how to open prefab brush window in unity 2017.1.1f1? - unity3d

I am a complete beginner in unity 3d and I rely on youtube and other sources to learn unity. I will get to the point.. I am currently watching this tutorial #19:35 he opened a window called Prefab Brush but it is not available in mine which is Unity 2017.1.1f1. I believe in the future I might need this prefab brush, so I would like to ask some help.
Image here

Prefab Brush is a plugin from the Assetstore. It's was free at the time that video was made but the publisher decided to make it not free anymore. It cost only $2.99.
If you don't way to pay for that then use GeoPainter which is free and very similar to Prefab Brush. You can get GeoPainter here.


How to outline (silhouette) 3D model in URP?

Good weekend everyone, I'm looking for some tutorial/script how to make 3D object outline with original image texture (eg. stick with wood texture). I would like to when the raycast hits the object (I'm able to detect with object is raycast hitted), the object will be outlined/glowed.
I tryed many tutorials on youtube, finding shaders script, etc, but I'm using URP Unity 2020 and some shaders is not working - only pink material, or works different. Emitter material is not good too, because there is no original texture. I'm stuck on this for few days. I'm a newbie in the Unity community.
Thank you very much for your help. :)
Outline shaders are difficult to make. I use this free asset I found in the Unity Asset store for all my games if you are looking for an easy fix.

(Unity3D) When the Camera is in a object, Camera will stop rendering the object

I'm using unity 2018.4.14f1 personal (I don't use 2019 or 2020 because it lags my computer)
I'm using the Unity Standard Assets Player Prefab and Cinemachine Freelook for the camera. I have some water, and when my player walks into it, its fine. However, when the camera comes into the water, it stops rendering the water. Is there anyway I can fix it?
Update: I've somewhat got it working, however its hollow when your inside. Is there anyway to fix that?
Video :
(I'm quite a noob so if you need any screenshots please ask.)
The problem here is that the water will only rendered when looking from the outside as the normalized are modeled so. The program renders outs objects that it thinks is not in view. You can load the model into a 3d program and then copy and invert the model to allow your camera to see the water, or I believe there are some shader option to stop this optimization. You can also look in this Reddit thread.

3d FBX file import into Unity not working as expected

I am interested in building virtual reality applications and I am at beginner level.
I imported a FBX file of Airplane and imported it in Unity,
Upon linking the animation in Unity and building it onto my Mobile, I see a 2D version of the model. How should I convert it into virtual reality application.
Below is a snalshot of the file. The aiation is also fairly simple, one plane takes off and flies for sometime before landing.
Below is a snapshot of the Game Console
So inshort the question is how do I convert this into a 3D mode so that I can use it as a virtual reality Application.
Thank you
That is 3D mode.
Making a VR application isn't done at the push of a button
Start here:
Read about VR in unity
It seems like you are a new Unity user. If so do this first:
Depending on what you want to do in your application you should look into the Unity Documentation and read about:
Creating Gameplay
If you at some point feel you don't understand these links, you may need to take another step back and start off by checking out the official tutorials
Just save your .blend file in the Unity's Assets folder.
Look at the documentation for more informations

OCR with Unity3d

I would like to implement a letter detection feature for my "guess the drawing" game in Unity, that would detect if someone draws a letter and I would count it as cheating. So people would only be able to draw the word requested as pictures and would not draw the letters that create word itself.
I would like to know what is your opinion and what technology can I use for this task in Unity3d. Thanks in advance.
Vuforia is best pick for your requirement.
You can download vuforia SDK for unity from below link.
Steps need to be followed:
1.Download SDK for unity.
2.Draw the patters which you want as answers in any of tools like paint or photoshop and take screenshots of them.
3.Remove main camera and add AR camera in prefabs folder of vuforia library
4.Drag and drop image targets to your project and add the screenshots you have taken
5.Now implement code to broadcast message if image target is detected.
6.Use this broadcast message to implement post game logic.
There is so much to learn about image recognition and Vuforia, adding image targets and all require few additional steps, You can go through the tutorials for better understanding on how to use Vuforia SDK.
Following is link for vuforia tutorials
Happy Game Development

Spritesheet creator/importer for unity3d

I am currently developing a 2d game for android using Unity3d , but i am wondering if is there any free sprite sheet creator software that is compatible with unity3d without the extra code to be written , i've tried texture packer with there plugin for unity and it work great but this software is paid and i can not afford it right now ,
i also tried Sprite Sheet Packer but when i import the sprite sheet into unity and trim the sprites in the editor the animation does not work properly due to the fact that unity did not know the pivot point and the exact information of the sprite inside the created sprite sheet,
Does anyone know some useful free software that i can use or some unity plugin that can serve this problem ?
I personally always used TexturePacker (then when I moved to Unity, NGUI does the work for me), so this is a recommendation from a friend:
A quick test showed that it made a PNG and accompanying XML file with the image data inside. Seems pretty simple.
This question still actual in 2017. So this is my approach:
1) Get xml file with coordinates from your editor. I use DarkFunction sprite editor for fast and smart creation of coordinates. It's free and pretty clever to do lots of jobs automatically.
2) Install this asset from asset store, it's free.
3) Tweak the TextureAtlasSlicer.cs file from the installed asset to correspond to your xml format. You have to do this only once.
That's it.