RTCMultiConnection, failing to set up and connect to rooms. - rtcmulticonnection

I am trying to test a real-time data connection between peers using RTCMultiConnection.
Setting up a session/room seems to work, but once it has been made, peers cannot seem to join. If I run this function again from another browser, while a session is opened, it still says the room does not exist and it opens up a new one, rather than joining in.
The channel and session id's are identical, so why does the peer not find the session?
function makeOrJoinRoom(id){
channelid = 'channel'+id;
roomid = 'room'+id;
sessionMedia = {audio: false, video: false, data: true};
var connection = new RTCMultiConnection(channelid);
connection.socketURL = 'https://rtcmulticonnection.herokuapp.com:443/';
connection.checkPresence( roomid, function(roomExists, roomid) {
alert('checking presence...');
alert('Room exists='+roomExists);
if(roomExists) {
alert('I am a participant');
sessionid: roomid,
session: sessionMedia
} else {
alert('I am the moderator');
connection.session = sessionMedia;
sessionid: roomid

Please replace your function with this:
function makeOrJoinRoom(roomid) {
var connection = new RTCMultiConnection();
connection.session = {
data: true
connection.socketURL = 'https://rtcmulticonnection.herokuapp.com:443/';
alert('checking presence...');
connection.checkPresence(roomid, function(roomExist, roomid) {
alert('Room exists=' + roomExist);
if (roomExist === true) {
alert('I am a participant');
} else {
alert('I am the moderator');
connection.onopen = function(event) {
alert('WebRTC chat opened!');
// call above function like this


Mute video stream from ApiRTC in Ionic 5

I am looking for ways to do Audio call only in ApiRTC but cannot seem to do it right as the streams keep on appearing. Hoping someone could assist. Thanks in advance. Below is my code
startVoiceCall() {
this.ua = new apiRTC.UserAgent({
uri: "apzkey:xxxx",
let registerInformation = {
cloudUrl: "https://cloud.apizee.com",
.then((session) => {
this.isDisabled = false;
console.log("User registered with session: ", session);
.on("contactListUpdate", (updatedContacts) => {
console.log("contactListUpdate", updatedContacts);
.on("incomingCall", (invitation) => {
var answerOptions = {
mediaTypeForIncomingCall : 'AUDIO'
invitation.accept(null, answerOptions).then((call) => {
this.currentCall = call;
this.onCall = true;
this.connectedSession = session;
When subscribing to a stream, you can pass SubscribeOptions as second parameter with :
conversation.subscribeToStream(streamId, { audioOnly: true })
ApiRTC reference : https://dev.apirtc.com/reference/Conversation.html#subscribeToStream
This will make the subscriber receive audio only.

how to guarantee responses are processed in the same order as requests

In response to a click handler, i currently perform a:
axios.get("http://whatever.com/itemId").then(response => {
theoretically, a user might click several times extremely quickly in succession. however, I need to process responses in the same order as the requests are made, and these responses are not always ordered.
Can anyone give any pointers?
Came up with the following, which seems to work well. Maybe such a thing should be part of the library itself. Hope others find it useful.
import axios from 'axios';
class OrderedAxios {
constructor() {
this.promises = []
get(url) {
var outsideResolve;
var outsideReject;
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
outsideResolve = resolve;
outsideReject = reject;
promise.resolve = outsideResolve;
promise.reject = outsideReject;
.then(response => {
promise.response = response;
.catch(error => {
promise.error = error;
return promise;
processPromises() {
let continueProcessing = false;
do {
continueProcessing = false;
if (this.promises.length) {
let promise = this.promises[0];
if (promise.response || promise.error) {
if (promise.response) {
} else {
continueProcessing = true;
} while (continueProcessing);
export default OrderedAxios;

Issue Connecting to MongoDB collections

I am using axios and express.js API to connect to my mongo DB. I have a .get() request that works for one collection and doesn't work for any other collection. This currently will connect to the database and can access one of the collections called users. I have another collection setup under the same database called tasks, I have both users and tasks setup the same way and being used the same way in the code. The users can connect to the DB (get, post) and the tasks fails to connect to the collection when calling the get or the post functions. When viewing the .get() API request in the browser it just hangs and never returns anything or finishes the request.
any help would be greatly appreciated!
The project is on GitHub under SCRUM-150.
API connection
methods: {
//load all users from DB, we call this often to make sure the data is up to date
load() {
.then(response => {
this.users = response.data.users;
.catch(e => {
//opens delete dialog
setupDelete(user) {
this.userToDelete = user;
this.deleteDialog = true;
//opens edit dialog
setupEdit(user) {
Object.keys(user).forEach(key => {
this.userToEdit[key] = user[key];
this.editName = user.name;
this.editDialog = true;
//build the alert info for us
//Will emit an alert, followed by a boolean for success, the type of call made, and the name of the
//resource we are working on
alert(success, callName, resource) {
console.log('Page Alerting')
this.$emit('alert', success, callName, resource)
//get those users
mounted() {
methods: {
//load all tasks from DB, we call this often to make sure the data is up to date
load() {
.then(response => {
this.tasks = response.data.tasks
.catch(e => {
//opens delete dialog
setupDelete(tasks) {
this.taskToDelete = tasks;
this.deleteDialog = true;
//opens edit dialog
setupEdit(tasks) {
Object.keys(tasks).forEach(key => {
this.taskToEdit[key] = tasks[key];
this.editName = tasks.name;
this.editDialog = true;
//build the alert info for us
//Will emit an alert, followed by a boolean for success, the type of call made, and the name of the
//resource we are working on
alert(success, callName, resource) {
console.log('Page Alerting')
this.$emit('alert', success, callName, resource)
//get those tasks
mounted() {
Are you setting any access controls in the code?
Also refer to mongoDB's documentation here:
Here is my solution:
In your app.js, have this:
let mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect('Your/Database/Url', {
keepAlive : true,
reconnectTries: 2,
useMongoClient: true
In your route have this:
let mongoose = require('mongoose');
let db = mongoose.connection;
fetchAndSendDatabase('yourCollectionName', db);
function fetchAndSendDatabase(dbName, db) {
db.collection(dbName).find({}).toArray(function(err, result) {
if( err ) {
console.log("couldn't get database items. " + err);
else {
console.log('Database received successfully');

AWS Lambda - MongoDB resource optimization

I'm building facebook chatbot using AWS Lambda and MongoDB. At the moment, my application is pretty simple but I'm trying to nail down the basics before I move onto the complex stuff.
I understand AWS Lambda is stateless but I've read adding below line in handler along with variables initialized outside handler, I don't have to establish DB connection on every request.
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
(I've read this from this article; https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/optimizing-aws-lambda-performance-with-mongodb-atlas-and-nodejs)
I'm adding my entire code below
'use strict'
axios = require('axios'),
mongo = require('mongodb'),
MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient,
assert = require('assert');
var VERIFY_TOKEN = process.env.VERIFY_TOKEN;
var MONGO_DB_URI = process.env.MONGO_DB_URI;
let cachedDb = null;
let test = null;
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
var method = event.context["http-method"];
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
console.log("test :: " + test);
if (!test) {
test = "1";
// process GET request --> verify facebook webhook
if (method === "GET") {
var queryParams = event.params.querystring;
var rVerifyToken = queryParams['hub.verify_token']
if (rVerifyToken === VERIFY_TOKEN) {
var challenge = queryParams['hub.challenge'];
callback(null, parseInt(challenge))
} else {
var response = {
'body': 'Error, wrong validation token',
'statusCode': 403
callback(null, response);
// process POST request --> handle message
} else if (method === "POST") {
let body = event['body-json'];
body.entry.map((entry) => {
entry.messaging.map((event) => {
if (event.message) {
if (!event.message.is_echo && event.message.text) {
console.log("BODY\n" + JSON.stringify(body));
console.log("<<MESSAGE EVENT>>");
// retrieve message
let response = {
"text": "This is from webhook response for \'" + event.message.text + "\'"
// facebook call
callSendAPI(event.sender.id, response);
// store in DB
storeInMongoDB(event, callback);
} else if (event.postback) {
console.log("<<POSTBACK EVENT>>");
} else {
console.log("UNHANDLED EVENT; " + JSON.stringify(event));
function callSendAPI(senderPsid, response) {
console.log("call to FB");
let payload = {
recipient: {
id: senderPsid
message: response
let url = `https://graph.facebook.com/v2.6/me/messages?access_token=${PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN}`;
axios.post(url, payload)
.then((response) => {
console.log("response ::: " + response);
}).catch(function(error) {
function storeInMongoDB(messageEnvelope, callback) {
console.log("cachedDB :: " + cachedDb);
if (cachedDb && cachedDb.serverConfig.isConnected()) {
sendToAtlas(cachedDb.db("test"), messageEnvelope, callback);
} else {
console.log(`=> connecting to database ${MONGO_DB_URI}`);
MongoClient.connect(MONGO_DB_URI, function(err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err);
cachedDb = db;
sendToAtlas(db.db("test"), messageEnvelope, callback);
function sendToAtlas(db, message, callback) {
console.log("send to Mongo");
facebook: {
messageEnvelope: message
}, function(err, result) {
if (err != null) {
console.error("an error occurred in sendToAtlas", err);
callback(null, JSON.stringify(err));
} else {
var message = `Inserted a message into Atlas with id: ${result.insertedId}`;
callback(null, message);
I did everything as instructed and referenced a few more similar cases but somehow on every request, "cachedDb" value is not saved from previous request and the app is establishing the connection all over again.
Then I also read that there is no guarantee the Lambda function is using the same container on multiple requests so I made another global variable "test". "test" variable value is logged "1" from the second request which means it's using the same container but again, "cachedDb" value is not saved.
What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance!
In short AWS Lambda function is not a permanently running service of any kind.
So, far I know AWS Lambda works on idea - "one container processes one request at a time".
It means when request comes and there is available running container for the Lambda function AWS uses it, else it starts new container.
If second request comes when first container executes Lambda function for first request AWS starts new container.
and so on...
Then there is no guarantee in what container (already running or new one) Lambda function will be executed, so... new container opens new DB connection.
Of course, there is an inactivity period and no running containers will be there after that. All will start over again by next request.

Creating new Meteor collections on the fly

Is it possible to create new Meteor collections on-the-fly? I'd like to create foo_bar or bar_bar depending on some pathname which should be a global variable I suppose (so I can access it throughout my whole application).
Something like:
var prefix = window.location.pathname.replace(/^\/([^\/]*).*$/, '$1');
var Bar = new Meteor.Collection(prefix+'_bar');
The thing here is that I should get my prefix variable from URL, so if i declare it outside of if (Meteor.isClient) I get an error: ReferenceError: window is not defined. Is it possible to do something like that at all?
Edit : Using the first iteration of Akshats answer my project js : http://pastie.org/6411287
I'm not entirely certain this will work:
You need it in two pieces, the first to load collections you've set up before (on both the client and server)
var collections = {};
var mysettings = new Meteor.Collection('settings') //use your settings
Collectionlist = mysettings.find({type:'collection'});
Collectionlist.forEach(function(doc) {
collections[doc.name] = new Meteor.Collection(doc.name);
And you need a bit to add the collections on the server:
'create_server_col' : function(collectionname) {
mysettings.insert({type:'collection', name: collectionname});
newcollections[collectionname] = new Collection(collectionname);
return true;
And you need to create them on the client:
//Create the collection:
Meteor.call('create_server_col', 'My New Collection Name', function(err,result) {
if(result) {
alert("Collection made");
Again, this is all untested so I'm just giving it a shot hopefully it works.
Perhaps the below should work, I've added a couple of checks to see if the collection exists first. Please could you run meteor reset before you use it to sort bugs from the code above:
var collections = {};
var mysettings = new Meteor.Collection('settings')
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
Collectionlist = mysettings.find({type:'collection'});
Collectionlist.forEach(function(doc) {
eval("var "+doc.name+" = new Meteor.Collection("+doc.name+"));
Template.hello.greeting = function () {
return "Welcome to testColl.";
var collectionname=prompt("Enter a collection name to create:","collection name")
function create_collection(name) {
Meteor.call('create_server_col', 'tempcoll', function(err,result) {
if(!err) {
if(result) {
//make sure name is safe
eval("var "+name+" = new Meteor.Collection('"+name+"'));
alert("Collection made");
} else {
alert("This collection already exists");
alert("Error see console");
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// code to run on server at startup
Collectionlist = mysettings.find({type:'collection'});
Collectionlist.forEach(function(doc) {
collections[doc.name] = new Meteor.Collection(doc.name);
'create_server_col' : function(collectionname) {
if(!mysettings.findOne({type:'collection', name: collectionname})) {
mysettings.insert({type:'collection', name: collectionname});
collections[collectionname] = new Meteor.Collection(collectionname);
return true;
return false; //Collection already exists
Also make sure your names are javascript escaped.
Things got much easier:
var db = MongoInternals.defaultRemoteCollectionDriver().mongo.db;
db.createCollection("COLLECTION_NAME", (err, res) => {
Run this in your server method.