Scala slick update table after querying with a join - scala

I want to update a table but the row needs to be selected based on certain conditions. Following code compiles fine but throws run-time exception:
play.api.http.HttpErrorHandlerExceptions$$anon$1: Execution exception[[SlickException: A query for an UPDATE statement must resolve to a comprehension with a single table -- Unsupported shape: Comprehension s2, Some(Apply Function =), None, ConstArray(), None, None, None, None]]
Here is the function (the intention is to allow update only for qualified user):
def updateRecord(record: Record)(implicit loggedInUserId: User) = {
val q = records.withFilter( === === === loggedInUserId)
val recordToUpdate = { case (r, c) => r }
val action = for {
c <- recordToUpdate.update(record)
} yield (c)
... // there are other actions in the for comprehension, removed them for clarity
I thought the result of the map is a row from the records table (not a tuple) but the errors seems to be indicating that I am not updating a "single" table.
Or is there a better way of doing query + update?

Yes, you seem to try updating both tables.
Maybe you should try something like
def updateRecord(record: Record)(implicit loggedInUserId: User): Future[Int] = {
val recordToUpdate = records.filter( ===
val q = recordToUpdate
.join(companies).on(_.companyId ===
.filter(_._2.userid === loggedInUserId)
val action = for {
c <- recordToUpdate.update(record)
// ...
} yield c
for {
isLoggedIn <-
if isLoggedIn
c <-
} yield c
You can also try
def updateRecord(record: Record)(implicit loggedInUserId: User):
DBIOAction[Int, NoStream, Read with Write with Transactional] = {
val recordToUpdate = records.filter( ===
val action =
.join(companies).on(_.companyId ===
.filter(_._2.userid === loggedInUserId)
(for {
isLoggedIn <- action
if isLoggedIn
c <- recordToUpdate.update(record)
// ...
} yield c).transactionally
Variant that should work without NoSuchElementException: Action.withFilter failed. Based on the answer.
def updateRecord(record: Record)(implicit loggedInUserId: User):
DBIOAction[Int, NoStream, Read with Write with Transactional] = {
val recordToUpdate = records.filter( ===
val action =
.join(companies).on(_.companyId ===
.filter(_._2.userid === loggedInUserId)
action.flatMap {
case true => for {
c <- recordToUpdate.update(record)
// ...
} yield c
case false => DBIO.successful(0) /*DBIO.failed(new IllegalStateException)*/


Check that the request returned to the database

I have a method that makes a query to the database.
I want to understand. How can I check if there are rows in the table that meet my condition?
def getMessage() = {
val query = messages.filter(_.status === true)
val action = query.result.head
val result =
//val sql = action.statements.head
val temp =
For example, I need an example logic of how the method works.
def getMessage():String = {
val query = messages.filter(_.status === true)
val action = query.result.head
val result =
//val sql = action.statements.head
val temp =
if (temp != "null") return temp
else return "null"
} returns a Future so you need to check the result when that completes:{
case Success(res) =>
// Process result in res
case Failure(e) =>
// Handle error case
You should never Sleep or wait for a Future, so getMessage should return Future[String] and the calling code can handle the result when it is ready.
def getMessage(): Future[String] = {
val query = messages.filter(_.status === true)
val action = query.result.head
More generally you need to look at a how Future works and how to modify the results (map), chain multiple Futures (flatMap) or handle multiple Futures as a single Future (Future.sequence).
In general you should keep the processing inside the Future for as long as possible.

Yield nothing in for ... yield when inserting into DB using DBAction

When inserting objects in the DB using a for ... yield construct (See below) I want to be able to 'yield nothing' for certain conditions. I am still learning Scala and have little experience in Slick.
val usersTable = TableQuery[dbuserTable]
val inserts = for (user <- x.userList) yield {
if (user.someCondition == true) {
val userRow = userClass(,
usersTable += userRow
else {
//yield nothing
} _*))
I'm afraid I'm missing something about how the yield loop leads to a Sequence of DBAction objects.
val inserts = for (user <- x.userList) yield {
if (user.someCondition == true) {
val userRow = userClass(,
usersTable += userRow
else {
Int in DBIOAction[Int, NoStream, Effect.Write] means number of rows inserted.

Using transactionally in Slick 3

Usually you would run two or more statements in a transaction. But in all the examples I could find on using transactionally in Slick 3, there's a for comprehension to group these statements, when I usually use the for in a loop.
This works (deleting from two tables in a transaction):
val action = {
_ <- table1.filter(_.id1 === id).delete
_ <- table2.filter(_.id2=== id).delete
} yield ()).transactionally)
val result = Await.result(action, Duration.Inf)
But is the for/yield needed? is there an alternative way just to run two or more statements in a transaction?
You can use transactionally on every DBIOAction, not just those that are a result of the for comprehension. For example you can use transactionally in combination with the DBIO.seq method, which takes a sequence of actions and runs them sequentially:
val firstAction = table1.filter( === id1).delete
val secondAction = table2.filter( === id2).delete
val combinedAction = DBIO.seq(
For your case for/yield is not the only way to get what you need. But you will have to substitute it for the equivalent representation.
The for comprehension is syntactic sugar for a combination of flatMaps and a map. We need to use them because we are using monadic composition to aggregate all the actions in a BDIOAction.
So you could also write it as:
val action =
table1.filter(_.id1 === id) ( _ =>
table2.filter(_.id2=== id).delete
val result = Await.result(action, Duration.Inf)
The for comprehension is usually used because is more clean, easier to understand and very easy to scale.
Lets have a look at an example with 4 statements in a transactions to see how it looks:
This would be with a for comprehension:
val action = {
_ <- table1.filter(_.id1 === id).delete
_ <- table2.filter(_.id2=== id).delete
_ <- table3.filter(_.id3=== id).delete
_ <- table4.filter(_.id4=== id).delete
} yield ()).transactionally)
val result = Await.result(action, Duration.Inf)
This would be with flatMap/maps:
val action =
table1.filter(_.id1 === id).delete.flatMap ( _ =>
table2.filter(_.id2 === id).delete.flatMap ( _ =>
table3.filter(_.id3 === id) ( _ =>
table4.filter(_.id4=== id).delete
val result = Await.result(action, Duration.Inf)

Slick3 with SQLite - autocommit seems to not be working

I'm trying to write some basic queries with Slick for SQLite database
Here is my code:
class MigrationLog(name: String) {
val migrationEvents = TableQuery[MigrationEventTable]
lazy val db: Future[SQLiteDriver.backend.DatabaseDef] = {
val db = Database.forURL(s"jdbc:sqlite:$name.db", driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC")
val setup = DBIO.seq(migrationEvents.schema.create)
val createFuture = for {
tables <-
createResult <- if (tables.length == 0) else Future.successful()
} yield createResult => db)
val addEvent: (String, String) => Future[String] = (aggregateId, eventType) => {
val id = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString
val command = DBIO.seq(migrationEvents += (id, aggregateId, None, eventType, "CREATED", System.currentTimeMillis, None))
db.flatMap( => id))
val eventSubmitted: (String, String) => Future[Unit] = (id, batchId) => {
val q = for { e <- migrationEvents if === id } yield (e.batchId, e.status, e.updatedAt)
val updateAction = q.update(Some(batchId), "SUBMITTED", Some(System.currentTimeMillis))
val eventMigrationCompleted: (String, String, String) => Future[Unit] = (batchId, id, status) => {
val q = for { e <- migrationEvents if e.batchId === batchId && === id} yield (e.status, e.updatedAt)
val updateAction = q.update(status, Some(System.currentTimeMillis))
val allEvents = () => {
Here is how I'm using it:
val migrationLog = MigrationLog("test")
val events = for {
id <- migrationLog.addEvent("aggregateUserId", "userAccessControl")
_ <- migrationLog.eventSubmitted(id, "batchID_generated_from_idam")
_ <- migrationLog.eventMigrationCompleted("batchID_generated_from_idam", id, "Successful")
events <- migrationLog.allEvents()
} yield events => event match {
case (id, aggregateId, batchId, eventType, status, submitted, updatedAt) => println(s"$id $aggregateId $batchId $eventType $status $submitted $updatedAt")
The idea is to add event first, then update it with batchId (which also updates status) and then update the status when the job is done. events should contain events with status Successful.
What happens is that after running this code it prints events with status SUBMITTED. If I wait a while and do the same allEvents query or just go and check the db from command line using sqlite3 then it's updated correctly.
I'm properly waiting for futures to be resolved before starting the next operation, auto-commit should be enabled by default.
Am I missing something?
Turns out the problem was with which returns Future[Future[Int]] which means that the command was not finished by the time I tried to run another query.
Replacing it with db.flatMap( solved the issue.

Scala: List[Future] to Future[List] disregarding failed futures

I'm looking for a way to convert an arbitrary length list of Futures to a Future of List. I'm using Playframework, so ultimately, what I really want is a Future[Result], but to make things simpler, let's just say Future[List[Int]] The normal way to do this would be to use Future.sequence(...) but there's a twist... The list I'm given usually has around 10-20 futures in it, and it's not uncommon for one of those futures to fail (they are making external web service requests).
Instead of having to retry all of them in the event that one of them fails, I'd like to be able to get at the ones that succeeded and return those.
For example, doing the following doesn't work:
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Failure
val listOfFutures = Future.successful(1) :: Future.failed(new Exception("Failure")) ::
Future.successful(3) :: Nil
val futureOfList = Future.sequence(listOfFutures)
futureOfList onComplete {
case Success(x) => println("Success!!! " + x)
case Failure(ex) => println("Failed !!! " + ex)
scala> Failed !!! java.lang.Exception: Failure
Instead of getting the only the exception, I'd like to be able to pull the 1 and 3 out of there. I tried using Future.fold, but that apparently just calls Future.sequence behind the scenes.
The trick is to first make sure that none of the futures has failed. .recover is your friend here, you can combine it with map to convert all the Future[T] results to Future[Try[T]]] instances, all of which are certain to be successful futures.
note: You can use Option or Either as well here, but Try is the cleanest way if you specifically want to trap exceptions
def futureToFutureTry[T](f: Future[T]): Future[Try[T]] = { case x => Failure(x)}
val listOfFutures = ...
val listOfFutureTrys =
Then use Future.sequence as before, to give you a Future[List[Try[T]]]
val futureListOfTrys = Future.sequence(listOfFutureTrys)
Then filter:
val futureListOfSuccesses =
You can even pull out the specific failures, if you need them:
val futureListOfFailures =
Scala 2.12 has an improvement on Future.transform that lends itself in an anwser with less codes.
val futures = Seq(Future{1},Future{throw new Exception})
// instead of `map` and `recover`, use `transform`
val seq = Future.sequence(
val successes ={case Success(x)=>x})
//res1: Future[Seq[Int]] = Future(Success(List(1)))
val failures ={case Failure(x)=>x})
//res2: Future[Seq[Throwable]] = Future(Success(List(java.lang.Exception)))
I tried Kevin's answer, and I ran into a glitch on my version of Scala (2.11.5)... I corrected that, and wrote a few additional tests if anyone is interested... here is my version >
implicit class FutureCompanionOps(val f: Future.type) extends AnyVal {
/** Given a list of futures `fs`, returns the future holding the list of Try's of the futures from `fs`.
* The returned future is completed only once all of the futures in `fs` have been completed.
def allAsTrys[T](fItems: /* future items */ List[Future[T]]): Future[List[Try[T]]] = {
val listOfFutureTrys: List[Future[Try[T]]] =
def futureToFutureTry[T](f: Future[T]): Future[Try[T]] = { .recover({case x => Failure(x)})
def allFailedAsTrys[T](fItems: /* future items */ List[Future[T]]): Future[List[Try[T]]] = {
def allSucceededAsTrys[T](fItems: /* future items */ List[Future[T]]): Future[List[Try[T]]] = {
// Tests...
// allAsTrys tests
test("futureToFutureTry returns Success if no exception") {
val future = Future.futureToFutureTry(Future{"mouse"})
Thread.sleep(0, 100)
val futureValue = future.value
assert(futureValue == Some(Success(Success("mouse"))))
test("futureToFutureTry returns Failure if exception thrown") {
val future = Future.futureToFutureTry(Future{throw new IllegalStateException("bad news")})
Thread.sleep(5) // need to sleep a LOT longer to get Exception from failure case... interesting.....
val futureValue = future.value
assertResult(true) {
futureValue match {
case Some(Success(Failure(error: IllegalStateException))) => true
test("Future.allAsTrys returns Nil given Nil list as input") {
val future = Future.allAsTrys(Nil)
assert ( Await.result(future, 100 nanosecond).isEmpty )
test("Future.allAsTrys returns successful item even if preceded by failing item") {
val future1 = Future{throw new IllegalStateException("bad news")}
var future2 = Future{"dog"}
val futureListOfTrys = Future.allAsTrys(List(future1,future2))
val listOfTrys = Await.result(futureListOfTrys, 10 milli)
System.out.println("successItem:" + listOfTrys);
assert(listOfTrys(0).failed.get.getMessage.contains("bad news"))
assert(listOfTrys(1) == Success("dog"))
test("Future.allAsTrys returns successful item even if followed by failing item") {
var future1 = Future{"dog"}
val future2 = Future{throw new IllegalStateException("bad news")}
val futureListOfTrys = Future.allAsTrys(List(future1,future2))
val listOfTrys = Await.result(futureListOfTrys, 10 milli)
System.out.println("successItem:" + listOfTrys);
assert(listOfTrys(1).failed.get.getMessage.contains("bad news"))
assert(listOfTrys(0) == Success("dog"))
test("Future.allFailedAsTrys returns the failed item and only that item") {
var future1 = Future{"dog"}
val future2 = Future{throw new IllegalStateException("bad news")}
val futureListOfTrys = Future.allFailedAsTrys(List(future1,future2))
val listOfTrys = Await.result(futureListOfTrys, 10 milli)
assert(listOfTrys(0).failed.get.getMessage.contains("bad news"))
assert(listOfTrys.size == 1)
test("Future.allSucceededAsTrys returns the succeeded item and only that item") {
var future1 = Future{"dog"}
val future2 = Future{throw new IllegalStateException("bad news")}
val futureListOfTrys = Future.allSucceededAsTrys(List(future1,future2))
val listOfTrys = Await.result(futureListOfTrys, 10 milli)
assert(listOfTrys(0) == Success("dog"))
assert(listOfTrys.size == 1)
I just came across this question and have another solution to offer:
def allSuccessful[A, M[X] <: TraversableOnce[X]](in: M[Future[A]])
(implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[Future[A]], A, M[A]],
executor: ExecutionContext): Future[M[A]] = {
in.foldLeft(Future.successful(cbf(in))) {
(fr, fa) ⇒ (for (r ← fr; a ← fa) yield r += a) fallbackTo fr
} map (_.result())
The idea here is that within the fold you are waiting for the next element in the list to complete (using the for-comprehension syntax) and if the next one fails you just fallback to what you already have.
You can easily wraps future result with option and then flatten the list:
def futureToFutureOption[T](f: Future[T]): Future[Option[T]] = {
case e => None
val listOfFutureOptions =
val futureListOfOptions = Future.sequence(listOfFutureOptions)
val futureListOfSuccesses = futureListOfOptions.flatten
You can also collect successful and unsuccessful results in different lists:
def safeSequence[A](futures: List[Future[A]]): Future[(List[Throwable], List[A])] = {
futures.foldLeft(Future.successful((List.empty[Throwable], List.empty[A]))) { (flist, future) =>
flist.flatMap { case (elist, alist) =>
.map { success => (elist, alist :+ success) }
.recover { case error: Throwable => (elist :+ error, alist) }
If you need to keep failed futures for some reason, e.g., logging or conditional processing, this works with Scala 2.12+. You can find working code here.
val f1 = Future(1)
val f2 = Future(2)
val ff = Future.failed(new Exception())
val futures: Seq[Future[Either[Throwable, Int]]] =
Seq(f1, f2, ff).map(_.transform(f => Success(f.toEither)))
val sum = Future
.map { eithers =>
val (failures, successes) = eithers.partitionMap(identity)
val fsum = => 100).sum
val ssum = successes.sum
fsum + ssum
assert(Await.result(sum, 1.second) == 103)