Get-Hotfix throws Get-HotFix : Provider load failure - powershell

I have huge list of servers and workstations where I need to review patches for a specific date range. I have my command working, but there is one machine that apparently has a WMI issue, and its throwing an error, effectively aborting the entire operation. I attempted to add some command to ignore the error and keep going but nothing seems to catch and continue, it always aborts and I never see the output.
Get-HotFix -ComputerName (Get-Content .\TARGETS.txt) | Where { $_.InstalledOn -gt '7/29/2017' -AND $_.InstalledOn -lt '8/25/2017' } | sort InstalledOn
I've tried adding $erroractionpreference = 'SilentlyContinue' but that just doesn't throw the error to the screen, the hotfix list still doesn't get displayed.

You may need to trace down the process tree.
Get-Hotfix uses the Win32_QuickFixEngineering WMI class. You can usually find out provider information in PS help files or you can use wbemtest.
Once you know that information, you can check the Windows Event Viewer > View >Show Analytic and Debug logs option. Navigate to Microsoft > Windows > WMI Activity, and right click Operational log then select Enable Log from the pane on the right. Then right click the Trace log, and similarly enable.
The next time you try and run the command (or maybe in a new PS session, not sure) there should be more detailed information to help you determine the root problem.
MS Scripting Guy Ed Wilson details the process with a how-to here as well:


Is there a way to find which user run what application on a server using Powershell

I am trying to find a way to find out who has ran an application (for example SQL) on a server, just to get some idea.
I tried Get-Process but this doesn't give me historic information, I want to get historical information
Get-Process -IncludeUserName *
what I want the return resule is "name of application", "user who ran it" and the last datetime it was ran by that user'
As for ...
I am trying to find a way to find out who has ran an application (for
example SQL) on a server, just to get some idea.
What you are asking for here is software metering.
SQL is a service that is always running once it is installed, so, no individual user is ever going to be running it. So, that is a bad example. MS Word for example would be a better example.
Yet there is nothing native in PowerShell that does this, software metering, but of course PowerShell can look at event logs. Yet if your auditing is not setup correctly then it's moot. This is better for a software metering tool, and there are several out there. So, why try and reinvent the wheel.
As for ...
I tried Get-Process but this doesn't give me historic information, I
want to get historical information
That is not what a process is nor what Get-Process is for. It, Get-Process only checks for and lists whatever process is currently running, regardless of what/who launched it.
As for...
what I want the return resule is "name of application", "user who ran
it" and the last datetime it was ran by that user'
As long as the process is running, you can get this, with that cmdlet.
However, what are you trying to accomplish by this?
Again, there are purpose built tools to meter software use.
If you must go down this reinvent the wheel road, using scripting, then you need a task watcher on the target machines, which watches for the WinWord process to appear.
Get-Process -IncludeUserName |
Where ProcessName -EQ 'Winword'
... you then write those results to a file or database or your own event log each time you see that process.
Use PowerShell to Create and to Use a New Event Log
New-EventLog -LogName ScriptingGuys -Source scripts
When the command runs, no output appears to the Windows PowerShell console. To ensure the command actually created a new event log, I use
the Get-EventLog cmdlet with the –List parameter. Here is the command
and the associated output.
Write-EventLog -LogName ScriptingGuys -Source scripts -Message “Dude, it works … COOL!” -EventId 0 -EntryType information
Or just to a file
Get-Process -IncludeUserName |
Where ProcessName -EQ 'Winword' |
Select-Object -Property Name, StartTime, Username |
Export-Csv -Path 'F:\Temp\AppLaunchLog.csv' -Append
Import-Csv -Path 'F:\Temp\AppLaunchLog.csv'
# Results
Name StartTime UserName
---- --------- --------
WINWORD 5/23/2019 9:02:53 PM WS01\LabUser001

Get-EventLog not parsing Message when run by SYSTEM user

I am trying to schedule a job that monitors events on remote machines.
I wrote the script based on the Get-EventLog command and it works properly when run by my account. But when I run the Get-EventLog as SYSTEM user, the .Message attribute of the returned objects shows the following error:
The description for Event ID '4724' in Source 'Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing' cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display the message, or you may not have permission to access them. The following information is part of the event: {somedata}
When I use the Get-WinEvent command as SYSTEM user, the problem does not appear and the .Message part displays properly.
I would stick with Get-WinEvent, especially since the data is much easier to parse (thanks to the ToXML() method), but the Get-EventLog happens to be terribly faster :(
Does anyone have any idea why the Get-EventLog fails to render .Message when run by SYSTEM user and perhaps how to fix it?
To avoid obvious answers:
the COMPUTER$ account is member of DOMAIN\Event Log Readers group,
the COMPUTER$ account does have the read privileges over the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Security on remote machines,
obviously, the registry entries for Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing and related DLL's are identical on both the source and target computers.
Get-WinEvent -LogName “Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing” | where ID -eq 4724 | select-object -ExpandProperty Message

Get Associated Application of a Disabled / Stopped Service

I am working with a PowerShell script to skim through a lists of known application services and, for any that are disabled, the script is expected to uninstall them. I have been researching how to get the application name/path of a target service, but failed to find anything suitable to my needs. I had tried working with Get-Service in hopes of that getting me what I need, but was not able to get the desired results.
How do I get the associated application of a target service that is currently stopped or disabled using PowerShell?
PS: Please understand that PowerShell is a requirement of this.
The running state of the service shouldn't really impact what information you get back. However Get-Service doesn't give you all of the configuration info for a Service, in particular the Path of the process being invoked.
To get that you can use Get-WMIObject Win32_Service. For example:
Get-WMIObject win32_service | Where {$ -eq 'wuauserv'} | Select *
This returns a PathName property amongst others that I think you will find useful.

Querying Windows Update Errors using PowerShell Get-WinEvent or Get-WMIObject

Trying to create a simple Windows Update error query using Get-WinEvent (although I would prefer querying a WMI Object for use with SCUP):
get-winevent -logname System| Where-Object {$_.ProviderName -eq "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient"}
This seems to work for the most part. However, it only returns informational events and not errors. Are these located somewhere else and, if so, how would I query them? For some background, there is a specific update failure occurring on approximately 10% of Windows 10 machines in my environment (missing assembly file) and I want to target it so that I can deploy a solution.
A solution using Get-WinEvent is fine, though I would prefer using Get-WMIObject if possible.
You can use the Win32_NTLogEvent like this:
Get-WmiObject Win32_NTLogEvent |?{($_.LogFile -eq 'System') -and ($_.SourceName -eq 'Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient') }
Note: You can further filter with Type which will tell you about information or error or warning.
Hope it helps.
I cannot find anything that actually states this but it looks like Get-WinEvent by default only returns information messages. If you want to see the other then you need to tell it to return those. One way to do it is with -FilterHashtable.
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable #{LogName='System';Level=1,2}
That would return only warnings and error.
1 - Error
2 - Warning
4 - Information
You can look at the enum [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType] to see where I got the numbers from.
Looking at MS you can see what the hashtable filter supports..
If your WMI queries are having similar issues then you can do something like this
Get-WmiObject -class Win32_NTLogEvent -filter "(logfile='Application') AND (type='error')"
You can find some tangential examples here
Write a WMI query (this overrides weird event type filters):
Get-WmiObject -Query "Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent" |?{(($_.LogFile -eq 'System') -and ($_.Type -in ("Error", "Warning"))) -and ($_.SourceName -eq 'Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient') }
Okay, so after doing some additional research, I stumbled upon this website that sheds some light on the issue I'm running into. Essentially, while most, if not all Windows Events are logged in the C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\logs folder, not all Windows Events are replicated in WMI by default.
In PowerShell, Get-WinEvent appears to use the above folder when querying its event data, whereas Get-EventLog uses the Win32_WinNTLogEvent WMI class.
In my original question, I mentioned that I was unable to query Windows Update error events using Get-WinEvent. This is because I was pointing to the System log file, which does not contain the information. The Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient/Operational log file (literal path being C:\Windows\System32\Winevt\logs\Microsoft-Windows-UpdateClient%4Operational.evtx) does contain this information, so my query can simply be changed up using something similar to the following:
Get-WinEvent -logname "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient/Operational" | Where-Object {$_.LevelDisplayName -eq "Error"}
In order to query the same data returned by Get-WinEvent using the Win32_NTLogEvent WMI class, the registry must first be modified. Again, the link I posted in this answer describes the process in greater detail, but essentially I performed the following registry mod:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Primary Module"="Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient/Operational"
Note: The "Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient/Operational" Expanded String (REG_EXPAND_SZ) at the end there is pointing to %SystemRoot%\system32\wevtapi.dll
Once the registry was modified, I was able to query the error events as follows:
Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_NTLogEvent WHERE LogFile='Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient/Operational' AND Type='Error'"
Somewhat of a pain considering that Windows Update errors should probably be present in the Win32_NTLogEvent WMI class by default (ah, Microsoft). Still, this essentially resolves my question.
One additional point to mention. The website above states that, upon editing the registry, you'd be able to query the new events immediately. I had to reboot my machine first.

Merge-SPLogFile- Doesn't return me any records

thanks for taking the time to try any help me out!
As the title suggests I cannot get the Merge-SPLogFile cmdlet to return me any results!
I find hunting down error messages in SharePoint logs a very time consuming and laborious process- Being relatively new to PowerShell I only recently stumbled across the cmdlet. Knowing how much time this could save me I was excited to implement it.
I started with the following code:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell
$correlationId = "C826869C-4A8E-10E2-6C5E-58A1C87EB651"
Merge-SPLogFile –Path “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SPLog.log” –Correlation $correlationId -Overwrite
This gives me the warning- "WARNING: Cmdlet did not return any records in the log file. Check your time range or filters."
Naturally I typed the error into my search engine and it seems other people have had the same problems when the -Correlation argument isn't in upper case. I tried both uppercase and lowercase but to no avail. I was able to manually find the GUID in the logs so I know it exists.
When I ran out of luck with this technique I thought I would try filtering using different arguments (by time):
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell
[int] $HowFarBack = 15
[int] $howFarBackInMinutes = (-1) * $HowFarBack
[datetime] $startDateTime = [System.DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes($howFarBackInMinutes)
write-host $startDateTime
Merge-SPLogFile -Path 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SPLog.log' -Overwrite -StartTime $startDateTime
I get exactly the same error. To rule out my arguments being incorrect I tried not giving it a filter at all:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell
Merge-SPLogFile -Path 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SPLog.log' -Overwrite
I still get- "WARNING: Cmdlet did not return any records in the log file. Check your time range or filters." The logs are all there and in the default "LOG" folder within the 15 hive. I haven't changed any logging settings away from the defaults.
I am running on SharePoint 2013 Foundation.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem in my case was that there was no diagnostic logging activated for my SharePoint Farm.
How to enable diagnostic logging
Go to your Central Administration (usually http://YOUR_SHAREPOINT:10000/) (there is also a shortcut in your start menu on the server you installed the SharePoint at)
Go to "Monitoring"
Under "Reporting" click "Configure diagnostic logging"
Select the categories that you want to merge in case of an Error. I just selected All Categories here. Then click the "Ok" button at the bottom of the page.
(5. Reproduce the error and use the SP Shell again to Merge the Log Files)