Profile in ISPF gets changed to COBOL (VARIABLE 80) - eclipse

I'm having problems with the ISPF editor.
When I signin a program from Eclipse to Endevor it sometimes changes the profile from COBOL (FIXED 80) to COBOL (VARIABLE 80).
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
=PROF> ....COBOL (VARIABLE - 80)....RECOVERY ON....NUMBER ON STD...............
=PROF> ....CAPS OFF....HEX OFF....NULLS ON STD....TABS OFF.....................
=PROF> ....HILITE COBOL CURSOR FIND............................................
==MSG> *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
==MSG> * *
==MSG> * This element is referenced by no other elements. *
==MSG> * *
==MSG> *---------------------------------------------------------------------*
Does anyone know how to change the profile to FIXED?
It's not something the profile does, it's the underlying file that is changed in the Eclipse/Endevor interaction.
Solved it by:
1. Copying all code to a new fixed dataset
2. Deleting all rows on the original file
3. Making appropriate changes to the profile
4. Copying the code back to the original file
5. Making necessary adjustments to horizontal alignment.

This doesn't sound like an ISPF issue. Like zarchasmpgmr stated, the fixed or variable should be based on the file being edited as it is opened and read in. You can verify by checking the actual file as he stated. It sounds like you need to check out how the Eclipse to Endevor sign-in procedure is done to see why it creates a variable file in certain cases. Perhaps the underlying Eclipse file format is different for certain releases , workspaces, etc.


Update parameters promoted to a mask inSimulink

So I am working on constructing a mask for a CAN unpack system. It's a basic mask with 2 promoted parameters and a browse button. The promoted parameters are the "CANdb" file field and the drop down menu, "MsgList", that follows it.
The basic mask it self works. I'm able to browse for a CAN ".dbc" file and its path is available in the promoted field, and even the drop down menu works where I'm able to select a message from those available in the ".dbc" file. But this is about all the functionality I'm getting.
My observation was that this problem is in 2 different parts. I'll try to explain them individually.
The first is with the "CANdb" promoted parameter. While on the outside it appears as though the parameter is changing (it changes in the mask), internally nothing changes: when i peak under the mask, there is no change on the values of the CANUnpack Block that i am using. Then CANUnpack block itself does update when I double click to open it. The new DBC and message list shows up but only on the block.
The second issue was with The list of messages, that is also promoted to the mask is also not updating. The list from the previous DBC file remains there, and does not change even if i run the simulation, update the model or refresh the block. When i close and reopen the model, it updates then.
These observations lead me to believe that i need to add some kind of code to update the mask, but i don not know what this code will be. I though that the issue may have to do with the fact that the value needs to propagate from the mask to the block and then updated all the parameters so maybe that prevents or hinders an update.
For this i then removed the promoted parameter for the DCB file and linked the browse button directly to the block parameter. The only difference this made is that the name of the new DBC file shows up on the CAN unpack block. Nothing else changes. Not even the messages of the "MsgList" till I double click to open the block. And as usual, the message list on the mask remains unchanged.
I am adding some images and the code for my browse button below to aid with trouble shooting. Thanks in advance.
pp = Simulink.Mask.get('NXP_CAN_Unpack/Subsystem/CANUnpack2');
p = pp.getParameter("CANdbFile");
[fName,pName] = uigetfile("*.dbc");
p.Value = [pName,fName] ;
Mask for system
Inside Mask
Block Parameters for CANUNpack

Why would LayoutObjectNames return an empty string in FileMaker 14?

I'm seeing some very strange behavior with FileMaker 14. I'm using LayoutObjectNames for some required functionality. On the development system it's working fine. It returns the list of named objects on the layout.
I close the file, zip it up and send it to the client, and that required functionality isn't working. He sends the file back and I open it and get a data viewer up. The function returns nothing. I go into layout mode and confirm that there are named objects on the layout.
The first time this happened and I tried recovering the file. In the recovered file it worked, so I assumed some corruption had happened on his end. I told him to trash the file I had given him and work with a new version I supplied. The problem came up again.
This morning he sent me the oldest version that the problem manifested in. I confirmed the problem, tried recovering it again, but this time it didn't fix the problem.
I'm at a loss. It works in the version I send him, doesn't on his system. We're both using FileMaker 14, although I'm using Advanced. My next step will be to work from a served file instead of a local one, but I have never seen this type of behavior in FileMaker. Has anyone seen anything similar? Any ideas on a fix? I'm almost ready to just scrap the file and build it again from scratch since we're not too far into the project.
Thanks, Chuck
There is a known issue with the Get (FileName) function when the file name contains dots (other that the one before the extension). I will amend my answer later with more details and a possible solution (I have to look it up).
Here's a quote from 2008:
This is a known issue. It affects not only the ValueListItems()
function, but any function that requires the file name. The solution
is to include the file extension explicitly in the file name. This
works even if you use Get (FileName) to return the file name
ValueListItems ( Get ( FileName ) & ".fp7" ; "MyValueList" )
Of course, this is not required if you take care not to use period
when naming your files.
Apparently the issue is still with us - I wonder if the solution is still the same (I cannot test this at the moment).

Problems with GitHub rendering my README.rst incorrectly..?

I've got a GitHub repo/branch where I'm attempting to update the README.rst, but it's not formatting the way I expect when it comes to the bullet lists I'm including.
Everything seems ok except for my Usage section, in which I have the following:
- Open the template file that corresponds to the API call you'd like to make.
* Example: If we want to make a call to the RefundTransaction API we open up /templates/RefundTransaction.php
- You may leave the file here, or save this file to the location on your web server where you'd like this call to be made.
* I like to save the files to a separate location and keep the ones included with the library as empty templates.
* Note that you can also copy/paste the template code into your own file(s).
- Each template file includes PHP arrays for every parameter available to that particular API. Simply fill in the array parameters with your own dynamic (or static) data. This data may come from:
* Session Variables
* General Variables
* Database Recordsets
* Static Values
* Etc.
- When you run the file you will get a $PayPalResult array that consists of all the response parameters from PayPal, original request parameters sent to PayPal, and raw request/response info for troubleshooting.
* You may refer to the `PayPal API Reference Guide <>`_ for details about what response parameters you can expect to get back from any successful API request.
+ Example: When working with RefundTransaction, I can see that PayPal will return a REFUNDTRANSACTIONID, FEEREFUNDAMT, etc. As such, I know that those values will be included in $PayPalResult['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID'] and $PayPalResult['FEEREFUNDAMT'] respectively.
- If errors occur they will be available in $PayPalResult['ERRORS']
You may refer to this `overview video <>`_ of how to use the library,
and there are also samples provided in the /samples directory as well as blank templates ready to use under /templates.
You may `contact me directly <>`_ if you need additional help getting started. I offer 30 min of free training for using this library,
which is generally plenty to get you up-and-running.
For some reason, though, when you look at that on GitHub the first line of the bullet lists is coming up bold and italics and I have no idea why. Also, the sub-list where it shows Session Variables, General Variables, etc. is supposed to be all the same sub-list. I'm not sure why it's dropping into another sub when it sees General Variables.
Any information on what I've done wrong here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Switch from .rst to .md and then use '#' for your headings.
## Usage
- Open the template file that corresponds to the API call you'd like to make.
* Example

Code Review - Clearcase - How to get a list of files a user modified since another label?

I'd like to create a dynamic view that only shows the files a user created/modified for a particular label.
Right now, I am listing all of the files in the label and comparing that with the previous label.
If I have to use cleartool to find the files, that is fine with me. I'd like the process to be more automated than it currently is.
Another option too is, can I simply see the diffs for a particular user? That way, I am more likely to understand the file's history. If a developer had attempted something one way and found that didn't work, it might be helpful to see that trial and error.
config spec:
#element * REL_2010.2.2.006
element * .../pgh_rel_4.0.0_dot_rel/{created_by(pp50773)&&lbtype(REL_2010.2.2.006)}
# first stop rule
element -directory * .../pgh_rel_4.0.0_dot_rel/{lbtype(REL_2010.2.2.006)}
# second stop rule
element -directory * main/LATEST
This config spec doesn't fetch my changes - It fetches empty directories. It is also important to note that while I made the changes to the actual file, another guy is responsible for applying the label weekly. So, if it goes by whose name is on the label, that won't work.
If I remove the created_by constraint, it works fine listing all of the changes for the label, but I want only files in that label for a given user.
According to the version selector rules, you can do that, but I would recommend:
2 dynamic views (easy to setup and refresh, since their content is not downloaded on your hard drive, but accessed through the network)
one one for one label
one for the other
to not forget to add stop rules for directories (if directories are not created by your user, they won't be selected, meaning your view won't be able to select any version within it.
The config spec for one of those view would be something like:
element * .../MyBranch/{created_by(myuser)&&lbtype(MY_LABEL)}
# first stop rule
element -directory * .../MyBranch/LATEST
# second stop rule
element -directory * main/LATEST
When you have two views correctly configured, you can compare their content with a tool like WinMerge.

In textmate, how do I make javadoc style comments like I can in eclipse?

In eclipse, when I want to document a function (in java or javascript source) I can just type /**, then hit enter, and I get a comment like this
* Fluctuates all variables to more compatibly foo all the bars
* #PARAM {int} foo
function flucvar (foo) {
When hitting enter inside the comment, eclipse automatically adds extra * at the beginning of each line.
Now I'm just getting into my textmate groove, and finding myself missing this little bit of functionality. Is there an equivilent bundle or command or something that would allow me to produce similar comments in textmate?
You need to create two snippets (I have them in the Source bundle).
First create a snippet for inserting JavaDoc comments. The snippet contains the following:
* $0
I have the snippet Activation set to Tab Trigger, using /** as the activation string. Every time I write /** and press Tab, I get a JavaDoc comment block. You can also use a keyboard shortcut if you like.
The second snippet is for continuing existing JavaDoc comments. The snippet contents are:
* $0
Note that there is an empty line before the * $0 line. Set Activation to Key Equivalent and the trigger key to return key. Set the Scope Selector string to comment.documentation.
Now if your language bundle supports the comment.documentation scope (like all of the included bundles seem to do), you should have working shortcuts for JavaDoc comments.
I took a look at TextMate's Java bundle, and I didn't see anything about inserting JavaDoc comments. However, it shouldn't be that hard to add such a feature to your Java bundle. It would likely be a Snippet, which you can read about in Chapter 7 of the TextMate manual (accessed from Help -> TextMate Help).
thanks for that answer. I just found this post on the macromates site
this appears to have a video/mailing list post that explains precisely how to do this.