How do I use spring mongo data to query based on the position of an element in an array - mongodb

I have a mongo collection "test" which contains elements like so (with the nodes array being a set and meaningful order):
"test" : {
"superiorID" : 1,
"nodes" : [
"subID" : 2
"subID" : 1
"subID" : 3
"test" : {
"superiorID" : 4,
"nodes" : [
"subID" : 2
"subID" : 1
"subID" : 3
I am using spring Criteria to try and build a mongo query which will return to me all elements where the 'subID' equals a user input id 'inputID' AND the 'superiorID' position is NOT before the 'inputID' (if the superior id is even in the sub ids which is not required).
So for example, if my user input was 3 I would NOT want to pull the first document but I WOULD want to pull the second document (first has a superior that exists in the nodes BEFORE the userInput node second's superior id is not equal to the user input).
I know that the $indexOfArray function exists but I don't know how to translate this to Criteria.

You can get the result you are looking for through the aggregation framework. I've made a speude query for you to show what you should be looking for. This returns
showMe = false for doc1 and showMe = true for doc2, which you could obiously match for. You do not need 2 project phases for this query, I only did that to make a working query which is also easy-ish to read. This will not be a very fast query. If you want fast queries you might want to rethink your data structure.
{ "$project":
"superiorIndex": {"$indexOfArray" : [ "$nodes.subID","$superiorID" ]},
"inputIndex": {"$indexOfArray" : [ "$nodes.subID",3 ]},
{ "$project":
"showMe" :
if: { $eq: [ "$superiorIndex", -1 ] },
then: true,
else: {$gt:[ "$superiorIndex","$inputIndex"]}

db.collection.find({nodes.2.subID:2}) that query will lookup 2th element subid from nodes field.


Copy first array value to another field in MongoDB

I have an old list of products that store the descriptions in an array at index [0]. The model is set up as a string. So my plan is to extract that value and add it to a temporary field. Step 2 would be to take that value and copy it to the original field.
This is the 'wrong' product I want to fix.
{_id : 1 , pDescription : ['great product']},
{_id : 2 , pDescription : ['another product']}
All I want to is to change the array to a string like this:
{_id : 1 , pDescription : 'great product'},
{_id : 2 , pDescription : 'another product'}
I have tried this to create the temporary description:
$match: {
pDescription: {
$type: "array"
$set: {
pDescTemp: {
$first: "$pDescription"
]).exec((err, r) => {
// do stuff here
The command works fine without the $first command.
The error reads: MongoError: Unrecognized expression '$first'
Any tips on how to fix this are appreciated!
I believe this is what you need to update your pDescription field to be equal to the first element of the array already stored as pDescription:
$set: {
pDescription: {
$arrayElemAt: [

Jaspersoft mongo aggregation query use parameter in match expression to get one or all results

I have designed JasperReports report with MongoDB data source. See my mongodb pipeline query below:
{$match :
{$and : [
{ tenant_id: 1},
{ $or: [ { $P{Location}: -1 }, { location : $P{Location}} ] },
$project : {
product_attribute_value : 1,
inventory_on_hand : 1 ,
unit_cost : 1
$group : {
_id : "$product_attribute_value",
itemsCount: { $sum : 1 },
inventoryValue:{$multiply : ["$inventory_on_hand", "$unit_cost"] },
I have a location parameter with corresponding input control as a dropdown. I want to group data based on change in location dropdown. The location dropdown has ALL as a default value. When user selects ALL then parameter value will be -1 and I want to get records for all locations. But $P{Location} is not a valid mongo field so it is not working.
I know other way, have a project stage before match and have a literal defined with value -1 and use that literal in match stage, but if I use project before match stage then it will fetch all data and then will apply match. This will degrade performance. I don't want to do this. I want to apply filters first and then pass filtered documents to pipeline stages.
Please suggest me an alternative.

Select data where the range between two different fields contains a given number

I want to make a find query on my database for documents that have an input value between or equal to these 2 fields, LOC_CEP_INI and LOC_CEP_FIM
Example: user input a number to the system with value : 69923994, then I use this input to search my database for all documents that have this value between the range of the fields LOC_CEP_INI and LOC_CEP_FIM.
One of my documents (in this example this document is selected by the query because the input is inside the range):
"_id" : ObjectId("570d57de457405a61b183ac6"),
"LOC_CEP_FIM" : 69923999, //this field is number
"LOC_CEP_INI" : 69900001, // this field is number
"LOC_NU" : "00000016",
"MUN_NU" : "1200401",
"UFE_SG" : "AC",
"create_date" : ISODate("2016-04-12T20:17:34.397Z"),
"__v" : 0
db.collection.find( { field: { $gt: value1, $lt: value2 } } );
refer this mongo provide range facility with $gt and $lt .
You have to invert your field names and query value.
LOC_CEP_INI: {$gte: 69923997},
LOC_CEP_FIM: {$lte: 69923997}
For your query example to work, you would need your documents to hold an array property, and that each item in this prop hold a 69923997 prop. Mongo would then check that this 69923997 prop has a value that is both between "LOC_CEP_INI" and "LOC_CEP_FIM" for each item in your array prop.
Also I'm not sure whether you want LOC_CEP_INI <= 69923997 <= LOC_CEP_FIM or the contrary, so you might need to switch the $gte and $lte conditions.
db.zipcodes.find( {
"LOC_CEP_INI": { "$lte": 69900002 },
"LOC_CEP_FIM": { "$gte": 69900002 } })
Here is the logic use it as per the need:
{ "$match": { _id: ObjectId(session._id)}},
{ $project: {
checkout_list: {
$filter: {
input: "$checkout_list",
as: "checkout_list",
cond: {
$and: [
{ $gte: [ "$$checkout_list.createdAt", new Date(date1) ] },
{ $lt: [ "$$checkout_list.createdAt", new Date(date2) ] }
Here i use filter, because of some reason data query on nested data is not gets succeed in mongodb

Query by two params with $and in mongoose?

I have a user model like this:
user : {
myArmy : {
mySoldiers : [
positioned : false,
soldierInfo : {
_id : s99212
positioned : true,
soldierInfo : {
_id : s99112
user : {
myArmy : {
mySoldiers : [
positioned : true,
soldierInfo : {
_id : s99212
positioned : false,
soldierInfo : {
_id : s99112
I have a query that i want to do to return the user(s) who have soldier id s99212 positioned (true): (could be thousands of those, and i need to read and retrieve them all)
This is my faulty query with mongoose:
var soldierId = s99212;
stream = User.find({
$and: [
{'myArmy.mySoldier.positioned': {$ne: null}},
{'myArmy.mySoldier.soldierInfo._id': soldierId}
Nothing is returned by this query, should there be another way to do this $and stuff?
How exactly am i suppose to use $elemMatch if at all, should it be instead of the find? (If it worth to mention, i want to return the complete user object, not just parts of it...)
Tried this, crashed my app:
stream = User.find({
'$elemMatch': [
{'myArmy.mySoldiers.pos': {$ne: null}},
{'myArmy.mySoldiers.soldierInfo._id': soldierId}
I know i have a small syntax problem, where is it?
Very simple and well documented. The $elemMatch operator acts as a "query in itself", where it applies "it's conditions" to members of the array specified:
var query = User.find({
"myArmy.mySoldiers": {
"$elemMatch": {
"positioned": { "$ne": null },
"soldierInfo._id": soldierId
Therefore for a document to "match" then the conditions specfied under $elemMatch must be present and valid for the "same" array element. Array on "left", arguments on "right".
Other "dot notation" forms only ever test that the values match "some element" in the array, and not necessarily the same one.

MongoDB Aggregation with DBRef

Is it possible to aggregate on data that is stored via DBRef?
Mongo 2.6
Let's say I have transaction data like:
_id : ObjectId(...),
user : DBRef("user", ObjectId(...)),
product : DBRef("product", ObjectId(...)),
source : DBRef("website", ObjectId(...)),
quantity : 3,
price : 40.95,
total_price : 122.85,
sold_at : ISODate("2015-07-08T09:09:40.262-0700")
The trick is "source" is polymorphic in nature - it could be different $ref values such as "webpage", "call_center", etc that also have different ObjectIds. For example DBRef("webpage", ObjectId("1")) and DBRef("webpage",ObjectId("2")) would be two different webpages where a transaction originated.
I would like to ultimately aggregate by source over a period of time (like a month):
db.coll.aggregate( { $match : { sold_at : { $gte : start, $lt : end } } },
{ $project : { source : 1, total_price : 1 } },
{ $group : {
_id : { "source.$ref" : "$source.$ref" },
count : { $sum : $total_price }
} } );
The trick is you get a path error trying to use a variable starting with $ either by trying to group by it or by trying to transform using expressions via project.
Any way to do this? Actually trying to push this data via aggregation to a subcollection to operate on it there. Trying to avoid a large cursor operation over millions of records to transform the data so I can aggregate it.
Mongo 4. Solved this issue in the following way:
Having this structure:
"_id" : LUUID("144e690f-9613-897c-9eab-913933bed9a7"),
"owner" : {
"$ref" : "person",
"$id" : NumberLong(10)
I needed to use "owner.$id" field. But because of "$" in the name of field, I was unable to use aggregation.
I transformed "owner.$id" -> "owner" using following snippet:
$addFields: {
"owner": {
$arrayElemAt: [{ $objectToArray: "$owner" }, 1]
$addFields: {
"owner": "$owner.v"
{"$group" : {_id:"$owner", count:{$sum:1}}},
Detailed explanations here -
You cannot use DBRef values with the aggregation framework. Instead you need to use JavasScript processing of mapReduce in order to access the property naming that they use:
function() {
emit( this.source.$ref, this["total_price"] )
function(key,values) {
return Array.sum( values );
"query": { "sold_at": { "$gte": start, "$lt": end } },
"out": { "inline": 1 }
You really should not be using DBRef at all. The usage is basically deprecated now and if you feel you need some external referencing then you should be "manually referencing" this with your own code or implemented by some other library, with which you can do so in a much more supported way.