAME", "DB_PORT", "DB_PASSWORD". ================================================================================================================ |# (require web-server/servlet web-server/servlet-env web-server/dispatch web-server/stuffers/hmac-sha1 web-server/http web-server/http/response-structs (planet ryanc/db:1:4) (planet ryanc/db:1:4/util/connect) net/base64) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; response ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (start given-request) (site-dispatch given-request)) (define-values (site-dispatch given-request) (dispatch-rules [("page" (integer-arg)) show-page] [("portrait" (string-arg)) show-portrait])) (define (show-page given-request given-person-id) (let* ( [db-person_firstname_lastname (query-maybe-row my-connection "SELECT firstname, lastname FROM person WHERE id = $1" given-person-id)] [my-firstname (vector-ref db-person_firstname_lastname 0)] [my-lastname (vector-ref db-person_firstname_lastname 1)]) (response/xexpr `(html ([xmlns ""]) (head (title "Page with a portrait")) (body (div ([id "greetings"]) ,(string-append "Hello, " my-firstname " " my-lastname "! ")) (img ( [src ,(string-append "/portrait/" (number->string given-person-id) ".jpg")]))))))) (define (show-portrait given-request given-portrait-file) (let* ( [my-user-id (car (regexp-match #rx"^([0-9]+)" given-portrait-file))] [my-portrait-oid (query-value my-connection "SELECT portrait FROM person WHERE id = $1" (string->number my-user-id))] [STREAMOUT_CHUNK_SIZE 1000] [INV_READ #x00040000]) (response 200 ; code #"Okay" ; message (current-seconds) ; seconds #"image/jpeg" ; mime type empty ; headers (lambda (given-output-stream) ; body generator (start-transaction my-connection) (define object-descriptor (query-value my-connection "SELECT LO_OPEN( $1, $2 )" my-portrait-oid INV_READ)) (define (stream-next-chunk) (begin (define my-next-chunk (query-value my-connection "SELECT LOREAD( $1, $2 )" object-descriptor STREAMOUT_CHUNK_SIZE)) (if (> (bytes-length my-next-chunk) 0) (begin (write-bytes my-next-chunk given-output-stream) (stream-next-chunk) #t) #f))) (stream-next-chunk) (commit-transaction my-connection))))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; database connection ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (define my-connection (virtual-connection (connection-pool (lambda () (eprintf "(Re)establishing database connection...\n") (postgresql-connect #:user (getenv "DB_USER") #:database (getenv "DB_NAME") #:port (string->number (getenv "DB_PORT")) #:socket #f #:password (getenv "DB_PASSWORD") #:allow-cleartext-password? #f #:ssl 'optional ; other choices: 'yes 'no ))))) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; servlet parameters ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (serve/servlet start #:command-line? #t ; #t to use serve/servlet in a start up script for a Web application, and don't want a browser opened or the DrRacket banner printed #:connection-close? #f ; #t to close every connection after one request. (Otherwise, the client decides based on what HTTP version it uses.) #:launch-browser? #f #:quit? #f ; #t makes the URL "/quit" end the server #:banner? #t ; #t to print an informative banner #:listen-ip #f ; give an IP to accept connections from external machines #:port 80 ; 443 is the default for SSL, 80 - for open connections #:servlet-regexp #rx"" ; #rx"" captures top-level requests #:stateless? #t #:server-root-path ; where the server files are rooted, default=(the distribution root) (build-path ".") #:ssl? #f #:log-file (build-path "server.log"))