How to manually trigger Promise in Swift 3 with PromiseKit - swift

I'm looking to develop a sync service which is trigger when a user pulls to refresh. This sync service will perform multiple requests to the server. How can I manually trigger a PromiseKit promise after every API call has been completed? The promise's callbacks are being called immediately.
func refresh(sender: AnyObject){
var promise = syncService.syncFromServer()
promise.then{ response
//This is called immediately, and I need it to wait until the sync is complete
func syncFromServer() -> Promise<AsyncResult>{
let promise = Promise(value: AsyncResult)
var page = 1
//Multiple API calls
//let request1 = ...
//let request2 = ...
//let request3 = ...
//How do I tell the returned promise to trigger the associated callbacks after the last API requests has been completed?
//Another scenario I need to handle is when the amount of requests is not known ahead of time.
var response = makeAnApiCall(page)
//if the response body says no more data is available, break out of the while loop, and tell any promise callbacks to execute.
// how do I perform something like
// promise.complete //This line needs to tell the `then` statement in `MyViewController` to execute.
// break
// do something with response data
page = page + 1
return promise

Below I have provided an example of what you should do to end refreshing and update your tableView after all the syncService calls have run. Look at the PromiseKit docs about using 'when'.
func refresh(sender: AnyObject){
syncService.syncFromServer().then { response in
func syncFromServer() -> Promise<Void> {
let request1 = methodReturningPromise1()
let request2 = methodReturningPromise2()
return when(fulfilled: [request1, request2])
private func methodReturningPromise1() -> Promise<Void> {
return syncService.someDataCall().then { response -> Void in
//do something here


Querying and mapping using Vapor

I'm trying to write a function using Swift and Vapor but I don't understand why one statement gets printed before the other:
// Logout user
func logout(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<APIResponseMessage> {
let userID = self.checkAccessToken(req: req)
// Delete access token here
let apiResponseMessage = APIResponseMessage()
apiResponseMessage.message = "success"
apiResponseMessage.userID = userID
return apiResponseMessage.create(on: req)
func checkAccessToken(req: Request) -> Int {
let bearerAuthorization = req.http.headers.bearerAuthorization
guard let _bearerAuthorization = bearerAuthorization else {
// Works fine
print("no bearer incluced")
return 0
let _ = AccessToken.query(on: req).filter(\.accessToken == _bearerAuthorization.token).first().map(to: Int.self) { queriedAccessToken in
// This should be first
print("This gets printed second")
return queriedAccessToken!.userID!
// This should be second
print("This gets printed first")
return 0
Can anyone tell me how to make the second print statement wait until the first one is completed?
Right now it's causing my logout function to run with userID == 0 when this shouldn't be the case
As #nathan said, this is due to your code being async. Your .map callback is like the closure you pass into to a URLSession.dataTask when making request's to an external API for an iOS app.
Vapor uses a slightly different async model then what you use in iOS though, using promises and futures instead of callback closures. You can read about them in the docs.
In your case, you want to return the userID you get from the AccessToken query. To do this, you first need to change your method's return type from Int to Future<Int>. Then, instead of assigning the result of the .map call to _, you can return it from the method:
func checkAccessToken(req: Request) -> Future<Int> {
let bearerAuthorization = req.http.headers.bearerAuthorization
guard let _bearerAuthorization = bearerAuthorization else {
return req.future(0)
return AccessToken.query(on: req).filter(\.accessToken == _bearerAuthorization.token).first().map(to: Int.self) { queriedAccessToken in
return queriedAccessToken!.userID!
I would suggest you look into error handling for your queriedAccessToken and userID values so you aren't force-unwrapping them.

Swift 4: Creating an asynchronous serial queue with 2 seconds wait after each job

Have had trouble visualising this...
I think I need 2 threads and am not sure how to implement them.
I need to have a 2 second delay minimum in between each network retrieval requests after it has been completed.
Main Thread:
UIButton pressed --> Function adds a network retrieval request to a serial queue --> UILoop continues...
Network Thread:
Checks queue for next request --> Begins request --> Finishes request --> Waits 2 seconds --> Checks queue for next request --> Begins request --> Finishes request --> Waits 2 seconds --> Checks queue for next request --> No request --> Checks queue for next request... or Ends loop until recalled.
var networkQueue = [NetworkRequest]()
var networkQueueActive = false
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
if networkQueueActive == false {
networkRetrieveFromQueue() // need to asynchronously call this DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS
func networkRetrieveFromQueue() {
networkQueueActive = true
while !networkQueue.isEmpty {
let request = networkQueue.remove(at: 0)
// synchronous network data retrieval on this thread KNOW HOW TO DO THIS
// do something with the data retrieved KNOW HOW TO DO THIS
// wait 2 seconds DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO THIS
networkQueueActive = false
If you have
var networkQueue = [NetworkRequest]()
var networkQueueActive = false
Then, your networkRetrieveFromQueue should:
check to see if the queue is empty;
if not, grab the first item in the queue;
initiate the asynchronous request; and
in the completion handler of that asynchronous request, call networkRetrieveFromQueue again after 2 seconds
func startQueue() {
if networkQueueActive { return }
networkQueueActive = true
// if queue not empty, grab first item, perform request, and call itself
// 2 seconds after prior one finishes
func processNext() {
if networkQueue.isEmpty {
networkQueueActive = false
let request = networkQueue.removeFirst()
get(request: request) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2) {
Where your "process request" might look like:
// perform asynchronous network request, with completion handler that is
// called when its done
func get(request: NetworkRequest, completionHandler: #escaping () -> Void) {
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request.request) { data, _, error in
guard let data = data, error == nil else {
print(error ?? "Unknown error")
// process successful response here
// when done, call completion handler
Now, I don't know what your NetworkRequest looks like, but this illustrates the basic idea of how to recursively call a function in the completion handler of some asynchronous method.

Convert recursive async function to promise

I have a recursive, async function that queries Google Drive for a file ID using the REST api and a completion handler:
func queryForFileId(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList,
handler: #escaping FileIdCompletionHandler) {
service.executeQuery(query) { ticket, data, error in
if let error = error {
handler(nil, error)
} else {
let list = data as! GTLRDrive_FileList
if let pageToken = list.nextPageToken {
query.pageToken = pageToken
self.queryForFileId(query: query, handler: handler)
} else if let id = list.files?.first?.identifier {
handler(id, nil)
} else {
handler(nil, nil) // no file found
Here, query is set up to return the nextPageToken and files(id) fields, service is an instance of GTLRDriveService, and FileIdCompletionHandler is just a typealias:
typealias FileIdCompletionHandler = (String?, Error?) -> Void
I've read how to convert async functions into promises (as in this thread) but I don't see how that can be applied to a recursive, async function. I guess I can just wrap the entire method as a Promise:
private func fileIdPromise(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList) -> Promise<String?> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
queryForFileId(query: query) { id, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
However, I was hoping to something a little more direct:
private func queryForFileId2(query: GTLRDriveQuery_FilesList) -> Promise<String?> {
return Promise { fulfill, reject in
service.executeQuery(query) { ticket, data, error in
if let error = error {
} else {
let list = data as! GTLRDrive_FileList
if let pageToken = list.nextPageToken {
query.pageToken = pageToken
} else if let id = list.files?.first?.identifier {
} else {
fulfill(nil) // no file found
So: what would I do when I need to make another async call to executeQuery?
If you want to satisfy a recursive set of promises, at where your "WHAT DO I DO HERE?" line, you'd create a new promise.then {...}.else {...} pattern, calling fulfill in the then clause and reject in the else clause. Obviously, if no recursive call was needed, though, you'd just fulfill directly.
I don't know the Google API and you didn't share your code for satisfying a promise for a list of files, so I'll have to keep this answer a bit generic: Let's assume you had some retrieveTokens routine that returned a promise that is satisfied only when all of the promises for the all files was done. Let's imagine that the top level call was something like:
retrieveTokens(for: files).then { tokens in
}.catch { error in
You'd then have a retrieveTokens that returns a promise that is satisfied only when then promises for the individual files were satisfied. If you were dealing with a simple array of File objects, you might do something like:
func retrieveTokens(for files: [File]) -> Promise<[Any]> {
var fileGenerator = files.makeIterator()
let generator = AnyIterator<Promise<Any>> {
guard let file = else { return nil }
return self.retrieveToken(for: file)
return when(fulfilled: generator, concurrently: 1)
(I know this isn't what yours looks like, but I need this framework to show my answer to your question below. But it’s useful to encapsulate this “return all promises at a given level” in a single function, as it allows you to keep the recursive code somewhat elegant, without repeating code.)
Then the routine that returns a promise for an individual file would see if a recursive set of promises needed to be returned, and put its fulfill inside the then clause of that new recursively created promise:
func retrieveToken(for file: File) -> Promise<Any> {
return Promise<Any> { fulfill, reject in
service.determineToken(for: file) { token, error in
// if any error, reject
guard let token = token, error == nil else {
reject(error ?? FileError.someError)
// if I don't have to make recursive call, `fulfill` immediately.
// in my example, I'm going to see if there are subfiles, and if not, `fulfill` immediately.
guard let subfiles = file.subfiles else {
// if I got here, there are subfiles and I'm going to start recursive set of promises
self.retrieveTokens(for: subfiles).then { tokens in
}.catch { error in
Again, I know that the above isn't a direct answer to your question (as I'm not familiar with Google Drive API nor how you did your top level promise logic). So, in my example, I created model objects sufficient for the purposes of the demonstration.
But hopefully it's enough to illustrate the idea behind a recursive set of promises.

Swift closure async order of execution

In my model have function to fetch data which expects completion handler as parameter:
func fetchMostRecent(completion: (sortedSections: [TableItem]) -> ()) {
(contacts: [APContact]?, error: NSError?) in
// 1
if let unwrappedContacts = contacts {
for contact in unwrappedContacts {
// handle constacts
// 2
completion(sortedSections: self.mostRecent)
It's calling another function which does asynchronous loading of contacts, to which I'm forwarding my completion
The call of fetchMostRecent with completion looks like this:
model.fetchMostRecent({(sortedSections: [TableItem]) in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
// update some UI
self.state = State.Loaded(sortedSections)
This sometimes it works, but very often the order of execution is not the way as I would expect. Problem is, that sometimes completion() under // 2 is executed before scope of if under // 1 was finished.
Why is that? How can I ensure that execution of // 2 is started after // 1?
A couple of observations:
It will always execute what's at 1 before 2. The only way you'd get the behavior you describe is if you're doing something else inside that for loop that is, itself, asynchronous. And if that were the case, you'd use a dispatch group to solve that (or refactor the code to handle the asynchronous pattern). But without seeing what's in that for loop, it's hard to comment further. The code in the question, alone, should not manifest the problem you describe. It's got to be something else.
Unrelated, you should note that it's a little dangerous to be updating model objects inside your asynchronously executing for loop (assuming it is running on a background thread). It's much safer to update a local variable, and then pass that back via the completion handler, and let the caller take care of dispatching both the model update and the UI updates to the main queue.
In comments, you mention that in the for loop you're doing something asynchronous, and something that must be completed before the completionHandler is called. So you'd use a dispatch group to do ensure this happens only after all the asynchronous tasks are done.
Note, since you're doing something asynchronous inside the for loop, not only do you need to use a dispatch group to trigger the completion of these asynchronous tasks, but you probably also need to create your own synchronization queue (you shouldn't be mutating an array from multiple threads). So, you might create a queue for this.
Pulling this all together, you end up with something like:
func fetchMostRecent(completionHandler: ([TableItem]?) -> ()) {
addressBook.loadContacts { contacts, error in
var sections = [TableItem]()
let group = dispatch_group_create()
let syncQueue = dispatch_queue_create("", nil)
if let unwrappedContacts = contacts {
for contact in unwrappedContacts {
self.someAsynchronousMethod {
// handle contacts
dispatch_async(syncQueue) {
let something = ...
dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
self.mostRecent = sections
} else {
model.fetchMostRecent { sortedSections in
guard let sortedSections = sortedSections else {
// handle failure however appropriate for your app
// update some UI
self.state = State.Loaded(sortedSections)
Or, in Swift 3:
func fetchMostRecent(completionHandler: #escaping ([TableItem]?) -> ()) {
addressBook.loadContacts { contacts, error in
var sections = [TableItem]()
let group = DispatchGroup()
let syncQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "")
if let unwrappedContacts = contacts {
for contact in unwrappedContacts {
self.someAsynchronousMethod {
// handle contacts
syncQueue.async {
let something = ...
group.notify(queue: .main) {
self.mostRecent = sections
} else {

Recursive/looping NSURLSession async completion handlers

The API I use requires multiple requests to get search results. It's designed this way because searches can take a long time (> 5min). The initial response comes back immediately with metadata about the search, and that metadata is used in follow up requests until the search is complete. I do not control the API.
1st request is a POST to
The response to this request contains a cookie and metadata about the search. The important fields in this response are the search_cookie (a String) and search_completed_pct (an Int)
2nd request is a POST to with the search_cookie appended to the URL. eg
The response to the 2nd request will contain either:
The search results if the query has completed (aka search_completed_pct == 100)
Metadata about the progress of search, search_completed_pct is the progress of the search and will be between 0 and 100.
If the search is not complete, I want to make a request every 5 seconds until it's complete (aka search_completed_pct == 100)
I've found numerous posts here that are similar, many use Dispatch Groups and for loops, but that approach did not work for me. I've tried a while loop and had issues with variable scoping. Dispatch groups also didn't work for me. This smelled like the wrong way to go, but I'm not sure.
I'm looking for the proper design to make these recursive calls. Should I use delegates or are closures + loop the way to go? I've hit a wall and need some help.
The code below is the general idea of what I've tried (edited for clarity. No dispatch_groups(), error handling, json parsing, etc.)
apiObj.sessionSearch(domain) { result in!.message("result: \(result)")
func sessionSearch(domain: String, sessionCompletion: (result: SearchResult) -> ()) {
// Make request to /search/ url
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
let searchCookie = parseCookieFromResponse(data!)
********* pseudo code **************
var progress: Int = 0
var results = SearchResults()
while (progress != 100) {
// Make requests to /results/ until search is complete
self.getResults(searchCookie) { searchResults in
progress = searchResults.search_pct_complete
if (searchResults == 100) {
} else {
sleep(5 seconds)
} //if
} //self.getResults()
} //while
********* pseudo code ************
} //session.dataTaskWithRequest(
func getResults(cookie: String, completion: (searchResults: NSDictionary) -> ())
let request = buildRequest((domain), url: NSURL(string: ResultsUrl)!)
let session = NSURLSession.sharedSession()
let task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
let theResults = getJSONFromData(data!)
Well first off, it seems weird that there is no API with a GET request which simply returns the result - even if this may take minutes. But, as you mentioned, you cannot change the API.
So, according to your description, we need to issue a request which effectively "polls" the server. We do this until we retrieved a Search object which is completed.
So, a viable approach would purposely define the following functions and classes:
A protocol for the "Search" object returned from the server:
public protocol SearchType {
var searchID: String { get }
var isCompleted: Bool { get }
var progress: Double { get }
var result: AnyObject? { get }
A concrete struct or class is used on the client side.
An asynchronous function which issues a request to the server in order to create the search object (your #1 POST request):
func createSearch(completion: (SearchType?, ErrorType?) -> () )
Then another asynchronous function which fetches a "Search" object and potentially the result if it is complete:
func fetchSearch(searchID: String, completion: (SearchType?, ErrorType?) -> () )
Now, an asynchronous function which fetches the result for a certain "searchID" (your "search_cookie") - and internally implements the polling:
func fetchResult(searchID: String, completion: (AnyObject?, ErrorType?) -> () )
The implementation of fetchResult may now look as follows:
func fetchResult(searchID: String,
completion: (AnyObject?, ErrorType?) -> () ) {
func poll() {
fetchSearch(searchID) { (search, error) in
if let search = search {
if search.isCompleted {
completion(search.result!, nil)
} else {
delay(1.0, f: poll)
} else {
completion(nil, error)
This approach uses a local function poll for implementing the polling feature. poll calls fetchSearch and when it finishes it checks whether the search is complete. If not it delays for certain amount of duration and then calls poll again. This looks like a recursive call, but actually it isn't since poll already finished when it is called again. A local function seems appropriate for this kind of approach.
The function delay simply waits for the specified amount of seconds and then calls the provided closure. delay can be easily implemented in terms of dispatch_after or a with a cancelable dispatch timer (we need later implement cancellation).
I'm not showing how to implement createSearch and fetchSearch. These may be easily implemented using a third party network library or can be easily implemented based on NSURLSession.
What might become a bit cumbersome, is to implement error handling and cancellation, and also dealing with all the completion handlers. In order to solve this problem in a concise and elegant manner I would suggest to utilise a helper library which implements "Promises" or "Futures" - or try to solve it with Rx.
For example a viable implementation utilising "Scala-like" futures:
func fetchResult(searchID: String) -> Future<AnyObject> {
let promise = Promise<AnyObject>()
func poll() {
fetchSearch(searchID).map { search in
if search.isCompleted {
} else {
delay(1.0, f: poll)
return promise.future!
You would start to obtain a result as shown below:
createSearch().flatMap { search in
fetchResult(search.searchID).map { result in
}.onFailure { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
This above contains complete error handling. It does not yet contain cancellation. Your really need to implement a way to cancel the request, otherwise the polling may not be stopped.
A solution implementing cancellation utilising a "CancellationToken" may look as follows:
func fetchResult(searchID: String,
cancellationToken ct: CancellationToken) -> Future<AnyObject> {
let promise = Promise<AnyObject>()
func poll() {
fetchSearch(searchID, cancellationToken: ct).map { search in
if search.isCompleted {
} else {
delay(1.0, cancellationToken: ct) { ct in
if ct.isCancelled {
} else {
return promise.future!
And it may be called:
let cr = CancellationRequest()
let ct = cr.token
createSearch(cancellationToken: ct).flatMap { search in
fetchResult(search.searchID, cancellationToken: ct).map { result in
// if we reach here, we got a result
}.onFailure { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
Later you can cancel the request as shown below: