JMeter: Redirect after post not sending cookies - redirect

I am attempting to Login to my app with JMeter Script.
I have Cookie Manager and a Cache Manager added
My Thread Group script
GET on main login page (/app) to return session id and form fields
and cookie
POST of completed form fields with cookie (/posthandler) with "follow redirects
What happens is
POST sends initial cookie (from GET) and form fields and logs in ok
the session is established (I see a record in our app database)
the response is a redirect with a new cookie
JMeter redirects (GET) to the session url (/app?session=xxxxx)
this goes with "[no cookies]" (according to request panel)
As that request arrives without the new cookies - the app issues a second redirect back to the login page.
So is there a way to force the GET Redirect after the POST response to send the cookie?
My theory is that JMeter is that, because of the different URI path for the POST and redirect GET, JMeter is not sending the cookie.
I have tried
various Cookie Manager settings (standard, default, compatibility).
followed this Understanding and Using JMeter Cookie Manager and set check.cookies=false.
and advice SO - JMeter: Login flow involving URL redirection not working including making sure there was an init

My problem was self-inflicted !
I was running against a different environment than usual which had a different context root e.g. /test/app rather than /app. For this I amended my ${Domain} User parameter with "" rather than adjust all the Path settings.
For requests sent this approach appeared to work as the ${Domain}+${Path} resolved to the correct URL - but the Cookies created by the server were for ${Path} (as in /test/app) and JMeter was seeing this differently (as in /app).
I have now introduced a ${CtxRoot} User variable (set to /test/) and prepended this to all my Path values - and my Login is now working.


Rest API/ Soap UI Tool - How to Pass Cookie manually while hitting the end point

I am new to RESTful services testing and got stuck where to establish connection to end point I need to pass Cookie. I have the parameter and Value but not sure how to pass Cookie manually (not through header or Groovy script) while hitting request.
Cookies are nothing but a header with a name cookie and header-value in a format name=value; anothername=anothervalue; yetanotherone=yetanothervalue;, as far as an http-request is concerned
Read On
The Cookie HTTP request header contains stored HTTP cookies previously
sent by the server with the Set-Cookie header.
The Cookie header is optional and may be omitted if, for example, the
browser's privacy settings block cookies.
How to send Cookie
Just like any other header. Only condition is, Header name should be cookie and Header-value should be in name=value; anothername=anothervalue; yetanotherone=yetanothervalue; format.
curl -v --cookie "USER_TOKEN=my-most-secure-session-id" http://localhost:8080/
If you want your curl to read the cookie file and send it
use curl -c /path/to/cookiefile http://yourhost/
More here :
How to send it using SoapUI
Sending cookie as request header in SOAP UI request for rest web service
Establish User session (Login) using chrome or firefox and goto the developer tab and copy the cookie value and send that along with your soapUI request as a header. (Congrats, you are hijacking your own session)
For any test that you need to pass the cookie around, in soapUI, go to the testcase options and turn on "maintain HTTP session".
This is my google chrome developer tab which shows stackoverflow page's requestheaders
Just send the http header
Cookie: name=value
To the server

Chrome don't send back cookie

I have a web app. To work it usestwo server:
Application server (based on Delphi datasnap) SERV_A
WebServer apache SERV_W
These are the user steps:
STEP1 Login
The user call index page from SERV_W, write user and password and call a procedure by HTTP POST to SERV_A. SERV_A respond by a session_id passed by a Cookie (response header has Set-Cookie: sessionid=123456)
STEP2 Get url list
The user call another SERV_A procedure by HTTP GET to retrieve a list of url
For example an url is: http://host_serv_a:port/datasnap/rest/TServerMethods1/getPDF/003
STEP3 Click on a link
The user sees a list of link and click on one of those.
Automatically the browser do an HTTP GET to retrieve the resource to SERV_A.
Ok, this is my problem:
On STEP3 SERV_A want the sessionId, passed in a cookie but the browser never send the cookie. Why? My browser (Chrome) don't have limitation to manage cookie.
I have found a solution here (Web Standards Are Awesome)
To manage cookies correctly server and client have to agree:
Client: set withCredentials option to true in the ajax call
Server: set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true header in the response

How to capture redirect response header

I am trying to record a simple login and logout flow for a .Net application. After I submit the login credentials the welcome page's URL has a large alpha numeric number. This number is required to continue to the next steps.
On Fiddler I have noticed that the login credential submission request results in a 302 response and this response contain an a=129characterstring that i need in my subsequent requests.
On JMeter I have added a recording controller and on the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder I have Follow Redirects and Use KeepAlive checked (See below screenshot)
I have also recorded with Follow Redirects unchecked and different options for Grouping and HTTP Sampler Settings.
But with none of them I am able to record/capture the 302 response that i see on fiddler. Instead the login credential submission request always returns a 200 response, even if the login fails.
It is not as if that JMeter is not recording redirect requests, further down the scenario flow I have another redirect request which is captured.
I can't be the only one who is/has faced this problem. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should be doing differently to get the 302 response?
To do this:
Record with default options, the redirect Http Request triggered by 302 will be disabled by default.
Then you will need after this to uncheck "Follow Redirect" in the first one, and add a Regular Expression Post Processor to extract the data you want.
Then enable the commented second request and inject the extracted variable.

Re-post HTML form after OpenAM/OpenSSO authentication

The default process when authenticating user on OpenAM/OpenSSO works with a 302 http redirection, opening OpenAM/OpenSSO authentication formular. The original URL is stored into "goto" parameter, which allows OpenAM/OpenSSO to redirect the user back on orignal URL after correct authentication.
This works well when using HTTP GET method (i.e. when entering URL), but it is not suitable for POST method. For instance, if the session expires while the user posts a HTML form, the data are lost because HTML form inputs are not present in goto parameter.
Do you know it it is possible to configure J2EE Agent in order it re-posts user HTML form after valid authentication ?
Both the Java EE and the Web agents support post data preservation, see the documentation.

Not getting $_REQUEST['signed_request']

I'm trying to pass some variables to my facebook app from the url, i.e. using GET variable app_data like facebook wants.
At some point I've stopped getting the ['signed_request'] part of the $_REQUEST. When I print_r($_REQUEST) I'm getting: ['doc'], ['user'], ['__utmz'], ['__utma'] and ['session'] values, but not signed request :(
Any ideas of why this might be happening?
Check the tab/canvas url is EXACTLY the same as required. If there is a redirect to another page, then signed request and other values will not be sent. You can check using a browser sniffer, if a call to the page responds with a 300 (301/302 etc) redirect, then you need to change to what it redirects to.
Examples: may need to be (add www., or remove www. depending on how server is set up) may need to be (add index.php, or the right page).
Check you are using http:// and https:// correctly in the URLs, and that https:// returns a valid page.
I've only been able to get the signed request in https://, i get no request at all in http.
Currently have a bug on FB, but no word on fixing it yet;
EDIT: was redirecting to, so I was loosing the request variables.
Had a similar issue, for me it was as simple as a mismatch of the app id and app secret! However in facebook developers backend I have noticed that the URLs all need to have that trailing slash!
Some browsers do redirect your request to https automatically if you have been on this particular site on https so if you are in http mode on facebook there is situation:
facebook requests http version of your app, browser redirect this request of facebook to https and POST data and thus signer_request are gone in this process...
i see this problem in chrome 23, if you delete browsin data (particulary Deauthorize content licenses) app should run back on http