Leaflet not working loading on Firefox - leaflet

I have leaflet map on the page which is working fine with Chrome, IE but not loading at all on Firefox. Not able to detect what the issue is. I get this error message:
Any idea why this is happening? I am using leaflet CDN to get the JS and CSS.


Grey screen in Opera only using flutter web

Used flutter to build a web app, but I keep getting a grey screen in Opera. I know that this can happen with flutter if there is a UI error, but the website is working perfectly fine in Chrome, IE, Edge, and Safari. The console in developer mode gives me this error: "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 're' on null". The "re" part of the error changes. I've seen it be "rg" and "rf", and google search has failed me when it comes to resolution. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
If you specified rendered as HTML maybe that's the reason. Please build without specifying a renderer. Just use flutter build web and try once please

react-google-maps api onRightclick event not working on Macbook touchpad

I just started using React Google Maps API https://react-google-maps-api-docs.netlify.app/#marker, and I noticed that the onRightClick props or event is not fired when using Macbook trackpad on browsers that use Webkit specifically (Chrome, Opera, Safari). I noticed this issue in the Marker component https://react-google-maps-api-docs.netlify.app/#marker and GoogleMap component https://react-google-maps-api-docs.netlify.app/#googlemap. Please, did you face a similar problem? If yes, how did you solve it?

GWT 2.7.0: Why I have to move my mouse in browser's client area to see actual loaded page?

I'm developing a webapp prototype using GWT 2.7.0 and Vaadin-Polymer-Elements and I'm wondering about the page loading behaviour. The browser window remains white, until I move with my mouse cursor over it?! Even after packaging and deploying the app to an application server, this behaviour persists. Only if I have the chrome developer console open, the page shows up in milliseconds... To reproduce this, simply follow the GWT Polymer tutorial steps.
Any suggestions how to change this are appreciated.

Adsense shows an 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN' error

Recently I noticed that all my websites give an error in Chrome console (removing adsense the error goes away):
Refused to display https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/drt/si?p=******&dpt=1 in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.
Nothing was changed, I don't use iframe, Ads is still visible. But I don't like this error, I read about youtube and maps error, but didn't find any about adsense.
What can I do to fix it?
Page of example: http://www.incinqueterre.com/en/trails-all
In my case the Google Publisher Toolbar was to blame - turning it off fixed the error.
I just started getting this error recently as well when using chrome.
From my searching around the interwebs, I found hte following information. It appears to be a bug in the webkit engine (chrome, safari, et al):
Invalid 'X-Frame-Options' header from google's Doubleclick response
Once Chrome (and maybe others) upgrade their version of webkit it will go away.

After liking application not refreshing to application

I have a php facebook application that requires that you like the page before getting access to photos Free Cover Photos. The problem is after liking it not all browsers take you to the application. It requires you to refresh the browser to view. Any suggestions?
IE worked ok
FF needing refresh
Chrome needing refresh
Tested on several systems.
It looks like Chrome is working for me. Maybe you have an older version of Chrome or some non-default setting turned on. Try turning off all the plugins in Chrome and see it that helps...maybe one of them is getting in the way.