Aurelia converted values and dataTables - date

I'm using DataTables jQuery plugin in Aurelia component. using column ordering and it works well excluding columns with dates.
Inside this columns I'm using value-convertet to convert isoString value to DD.MM.YYYY date format. Value covreters usage leads to wrong date column ordering, but if I'm not using value-converter everything works well. Unfortunately I didn't find any reason why it doesn't work correctly.
Wrong filtering example: I see rows with date value like 27.05.2010 before 18.05.2017
DataTables init:
destroy: true,
searching: false,
paging: false,
orderMulti: false,
order: [[ 2, "desc" ]],
dateFormat: 'DD.MM.YYYY'
Date value converter (using moment library):
import * as moment from 'moment';
export class DateFormatValueConverter {
toView(value: Date, format: string): string {
if (value) {
return moment(value).format(format);
return null;
fromView(value: string, format: string): Date {
var isValid = moment(value, format, true).isValid();
if (value && isValid) {
return moment(value, format).toDate();
return null;
Ordered with value converter
Orderd without ValueConverter(ordered like it should 2017 year value on the top)

The ordering mechanism of the data table is working correctly - it's your understanding that's off I'm afraid.
When ordering in descending order, any that start with 27. will be at the top, as they're the "biggest". Within all the dates that start with 27, it'll order on the month, biggest first, and then the year.
The order mechanism doesn't realise you're ordering a date so we need to look at the Custom Sorting Plugins;
And specifically the Date-De plugin - as that matches your date format;
An example taken from the above page;
$('#example').dataTable( {
columnDefs: [
{ type: 'de_datetime', targets: 0 },
{ type: 'de_date', targets: 1 }


ExtJS: Date field writes the date one day back?

I'm using a 'Ext.form.field.Date' and on CRUD process it writes given date as one day back. I mean if I select 05 June 2018, it writes as 04 June 2018.
I've checked related model and widget itself but nothing seems weird! Why this could be?
Here is model statement and field;
Ext.define('MyApp.FooModel', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{name: 'mydatefld', type: 'date', dateReadFormat: 'c', dateWriteFormat: 'Y-m-d'},
//and implementation
Ext.define('MyApp.BaseDateFld', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.Date',
xtype: 'basedatefld',
format: 'd.m.Y',
flex: 1,
labelAlign: 'right',
name: 'MyDate Fld',
fieldLabel: 'MyDate Fld',
bind: '{currRec.mydatefld}'
Each time saves date as on XHR request payload;
2018-06-05T21:00:00.000Z //But should be 2018-06-06T06:05:00.000Z
I've tried change dateWriteForm to 'Y-m-d H:i:s' and 'Y-m-d H:i' but still noting changes on payload and keep decrease one day and sets time to 21:00:00
As well tried to change compouter TS to some another as #Alexander adviced but nothing changed.
Update 2:
I've over come the current issue but really a very DRY solution, so not safe!
Below there is insertion method (update method is almost same as this) and formating the related date value on here, thusly became success.
Server accepting the date format for this field as Y-m-d, so I've stated dateWriteFormat on model and submitFormat on datefield as 'Y-m-d' but it keeps write the date value with timestamp.
When I check rec param on method it is as 2018-06-06T21:00:00.000Z(The TZ part shouldn't be here!). And store param changes the givin date one day off as 2018-06-05T21:00:00.000Z.
Still not sure why I can't convert/format through model or field.
Thanks for advices.
recInsertion: function (rec, store) {
store.getProxy().url = store.getProxy().api.create; = Ext.Date.format(, 'Y-m-d'); //This is current solution to format date! Which is really not safe and will cause DRY.
url: store.proxy.url,
method: 'POST',
jsonData: JSON.stringify(,
callback: function (options, success, response) {
if (success) {

Sequelize set timezone to query

I'm currently using the Sequelize with postgres in my project. I need to change the query, so it return created_at column with timezone offset.
var sequelize = new Sequelize(connStr, {
dialectOptions: {
useUTC: false //for reading from database
timezone: '+08:00' //for writing to database
But this affects on entire database. But I need to use timezone for select queries only. Does anyone know how to do that?
This is how I configured it:
dialectOptions: {
dateStrings: true,
typeCast: true,
timezone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
I suggest combining moment.js with one of the following methods:
If you need to parameterize the timezone, then you will probably want to add the offset for each individual query or add an additional field to your table that indicates the timezone, as it does not seem as though sequelize allows parameterized getters.
For example:
const moment = require('moment.js');
const YourModel = sequelize.define('your_model', {
created_at: {
type: Sequelize.DATE,
allowNull: false,
get() {
return moment(this.getDataValue('created_at'))
Another possibility would be to extend the model prototype's instance methods in a similar fashion, which allows you to specify the offset at the time that you require the created_at value:
const moment = require('moment.js');
YourModel.prototype.getCreatedAtWithOffset = function (offset) {
return moment(this.created_at).utcOffset(offset);
For correct using queries with timezone, prepare your pg driver, see details here:
const pg = require('pg')
const { types } = pg
// we must store dates in UTC
pg.defaults.parseInputDatesAsUTC = true
// fix node-pg default transformation for date types
types.setTypeParser(types.builtins.DATE, str => str)
types.setTypeParser(types.builtins.TIMESTAMP, str => str)
types.setTypeParser(types.builtins.TIMESTAMPTZ, str => str)
It's must be initialized before initiating your Sequelize instance.
You can now run a query indicating the timezone for which you want to get the date.
Suppose we make a SQL query, select all User's fields, and "createdAt" in timezone 'Europe/Kiev':
SELECT *, "createdAt"::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Kiev' AS "createdAt" FROM users WHERE id = 1;
# or with variables
SELECT *, "createdAt"::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE :timezone AS "createdAt" FROM users WHERE id = :id;
For Sequelize (for User model) it will be something like this:
where: { id: 1 },
attributes: {
include: [
[sequelize.literal(`"User"."createdAt"::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Kiev'`), 'createdAt'],
// also you can use variables, of course remember about SQL injection:
// [sequelize.literal(`"User"."updatedAt"::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE ${timeZoneVariable}`), 'updatedAt'],

How to format json data in miliseconds to Date format in highcharts?

I get array of date from json as 1420185600000,1420531200000,1420617600000,1420704000000,1420790400000,1420876800000. How do I format it to show the correct date in the XAxis labels of the highcharts?
You need to tell highcharts that the xAxis is a date type.
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime'
You may need extra formatting if you want the date displayed in some form other than the default. That can be done via the labels.formatter.
Sample code that lets you do what you want (minus what formatting you want your date in):
xAxis: {
categories: [1420185600000,1420531200000,1420617600000,1420704000000,1420790400000,1420876800000],
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return new Date(this.value);
You would then need to determine what parts of your new date string you actually want to show. The sample above doing return Date(this.value) is the kitchen sink approach.
UPDATE: If you want the strings formatted, Highcharts gives you functions to set up the date string. See this fiddle (same as fiddle linked in the comments below with formatter using highcharts):
xAxis: {
type: "datetime",
categories: xArray,
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return Highcharts.time.dateFormat('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%L', new Date(this.value));
arrayOfDatesFromJson = (element) {
return new Date(element);

What is the proper way to format a UNIX timestamp into a human date in Kendo UI Grid?

Well there seems to be a multitude of similar questions, but none that I can find answering this specific question.. so here goes..
Have a working Kendo UI grid. My datasource is returning a timestamp - here's the JSON response coming back to the code:
You'll notice that the next line is also a date.. returned by MySQL as a standard DateTime format - which I would be happy to use directly. But I've converted the date to a timestamp which I thought would be more universal. (??)
Now I need to do two things - format the timestamp into a readable date and edit the date so it can be saved back to the datasource. But let's tackle formatting first.
My code to display the column currently looks like this:
{ title: "Trial<br>Date",
field: "customer_master_converted_to_customer_date",
format: "{0:d/M/yyyy}",
attributes: {
style: "text-align: center; font-size: 14px;"
filterable: true,
headerAttributes: {
style: "font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px;"
Although I've tried..
toString(customer_master_converted_to_customer_date, "MM/dd/yyyy")
.. and several variations of that - in terms of format string. And yes, I've tried entering:
type: "date",
No matter what I do, I only get the timestamp.
You need to convert the timestamp to a JavaScript date first. Here is a sample implementation:
dataSource: {
data: [
{ date: 1371848019 }
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
date: {
type: "date",
parse: function(value) {
return new Date(value * 1000);
Here is it live:
I just had the same problem and i tried this and now works perfectly, good luck.
template :#= kendo.toString(new Date(parseInt(dateOfBirth)), 'yyyy-MM-dd')#"
whre dateOfBirth is the date to format, the result will be like this : 2015-09-11.
good luck.
Thank you #Atanas Korchev, that worked for me, here is what I ended up doing:
// in datasource
model: {
fields: {
date: { type: "date",
parse: function(value) {
return new Date(value);
}, // … other fields
// in columns
columns: [
field: "date",
title: "Date",
type: "date",
format: "{0:dd MMM yyyy}"
// ... other columns
The easiest way to use the TimeStamp format data from your database for KendoGrid.
<kendo-grid-column class="CreatedAt" field="CreatedAt" title="title"
[width]="120" [headerStyle]="{'background-color': '#36455a','color': '#fff'}"
[style]="{'background-color': '#36455a','color': '#fff'}">
<ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
{{dataItem.CreatedAt | date:"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"}}

ST datePicker and date issue

Platform is Sencha Touch 2.1.1. I am using a datPicker in a form panel as follows:
xtype: 'datepickerfield',
destroyPickerOnHide: true,
name : 'dateOfEvaluation',
label: 'Date of evaluation',
dateFormat: 'm/d/Y',
value: new Date(),
picker: {
yearFrom: 2013
which is being saved to as a date type in my model:
{name: 'dateOfEvaluation', type: 'date'},
If there is a value in the store it gets rendered via an itemTpl via the follwing method:
onSelectSiteGeneral: function(view, index, target, record, event) {
console.log('Selected a SiteGeneral from the list');
var siteGeneralForm = Ext.Viewport.down('siteGeneralForm');
siteGeneralForm = Ext.widget('siteGeneralForm');
This all works fine and dandy.
The problem is with records that do not have dates saved in them. In localStorage for a date type, the null/empty value seems to be 0, which gets displayed on my above form as '12/31/1969.' I know I could write a handler to have this display as the current date, but am sure how to proceed (I cannot use a default value: new Date(), btw, since this does not work with a value already in the data store being rendered to the form). I know I would have to add n-days to zero to get the current date, but am unsure how to get this to rerender in my form.
Any suggestions for how to get the 0th date to show up as a more realistic date, such as the current date (I will stress that default dates do not seem to work when using the above method, onSelectSiteGeneral). Grazie!