Azure Batch : when we Disable a node do we get charged for the VM - azure-batch

In Azure Batch job there is an option to "Disable". When we do that do we still incur cost?

Yes, you will still be charged. Disabling a node merely disables job scheduling to the node; this is useful if you want to prevent scheduling to a node to diagnose issues.
You will need to delete the node to stop being charged.


Batch account node restarted unexpectedly

I am using an Azure batch account to run sqlpackage.exe in order to move databases from a server to another. A task that has started 6 days ago has suddenly been restarted and started from the beginning after 4 days of running (extremely large databases). The task run uninterruptedly up until then and should have continued to run for about 1-2 days.
The PowerShell script that contains all the logic handles all the exceptions that could occur during the execution. Also, the retry count for the task was set to 0 in case it fails.
Unfortunately, I did not have diagnostics settings configured and I could only look at the metrics and there was a short period when there wasn't any node.
What can be the causes for this behavior? Restarting while the node is still running
Unfortunately, there is no way to give a definitive answer to this question. You will need to dig into the compute node (interactively log in) and check system logs to give you details on why the node restarted. There is no guarantee that a compute node will have 100% uptime as there may be hardware faults or other service interruptions.
In general, it's best practice to have long running tasks checkpoint progress combined with a retry policy. Programs that can reload state can pick up at the time of the checkpoint when the Batch service automatically reschedules the task execution. Please see the Batch best practices guide for more information.

Will mongock work correctly with kubernetes replicas?

Mongock looks very promising. We want to use it inside a kubernetes service that has multiple replicas that run in parallel.
We are hoping that when our service is deployed, the first replica will acquire the mongockLock and all of its ChangeLogs/ChangeSets will be completed before the other replicas attempt to run them.
We have a single instance of mongodb running in our kubernetes environment, and we want the mongock ChangeLogs/ChangeSets to execute only once.
Will the mongockLock guarantee that only one replica will run the ChangeLogs/ChangeSets to completion?
Or do I need to enable transactions (or some other configuration)?
I am going to provide the short answer first and then the long one. I suggest you to read the long one too in order to understand it properly.
Short answer
By default, Mongock guarantees that the ChangeLogs/changeSets will be run only by one pod at a time. The one owning the lock.
Long answer
What really happens behind the scenes(if it's not configured otherwise) is that when a pod takes the lock, the others will try to acquire it too, but they can't, so they are forced to wait for a while(configurable, but 4 mins by default)as many times as the lock is configured(3 times by default). After this, if i's not able to acquire it and there is still pending changes to apply, Mongock will throw an MongockException, which should mean the JVM startup fail(what happens by default in Spring).
This is fine in Kubernetes, because it ensures it will restart the pods.
So now, assuming the pods start again and changeLogs/changeSets are already applied, the pods start successfully because they don't even need to acquire the lock as there aren't pending changes to apply.
Potential problem with MongoDB without transaction support and Frameworks like Spring
Now, assuming the lock and the mutual exclusion is clear, I'd like to point out a potential issue that needs to be mitigated by the the changeLog/changeSet design.
This issue applies if you are in an environment such as Kubernetes, which has a pod initialisation time, your migration take longer than that initialisation time an the Mongock process is executed before the pod becomes ready/health(and it's a condition for it). This last condition is highly desired as it ensures the application runs with the right version of the data.
In this situation imagine the Pod starts the Mongock process. After the Kubernetes initialisation time, the process is still not finished, but Kubernetes stops the JVM abruptly. This means that some changeSets were successfully executed, some other not even started(no problem, they will be processed in the next attempt), but one changeSet was partially executed and marked as not done. This is the potential issue. The next time Mongock runs, it will see the changeSet as pending and it will execute it from the beginning. If you haven't designed your changeLogs/changeSets accordingly, you may experience some unexpected results because some part of the data process covered by that changeSet has already taken place and it will happen again.
This, somehow needs to be mitigated. Either with the help of mechanisms like transactions, with a changeLog/changeSet design that takes this into account or both.
Mongock currently provides transactions with “all or nothing”, but it doesn’t really help much as it will retry every time from scratch and will probably end up in an infinite loop. The next version 5 will provide transactions per ChangeLogs and changeSets, which together with good organisation, is the right solution for this.
Meanwhile this issue can be addressed by following this design suggestions.
Just to follow up... Mongock's locking mechanism works fine with replicas. To solve the "long-running script" problem, we will run our Mongock scripts from Kubernetes initContainer. K8s will wait for the initContainers to finish before it starts the pod's main service containers.
For transactions, we will follow the advice above of making our scripts idempotent.

Delay in Kubernetes Job status update when running many jobs in parallel

I have a bit of a unique use-case where I want to run a large number (thousands to tens of thousands) of Kubernetes Jobs at once. Each job consists of a single container, Parallelism 1 and Completions 1, with no side-car or agent. My cluster has plenty of capacity for the resources I'm requesting.
My problem is that the Job status is not transitioning to Complete for a significant period of time when I run many jobs concurrently.
My application submits Jobs and has a watcher on the namespace - as soon as a Job's status transitions to 'succeeded 1', we delete the Job and send information back to the application. The application needs this to happen as soon as possible in order to define and submit subsequent Jobs.
I'm able to submit new Job requests as fast as I want, and Pod scheduling happens without delay, but beyond about one or two hundred concurrent Jobs I get significant delay between a Job's Pod completing and the Job's status updating to Complete. At only around 1,000 jobs in the cluster, it can easily take 5-10 minutes for a Job status to update.
This tells me there is some process in the Kubernetes Control Plane that needs more resources to process Pod completion events more rapidly, or a configuration option that enables it to process more tasks in parallel. However, my system monitoring tools have not yet been able to identify any Control Plane services that are maxing out their available resources while the cluster processes the backlog, and all other operations on the cluster appear to be normal.
My question is - where should I look for system resource or configuration bottlenecks? I don't know enough about Kubernetes to know exactly what components are responsible for updating a Job's status.

AWS Fargate vs Batch vs ECS for a once a day batch process

I have a batch process, written in PHP and embedded in a Docker container. Basically, it loads data from several webservices, do some computation on data (during ~1h), and post computed data to an other webservice, then the container exit (with a return code of 0 if OK, 1 if failure somewhere on the process). During the process, some logs are written on STDOUT or STDERR. The batch must be triggered once a day.
I was wondering what is the best AWS service to use to schedule, execute, and monitor my batch process :
at the very begining, I used a EC2 machine with a crontab : no high-availibilty function here, so I decided to switch to a more PaaS approach.
then, I was using Elastic Beanstalk for Docker, with a non-functional Webserver (only to reply to the Healthcheck), and a Crontab inside the container to wake-up my batch command once a day. With autoscalling rule min=1 max=1, I have HA (if the container crash or if the VM crash, it is restarted by AWS)
but now, to be more efficient, I decided to move to some ECS service, and have an approach where I do not need to have EC2 instances awake 23/24 for nothing. So I tried Fargate.
with Fargate I defined my task (Fargate type, not the EC2 type), and configure everything on it.
I create a Cluster to run my task : I can run "by hand, one time" my task, so I know every settings are corrects.
Now, going deeper in Fargate, I want to have my task executed once a day.
It seems to work fine when I used the Scheduled Task feature of ECS : the container start on time, the process run, then the container stop. But CloudWatch is missing some metrics : CPUReservation and CPUUtilization are not reported. Also, there is no way to know if the batch quit with exit code 0 or 1 (all execution stopped with status "STOPPED"). So i Cant send a CloudWatch alarm if the container execution failed.
I use the "Services" feature of Fargate, but it cant handle a batch process, because the container is started every time it stops. This is normal, because the container do not have any daemon. There is no way to schedule a service. I want my container to be active only when it needs to work (once a day during at max 1h). But the missing metrics are correctly reported in CloudWatch.
Here are my questions : what are the best suitable AWS managed services to trigger a container once a day, let it run to do its task, and have reporting facility to track execution (CPU usage, batch duration), including alarm (SNS) when task failed ?
We had the same issue with identifying failed jobs. I propose you take a look into AWS Batch where logs for FAILED jobs are available in CloudWatch Logs; Take a look here.
One more thing you should consider is total cost of ownership of whatever solution you choose eventually. Fargate, in this regard, is quite expensive.
may be too late for your projects but still I thought it could benefit others.
Have you had a look at AWS Step Functions? It is possible to define a workflow and start tasks on ECS/Fargate (or jobs on EKS for that matter), wait for the results and raise alarms/send emails...

How is the preemption notice handled?

I'm currently running on AWS and use kube-aws/kube-spot-termination-notice-handler to intercept an AWS spot termination notice and gracefully evict the pods.
I'm reading this GKE documentation page and I see:
Preemptible instances terminate after 30 seconds upon receiving a preemption notice.
Going into the Compute Engine documentation, I see that a ACPI G2 Soft Off is sent 30 seconds before the termination happens but this issue suggests that the kubelet itself doesn't handle it.
So, how does GKE handle preemption? Will the node do a drain/cordon operation or does it just do a hard shutdown?
Yes you are right, so far there is no built in way to handle ACPI G2 Soft Off.
Notice that if normal preemptible instance supports shutdown scripts (where you could introduce some kind of logic to perform drain/cordon), this is not the case if they are Kubernetes nodes:
Currently, preemptible VMs do not support shutdown scripts.
You can perform some test but quoting again from documentation:
You can simulate an instance preemption by stopping the instance.
And so far if you stop the instance, even if it is a Kubernetes node no action is taken to cordon/drain and gratefully remove the node from the cluster.
However this feature is still in beta therefore it is at its early stage of life and in this moment it is a matter of discussion if and how introduce this feature.
Disclaimer: I work For Google Cloud Platform Support
More recent and relevant answer
There's a GitHub project (not mine) that catches this ACPI handler and has the node cordon and drain itself, and then restart itself which in our tests results in a much cleaner preemptible experience, it's almost not noticeable with a highly available deployments on your cluster.