Redshift: Need efficiency assistance with super long query - amazon-redshift
First off: This is a redshift query written in aginity
I need some help with this super long query for a model I am making. Everything works great until my last section, Section 10, where I have to do some unions. I am able to run, but not reference temp-tables Inquiry7 and Inquiry8. If I run the whole query and put a Select * from Inquiry6 at the end, it runs. But if I run the whole query and put a Select * from Inquiry7 at the end, I start getting weird errors like The Connection is broken..
I should also note that I do not have write access for redshift.
Is there anything that stands out to you that I can do to make this more efficient? Due to space limitation, I am only posting the last half of my code.
--Part 6: Appending SQL, SQL Reviewed, and SQO dates
--6.1 SQL Date
sql_date as (
Select a.*, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',b.CreatedDate) as SQL_Date
From part5_final a
Left Outer Join salesforce_opportunity b on a.convertedopportunityid =
--6.2 SQL Reviewed Date and Value
sql_reviewed as (
Select a.*,
First_Value (b.CreatedDate) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as SQL_reviewed_date,
First_Value (b.NewValue) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as SQL_reviewed_value
From sql_date a Left Outer Join (Select a.OpportunityId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate, a.NewValue From salesforce_opportunityfieldhistory a Where a.field = 'StageName' and a.OldValue = 'Sales Qualified Lead') b on a.ConvertedOpportunityId = b.OpportunityId
--6.3 Discovery Date
Discovery_Date as (
Select a.*,
First_Value (b.CreatedDate) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Discovery_date
From sql_reviewed a Left Outer Join (Select a.OpportunityId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate, a.NewValue From salesforce_opportunityfieldhistory a Where a.field = 'StageName' and a.NewValue not in ('Sales Qualified Lead', 'Closed - SQL Rejected')) b on a.ConvertedOpportunityId = b.OpportunityId
--6.4 SQO Date
SQO_Date as (
Select a.*,
First_Value (b.CreatedDate) Over (Partition By a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.CreatedDate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as SQO_date
From Discovery_Date a Left Outer Join (Select a.OpportunityId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as CreatedDate, a.NewValue From salesforce_opportunityfieldhistory a Where a.field = 'StageName' and a.NewValue not in ('Sales Qualified Lead', 'Discovery', 'Closed - SQL Rejected', 'Closed - SQL Unqualified')) b on a.ConvertedOpportunityId = b.OpportunityId
--6.5 Reorg and dedupe
Part6_Final as (
Select leadid, convertedcontactid, mql_date, mql_reviewed_date, mql_reviewed_value, sal_date, lead_closed_date, lead_closed_value, converteddate, convertedopportunityid, sql_date, sql_reviewed_date, sql_reviewed_value, discovery_date, sqo_date, opportunitycloseddate, opportunitystage
From SQO_Date
Group By leadid, convertedcontactid, mql_date, mql_reviewed_date, mql_reviewed_value, sal_date, lead_closed_date, lead_closed_value, converteddate, convertedopportunityid, sql_date, sql_reviewed_date, sql_reviewed_value, discovery_date, sqo_date, opportunitycloseddate, opportunitystage
--102 Seconds
--Part 7: Appending Offer: we are going to build a table of MQL_Status__c changes, then do a date diff to calculate the time from MQL
-- Date, taking the min result as our offer.
--7.1 This grabs the values for the first MQL_Status__c change on the lead history table
offer1 as (
Select a.leadid,
First_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) Over (Partition By a.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as CreatedDate,
First_Value (a.OldValue) Over (Partition By a.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as OldValue,
First_Value (a.NewValue) Over (Partition By a.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as NewValue
From salesforce_leadhistory a
Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c'
--7.2 There are instances where a lead was created with MQL_Status__c populated. In order to accurately identify the first
-- change, we will take the Old Value and the lead created date for those
offer2 as (
Select a.leadid, CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',b.CreatedDate) ELSE a.CreatedDate END as CreatedDate,
CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.oldValue ELSE a.NewValue END as NewValue
From offer1 a
Inner Join salesforce_lead b on a.leadid =
--7.3 This grabs the values for the first MQL_Status__c change on the contact history table
offer3 as (
Select a.contactid,
First_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) Over (Partition By a.ContactId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as CreatedDate,
First_Value (a.OldValue) Over (Partition By a.ContactId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as OldValue,
First_Value (a.NewValue) Over (Partition By a.ContactId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as NewValue
From salesforce_contacthistory a
Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c'
--7.4 There are instances where a lead was created with MQL_Status__c populated. In order to accurately identify the first
-- change, we will take the Old Value and the lead created date for those
Offer4 as (
Select a.contactid, CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',b.CreatedDate) ELSE a.CreatedDate END as CreatedDate,
CASE WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.oldValue ELSE a.NewValue END as NewValue
From offer3 a
Inner Join salesforce_contact b on a.contactid =
--7.5 combining results from 6.2 and 6.4. Additionally filling in all other contact and lead offer changes. Also, dedupe.
offer5 as (
Select a.PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue
From (
Select CASE WHEN b.ConvertedContactId <> '' THEN b.ConvertedContactId else a.LeadId END as PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue
From offer2 a
Inner Join salesforce_lead b on a.leadid =
Select a.ContactId as PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue
From offer4 a
Select a.leadid as PersonId, (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) as createddate, a.newvalue
From salesforce_leadhistory a
Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c'
Select a.contactid as PersonId, (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) as createddate, a.newvalue
From salesforce_contacthistory a
Where a.Field = 'MQL_Status__c'
) a
Group By a.PersonId, a.CreatedDate, a.NewValue
--7.6 Identification of correct offer per MQL
offer6 as (
Select a.*,
First_Value (b.NewValue) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY abs(datediff(min,a.mql_date, b.createddate)) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Offer
From Part6_Final a
Left Outer Join offer5 b on ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId) = b.PersonId
--Group By a.LeadId, a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Value, a.SAL_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Value, a.ConvertedDate, a.ConvertedOpportunityId, a.SQL_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Value, a.Discovery_Date, a.SQO_Date, a.OpportunityClosedDate, a.OpportunityStage
--7.7 Dedupe
offer7 as (
Select *
From offer6 a
Group By a.LeadId, a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Value, a.SAL_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Value, a.ConvertedDate, a.ConvertedOpportunityId, a.SQL_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Value, a.Discovery_Date, a.SQO_Date, a.OpportunityClosedDate, a.OpportunityStage, a.Offer
--7.8 Cases where a change does not appear in the history table, but the field is populated on the record, this query fills those gaps in.
Part7_Final as (
Select a.LeadId, a.ConvertedContactId, a.MQL_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Date, a.MQL_Reviewed_Value, a.SAL_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Date, a.Lead_Closed_Value, a.ConvertedDate, a.ConvertedOpportunityId, a.SQL_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Date, a.SQL_Reviewed_Value, a.Discovery_Date, a.SQO_Date, a.OpportunityClosedDate, a.OpportunityStage,
CASE WHEN a.Offer IS NULL AND a.ConvertedContactId is NULL THEN c.MQL_Status__c
WHEN a.Offer IS NULL and a.ConvertedContactId is NOT NULL THEN b.MQL_Status__c
ELSE a.Offer
END as Offer
From Offer7 a
Left Outer Join salesforce_contact b on a.convertedcontactid =
Left Outer Join salesforce_lead c on a.leadid =
--160 seconds
--21,506 rows
--Part 8: Lead Source / Marketing Channel
--8.1 Determine previous MQL date so we have a start end end date for determining correct last touch attribution.
mktgchannel1 as (
Select a.*,
ISNULL(Last_Value (b.mql_date) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.mql_date ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following), '10/1/2016') as PrevMQLDate
From Part7_Final a
Left Outer Join (
Select a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date
From Part7_Final a
Group By a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date
) b on ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId) = ISNULL(b.ConvertedContactId, b.LeadId) AND a.mql_date > b.mql_date
--209 seconds
--8.2 Building marketing channel source table from Bizible data
mktgchannel2 as (
Select CASE WHEN b.bizible2__Contact__c <> '' THEN b.bizible2__Contact__c ELSE b.bizible2__Lead__c END as PersonId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Date__c) as TouchpointDate, a.Id
From salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c a
Inner Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_person__c b on a.bizible2__Bizible_Person__c = b.Id
Where a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%'
--8.3 Dedupe
mktgchannel3 as (
Select *
From (
Select a.*,
Last_Value ( Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.touchpointdate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as TouchpointId,
Last_Value (b.TouchpointDate) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.touchpointdate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as TouchpointDate
From mktgchannel1 a
Left Outer Join mktgchannel2 b on ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId) = b.PersonId and b.TouchpointDate between a.PrevMQLDate and a.MQL_Date
Group By a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate, a.convertedopportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate, a.opportunitystage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate, a.touchpointid, a.touchpointdate
--226 seconds
--8.4 Building attribution marketing channel source table from Bizible data
mktgchannel4 as (
Select a.bizible2__opportunity__c as opportunityid, id as attributionid, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Date__c) as attributiondate
From salesforce_bizible2__bizible_attribution_touchpoint__c a
Where bizible2__form_url__c <> ''
--8.5 Appending attribution id / date
mktgchannel5 as (
Select a.*,
Last_Value (b.attributionid) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.attributiondate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as AttributionId,
Last_Value (b.attributionDate) Over (Partition By ISNULL(a.ConvertedContactId, a.LeadId), a.MQL_Date ORDER BY b.attributiondate ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as AttributionDate
From mktgchannel3 a
Left Outer Join mktgchannel4 b on a.convertedopportunityid = b.opportunityid AND attributiondate between a.prevmqldate and mql_date
--8.6 Dedupe
mktgchannel6 as (
Select *
From mktgchannel5 a
Group by a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate, a.convertedopportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate, a.opportunitystage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate, a.touchpointid, a.touchpointdate, a.attributionid, a.attributiondate
--8.7 Determining whether the touchpoint or attribution touchpoint is more relevent to the last touch model
mktgchannel7 as (
Select a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate, a.convertedopportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate, a.opportunitystage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate,
CASE WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL THEN a.attributionid
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN a.touchpointid
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL AND a.touchpointdate > a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointid
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate < a.attributiondate THEN a.attributionid
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate = a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointid
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN NULL
END as TouchpointId,
CASE WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL THEN a.attributiondate
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN a.touchpointdate
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL AND a.touchpointdate > a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointdate
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate < a.attributiondate THEN a.attributiondate
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NOT NULL and a.attributionid IS NOT NULL and a.touchpointdate = a.attributiondate THEN a.touchpointdate
WHEN a.touchpointid IS NULL and a.attributionid IS NULL THEN NULL
END as TouchpointDate
From mktgchannel6 a
--8.8 Bringing in the marketing channel and form url from bizible data
Part8_Final as (
Select a.leadid, a.convertedcontactid as contactid, ISNULL(a.touchpointdate, a.mql_date) as inquiry_date, a.mql_date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converteddate as converted_date, a.convertedopportunityid as opportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunitycloseddate as opportunity_closed_date, a.opportunitystage as opportunity_stage, a.offer, a.prevmqldate as prev_mql_date, a.touchpointid, a.touchpointdate as touchpoint_date,
ISNULL(b.bizible2__marketing_channel__c, c.bizible2__marketing_channel__c) as Lead_Source,
ISNULL(b.bizible2__form_url__c, c.bizible2__form_url__c) as Lead_Source_URL
From mktgchannel7 a
Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c b on a.touchpointid =
Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_attribution_touchpoint__c c on a.touchpointid =
--282 secs
--Part 9: New leads that haven't had a status change yet
--9.1 identification of MQLs that are waiting to be evaluated and do not appear in the model thus far
newlead1 as (
Select a.Id as LeadId, convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) as LeadCreatedDate
From salesforce_lead a
Left Outer Join (
Select Distinct LeadId
From Part8_Final a
) b on a.Id = b.LeadId
Where a.Status = 'New'
AND a.MQL_Status__c <> ''
--9.2 This takes the leads identified in 9.1 and looks for the first offer change
newlead2 as (
Select b.LeadId, b.LeadCreatedDate,
First_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate)) Over (Partition By b.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as CreatedDate,
First_Value (a.OldValue) Over (Partition By b.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as OldValue,
First_Value (a.NewValue) Over (Partition By b.LeadId ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.CreatedDate) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as NewValue
From (Select * From salesforce_leadhistory Where field = 'MQL_Status__c') a
Right Outer Join newlead1 b on a.leadid = b.leadid
--9.3 dedupe
newlead3 as (
Select *
From newlead2
Group By leadid, leadcreateddate, createddate, oldvalue, newvalue
--9.4 Identifying the appropriate offer and offer date to use
newlead4 as (
Select a.leadid,
CASE WHEN a.oldvalue = '' THEN a.createddate
WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.leadcreateddate
WHEN a.oldvalue IS NULL THEN a.leadcreateddate
END as MQL_Date,
CASE WHEN a.oldvalue = '' THEN a.newvalue
WHEN a.oldvalue <> '' THEN a.oldvalue
WHEN a.oldvalue IS NULL THEN b.MQL_Status__c
END as Offer
From newlead3 a
Inner Join salesforce_lead b on a.leadid =
--9.5 Indentifying the bizible touchpoint to use
newlead5 as (
Select a.*,
Last_Value ( Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as TouchpointId,
Last_Value (convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c)) Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Touchpoint_Date,
Last_Value (bizible2__marketing_channel__c) Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Lead_Source,
Last_Value (bizible2__form_url__c) Over (Partition By a.LeadId, a.MQL_Date ORDER BY convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) ASC rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) as Lead_Source_URL
From newlead4 a
Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_person__c b on a.leadid = b.bizible2__lead__c
Left Outer Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c c on = c.bizible2__bizible_person__c AND a.mql_date > convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',c.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c)
Where c.bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%'
--9.6 Dedupe
newlead6 as (
Select *
From newlead5
Group By leadid, mql_date, offer, touchpointid, touchpoint_date, lead_source, lead_source_url
--9.7 Adding NULL fields to 9.6 so that it can be joined with part8_final
newlead7 as (
Select a.leadid, NULL as contactid, ISNULL(a.touchpoint_date, a.mql_date) as inquiry_date, a.mql_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as mql_reviewed_Date, NULL as mql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sal_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as lead_closed_date, NULL as lead_closed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as converted_date, NULL as opportunityid, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_reviewed_Date, NULL as sql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as discovery_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sqo_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as opportunity_closed_date, NULL as opportunity_stage, a.offer, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as prev_mql_date, a.touchpointid, a.touchpoint_date, a.lead_source, a.lead_source_url
From newlead6 a
--241 secs
--9.8 The Union. This brings together all mqls being worked (part8_final) and all leads that have mql'd but haven't been worked
Part9_Final as (
Select * from newlead7
Select * from part8_final
--790 secs
--Part 10: Inquiries
--10.1 Identification of inquiries already in the model
Inquiry1 as (
Select distinct touchpointid from part9_final where touchpointid IS NOT NULL
Inquiry2 as (
Select a.*
From salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c a
Left Outer Join Inquiry1 b on a.Id = b.TouchpointId
Where b.TouchpointId IS NULL
AND a.bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%'
Inquiry3 as (
Select b.Bizible2__Lead__c,
convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) as Inquiry_Date,
NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as MQL_Date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as mql_reviewed_Date, NULL as mql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sal_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as lead_closed_date, NULL as lead_closed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as converted_date, NULL as opportunityid, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sql_reviewed_Date, NULL as sql_reviewed_value, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as discovery_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as sqo_date, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as opportunity_closed_date, NULL as opportunity_stage, NULL as offer, NULL::timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'US/Pacific' as prev_mql_date, as touchpointid,
convert_timezone('UTC', 'US/Pacific',a.bizible2__touchpoint_date__c) as touchpoint_date,
a.bizible2__marketing_channel__c as lead_source,
a.bizible2__form_url__c as lead_source_url
From Inquiry2 a
Inner Join salesforce_bizible2__bizible_person__c b on a.bizible2__bizible_person__c =
Inquiry4 as (
Select *
From Inquiry3 a
Where a.Bizible2__Contact__c <> ''
Inquiry5 as (
Select b.Id as LeadId,
a.bizible2__contact__c as contactid, a.inquiry_date, a.mql_Date, a.mql_reviewed_date, a.mql_reviewed_value, a.sal_date, a.lead_closed_date, a.lead_closed_value, a.converted_date, a.opportunityid, a.sql_date, a.sql_reviewed_date, a.sql_reviewed_value, a.discovery_date, a.sqo_date, a.opportunity_closed_date, a.opportunity_stage, a.offer, a.prev_mql_date, a.touchpointid, a.touchpoint_date, a.lead_source, a.lead_source_url
From Inquiry4 a
Left Outer Join salesforce_lead b on a.bizible2__contact__c = b.ConvertedContactId
Inquiry6 as (
Select *
From Inquiry3 a
Where a.Bizible2__Contact__c = ''
--663 secs
Inquiry7 as (
Select * From Inquiry6
Select * From Inquiry5
Inquiry8 as (
Select * from Inquiry7
Select * from Part9_Final
Inquiry9 as (
Select a.*, CASE WHEN b.bizible2__touchpoint_position__c like '%LC%' THEN 1 ELSE NULL END as Net_New_Name
From Inquiry8 a
Left Outer Join (Select * from salesforce_bizible2__bizible_touchpoint__c Where bizible2__Touchpoint_Position__c like '%Form%')b on a.touchpointid =
Select * From Inquiry9
Redshift can optimize CTEs but this is an exceptionally large number.
I'd recommend converting your CTE subqueries to temp tables.
Did this query cause cluster restart? Please check with the following query,
SELECT sysdate current_ts, endtime AS restart_ts
FROM stl_utilitytext
WHERE text LIKE '%xen_is_up.sql%'
ORDER BY endtime DESC;
Is your cluster dc1.large? For long query, Redshift needs more memory to rewrite it, it could cause out of memory thus trigger a cluster restart.
As Joe mentioned, please try to use temp table instead CTE.
Using WITH clause and INSERT statement in POSTGRESQL
There was a question asked several years ago with a similar title (Using WITH clause with INSERT statement in POSTGRESQL), but I need to figure out a more complicated situation. I've used the example from POSTGRESQL for using a "With" statement ( Let's say I made a pre-computed table and wanted to insert the output from the query into it (top_region, total_sales, product_units, and product_sales), how would I do that? Precomputed table INSERT INTO top (top_region, total_sales, product_units, product_sales) select top_region, total_sales, product_units, product_sales from #not sure here WITH regional_sales AS ( SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales FROM orders GROUP BY region ), top_regions AS ( SELECT region FROM regional_sales WHERE total_sales > (SELECT SUM(total_sales)/10 FROM regional_sales) ) SELECT region, product, SUM(quantity) AS product_units, SUM(amount) AS product_sales FROM orders WHERE region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions) GROUP BY region, product; My query WITH sales_data AS ( SELECT s.customer_id, s.product_id, s.quantity, pr.list_price, pr.category_id, c.state_id FROM order_products s INNER JOIN Products pr ON (s.product_id = pr.product_id) INNER JOIN Customer c ON (s.customer_id = c.customer_id) ), t_20cat AS ( SELECT category_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(list_price*quantity) DESC) AS "rank", SUM(list_price*quantity) AS total_sales FROM sales_data GROUP BY category_id ORDER BY total_sales DESC LIMIT 20 ), t_20cust AS ( SELECT customer_id, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(list_price*quantity) DESC) AS "rank", SUM(list_price*quantity) AS total_sales FROM sales_data GROUP BY customer_id ORDER BY total_sales DESC LIMIT 20 ), t_20cc AS ( SELECT customer_id, t_20cust.rank as customer_rank, category_id, t_20cat.rank as category_rank FROM t_20cat, t_20cust ) SELECT t_20cc.*, COALESCE(SUM(sales_data.quantity), 0) AS quantity_sold, COALESCE(SUM(sales_data.list_price*sales_data.quantity), 0) AS dollar_value FROM t_20cc LEFT JOIN sales_data ON ( t_20cc.customer_id = sales_data.customer_id AND t_20cc.category_id = sales_data.category_id ) GROUP BY t_20cc.customer_id, t_20cc.customer_rank, t_20cc.category_id, t_20cc.category_rank INSERT INTO top_20(customer_id, customer_rank, category_id, category_rank select category_id, category_rank, category_id, category_rank from t_20cc )
Move the other SELECT query into its own CTE (region_summary), then reference that in the INSERT statement's SELECT ... FROM clause: WITH regional_sales AS ( SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales FROM orders GROUP BY region ), top_regions AS ( SELECT region FROM regional_sales WHERE total_sales > ( SELECT SUM( total_sales ) / 10 FROM regional_sales ) ), region_summary AS ( SELECT region, product, SUM(quantity) AS product_units, SUM(amount) AS product_sales FROM orders WHERE region IN ( SELECT region FROM top_regions ) GROUP BY region, product ) INSERT INTO top ( top_region, total_sales, product_units, product_sales ) SELECT region AS top_region, product AS total_sales, product_units, product_sales FROM region_summary;
SQL query with SUM, ORDER BY, with limited values
I am having a troubles to get expected result. I have successfully joined 2 tables (database is SQL Server), however I would like to have something more. Excel - it's table which contains list of PartNumbers(GBC) with corresponding Quantity of this part needed for build. I'm joining this Excel with my Inventory database to retrieve information about what I have, what is missing, what I need to purchase. Current query: string sqlCheck = #"SELECT e.GBC, e.Replaced, e.Description, Barcode, Location, Bookstand, Quantity, Buildneed, p.Quantity - e.Buildneed as Afterbuild FROM Parts p Right JOIN Excel e ON e.GBC = p.GBC ORDER BY GBC ASC, Quantity DESC"; Results as below image: It is needed to use ALL duplicated GBC but in specific order. First I need to take GBC(86911) with Quantity = 100, this should result in Afterbuild = 0. But in column Buildneed I see that I need 768 in total, so next step would be to take GBC(86911) with quantity = 500, this should result in Afterbuild 0, and in this line I would like to see new column called Totals which will be equal to -168 (which will mean I need to buy 168 pcs of this part). I can have many same parts with different quantities I always want to start from lowest quantity on particular duplicated GBC This should not show me more GBC if Buildneed value will be exceeded Expected output as on below image: I have added column 'UseInOrder' - it is not neccessery but would be awesome if its possible also, it will point me that I will need to use all parts from each in that order. As suggested, below table definitions: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Excel] ( [GBC] INT NULL, [Description] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Buildneed] INT NULL, [Replaced] VARCHAR (50) NULL ); CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Parts] ( [Barcode] INT IDENTITY (201900001, 1) NOT NULL, [GBC] INT NULL, [Description] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Location] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Bookstand] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Value] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Quantity] INT NULL, [MQuantity] INT NULL, [Manufacturer1] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [MPN1] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Manufacturer2] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [MPN2] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [Manufacturer3] VARCHAR (50) NULL, [MPN3] VARCHAR (50) NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Parts] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([Barcode] ASC) ); EDIT Sample data declare #tblParts table( GBC int, Barcode varchar(256), [Location] varchar(256), Quantity int ) declare #tblPartsUsed table( GBC int, Replaced varchar(1) default '', [Description] varchar(50), Buildneed int ) insert into #tblParts (GBC,[Description], Barcode, [Location], Quantity) select 86911, 'CAP_CER,10nF,0603,10%,100V,X7R' ,201901200, 'JD-01/ 14' ,500 union all select 86911, 'CAP_CER,10nF,0603,10%,100V,X7R' ,201901166, 'ESB-03' ,100 union all select 99529, 'DIO_ZENR,5,6V,2%,MM3Z5V6ST1G,SOD323' ,201901024, 'ESB-01' ,100 union all select 128082, 'CAP_CER,100nF,0603,10%,50V,X7R, poly' ,201901120, 'JD-01/ 3' ,500 union all select 128082, 'CAP_CER,100nF,0603,10%,50V,X7R, poly' ,201901121, 'JD-01/ 3' ,500 union all select 168078, 'CAP_CER,470nF,0805,10%,50V,X7R' ,201901207, 'JD-01/ 19' ,170 union all select 168078, 'CAP_CER,470nF,0805,10%,50V,X7R' ,201901152, 'ESB-03' ,140 union all select 196881, 'BJT,C,SMBT3946DW1T1G,SOT363' ,201901085, 'ESB-02' ,100 union all select 199296, 'BJT_DIG,C,SMUN5311DW1T1G,SOT363' ,201901083, 'ESB-02' ,100 union all select 207735, 'DIO_LED, NFSA123DT' ,201902132, 'KRK' ,10 insert into #tblPartsUsed(GBC, [Description], Buildneed) select 71744, 'RES_TF,10k,0402,1%,0,1W,100PPM/C' ,192 union all select 71746, 'RES_TF,10k,0603,1%,0,1W,100PPM/C' ,168 union all select 76527, 'CAP_CER,10nF,0402,10%,50V,X7R' ,288 union all select 86911, 'CAP_CER,10nF,0603,10%,100V,X7R' ,1464 union all select 92854, 'RES_TF,30k,0603,1%,0,1W,100PPM/C' ,72 union all select 93018, 'RES_TF,68k,0603,1%,0,1W,100PPM/C' ,72 union all select 95241, 'RES_TF,2k2,0402,1%,0,1W,100PPM/C' ,192 union all select 95549, 'RES_TF,47k,0603,1%,0,1W,100PPM/C' ,72 union all select 99529, 'DIO_ZENR,5,6V,2%,MM3Z5V6ST1G,SOD323' ,72 union all select 112117, 'RES_TF,2k2,0603,1%,0,1W,100PPM/C' ,96 union all select 126486, 'RES_TF,0R,0603' ,24 union all select 128082, 'CAP_CER,100nF,0603,10%,50V,X7R, poly' ,72 union all select 168078, 'CAP_CER,470nF,0805,10%,50V,X7R' ,72 union all select 196200, 'BJT_DIG,N,PDTC114EU,SOT323' ,72 union all select 196881, 'BJT,C,SMBT3946DW1T1G,SOT363' ,144 union all select 199296, 'BJT_DIG,C,SMUN5311DW1T1G,SOT363' ,504 union all select 199302, 'RES_TF,100R,0603,10%,0,1W,200PPM/C' ,72 union all select 202047, 'UNI,N,PMPB215ENEA,DFN2020MD-6' ,72 union all select 202054, 'DIO_LED,SPMWHT346EA3' ,648 union all select 203509, 'CONN_HEADER,MOLEX,5023521100' ,24 union all select 207735, 'DIO_LED, NFSA123DT' ,648 union all select 207843, 'Thermistor,10k,0603,1%,NTC' ,24 union all select 208252, 'FOOTPRINT_BOARD-IN,MOLEX,350220011' ,48 union all select 212145, 'DIO_SIGN,200V,250mA,50nS,BAV21WSQ-7-F,SOD323' ,72 Based on this date, output should be like on below image of table:
Try this EDIT2 (after change initial data) SELECT distinct u.GBC,p2.Replaced, p2.Description, IIF(u.Afterbuild>0, MIN(p1.Barcode) OVER(PARTITION BY u.GBC), p1.Barcode) as Barcode, p1.Location, u.Quantity, u.Buildneed, CASE when (u.Total <0 AND p1.Barcode is NULL) OR (SUM(u.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY u.GBC) - u.Buildneed)>0 then u.Afterbuild else 0 end as Afterbuild, CASE when u.Total <0 AND p1.Barcode is NULL then ABS(u.Total) when (SUM(u.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY u.GBC) - u.Buildneed)>0 then u.Total else u.Total END as Total FROM ( SELECT distinct b.GBC, b.Quantity, b.Buildneed, case when b.Total <0 then null when b.Total >=0 AND MIN(b.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY b.GBC) - b.Buildneed < 0 AND b.Quantity = MAX(b.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY b.GBC) then SUM(b.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY b.GBC) - b.Buildneed when b.Total >=0 AND MIN(b.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY b.GBC) - b.Buildneed >= 0 AND b.Quantity = MIN(b.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY b.GBC) then MIN(b.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY b.GBC) - b.Buildneed END AS Afterbuild, case when b.Total >=0 then null when b.Total <0 AND b.RowNumber = MAX(b.RowNumber) OVER(PARTITION BY b.GBC) then b.Total END AS Total FROM ( select r.GBC, r.Quantity, r.Buildneed, (SUM(r.Quantity) OVER(PARTITION BY r.GBC)) - r.Buildneed as Total, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(order by r.GBC, r.Quantity) as RowNumber from ( SELECT e.GBC, ISNULL(Quantity,0) as Quantity, ISNULL(Buildneed,0) as Buildneed FROM #tblParts p RIGHT JOIN #tblPartsUsed e ON e.GBC = p.GBC ) as r ) as b ) as u left join #tblParts as p1 on u.GBC = p1.GBC and ISNULL(u.Quantity,0) = ISNULL(p1.Quantity,0) left join #tblPartsUsed as p2 on u.GBC = p2.GBC and ISNULL(u.Buildneed,0) = ISNULL(p2.Buildneed,0) where (u.Afterbuild is not null or u.Total is not null or u.Quantity - u.Buildneed < 0) order by u.GBC, u.Quantity
As per #RomaRuzich this question needs expected results in a table format. Also the Parts and Excel table structure is needed with some data to clarify the question. Made some assumptions and created script with output results. declare #tblParts table( GBC int, Barcode varchar(20), [Location] varchar(20), Bookstand varchar(10) default '', Quantity int ) declare #tblPartsUsed table( GBC int, Replaced varchar(1) default '', [Description] varchar(50), Buildneed int ) insert into #tblParts(GBC, Barcode, [Location], Quantity) select 72223, '', '', 0 union all select 86911, '201901200','JD-01/',500 union all select 86911, '201901166','JD-01/ 14', 100 insert into #tblPartsUsed(GBC, [Description], Buildneed) select '72223', 'RES_TF', 60 union all select '86911', 'CAP_CER, 10nf,0603', 768 union all select '86911', 'CAP_CER, 10nf,0603', 768 SELECT distinct e.GBC, e.Replaced, e.[Description], Barcode, [Location], Bookstand, Quantity, Buildneed, p.Quantity - e.Buildneed as Afterbuild, x.TotalQuantity - Buildneed as Totals FROM #tblParts p Right JOIN #tblPartsUsed e ON e.GBC = p.GBC left join (select GBC, sum(Quantity) TotalQuantity from #tblParts group by GBC) x <br/>on e.GBC = x.GBC ORDER BY e.GBC ASC, p.Quantity ASC
postgresql combining several periods into one
I'm trying to combine range. WITH a AS ( select '2017-09-16 07:12:57' as begat,'2017-09-16 11:30:22' as endat union select '2017-09-18 17:05:21' ,'2017-09-19 13:18:01' union select '2017-09-19 15:34:40' ,'2017-09-22 13:29:37' union select '2017-09-22 12:24:16' ,'2017-09-22 13:18:29' union select '2017-09-28 09:48:54' ,'2017-09-28 13:39:13' union select '2017-09-20 13:52:43' ,'2017-09-20 14:14:43' ), b AS ( SELECT *, lag(endat) OVER (ORDER BY begat) < begat OR NULL AS step FROM a ) , c AS ( SELECT *, count(step) OVER (ORDER BY begat) AS grp FROM b ) SELECT min(begat), coalesce( max(endat), 'infinity' ) AS range FROM c GROUP BY grp ORDER BY 1 Result 1 "2017-09-16 07:12:57";"2017-09-16 11:30:22" 2 "2017-09-18 17:05:21";"2017-09-19 13:18:01" 3 "2017-09-19 15:34:40";"2017-09-22 13:29:37" 4 "2017-09-22 12:24:16";"2017-09-22 13:18:29" 5 "2017-09-28 09:48:54";"2017-09-28 13:39:13" positions 3,4 intersect (endata> next begat) How do I make the union of all the intersections into one large interval I need result 1 "2017-09-16 07:12:57";"2017-09-16 11:30:22" 2 "2017-09-18 17:05:21";"2017-09-19 13:18:01" 3 "2017-09-19 15:34:40";"2017-09-22 13:29:37" 4 "2017-09-28 09:48:54";"2017-09-28 13:39:13"
Hey I would suggest using the following process : 1- Identify when a row is new, so you give a value of 1 to values that do not overlap (CTE b) 2- Sequence together the rows that have overlaps with others. This way you can see have a common identifier that will allow you to MAX and MIN begat and endat (CTE c) 3- For each sequence, give the MIN of begat and the MAX of endat so you will have your final values WITH a AS ( select '2017-09-16 07:12:57' as begat,'2017-09-16 11:30:22' as endat union select '2017-09-18 17:05:21' ,'2017-09-19 13:18:01' union select '2017-09-19 15:34:40' ,'2017-09-22 13:29:37' union select '2017-09-22 12:24:16' ,'2017-09-22 13:18:29' union select '2017-09-28 09:48:54' ,'2017-09-28 13:39:13' union select '2017-09-20 13:52:43' ,'2017-09-20 14:14:43' ) , b AS ( SELECT begat , endat , (begat > MAX(endat) OVER w IS TRUE)::INT is_new FROM a WINDOW w AS (ORDER BY begat ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) ) , c AS ( SELECT begat , endat , SUM((is_new)) OVER (ORDER BY begat) seq FROM b ) SELECT MIN(begat) beg_at , MAX(endat) end_at FROM c GROUP BY seq
EDITED If you need speed you can use a psql function: create or replace function append_ranges_in_a() returns setof a language plpgsql as $BODY$ declare v_current a%rowtype; v_new a%rowtype; v_first boolean:=true; begin for v_current in select begat, endat from a order by begat, endat loop if v_first then v_first := false; v_new.begat := v_current.begat; elsif v_new.endat < v_current.begat then return next v_new; v_new.begat := v_current.begat; end if; v_new.endat := greatest(v_current.endat,v_new.endat); end loop; return next v_new; return; end; $BODY$; select * from append_ranges_in_a() I test it with ~ 400000 rows: delete from a; insert into a (begat, endat) select time::text, (time+'1 day'::interval)::text from (select t+(round(random()*23.0)||' hours')::interval as time from generate_series('1401-01-01'::timestamp,'2018-08-21'::timestamp,'1 day'::interval) t ) t; select count(*) from a; select * from append_ranges_in_a() offset 100000 limit 10 and it is twice fast as O(n^2) pure SQL version. OLD slow solution: You can use a recursive WITH query to construct the result row by row. I create the table The first row is the candidate first row (ending where ending), but the row is not "ready" Then I look at the next row (step) and if it is not intersecting I add a ready row, Also I add a not ready row with the current (last) observed range When I do not have more rows I calculate the last row I retain ready rows and the last row Here is the code CREATE TABLE a as select '2017-09-16 07:12:57' as begat,'2017-09-16 11:30:22' as endat union select '2017-09-18 17:05:21' ,'2017-09-19 13:18:01' union select '2017-09-19 15:34:40' ,'2017-09-22 13:29:37' union select '2017-09-22 12:24:16' ,'2017-09-22 13:18:29' union select '2017-09-28 09:48:54' ,'2017-09-28 13:39:13' union select '2017-09-20 13:52:43' ,'2017-09-20 14:14:43'; WITH RECURSIVE t(begat, endat, ready, step) AS ( select * from ( select *,false,1 from a order by begat, endat limit 1) a UNION ALL SELECT new_rows.* FROM (SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY begat DESC limit 1) t, lateral (SELECT * FROM a ORDER BY begat, endat OFFSET step LIMIT 1) a, lateral ( SELECT t.begat, t.endat, true as ready, step WHERE t.endat < a.begat UNION SELECT CASE WHEN t.endat < a.begat THEN a.begat ELSE t.begat END, greatest(a.endat, t.endat), false, step+1 ) new_rows ) select begat, endat from ( select begat, endat, ready, row_number() over (order by begat desc, endat desc)=1 is_last from t order by begat, endat) t where ready or is_last;
i using range type WITH tmp AS ( -- preparation range type select begat, coalesce( endat, 'infinity' ) as endAt, tsrange( begat, coalesce( endat, 'infinity' ) ) as rg from ( select '2017-09-11 17:13:03'::timestamp as begat ,'2017-09-12 12:24:09'::timestamp as endat union select '2017-09-19 15:34:40','2017-09-20 11:04:45' union select '2017-09-20 08:32:00','2017-09-22 13:28:37' union select '2017-09-20 13:52:43','2017-09-20 14:14:43' union select '2017-09-21 12:24:16','2017-09-21 13:28:29' union select '2017-09-22 12:24:16','2017-09-22 13:28:29' union select '2017-09-22 12:34:16','2017-09-23 13:28:29' union select '2017-09-22 12:25:16','2017-09-24 13:28:29' union select '2017-09-28 09:48:54','2017-09-28 13:39:13' union select '2017-09-28 14:22:16','2017-09-28 15:52:15' union select '2017-10-05 12:17:45','2017-10-06 12:35:38' union select '2017-10-06 16:20:44','2017-10-07 10:11:09' union select '2017-10-07 20:38:32','2017-10-09 14:42:29' union select '2017-10-12 18:22:14','2017-10-12 20:52:45' ) a ),a as ( -- group intersecting range select l.* from tmp l left join tmp r on l.begAt > r.begAt and r.rg #> l.rg where r.begAt is null ), b AS ( SELECT *, lag(endat) OVER (ORDER BY begat) < begat OR NULL AS step FROM a ) , c AS ( SELECT *, count(step) OVER (ORDER BY begat) AS grp FROM b ) SELECT min(begat), coalesce( max(endat), 'infinity' ) AS range FROM c GROUP BY grp ORDER BY 1
SELECT from alias used in sub query
I define a field called a.onhold_endtime in the below code. I want to return that value as part of overall SELECT statement, but when I include it the alias a.* is not recognised. It returns an error "ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "a" " Select distinct woas.workorderid, a.onhold_endtime, (SELECT (SELECT count(*) AS work_hours FROM generate_series (b.onhold_starttime , a.onhold_endtime - interval '1h' , interval '1h') h WHERE EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM h) < 6 AND h::time >= '08:00' AND h::time <= '18:00') FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT woas.workorderid, timestamp 'epoch' + nth_value(wos.endtime,1) OVER(PARTITION BY woas.workorderid ORDER BY wos.endtime ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) /1000 * INTERVAL '1 second' as onhold_endtime from wo_status_info wos LEFT JOIN wo_assessment woas ON woas.assessmentid = wos.assessmentid WHERE tmp.workorderid = woas.workorderid AND wos.statusid = 1 AND wos.nextstatusid = 2 ) as a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT woas.workorderid, timestamp 'epoch' + nth_value(wos.endtime,1) OVER(PARTITION BY woas.workorderid ORDER BY wos.endtime ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) /1000 * INTERVAL '1 second' as onhold_starttime from wo_status_info wos LEFT JOIN wo_assessment woas ON woas.assessmentid = wos.assessmentid WHERE (wos.statusid = 2 AND wos.nextstatusid <> 2) ) as b ON a.workorderid = b.workorderid) AS onhold_difference1 FROM wo_assessment as tmp LEFT JOIN wo_assessment woas ON tmp.assessmentid = woas.assessmentid LEFT JOIN wo_status_info wos ON woas.assessmentid = wos.assessmentid ORDER BY woas.workorderid ASC Is there a way I can structure the code so I can include items using the "a" alias? Update with simplified code I define a value called "onhold_endtime" within a subquery with an alias of "a". I would like to return the value a.onhold_endtime in my main SELECT statement Select distinct woas.workorderid, a.onhold_endtime, (SELECT (SELECT count(*)) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT woas.workorderid, nth_value(wos.endtime,1) OVER(PARTITION BY woas.workorderid ORDER BY wos.endtime ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as onhold_endtime from wo_status_info wos WHERE y.workorderid = woas.workorderid AND wos.statusid = 1 AND wos.nextstatusid = 2 ) as a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT woas.workorderid, nth_value(wos.endtime,1) OVER(PARTITION BY woas.workorderid ORDER BY wos.endtime ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) as onhold_starttime from wo_status_info wos WHERE (wos.statusid = 2 AND wos.nextstatusid <> 2) ) as b ON a.workorderid = b.workorderid) AS x FROM wo_assessment as y LEFT JOIN wo_assessment woas ON y.assessmentid = woas.assessmentid
In short - you can use outer query alias in correlated subquery: t=# select o.oid, (select o.datname||'*') from pg_database o limit 1; oid | ?column? -------+----------- 13505 | postgres* (1 row) but can't do the opposite: t=# select b.*, (select o.datname||'*') b from pg_database o limit 1; ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "b" LINE 1: select b.*, (select o.datname||'*') b from pg_database o lim... ^ the closest to the expected would be: t=# select oid,b.* from pg_database o, LATERAL (select o.datname||'*') b limit 1; oid | ?column? -------+----------- 13505 | postgres* (1 row)
Creating a Void Function in PostgreSQL
I am getting an error on this create function code in Postgresql. The error says it is happening around Line 2 at DELETE, but it happens at WITH if I remove that line so I think it is a problem with the format of my Creat Function create or replace function retention_data(shopId integer) returns void as $$ delete from retention where shop_id = shopId; WITH ret_grid_step1 as ( select * from ( SELECT order_id as order_name, cust_name as cust_name, email as email, date(order_date) as created_at, count(*) as num_items_in_order, sum(total_price) as sales , rank() over (partition BY order_id ORDER BY cust_name ASC) as rnk_shipping_name, rank() over (partition BY order_id ORDER BY email ASC) as rnk_email FROM orders WHERE shop_id = shopId and order_date is not null and order_date > now()::date - 365 and order_date < now()::date + 1 group by 1,2,3,4 ) x where rnk_shipping_name = 1 and rnk_email = 1 ) insert into retention(shop_id, cust_name, email, last_purchase_dt, total_sales, num_orders, days_since_last_order) select shopId as shop_id, coalesce(b.cust_name,'null') as cust_name,, a.last_purchase_dt, total_sales, num_orders, current_date - last_purchase_dt as days_since_last_order from ( select email, max(created_at) as last_purchase_dt, count(*) as num_orders, sum(sales) as total_sales from ret_grid_step1 group by 1 ) as a left join ( select email, cust_name, rank() over (partition BY email ORDER BY created_at DESC) as rnk from ret_grid_step1 --where cust_name is not null group by 1,2,created_at ) as b on = where b.rnk = 1 and <> ''; $$ language plpgsql;