netflix feign client - RequestMethod.POST submits empty json object to service - spring-cloud

When i send a POST request using netflix client , the json properties are blank when it hits the service consumer.
Below is my interface
#FeignClient(name = "NLPService", configuration = FooConfiguration.class )
public interface NLPServiceConsumer extends TempInterface {
public interface TempInterface {
String greeting();
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,value="/nlp",
NLPResponse identifyTags(NLPInputToBeTransformed nlpInputToBeTransformed);
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET,value="/nlpGetMethod",
NLPResponse identifyTagsTest();
Method identifyTagsTest works and I am able to successfully get the response .
This method is a GET method with no input
When I try a POST method , passing a object as parameter , at the end point service implementation , the object attributes are null .
Has anybody faced such issue ? Is there any mistake in my configuration ?

The problem was not at the feign client. It was at the service implementation
Spent almost a day on this issue .
The RestController also has to specify #RequestBody ( apart from the shared interface )
can #FeignClient extend - and #RestController implement - a common, fully-annotated Interface?


How JAXB mapping is done in Spring boot SOAP webservices

I have a question on JAXB mapping using
I was able to generate Java domain object with provided *.xsd. The thing is after I define my endpoint with
#PayloadRoot, I have to wrap my request and response as below to successfully trigger the method and return a result:
#PayloadRoot( localPart = "PmtAuthAddRequest",
namespace = "http://*com/emb/webseries")
public JAXBElement billPayment(#RequestPayload JAXBElement var1){
PmtAuthAddResponseType response=billPaymentHandler.execute(var1.getValue());
return of.createPmtAuthAddResponse(response); // Used ObjectFactory to create JAXBElement.
From all the tutorial I see, they dont need to wrap it as JAXBElement to return the correct type, but the below code does not work for me:
`#PayloadRoot( localPart = "PmtAuthAddRequest",
namespace = "http://*com/emb/webseries")
public PmtAuthAddResponseType billPayment(#RequestPayload PmtAuthAddRequestType> var1){
PmtAuthAddResponseType response=billPaymentHandler.execute(var1.getValue());
return response;
Do you guys know why? How can I resolve this? Thanks
I tried without wrapping it as JAXBElement, but soap UI return with error message:
`no adapter for endpoint [public com.*.*.*.webseries.billpay.CustPayee50InqResponseType com.*.Endpoint.InquirePayeeEndpoint.inquirepayees(com.*.*.*.webseries.billpay.CustPayee50InqRequestType) throws javax.xml.bind.JAXBException]: Is your endpoint annotated with #Endpoint, or does it implement a supported interface like MessageHandler or PayloadEndpoint?</faultstring>
Actually solved my own question....
The way to do it is to add #XmlRootElement under generated Java class from JAXB2 with below to correctly mapping:
#XmlRootElement(namespace = "http://..*/emb/webseries",name = "CustPayee50InqRequest")
The name should match with the localPart provided name from #PayloadRoot.
Added both for request and response makes it work for me

Call not propagating to the service method from Spring Reactive Controller

I am a beginner to the spring webflux. We are currently migrating our application to Spring Webflux. No I have stuck with a problem. The following is my scenario.
The main service class is calling the following service classes for data
StudentService - return Mono<Student>
StaffService - return Mono<Staff>
Here I have a wrapper class StudentWithMentor to store the result from these service classes.
public class StudentWithMentor {
private Student student;
private Staff mentor;
Now in controller I am calling the above 2 services and map it into 'StudentWithMentor' in the following way
Mono<StudentWithMentor> studentWithMentorMono = Mono.just(new StudentWithMentor());
return s;
But when I call this endpoint I am getting the following result in postman
"student": null,
"mentor": null
Note: I am getting result from the underlying services when I debugg. But the call is returning before it process.
How can I achieve this in a complete non-blocking way.
Appreciates any help.
The easiest way will be to to use a zipWith operator to merge the results into StudentWithMentor object.
See the code below:
Mono<StudentWithMentor> studentWithMentorMono = studentService.getStudentById(id)
.zipWhen(student -> staffService.getStaffByGrade(student.getGrade()), StudentWithMentor::new);

Array Multipart[] file upload using Feign client

I am trying to upload Array of Multipart file object using feign client.
This is the service am trying to call using Feign client.
public ResponseEntity<Object> manageFileUpload(#RequestParam("files") MultipartFile[] files)
I tried using,Feign client Annotation,
#FeignClient(value = "UPLOADUTILITIES", configuration = Upload.MultipartSupportConfig.class, fallback = UploadFallback.class)
My Method,
#RequestMapping(name = "upload", value = "/object", method = RequestMethod.POST)
#Headers("Content-Type: multipart/form-data")
ResponseEntity<Object> manageFileUpload(#Param("files") MultipartFile[] files);
I was rewarded by the error,
"message": "Type definition error: [simple type, class]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: No serializer found for class and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) (through reference chain:$StandardMultipartFile[0]->$StandardMultipartFile[\"inputStream\"]->[\"fd\"])",
Then by referring this link.I tried in my client side, the blow code.
public class MultipartSupportConfig {
private ObjectFactory<HttpMessageConverters> messageConverters;
public Encoder feignFormEncoder() {
return new SpringFormEncoder(new SpringEncoder(messageConverters));
Then by the code example, i changed my MultiPart File object into File Object.Now my request got fired, but i got Not a multipart request.
I tried this,
I created a class and used the encoder class, and changed my encoder as FeignSpringFormEncoder,
Still I am getting No serializer found error.
Could anyone share a simple client, server example with Array of Multipart file request, using feign cleint. Thanks!

How to call another restapi from rest api in same process using restEasy

I have rest api '/users/{id}/checkin' in which i want to do some processing and call another rest api on different resource but in same service. For example.
public Response checkinUser(User user)
// --- processing.
public Response verifyUser(#PathParam("id) String id)
// --- Get the users from the iD.
User user = getUsers(id);
// --- need to call service from the serviceResource.
Any idea how to do it? as i want to avoid the HTTPclient call.
Put all method definitions and the resteasy annotations in an interface and use this interface as input to the resteasy proxy framework.
See documentation for details.
public interface ServiceResourceIF {
public Response checkinUser(User user);
The calling code could look like this (stolen from the original documentation of resteasy, see link above):
User = new User(...);
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target ="http://your.service.url/base/uri");
ResteasyWebTarget rtarget = (ResteasyWebTarget)target;
ServiceClient service = rtarget.proxy(ServiceResourceIF.class);
Note: You can use the same interface to configure the client and server.

Jersey : How to send /pass Custom DTO to a Service class in Jersey

I am using Jersey Framework for developing my Webservices. I have a DTO object named UserInfo with setters and getters inside it. I am setting this DTO value initially when the user logs in. How can I pass this user-specific DTO to a Jersey service class?
I have tried setting them inside MultivaluedMap and Form but I was out of luck making it work.
This is my code :
MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl();
queryParams.add("queryTerm", "userdto");
Form f = new Form();
f.add("name", "1001D");
And this is the way I am trying to retrieve the Data.
public class HaiService {
public String sayPlainTextHello(#Context UriInfo ui) {
MultivaluedMap queryParams=ui.getQueryParameters();
Iterator it=queryParams.keySet().iterator();
String theKey=null;
String returnString="";
while(it.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("I am called");
return "Hi";
But I was out of luck. Typically my requirement is to store user-specific data on logon, and then retrive that inside the service class.
I am avoiding storing data in session because a user might login with multiple ID's under one browser, which produces the same session id, and there is a chance of data being overwritten for the first logged in user.